
The Klassic Note Review 2014.11 Issue 2

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The Klassic Note Review 2014.11 Issue 2

Friday, 28 November 2014
Hey guys! And as promised after such a dull post yesterday, two more single reviews that should've been done last week. Now if you think this is going to be the last review of the year, wait for next month. Hehe.

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
SCANDAL – Image [Single]

(Their image, in the live. Really very legit, though I was expecting something else for cover art.)

Origin: Wow I feel proud to be a SCANDAL fan already. At least for this year. Complete collection of their three singles this year, this being the third. If you need me to introduce the best girls’ rock band in Japan means you have no interest in JRock. No, really. They rock pretty much the whole world already. Like, with this single too. Don’t you just love their own compositions? They should’ve started to do more earlier…

(1) Image
A sincerely written song by MAMI-chan, and I must say first time I heard it hit me so hard I felt so touched, and motivated by them. So much for its lyrics, the melody itself also presents the lively and almost flawless performances I can expect from them, from the start of the year. The music video though sheds a different light on the group, where it portrays themselves as superheroes, while trying to save (not me) people from various situations (not mine) and so on. What more can I say for such an awesome song? FIVE STARS!

Rating: 5 stars (Awesome!)

(2) Nai Nai Night 2014 [No No Night 2014]
(If anyone needs a translation for the song title…)
Okay so this one came as a surprise. Reviewing the single earlier last week (yep) I was studying for my exams, stressed over the revision material and stuff. And suddenly I decided to listen to their new single. And this is where the breaking point is. The moment after I heard TOMOMI-chan say “1, 2, 3, 4” and suddenly her cute voice plus acoustics broke me from inside. Suddenly all my stress went off with the song too (with her singing ないないない, which means no or nothing), and I decided to give the song the thumbs up. Rarely in the listening of SCANDAL songs, especially written by TOMOMI-chan, is this decisive. Back then when I listened to her first song “Houkago 1H”, even that was kind of half-assed. This one? Good job TOMOMI-chan; you literally made my day.
Rating: 4 stars (Average; Above Average and SCANDAL will need a new permanent vocalist)

Conclusion: Overall a very good single I must say, and for anyone who listened to SCANDAL before needs to get this single. Really, not start listening. Just go grab it online or your nearest store. NOW. The songs inside are easy listening, upbeat and (surprisingly and undoubtedly) great, and you can have my word for it.


音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Goose house – Hikaru Nara [Single]
Limited/Anime EditionRegular Edition
(Well the Anime version is great, and constellations make the topic for this single this time. Pretty well done. Especially what is inside the discs, hehe.)

Origin: Well it’s been some time since I’ve known them since the start of the year, and I must say after the departure of their leader d-iZe, Goose house – a band formed with aspiring composers chosen from Sony’s “Play You” event back in 2011 – is actually doing well this year, singing two songs for Anime, with its second single on my shelf. The bunch play different roles of instruments in the band, and they all contribute to the vocals in the song, which makes of awesome harmony and choruses all round. And once the melody strikes, like this one, totally shows their performance and composition talent. I must say they deserve a thumbs up from Klassic Note man!

(1) Hikaru Nara [(If it’s) Shining]
First impression from Anime “Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso” (nice show, go watch) was actually pretty good, and I can tell you it’s because of them that I watched the show too, and they don’t disappoint. Playing as the opening theme song, they express a certain amount of passion and liveliness, much of what is Kaori-chan in the show. Overall the song does resemble a typical Anime-style format, but nonetheless is great. Why do I say so? Hey I shall end this paragraph with an awesome acoustic version of their new song celebrating 1 million YouTube subscribers. You wouldn’t believe how much I loved this video.

Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

(2) Fuyu no Epilogue [Epilogue of Winter]
Well this was defniitely the song I was thinking of for a while before coming to a decision. As usual it’s those “nothing-wrong-with-the-song” situations again, as I think the song could’ve tried a more dramatic preview like the A-side instead of an acoustic side with cajon drums (don’t know go Google it), but then I think the style is still pretty good. And thus I gave them the thumbs up, unlike the one I listened to on my birthday. I did mention that, right? Anyways, this song has its emotional side, and with the effort of the group, I’m sure this will sounds great to you too.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

Conclusion: Overall a not bad single really, and it being on my shelf means you should give this batch of aspiring composers a chance (instead of a bunch of sluts who sing terribly *wink*) and give them a listen. Especially when you like their songs here, be sure to also go find out their individual singing careers, like I know Takezawa Migiwa-san has songs from two years ago and is still active (though I didn’t listen to it), Takebuchi Kei has her first album released under Sony Music Japan earlier this march and Johnny has his own music activities too. Go check them ALL out, man; It’ll be a journey of many experiences of music. I enjoyed them, and hope you guys will too.

That’s all then. For the reviews of course.

Well not much to say about this, but then it’s a long story to why I probably missed a free gift or two. When I was on the deciding stage with Goose house and waiting for SCANDAL’s single for review, orders are still seen online for First Press Edition (which features free gifts if on pre-order), but then by the time I made the decision, the limited edition Anime poster for Goose house’s is gone, and I also had to switch to another provider (HMV to Tower Records) to get the First Press gifts for SCANDAL’s single. Overall, a hectic experience, but it didn’t go wasted. Some images for your viewing pleasure, and yes: The background of that picture is that B3-sized poster gift I was talking about, hehe.

Cya guys next week, as I see if I need to give Aqua Timez and their new song or not. So yeah, THIS YEAR HASN’T ENDED, people! Especially when I have a few albums to review from this week onwards, like FLOWER FLOWER (actually listening to it as I’m typing this), SPYAIR and their best album (time to give them some chances), Ikimono, yanaginagi and much more. Hell yeah after exams it’s going to be great. Yes, AFTER exams. Haiz. Until next week, people. Or actually, next time since it’s Sunday.


[P.S.: Yes it’s the same amount of CDs as last year. Oh wait, not yet, huh. I haven’t gave Aqua Timez yet…]

Hey it's more than last year! I know it's even for now. That is because I haven't put in Aqua Timez yet...
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) November 28, 2014