
The Klassic Note Review 2015.10 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2015.10 Issue 1

Thursday, 01 October 2015
Eh... Finally it's here, Tomacchan's new single, and I can't wait to review it. I mean, when's the last time again? *looks at list* Two years ago? Oops. Surprisingly this is the first time I got something other than the CD that I ordered, so let's get started with it. *giggles*

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Tomatsu Haruka - STEP A GO! GO! [Single]
Limited EditionRegular Edition
(That leg... shouldn't be too much of concern. Nonetheless you know I will be bothered because I don't take no Limited Edition cover.)

Origin: I ought to talk about it because Tomatsu Haruka-chan (or Tomacchan for me), who has been a long running artist within Klassic Note, has not gotten a pre-order release on my shelf yet. This is also the second time I got the release within one day of release (the first is from two years ago I think), and she doesn't disappoint. Making the right choice may be hard, but with this single it's easy. A lively song coupled by an emotional song, both well done by the female voice actor famous for many roles and character songs on her part, is a member of sphere, and also in my 'idolism' list. So let's go on to talk about what is good about this release.

(1) STEP A GO! GO!
Produced by the familiar people who do up sphere's songs too, this upbeat lively, and cheerful song (which explains the origin of the title) will be sure to motivate many to take a step forward with their lives. Though it suffers from the usual bridge part of the song mistake (right before last chorus), it's minimal and supposedly reasonable. The music video is also of a cheerful atmosphere, with her cheering on and also being a basketball player herself. Nice song to listen to considering how much of a personality Tomacchan herself is in it, and a lively and happy her always make of a good song overall.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

(2) Itoshii Hikari [Beloved Light]
This one created quite an impression when I first heard the preview, and it did not disappoint. Still keeping the best parts of the song and bringing in relevance to the lyrics chorus after chorus, this must be similar to the B-side I heard from her last year's single "courage" (which I did not hear the A-side), and it's an emotional and touching love song. With her singing tested to greater heights (note the pitch in the chorus), this song still displays her wonderful execution in such songs, which I assure most would love. The downside here would probably be instrumentals, where in the middle the music don't sound so relevant, even though making it sound abnormal isn't easy in most cases. Apart from this, I say this one is one good song. Of course, without considering her album or other songs of hers.
Rating: 4 stars (Slightly Above Average)

Conclusion: Overall a rather good single, and don't ask me to compare it with Mina-chan's new single which I recently reviewed, because they have different plus points. Separating from the fact that I like her singing and her in particular, this single is totally worth a listen to the nature of easy-listening melodies in this release. Other than that, she deserves more than a chance, and if you don't like it you may be even more critical than me.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

What should I say? Really. What should I say? Her leg? Or the fact that she's all over the jacket and the booklet?
See? Even she is excited about herself! Review by tonight.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) October 1, 2015

More than that, and what is inside, for the first time in two years ever since I knew of the fact of online pre-ordering from Japan, is her first special photo gift. This one of course isn't the first choice, because this one is from HMV, and I swear Animate and Gamers are much better choices, with the former deserving to be my personal favourite. Nonetheless, one shouldn't complain (Animate is always as difficult since I actually wait for the preview photos to appear online) (and that takes time) about what gifts are received, and I'm grateful that for once, I can give a release from Tomacchan again with the premise of a pre-order, because it's always too late by the time I want to give it anyway. Or that it doesn't satisfy Klassic Note's strict requirements. (Basically that means me) Tomacchan, pleased to have your photo, and I hope to get more from you. Your photos. *laughs*

That's it, I guess. LINE accounts for sphere's girls are open from today, which means I have opened an account just to follow them and see if there's any insider stuff I can get from it. Because if it's no different unless you're in the fan club, then I'm better off leeching off their RSS feeds form their official (music) websites. Anyways, I'm done with this, and (I haven't seen the full music video for this yet, but) I've got things to do because it's a term break (it's never a break), so I'll see you during the weekend for Entertainment News. See ya!

[P.S.: Because I don't know where to put this comparison... HMV (left) versus Animate (right).
I know. Closer-ups are better. Too close can never be an excuse. Even Anime characters are not complaining. LOL]