
The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #28

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The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #28

Sunday, 10 July 2016
Finally. Next week. I know, right? I keep mentioning about the future. But then the future is scary. Well, at least in my opinion. And I want my freedom back. That's all. Okay, let's start.

It looks like I have not mentioned about this new season of Anime, but then again I'm not that interested at all. So surprise! Here's the first three shows under my microscope. Is there any more? I may like them, but then I may not watch all of them next week too. So... I honestly don't know.

Taboo Tattoo: Well well, what do we have here in this episode (1): "An action show again after Bungou Stray Dogs?", I hear you say. Yes, and I guess it's kind of half-assed, but then again now that I watched it all, I don't know if I should continue watching it. For starters, it's superhuman power, more than any other action show would provide across genres like sci-fi (mechs, I hate mechs), fantasy (beasts too) and many more. Then, there's the usual plot. An average guy (well, not so, but still) meets a girl who has those powers and is hunted because of some initial event in this case regarding his help to an underworld trader who happens to own said tattoos. Now, the tattoos. Sounds complicated, and I expect the main guy to throw a question mark but he didn't, suffice it to say the imprints are triggered by an item which grants an associated (exceptions do apply) ability, from enhancements to self-created weapons to use in battle. Apparently the main guy's "trigger" is blood, so that's kind of bad since you don't see them anywhere until after a fight.

Okay, now, let's talk about the good and bad. Good #1: Opening theme song. I may just start finding May'n out after typing this lol. Good #2: Mikakoshi was Izzie, the main girl. Or woman. I mean, she's likely from America which the story is based on, and is a Lieutenant of the US military. Oh well, the best part is of course, if I choke on coffee watching her sip milk haha. Good #3: Some comedy. Unfortunately not that much, as I will elaborate later. BAD #1: Story background. I don't like something based on international relations (seriously, not the underworld and military) and I have a feeling I may have to end up watching some military involvement which brings me to the next point... BAD #2: Guns. And more elaborate than that, every weapon in this world. Because it's underworld and military, you kind of have access to everything in this world, and I have a bad feeling about this. The opening video will give you a good idea of how varied their weapons are. BAD #3: Disturbing scenes, specifically with respect to the animation. That chick with big boobs aside (real disturbing, and not even sexually attractive), the drawing team here doesn't seem to speak with the animation team, making this rather plain in terms of completeness. For example, same road I've seen three times this episode. Another is the dojo, where they don't even have the budget to draw the walls. If the dojo THAT big? I don't know. I blame a lot on the author, most likely, but this is quite ridiculous. I want to remember certain scenes, and without much background it may be quite irritating.

For now, I'll sit down and watch. As usual, I'll implement the three-episode rule. But then, maybe I'll hate it next episode. We shall see. Because if I'm only here to listen to some Mikakoshi voice fanservice, then I'd rather take a bunch of her selfies and be happy with it.

P.S. May I guess the main guy's father is part of a tattoo kill? Or that he is part American and possess one? Oh well, I'll know, and that is IF I continue watching lol

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Hmm, slice of life. I don't need to analyse so much above, so I'll say it here. I'll watch it, most likely. Why? Firstly, theme songs. Typically will attract me to watch shows, and a slice of life one is always easy, unless you sing Anime themes. That doesn't mean Sumipe will be on my list anytime soon, but still. Then, there's animation. Too good, you think they pasted past shows they did onto the canvas drawn by the main guy who just wants an Anime wife. Then lastly, the show. The weirdness, the jokes, and romance in between. I can guess this will only go weirder, but then I think I can get it. Too many panties, but I have a feeling we won't be seeing that after this episode (1). But then again content-wise it's little, but development-wise is like the many shows I like to watch. So yeah, I might just watch this. Yes, Mizuki Nana, I have to give your new single next week now. Argh, the irony. But then again, I get the jokes, and that's what will make me want to watch such a show. That's good, in my opinion.

Time Travel Shoujo: Wow. I think I like this show. Anyone knows why a compass points north? Man, I want to beat this girl up lol
Anyways, I think this might be watchable after all, this... educational Anime. Yeah, it's branded like this, and will be. First, it airs in the mornings of Japan, which of course means it's for kids and is less than inappropriate for all. The thing is, that this show has plot (you know, romance, villains and more) which is very surprising considering that they could just make a lecture out of this (lol). Then, there's Aki-chan. Yes, if you haven't noticed, the main girl is her, and that Waka-chan is Mina-chan's voice. Hey, do I even need to spell out that Aki-chan's blog post got me to here? Then again, the show behaves a lot like educational show, where subtle hints are given and there are obvious changes in terms of usage of words. If you didn't notice the difference of the main girl calling her parents with any other Anime involving middle schoolers, then you haven't watched enough Anime. And most of all, this show has mysteries. In a summary for this first episode (1), we're met with a girl who is bad at science who time travelled into the past, knows nothing of culture, and needs some help. So the book will send her back to also find her missing father, probably along with Waka-chan (because she's cute, and I want to be her childhood friend lol) who is like an encyclopedia to the main girl (sorry still don't recall her name) and will probably make this time conundrum even more complicated. Add in a couple of antagonists who want to know of the father's missing, and we have a series! I have a little of a problem here, that is this show may have an element of action - which is evident from the opening animation - which honestly saying is not desired in my opinion. But I feel the hype, unlike Taboo Tattoo, because the author just sent an idiot into the past! Oh well, I bet the father scientist is not in good condition considering people in 1600 England do not know the facts yet, so for that plot I might just watch it. We shall see.

This is it, actually, for this season. I may end up watching one only. I don't know. I'm not in that much of a mood to watch all of them anyway. The following episodes will tell.

BLEACH: Summary - "I got my sword back!!" -Ichigo. LOL
Anyways, the chapter. Not much, but yep Rukia you're right, not a good time to force yourself into the future right now, especially when it's easily manipulated by some... I don't know how to describe that being. Then again, there's the Fullbringers here for some reason (where the heck have they been till now again?), and Ichigo's sword is back. Seriously, even within the chapter Kubo-sensei you're lazy to cover up the plot enough. Oh well, let's go to Hueco Mundo then!
P.S. Seriously, I'm getting retarded. So is this story. *sigh*

This Week on Klassic Note
Well this week has quite a lot to listen to, even if they aren't released this week. For this week though, we finally have UNLIMIT's new album and if you have heard it, has quite a lot of promise. I've given the topic song by the time you read this already, and their other songs are making me feel generous. Goose house's members solo album is also released, which is just all seven members writing a song each. Honestly saying? I've heard before like, 4 of them, and only 2 of them did not disappoint. Otherwise, you'd be pleased to know I've taken notice to the females mainly (lol), and for now... I don't know how to give them. Because their melodies are downright abnormal and the lyrics somehow had to consist of the title (very irritating, even if I don't know much Japanese I've heard those words many times), so... this will probably take more time. I mean, compared to the many concept songs from this year (Q-MHz, ClariS etc.) I don't see them going to be any better than them. On the other hand, their new group single is coming out next month in August, so that's another chance for me to... you know. Give them a chance?

On to a new list of music video previews. Ajikan is just real unsatisfying (I don't know. 20th anniversary block?) even as a Naruto theme song, KOTOKO and ALTIMA don't make such a good combination after a long time the credited Anime got its movie sequel, Scenarioart's new song didn't sound very normal anyway, TWEEDEES is releasing a new album in two weeks so I'll be looking forward to that somehow, and I'm close to giving Mizuki Nana's new song. Close, and I mean because of the Anime. Chances I may just give that show, so yeah, this season of Anime is going to be me giving underrated songs in Klassic Note. But then again I do this every year, so I've gotten used to it haha

This is it then, a good projection into the future of music and Anime mainly. Otherwise you'd be pleased to know that I'm somewhat prepared of the week ahead now I know of the schedule, and hopefully things will go well. Fingers crossed. Until next week, I hope I come out in one piece, a happy man, and prepared for the next few weeks in which I will keep my own promise to finish APoL Chapter 16. Yes, I said it. I will finish it. *confidence* Cya guys soon.

[P.S.: Are we still doing this? I mean, putting girls on my phone homescreen? Hell yeah! We've got TrySail, why not?

In case you do not know them, visit the new Klassic Note Review page and find their debut single in which there are short introductions of the girls. Next week is Aki-chan though, so that's good hehe]

[P.P.S.: If you have noticed even if you're on the mobile site there have been subtle changes to the blog. I wanted to do a new one but Blogger is being difficult with me. And I still want to make this look better. How is removing the background and changing the font colour helping out? Black does well with AMOLED screens, I suppose...]