
The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #32

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The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #32

Sunday, 07 August 2016
I told you guys I'll change it up a bit from last week, right? A whole lot more images from this week. Well, it's the same amount, just shifted from the bottom up. *laughs*

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Training myself to type the title of this show so I don't spell "Bijitsubu" wrongly like Moeka-chan and spell "Mondai" like "Monday". Spelling man, it's a curse.
Okay, this week's episode (5). I took the effort to watch it on a Friday than my scheduled Saturday night (yes there is such a thing) the day after it airs because I can't wait. Can't tell when's the last time I did that, but it's partly due to the manga I've read earlier this week too. (spoilers not below) Then again, watching Colette-chan is a joy (first half of the episode is from the manga BTW), and yeah, it's summer, and they need a pool scene, and Imigimuru-sensei didn't write one, so you know, Anime fillers? It's fine. Tachibana-sensei wasn't in it so it's fine lol.
Because Random Curiosity wasn't doing it. Fanservice shot!
(Man, many years ago I was serving these like hotcakes...)
Time Travel Shoujo: Hey, and finally four episodes, we have our first exception. Yes, that time travel machine has spoken.
The episode (5) talks about Waka-chan (I know), but also the fact from when she took one of the compasses that Mari-chan had, and this time, travelled back to the past with her. Problem now is that Mari is the only one who came back. Yeah, sounds ridiculous, and should have happened weeks ago, but hey, finally it happened. Another thing worth mentioning in this (educational) episode is that Hayase-sensei (Mari's father) isn't the only one doing this experiment, and has been led out my a compulsive gambler of a research assistant. What a rat, right? Oh well, but now we know of something a little more, and that the initial experiments the man mentioned resemble a futuristic experiment of time travel we may be familiar with. Well, if you've watched enough (or the right) Anime, that is. Anyways, this is getting better, and I can't say how good this show is going to get, making simple things (ridiculous though) dragged out yet exciting, so that's good news for this show. I'll be looking forward to what happens to Waka-chan. Unlike Mari, she is not taking this easy.
They make Mina-chan cry and Aki-chan shocked. I cannot ask more from this show lol

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Well I read on too much... Damn that Twitter account I thought it was safe to read on lol.
Anyways, I read till Chapter 10, and then was spoiled at Chapter 11, which is already part of the episode above (this was before I watched it BTW), so that's bad. Otherwise, you'd be glad to know the show actually follows the manga pretty well, maybe some arranging, some additions (Colette-chan's imagination of her abduction is extra) and such, but then overall does bring out the general mood of the light-hearted show well. Problem is I may be spoiled of future episodes too, because some involve seasons (there was a cold weather chapter in there somewhere), and some involve a ridiculously hilarious Colette-chan, which will no doubt spoil my first impression from the show if any of these was in it.
Laughed too hard on this one. #Picasso
BLEACH: Okay, second last chapter already. Mind blown right now, pretty much. *sob* And also this.
The chapter? It's been ten years. WTF? If you didn't ask yourself why so, you've not been reading the last chapter. Problem then is what the hell happened shortly after? Well, in a perspective 10 years later which Kubo-sensei forcefully led us to believe, some of them are alive (I believe Kensei is not dead dead, for sure), some of them are in a different position, not to mention everyone gathering for one of the few events that require every captains' presence: The declaration of a captain. And guess what? Rukia finally got up the ranks as one of them. The last part of the chapter gave us one last hint as to what might be happening to everyone else not mentioned in this chapter, and I believe that may not tell us much. Fortunately, it has been announced that there are extras (I supposed released after next week's chapter) and an announcement or perhaps another publication that will dictate everything else we all want to know. Hey, I'm not taking "10 years later" as a conclusion to a long-run story, Kubo. You better make this right.
Yeah Kenpachi; with Yachiru, everyone was lost. Now without, it's just one less person lol
P.S. The biggest question from me thinking through the past week ever since I saw last week's chapter is what will happen to the spiritual world? I'll keep it short here, but suffice it to say if you recall, the Spirit King is a linchpin to the world, and without it the world will not exist. After it was absorbed, the main villian is now killed by our main protagonist (which is absent from this chapter) some time ago. So why? How  has the world stayed put in the 10 years, just as Kyoraku mentioned whilst talking to Ukitake's grave? This, I have no idea. My deduction before reading this second last chapter is perhaps someone is now the core to the world, and thus needs a "successor". If it's not that trace of reiatsu Akon found, then it's going to be Ichigo. Something tells me I'm not getting my answer next week. *sigh*
Dagashi Kashi: Looks like the usual guy didn't continue, so I just switched to another one lol
The chapters. *laughs* I'm reminded of the episodes of Anime I've enjoyed, from the father wanting to be an online content creator (I don't want to promote G***** lol) to BDSM Fugashi to someone playing doctor. All these memories... even they have become mine. Man, Kotoyama-sensei, you know how to do your manga.
I'm not going to spoil anyone for "what he's done" but you can find out what happened haha

This Week on Klassic Note
Well, giving songs this week has been a joy. Well, mostly because of a rock festival video (FYI it's "VIVA LA ROCK 2016 Day1")I got my hands on. Thanks to it, a total of four new artists have entered Klassic Note, and if you have noticed who they are on my Twitter account then this shouldn't surprise you. Yogee New Waves sound good with just one song apparently (their whole album isn't much), also with LILI LIMIT's latest album, and yes, congrats on them on their major debut. Just... no more free music videos. Goddamn S*** M****
Congrats on your major debut LILI LIMIT.

Sadly that means the world don't get to see your music videos anymore. At least, outside of Japan.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) August 5, 2016

Shin Rhythm's lead song till date had great reception online so that should get you interested, and SHISHAMO's 1st and 3rd albums make them sound like the next Chatmonchy. Hey, I mean, an alternative. No one can replace Eriko-chan in her compositions, really. Besides, they sound more... forced, direct, and a whole less sad. They aren't apparently. That's enough praise/criticism of them already, yes?

With other releases from familiar artists, it's a different story though. THE ORAL CIGARETTES' new single is hard to give after what I've heard from them last year (I miss songs with meaningful lyrics, if you know what I mean) (I doubt so haha), Goose house's new single is nothing but good besides the fact that they are singing in chorus beautifully to a less than impressive song, which is their strength, by the way. (Yes I know it releases next week, but still) nano.RIPE's new single makes me miss their style, but I don't know how to give it too. Well, these guys will get another week on the waiting list (besides the first in the paragraph) probably, so I'll see about it.

In more releases, Flower Flower and Aqua Timez have confirmed their new singles (glad that YUI is back) slated for next month, and yes I didn't forget: Uesaka Sumire's new single is hard. Real hard. Now even Time Travel Shoujo's ending theme song is a better choice. Yeah, sorry Sumipe. Klassic Note is all about music, not your image of weird tunes.

This is it I guess. Heck a lot to cover for a week of joy before my new school semester starts. Then again it starts with a couple of holidays so that's just to make me get used to doing something again after a lot of doing nothing lol. Nonetheless, I have failed to deliver APoL's next chapter, and if anyone is excited about it, here's an apology from me (to myself, probably lol) because I cannot put my a** to write a novel now. Cya guys next week, and until next time... let me see if I can keep this up. The one-image-per-review thing above.