The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #39
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Yay, it's the term break. And before that this was a real crazy week. From being rejected an internship to entering an interview to meeting up with that insurance agent which I do once every two years... my life is busy. And I hate it. *laughs* Okay let's move on.This week also signals a good time to end Anime for one season, and welcoming a new one.
Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!: Did I not say it was filler episode for the end? Yes, I did. If not, I'm saying it now lol. Typically with this type of adaptation we won't reach the ending (well the manga hasn't ended anyway so...) anytime soon but that doesn't mean they cannot play with it. Usami-san is placed with a lot of fun this episode (12), as she walks home under the same umbrella with Uchimaki-kun (if you know this it's practically drawing a love umbrella FYI) and thinks of whether she should even confess to this guy who likes 2D characters so much he minds if the girls have partners or not. Though not the point, the ending came in with the same pace as the whole story itself, so that's not too bad. Unfortunately there will not be a second season if it ends like that, and I will, as I mentioned, continue to read the comic and see the missing stuff that is not in the show. It's kind of that thing to set us going. So yes, thanks for this Anime. I really enjoyed it. If you needed reasons to watch this, watch it for the pace of slice-of-life, the focus on events and characters, and fantastic art courtesy of Kyoto Animation. It has been a ride.アニメ
If you remembered this three episodes ago the string thing still works. Haha nice try, Moeka-chan. |
Yeah sure, you'll NEVER find this in the history books. Nice try, Mikage-san. |
What did I tell you? Manga is nothing without BLEACH. On the other hand, one of the Anime above has ended, so I'll be reading a lot into Usami-chan next week.漫画
Okay, this one. Sources are hard to find in the Internet to do reviews, so things maybe slower than usual. Aimer's new album released this week, and I must say people writing songs for her makes it so much... worse, I guess. Love songs aren't common in her songs, so I maybe giving one from inside this release. plenty's new album also got released this week, and I must say feels a lot different than their album from last year. Maybe I'm not in the mood (because I'm all relieved after what happened earlier in the week), but then I'll give a song. You know, give them a chance. Their style is indeed good though, I would say. I rejected wacci's new album good (sorry guys), Mikakoshi's new single doesn't seem to resonate well within me, and I haven't gotten the full review in, so... maybe I'll just give because of the music video, yes? (Love you, Mikakoshi~) Through those live performance footages last week I also picked up Iwasaki Ai's latest album again to try to give one more song, but till date it has not been sticking well with me. I don't know. I need a reason to give songs today.音楽
This Week on Klassic Note
Next week brings a new single which I have not been mentioning much about recently even in Twitter, which is Aqua Timez. But hey, it's been some time and I can't get used to them releasing new songs, but it is good so of course I'll have a listen. You guys should too; their music is great.
This is it then. I'm feeling excited, anxious, confused, and tired. At the same time, I have to figure out life and society as a whole, not because I'm crazy but because I want to continue APoL. Progress has not been good. That, and thanks to a link I posted here (thanks, RC) I noticed my story is just like a TCG. Uh oh. But no, I'm not going to do that. It's different. It has duels. It has cards that change life. It focuses on people. Ugh my head hurts...