
The Klassic Note Review 2016.10 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2016.10 Issue 1

Thursday, 20 October 2016
The difference between buying a release four WEEKS after, and four YEARS after release.

It's been some time, I guess. Review soon.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) October 20, 2016

Ah, I like starting a post with a Tweet... my new phone camera is better, yes? *laughs*

Hey, it's been a while you don't see the next paragraph starting with the word "ANIME" lol. It's time for another review, I must say. This time it's two bought on order, but I'll only talk about one. I'll also talk about exploiting of an exception in Klassic Note so that Sambomaster gets to have another limited edition single on my shelf. Ah, bending the rules is great haha. Okay, it's been a journey giving Mikakoshi's new single a thumbs up for many reasons, so let's talk about it, yes?

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Komatsu Mikako - Imagine day, Imagine life! [Single]
Limited EditionRegular Edition
(Very casual and personal, I like. It's just hard to see her in the Regular Edition on top of that stack of boxes...)

Origin: Okay, where should I start... Let's talk about the girl. Komatsu "Mikakoshi" Mikako as they call her and I shall too, is a voice actress, in case you aren't aware. She started her music career back in 2012 when she had short hair lol, but that wasn't where I started. It's because of an Anime without a God on Sunday... well you know. And since 2013 I've been giving a chance to listen to her singing works, including her 2nd album back then two years ago. Coming to this year, she transferred record companies with the assistance of composition group Q-MHz after their first mini-album release featuring her in two songs (I got one of them in my list). I guess that's when the transfer to TOY'S FACTORY was in place, and this became her debut single. Definitely not her first, I would say, but she does have great singles along the way. And this, I don't want to miss.

(1) Imagine day, Imagine life!
Firstly, the topic song. It may feel lengthy, but then again it's part of the composition style as felt in this song itself. Critically speaking features of Q-MHz set of composers that stand out, which includes startling pop style production, extended Anime-like melodies, and their attempt a very fresh feel every time even though it feels like a staple Anime production, they have not been sitting on a favourable impression for being from Anime background. The chorus may be long, but to most of the single I give due to the style, and I must say it's too outstanding to not give this song. The music video also shows a charming side of Mikakoshi, and that I'll leave for you to judge and for me to savour a lot haha. All in all, it sets the pace up for the single, and this is a recommended listen.
Rating: 4 stars (Slightly Above Average)

(2) Dakara Henji wa Iranai [(I) Don't Want A Reply]
This one was the deal breaker in this release, surprisingly. It went from positive in the previews to negative in the initial review I did from last week and it got saved luckily from the "grave" of 2.99 Stars Project - the place I reject songs with reason - because I like her. Okay, it's not true. The song kind of got stuck in my head over the weekend, and that is what probably made me give the thumbs up. The melody in the verses feel rather lengthy, the chorus is what is good, and the lyrics suggest a positive yet flirty side of her usual singing style, so yeah, why not? Also, as I mentioned above, the catchy pop style production makes of an attraction magnet (including the singer's voice of course), and makes this rather irresistible to reject. And here it is.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

(3) Angel Number
This is the second song in the release to give. Initial impressions of the single aren't great, but with the review I got exposed greatly to this side of Mikakoshi, that lively and upbeat personality that shines with her, and upon further listening even in this review... it's a birthday song, people. It's not obvious, but the lyrics are saying it out that I cannot ignore. Since she is also involved in the lyrics she perfectly presented even analogically (with Cinderella) how she wants to have her birthday her way, and letting her shine on that special day. (That day is November 11 by the way) So special, she got a song for it. You deserve it, Mikakoshi, and I'm taking it all in. This is a staple example of her being able to sing such upbeat songs in contrary to the many songs I have given her, and with the strong pop style it makes this the best song on the list.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

Conclusion: This is it, Q-MHz. This is the final time I'll ever give you guys a chance to do well. This is that scorecard. I hope in the future someday I don't have to reminisce on this single because you can't do anything better than what you have offered now. Mikakoshi is a great choice to go for to support for whatever reasons, but she has been given a chance to perform. And I approve it. You guys should too. For giving an Anime composers group a chance to show you how great pop music can be, and how much Mikakoshi can shine with her singing. It has punch, emotion, and happiness in every track. You can't say no to such a good release as this, with me coming this far away back when I started a week ago. It's never too late to give this release a chance.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

(P.S. Do I sound angry? I don't know. The process and stress that comes along giving a new release these days is tiring. I mean, look at that alternate jacket cover. You can't say no. *laughs*)

Wow I'm left with 10 mins, so let's do this quick. Firstly, whatever is above may not last, so here's it again.
And why did I not review that single which is limited edition and from four years ago? Long story short, I noticed I was wrong by the time I ordered it, but suffice it to say it didn't violate the rules I set up to give releases, which is not giving new instrumentals, so this one gets to pass. It's kind of cheating too to buy a Tower Record limited release from Amazon Japan (you can check that for Mikakoshi's new single too), but hey, I got it, so it's over as far as I'm concerned. If you need a memory of Sambomaster's single back in 2012, here you go.
Moving on to Mikakoshi, and yes, I wanted a free gift quite bad. Toranoana never gave promise on such stuff, and seeing it's been three weeks after initial release I don't want to try my luck (the last time I did with TrySail's 2nd single I got nothing *sob*) so I went with Amazon instead. It delivered quick, I wasn't at home, and yeah, I promised myself I'd push this on the day I got it just now after dinner haha. As you can see, inside is pretty clean (and empty lol) and it's just more of her. Hey, you may not like it, but I do. You may think it's too little, but I'm satisfied with music. All in all, I'll take it. The company isn't the worst I've seen anyway, even though there are better packaging out there, in case you aren't aware.

That's it. I still got school tomorrow, and I need a lot of sleep like a baby (lol), so good night. I'll be thinking a lot of Mikakoshi I swear. I want the new nano.RIPE album though... (Cya)