
The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #46

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The Entertainment News 2016 Edition Issue #46

Sunday, 13 November 2016
Yes, this week is about to be over. But damn I'm glad it's going to be over. A lot of things happened and were announced, so I'll not bore you guys over my life, but hey, I still had to catch up with entertainment, yes? So let's see what I've done over the past day haha

Bungou Stray Dogs: Wow everyone this episode (18) got double-crossed it seems. Not for Port Mafia though.
As we all know, Port Mafia's leader Ougai is infamous of taking action seriously and swiftly, and this time it's no exception. He sent off people to blow up Guild's supply ship, and dropped hints to hideouts of the Agency's staff whilst sending people to the original team's hideout to "tip them off". Yes, if you're experienced in action shows and carefully planned plots this is an easy example of a trap, and it works for both parties mainly because Guild has sent enough people so they will fight whatever it takes and the Agency is playing defensive. Hey, who says action shows are boring? Akutagawa is probably going to die in the blood of God lol, and who knows who's going to save the girls? Kunikida maybe next to receive orders. I'm getting real hyped. And I thought this was going to be boring haha
Come on, Ranpo-san is just bored. Gotta love those animations haha
P.S. Can't you see? Port Mafia doesn't have to do nothing. Chuuya is right; the gang will see the other two groups beat each other up. Oooh this is going to be fun~

Sangatsu no Lion: Is it just me or am I not getting the feels of Kiriyama's past? Oh well. To each their own story, yes? Now, the episode (6). The show discussed about Rei-kun's initial moveout of someone's house to live by his own, how people have influenced him, and how he didn't become a master. Master, as in, a prodigy, I guess. But then again shougi aside, there's quite a lot to remember and feel here. He did start out with a good life, as in having a family when one day he just lost it. (So f**k you Kyouka; wait till the day you lose yours) And then he lost again. Twice. In matches. And then everything about himself kind of falls apart. The show then summarises with Hina-chan, and possibly the most interesting part of the episode because I really dig in this kind of stuff, with that consolation from her invites him to eat with the Kawamoto sisters once again. I wished I had such warmth in my life. Not just people coming in and out of my life, not just being friends for some reason or just to talk it out. That isn't enough, I guess. But for Kiriyama, this might just be his reason to live. As a person and for the people around him now.
Akari giving herself a pat in the back because she did well.
And because she hasn't had a break in a long time. #lifegoals
P.S. WHERE IS THE BEACH EPISODE, DAMMIT!! *laughs* Not that I'm expecting one.

WWW.WORKING!!: I must say, I'm not getting it. Well, that is provided if you have watched this show for half the season (7) already lol. Anyways, a lot of everything is in this episode as usual. We got Kisaki giving a winning lottery ticket to Yuuta, even though it's like last year and that he ditched it in order to make it up with Shiho. Damn ain't that cute haha. Also, Miyakoshi finally gets to meet Saint Valentine in his off-peak season haha, and gets to find out what really happens when you pass out just by eating chocolate made with leftovers. That, and a three-hour ranting from Nagata-san too, I guess. Damn I want those romance antics and results soon. I don't think we'll be getting it in this show though. But damn I want more.
And... there you go. Shiho isn't the only person slapping money on Yuuta's face.
Man, kids these days...

I have to stop doing this segment liao lol. But I have to show some length on this post, so here it is. Empty. Once again. Just like last week.

This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, now that I've finished listening to everything, let's talk about it. SPYAIR's new single is quite impressive as usual, but it's not on the shelf for sure. I mean, I'm only here for the topic song haha. nano.RIPE's new album from last week's review (yep the release was like a month ago already) turned out good, as this usual fan by now is giving a couple of tunes because I like their music. [Alexandros] new album is quite a feat, considering I only give as far as Aqua Timez where rap pop style music is concerned, I don't give out-of-beat tunes these days, and their English is too good that it sounds like everyone else in the West. But oh well, I want to try to give a couple of tunes anyway, so I'll try. I think I have a couple of them locked down by now. Porno Graffitti's new single is quite a disappointment mainly because it isn't that catchy as last time round I heard them (which is this year BTW) but it's fine. I'll see if I can give one of them. I'm missing negoto's new single this week so I hope it comes soon, and I incidentally got Tsuzuri Zukuri's album from like, two years ago where that song got a ranking, so I'll listen to that next week due to time concerns.

Future releases brings us ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE's new music video, and I must say it's not bad as usual, and I think I like their punk rock music compared to how much English they're using as a Japanese band haha. In particular next week brings us sphere's new single in like, a year. Also, THE ORAL CIGARETTES. But that I'm not giving topic song liao, so I don't know where that's going to go. We're far from the peak season next week, but then again there's more the week after, so that's good news.

Cya guys next week then. I'm not in a mood to type more due to the fact I'm like a week to exams and I'm not close to half done yet. I'm going out with a friend (if you could call that haha) (my future self is going to hate me for saying that lol) to study tomorrow anyways, so that's a good start. Until next time... I hope you have someone to be with. If your family doesn't bother about you, that is. Me? I'm coping with it well. I foresee a future that I desire to change it though. So I'll see about it. Bye!