
The Klassic Note Artist Evaluation 2016

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The Klassic Note Artist Evaluation 2016

Monday, 02 January 2017
It's getting later every year, huh. I know. I've been looking at my own posts last year for reference haha. Anyways, let's talk about it. Really, this is probably the most critical part of Klassic Note you'll ever see in wording. Besides that list of 2.99 star songs. Oh, I haven't post that long list out yet, huh. Then again, you should have seen it on Twitter. It's a long one.

As usual, I'll be talking about three main types of categories of artists, which are namely:

I'll also take mention on an extra couple of artists who do not fit into all three because they have announced their hiatus as music artists, namely Kawada Mami and HOME MADE Kazoku. They get a special last segment as my final opinions of these two artists in 2016.

(Don't worry if you do not know any of them. This is precisely the place to tell you what I think of all of them. Yes, ALL. This is going to take a while.)

(I'll use the year number for all references in "last year" and "this year" or whatever. It's confusing in the past so this much mentions of years will have to do.)


Quite a lot of artists joined the ranks in 2016, a total of four new artists have fulfilled requirements to be regulars in Klassic Note and have their own playlist.

Aqua Timez: They've not done much in 2016, but what they have done is pretty significant. Their only single in 2016 is a total nostalgic trip if you're a fan of theirs (I am totally BTW) and their album is so close to Christmas almost every song sounds like an overseas trip lol. All in all, I'm pleased, but 2016 isn't the best year they had. So I'll not hold my breath for 2017.

Ikimonogakari: Their anniversary is up, and so is their new album. And you bet it's on my shelf. Giving them the thumbs up was quite a task as I try to find songs to give. I've not really gotten tired of their music style yet, because they have a lot more to offer and I search for melodies whilst liking their style back then already. On other things that will actually make me angry is their obvious (marketing) strategy of releasing an anniversary single which has a song from the best album. Oh well, that's not cheating anyway, so I don't really mind. On the other hand, it's a good year to catch up with songs that have been popular but aren't on my list yet, so I would say they've done their job in 2016.

Chatmonchy: Rather disappointing to have only one single, but it isn't without reason. They have been preparing to pair up again to do digitalised music instead, change of style I understand, and the one song I didn't give, but I don't think I'll be looking forward to them in 2017. Then again, as mentioned in the previous paragraph I don't stop because they start taking the electronic synthesizer. So, we shall see.

Rie fu: She continues her anniversary albums in 2016 with her second album for it "O", and it isn't really that bad at all. Her overseas adventures are rather fruitful as it kind of changes her music style a little bit, but then again this is also it too. She shows no signs of releasing new music as of thus far in 2017, but then again like Chatmonchy this is really spectator mode for me already.

sphere: Two singles in 2016, and that is not much, I guess. Their collaboration with HoneyWorks is rather good (as with TrySail too, will mention them later), and the newest may just be their best. Their new album will be released early February 2017, so I'll be looking forward to that.

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION: I'll not rant much, but re-releasing your second album is not contribution. And not talking about the fact that I only listened to that one single because of an Anime, so that's even worse. I think I'm drifting away from these guys, and it's not really good news. I await better releases in 2017. Klassic Note 2016 has not been kind to this band.

VELTPUNCH: And yes, their re-debut album. I enjoyed it a lot, so that gets a lot of points in some way or another. Otherwise, I'll be glad if they are really coming back to release songs every year (hopefully) so I can put them higher on the ranks every year just like back in the day. I miss those kinds of tunes.

SID: Can we not talk about them please? I'll wait until their new single in 2017 to talk about them then, yes? Yeah, there's the best album, but...

SCANDAL: Their 10th anniversary has been quite a blast, apparently. Their new album isn't too much of a disappointment besides the fact that I didn't give enough I guess, and their new single is a surprising turn in terms of style and melody. And I'm impressed. I want to hear more of their music. With the direction they are going we may see yet better stuff from these girls in 2017. Who knows? It's just the beginning since they started taking over the studio back in 2014.

miwa: Two singles in 2016, but they are worth mentioning. Collaborations for her are a big hit this year, involving herself in writing love songs and emotional songs so easily off herself. That, and her being really active in other entertainment fields... She may be busy, but we're getting an album soon in 2017, so that'll be a good time to enjoy more of her songs once again.

Toyosaki Aki: Aki-chan has done well in 2016. Her third album is a charm, and her new single is the only pre-order single for the year. I'm still impressed on how much I can catch up with her songs (Hint: it's her super lovable voice), and all I can do is only to ask for more. More fanservice or more music with her voice in it that makes it sound good, I'll leave it for you to think about it.

Tomatsu Haruka: It's also an anniversary year for her, so I guess it's worth celebrating? Her fan-voted best albums turn out to be better than I expected, and two singles cement her as a contributor as significant as Ikimonogakari. My overall impression of her has been positive in 2016, and I like how it is heading too. New releases may not be near, but I like to hear more of her singing good songs in 2017.

Kotobuki Minako: Okay, this one I have a bone to pick. And I mostly blame production. The second album from before may be a hint, but this year her only two singles are disappointing. I've skipped the latest one, and the other didn't even make it on the shelf. Her songs have been growing in distance since that album, and I think it might get worse. Maybe I need to be more generous? But how? It's not good enough! Ah... Mina-chan...

ClariS: They released a lot of singles in 2016 (even a collaboration), but all I did is to give old songs from that cover song mini-album. I know. I'm really old in music taste for my age. On the other hand, their new album is upcoming in 2017, so that'll give a good time for me to catch up if I still want to give this combination of girls another chance.

Porno Graffitti: Yeah, didn't expect their name to come back after what happened for the past two years. But in 2016, they have been impressive. Two singles down and they are all pretty good. Maybe I hate their references to females and whatnot, but then again an Anime tie-in actually turned out to making them better. We see no longer their previous style of music, but this upcoming one I think I'm ready to catch on.

Tsuji Shion: This one, it has been a long journey for her. Six years after her first album which I still remember a lot, she finally decided to release another album. I wouldn't say it's on my shelf now, but more than that she is changing. I mean, I'm okay with that, and it really should be anticipated for anyone who listens to her song, but it isn't too bad at all. It may be a tad bit too long to wait for it, but still.

Taketatsu Ayana: Ayachi's contributions for 2016 has been positive. Her two singles are rather okay (I mean, close to missing 2.99, that one), and her new album took a 2-D style approach, still turned out to be pretty good. As far as giving her new song goes, I've not been kind. But then again, I'm okay with her performance in 2016, really.

fumika: This one is as dormant in Klassic Note as Porno Graffitti already, so you know what happened between the years.On other things, I've not been listening to her new songs, so maybe I should go back and listen to them someday.

Hanazawa Kana: Kana-chan has done pretty good in 2016, I must say. Her only two singles got more recognition than I ever have given her in the past few years. Her production stemming from Hata Motohiro and Makoto Shinkai definitely did help her in making it good. A new album is in place in 2017, and it may be time to give her more songs considering that there are so many of them just like the one in 2014.

Kuso Iinkai: The guys did quite good in 2016, with the album and a couple more singles after that. It's just that... again, I've not been generous. I rejected their single last month, and then contributions are just about the same as past years. At this rate they'll be Collection Artists in about... 8 more years? I don't know. Then again their melodies are unconventional, so I houldn't complain.

THE ORAL CIGARETTES: This one, I'm not so sure. Their album was okay, and then the two singles they released in 2016 are rather dubious. As I mentioned, I don't like to be dragged in to their melodies because they are repetitive, somewhat a little bit like how popular music was made. They aren't the best in the list anyway again, so I'll just observe and see. Their new album is coming in 2017 and initial impressions are good, so I think I'll enjoy album releases like cinema staff then. Saying about them...

cinema staff: Okay, I guess. The album was once again a good reason to listen to their songs because the rest of the time they are busy doing credits for other things. A good example would be their newest E.P. where I took the only song which didn't have a credit. It may be short at barely 2 minutes, but still. Other than that, I enjoyed them in 2015 more than 2016, so that will say quite a lot, I guess.

KANA-BOON: A good performer this year, as their two singles and one album did strike me as being good. At least, for their topic songs in my opinion. Their albums are going to be their downfall in Klassic Note, so I'll not put my hopes too high.

nano.RIPE: Probably the biggest news from this band is the fact that they won't be a band soon. Or shall I say, they'll become a duo soon. Losing two members after their latest album did come as a surprise as I always look forward to their albums every year, and even their singles did leave an impression or two. But this might change in 2017, and I don't know what will happen actually.

Primary: She's just here mainly because with the reviewing of her latest album I've finally caught up with her latest songs, considering there is a constant stream of sources I can get her new songs from. And yeah, I know of the new single. In 2017, perhaps.

TWEEDEES: Their second album in 2016 was pretty good, and it's definitely better than last year as I took in more songs, but not in quality, I guess. Their topic songs is rather addictive though, to say the least.

Cocoro Auction: Their major debut and a new mini-album release is a good hit in 2016, and they're catching up with another in 2017 soon, so I'll be looking forward to that. These guys over BUMP of CHICKEN probably is the reason why I mention them and not the latter.

[Alexandros]: Better known here as [Champagne] about two years ago, their latest album caught my attention with thanks to Gotch from Ajikan, and I'm impressed. Turns out I do like their songs and I might just be looking at them more often in 2017.

amazarashi: Following a good single back in 2015, 2016 has been a good year for this guy, I would say. His album was pretty good as in I liked all the topic songs from the singles, and the mini-album is also good. If I like his beats I may end up listening for more in 2017, who knows?

yucat: She's here because of a new mini-album featuring her debut song which should've been on a disc at some point long ago already. Also, 5th year for her in 2017 too. Best album probably won't help her much, but we shall see.

Goose house: This big group of singer-songwriters did come up with quite a couple of releases this year. Turns out Sayaka can write a song, Takebuchi Kei is the MVP of the group, and Takezawa Migiwa is thinking of leaving. But before that happens I'll get to listen to their latest single next week in 2017. Yay.

TrySail: If you need explanation why they are the best off this year, it's mainly because of good songs. The two singles that started 2016 are good, and the album tops it off. And as if that is not enough they entice me with a single from HoneyWorks, so they're year is done already. This is it. Their next... probably a couple more years away.

Iwasaki Ai: Her full album in 2016 was impressive, because I gave a lot of songs and kept going back for more than half a year after the first review.

UNLIMITS: Probably the same reason as Iwasaki Ai, their album is impressive which almost made me take half of their album without traces of any old releases stuffed inside them.

SpecialThanks: Only one mini-album, but still pretty good too. I want more though, because I see the potential in them.

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE: After quite a lot of years their full album in 2016 surely threw me off by surprise. Coupled with that digital single this sure is a good year for them.

Aimer: She struck me hard when she got backed up by famous producers writing her songs and her taking in two Anime theme songs... damn this is a good year for her. Also, if you haven't heard that love song she sang in her album you've been living in a well for too long haha

7!!: Two singles only this year, but I did give a listen to them all. Turns out they really can write and sing ballad songs, I would say.

Komatsu Mikako: Most impressive might not be her being featured in Q-MHz's album, but the set of four Anime composers writing for her a single in 2016 and potentially, an album in 2017! Damn, I can't wait. (To sh*t on the composers again haha)

Satou Satomi: Only one single, but she has been quiet these few years, and I don't blame her. Her voice is there for better things though. Just hope to hear from her soon. New releases, I mean.

Amamiya Sora: Her only release in 2016 was her first album, and it was fine, I guess. Nothing close to putting it on the shelf, but still. It's tough finding a genre for her, but generic pop she can be in, that's for sure.


LILI LIMIT: Turns out the biggest underdog of Klassic Note 2016 is not a rock band, but hey, I'm okay with that. Looking back to their older releases because they have moved forward to a major label (which also houses Ajikan, amongst other artists), I found better songs in 2016 moving backward than forward. I'll be sure to give a listen to their recent album in 2017 once I'm done with this song awards.

LuckLife: Also another impressive group who got major label support, and three singles cemented their place in Klassic Note just off the bat. Anime "Bungou Stray Dogs" helped them out a lot to be honest, but still, they have a good style of rock that I'll be sure to stay behind and listen to them in 2017.

Miyawaki Shion: She may be a pop star, she may have already sung for 10 years without me knowing, and without Anime "Assassination Classroom" she may never come to Klassic Note. Still, this many releases is really impressive, and I've determined the best composer for her goes by the name of ArmySlick, who wrote the theme songs and all other songs I gave in 2016. Really, no exceptions. And it's all coincidence too.

AOP: They may sound new, they may look like another girls group like AKB48 probably, but whoever wrote songs for them is real good at doing it, making their two singles in 2016 stand out amongst the crowd. I thank the Anime that has helped them (well they helped the Anime, if you knew the origin of their group name) and helped them make a mark in Klassic Note.

Mrs. GREEN APPLE: They fall in the same category probably like THE ORAL CIGARETTES that if you like their style you'll be staying to hear more, but I didn't. No really, I only listened to the album under the recommendation of Satou Satomi-chan, and their other releases simply whizzed past me because I've heard one and liked the melody more than the music style.

plenty: I rather enjoyed the music style in this rock band, and seeing how many live performances of theirs are just bulk on YouTube, you can go enjoy them for yourself. I selectively choose, but that doesn't mean I disapprove of their style. Their latest album in 2016 isn't the best or better than their previous one, but I want to hear more. These guys can create moods that associate me, and I like.

SWANKY DANK: This turned out to be a surprising addition, and I kind of like punk rock, so I gave them a chance. More surprisingly is not because of their music totally available on YouTube but even with Apple Music which I started last month I still didn't get to hear a digital release of their latest mini-album. Damn. Other than that, I can take a little more punk rock.

Silent Siren: Might as well mention them too lol. They had a good start for impressing me with their live performances, but after that when the album came out and I noticed I'm taking an addiction pill, and that is pretty much where I stopped. Easy listening songs, but seeing that it's too easy listening and it feels rather repetitive in style after a while, I decided to not listen to their new releases in 2016 at all. I know. I'm a jerk haha

Asakura Momo: Her addition to Klassic Note may come as a bliss, but her debut single isn't impressive, as one may expect. But hey, with her debut as a singer comes a lot more releases, and I shall be looking forward to that in 2017/

Kawada Mami: It's suck a pity that she's going backstage to write song lyrics for others, but then again she's an angel when it comes to those types of pop Anime songs, and I will miss them. Her best album and last single are good points of 2016, but I've only managed to give one song so far. See if I can give another one or two, and didn't know her songs before her first single were actually better than I thought.

HOME MADE Kazoku: Another thing that has to go, this rap group is stopping activities with a best album in 2016, leaving me with a lot of regret and a lot more songs close enough for me to give them the thumbs up to be a Collection Artist, and I thank them for the many rap tunes. Come on, with them being the only rappers on Klassic Note, it's no wonder I can't bear to see them go.

Okay, I'm tired after a whole day of video editing. Yes, I'm doing something before I have to work 8 to 5 next week. Cya guys then, because this is as much as I have opinions for the artists I know of in 2016. All others not listed just aren't close enough to be mentioned, I guess. Until next time... yeah I'll do up the 2.99 stars thing tomorrow. APoL? Just... don't... ask. I don't think I have the time to even finish it by the end of the week.