
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #9

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #9

Sunday, 26 February 2017
Wow Anime galore I'm having here, huh? Or it's just me binge watching one Anime in a day? Yeah, that sounds like normal stuff to do. Shouldn't be chasing shows every week like what I'm doing now. Yeah, Entertainment News will have never happen if I watch like those idiot friends of mine haha

(LONG POST WARNING: Because of a certain Anime catch-up, be careful to not miss the Klassic Note section after all this Anime reviewing haha)

アニメ ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
Oh now we get some hints to the real truth. Hey, "Shadows and Truth", am I right??
This latest episode (#ACCA07) talks about the truth, mostly. Also, the next district Jean visits are Dowa (yeah the King lives there) and Korore, a land of women power. The investigations aside, Jean now learns of the situation. Not only does Mauve - also known as sexy-woman Mauve lol - know about Jean not reporting appropriately in his trips, him being pushed to be involved in the coupe, but also that he may be a part of royalty. Yeah. Literally means he might be a potential successor to the royalty family. I mean, I don't see what's wrong with a smoking King (haha), but really, this is going to go many ways, as much as you can think of. Then again, this means it'll get interesting, and we'll now know who's telling the truth now. Well, Nino has been a lot of honest in his reports, huh. Most definitely about the photos if it's Jean with the King.
So if this is the princess in 16 years ago and the incident was 30 odd years ago...
Lotta should be as old as the aunt? I don't know.
P.S. Also Nino may be reporting to more than one person, and it might have to do with people in the palace. Hmm, I only know as much as you do if you only watch this, so this is going to be interesting.

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
Wow another wonderful episode, isn't it? Even though it's just all about Shimada-san's stomach haha
This new episode (#3Lion19) talks about Shimada in general, I guess. His back story, his success as a shougi master from when he literally had nothing to do but hang out with his elders in chess, and how he came to hate his stomach today. I mean, I'm not going to dig what the Chairman has said about him (painfully true to say the least haha), but suffice it to say he's going to suffer quite a bit if this tournament goes on with him like this. Then again, it's not even close to the end, and he hates consecutive losses, so we shall see about that ourselves soon. Otherwise, you'd be glad to know Smith still loves his cats who don't love him back lol
Literally me when I feel unwell haha
Can I request for a Kiriyama to take care of me? Please?

アニメ Demi-chan wa Kataritai
Mid-season catch-ups aren't abnormal, but I must say "I want to watch more". (everything before the quotes was typed BEFORE I start watching) (yes it could've been "this show is not it" or something haha) Okay, maybe not the dark side of it, but still.
I'm picking this show up for a pretty simple reason: It's underrated funny. And now I see why. I know the Anime is not catching up soon, but I'll do an initial review first. If there are any more episodes I watched after the first one I'll update later. This show talks about demi-humans a lot more lighter than that horrific scary thing of a show that is "Ajin" if you haven't heard of it, because the unusual people have integrated with modern society, and are supported by the government too. Take it as another line of people we help in society, alongside people with physical and mental disabilities. The main guy is a teacher, a student before who was interested in researching them, but even then it has not gone through him during his final school days mainly because it's hard to find them. And well oh well, look what we have in the new school year. Four, I would say, Demis, have appeared. It definitely is good news to the enthusiastic researcher, but his way of picking up girls (lol) and his lack of proper initiative (I mean, he could just invite all Demis to open a research club so he could be adviser or something) causes the girls to inititally be scared of him, I guess. First up who threw off that shame is vampire Takanashi (if you find the surname familiar I'm not surprised haha), and we actually had a talk with Demi-chans, literally. (that's what the title is called btw) I'll leave the funny stuff for you to laugh to, but I must say the author did think the stuff through, which is why it has comedic value, this show.
Okay, a little on the manga. I've read a chapter of the manga prior to watching the Anime, and that's also half the reason why I'm watching it now. The story may be quite a lot tweaked in some ways, but still, it follows quite faithfully to the episode (for measure, one chapter = half an episode) so I'm okay.
Conclusion - This must go on as one of the unusual shows I'll watch about supernatural stuff. My current mood now is accepting even though not totally enthusiastic, though I'm now worried about two things: (1) The dark side of this show. The vampire is really killing it somehow, and (2) I rejected TrySail's new single (the Anime's opening theme) two weeks ago. Oh well that's going to be a problem. Good thing the ending theme sounds great! I think I found the answer to that haha
The comedy level in this show is really relevant and funny good.
This show's on point, I must say.
P.S. From here on I'll let one sentence and an image (that's two sentences at least haha) to represent the whole episode. I'd like to catch up to the latest episode (8), you see.
(Episode 2 in one sentence! Eh... Watching this episode about Machi-san as a dullahan makes me feel like I'm watching a documentary about a disabled person. *sob*)
She's totally imagining it, that Hikari-chan.
I mean, as a vampire, she's literally it, I guess. *laughs*
(Episode 3 in one sentence! I like how the jokes when they hit hard, because they hit REALLY HARD. *laughs* ONE MORE! My hunch is right about this show's dark side being discrimination, and I'm getting worried and sad at the same time, for some reason.)
Really makes you wonder how much protein this guy takes a day haha
(I'd like to hear Takahashi-sensei's story someday xD)
P.P.S. By now I feel like I'm watching more than a comedy. I'm learning about people with disabilities living with society. Wow. Hits me a lot though, besides the comedy. Also, being a dullahan feels like living in VR. It's hard to explain to your VR date you have to go to the toilet physically haha
(Episode 4 in one sentence! I was in tears after the first half, so be sure you do it too, if you're not that more heartless than me than I think I am, yes?)
What should have been first episode. A meeting of demis.
Also, HUG FEST!!! Satou-sensei doesn't get one huh. *laughs*
(Episode 5 in one sentence! "Cold sweat" maybe too much of a joke to all of us, even though it's true for Yuuki-chan's case and that she's not as cold as she seems, yeah?)
Now you'd want a female friend that bites you every day lol
I'll taste great if you put me in air con all day haha
(No really, if she bites too hard call the police lol)
(Episode 6 in one sentence! Family issues, sibling issues, and so much more in this show that totally reflects on real life, if you get what I mean.)
I'd like to show Hikari-chan in the fridge, but her "aw" voice I like haha
(Episode 7 in one sentence! Unexpected guests turn out to give us a bigger perspective about the world with demis, and what an insight indeed. ONE MORE! Just be careful of that succubus, as they say haha)
Talk about special, here's something new you'd miss if you like to skip songs.
No more winter for Yuuki-chan, yes?
(Episode 8 in... no we're not doing this. Let's catch up for real.)

アニメ Demi-chan wa Kataritai
The latest episode (#DemiChan08) talks about school. Literally. Sorry for being confusing about episode count, but I was doing this as I watch, so you guys get an impression of what's going on with me too haha. Himari-chan is literally a smart kid, Hikari-chan is not trying hard enough, Macchi wants to get praised by the teacher, and Yuuki... I guess she's fine. Also, the contest lol. But really, if a female succubus were to meet a male vampire what would happen? Haha I don't want to imagine. And yeah, being Satou-sensei must be smart, beating up guys long enough to shame them and stuff. And Yuuki can't stop laughing, in case you didn't get the pun "chi ga tarinai" means not enough blood or the missing hiragana word that the vampire hero wants his targets to solve when dropping the note ie. missing the letter. All in all, I'm enjoying the series so far, and I think this everyday life thing is getting into me very well. The point that the author has taken consideration thus far to create situations and active discussions about demis in general and in various categories I assume this makes of a fair worldview of us humans against people with disabilities, in comparison to this world.
I've said my piece. After that I'll leave for you to appreciate the show. And I'll be sure to watch this with Sangatsu no Lion next week! Yay!
She can't help herself, huh. Then again, it's not just her as a snow woman.
It's probably just her thinking people will laugh at her. Just like me.

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
This new chapter (125) is real exicitng for several reasons. Besides being the ground for setting up the truth of the mystery thus far, we now a whole lot more which constitute to the answers we have suspected thus far. Firstly, Ciel mentioned about the royalty supposedly suffering from an illness which requires blood transfusion to recover, and there we go. It's like kidney dialysis, if anyone is familiar of that. Then, there's the Grim Reapers. I don't care about Grell, but the other one seems to know A LOT about Ciel as a contractee to a devil, yeah. Two things to note include extending Ciel's life affects people around him (well, just him since someone burnt his house down) and once the "contract" is fulfilled he's dead. Dead dead, even. So yeah, while that ending may never come (please don't, Yana-chan-sensei), it's good to have some first-hand knowledge from a geek grim reaper, at least. Lastly, but not most importantly, Ciel did tell Agni straight off about the Prince's involvement in such antics, but seeing as Ciel took it as his way of manipulating people around him I understand Ciel more than an assertive Indian prince, personally. And last but not least, we still do not know who the most important person in this world Bravat is protecting from is, well at least for now. Just tell me it's someone important but not like his family member or whatever otherwise I'll kill him in place of Sebastian. Then again, the tension is building up, and I can't wait to see a conclusion between the parties.
So flashy, you CANNOT not notice who's here lol
(See you again, huh, Grell. We shall see about that.)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
And... the busiest week of the month is over. Okay, let's talk about it. Goose house's new album was pretty good, with many familiarly good tunes on their release it's rather easy to give songs, so I gave a few. amazarashi's new single probably was just obligatory at this point, but I'm giving it not just because, and because I genuinely liked it. Today also brought back TrySail's new single (I know) which I didn't really approve (but hey, now you know it's appearing in THE OFF-NOTE PROJECT haha) and also introduced myself to Sangatsu no Phantasia's new single, which was honestly good. Well, good as in Anison good, so don't ask any further haha. And at least they are better off than what Hanazawa Kana's album and miwa's new album have to offer.

Then again I listened on the day for the first two releases in Apple Music, so I may be biased.

On other news, next week brings us singles like Sayuri and Yukichi Aira (ACCA ending theme) and KANA-BOON if I didn't remember wrongly, so I'll be looking forward to that. Other than that, the two albums from this week will be staying for another week to convince me that... that... okay, maybe not haha. Meanwhile, I seem to be interested in new Anime character songs, so I'll see if I can get some of them into the list next week. Also, other things include Mikakoshi's confirmed new album releasing in May (yay), Ajikan has a new song of which I'm more interested in the animated movie behind it, and if you don't mind nostalgia trips you can check out MAMI-chan singing karaoke or VELTPUNCH on their anniversary live below.
Makes me want to get VELTPUNCH's anniversary documentary DVD already.

Also best song of Klassic Note back in 2008.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) February 26, 2017

This is it then. Tomorrow is going to be a half work day for me, so I'm sure to be happy. Then again I could catch more sleep considering I just watched like a third of a season worth of Anime which kept me awake for the afternoon (which I should be sleeping lol) so I sure am tired by now. Cya guys next week, and by then... hopefully I won't get too tired in work. Well, there's tomorrow to catch up on sleep too haha so... Until next time, do sleep more, yes? Just... not in school. Or in your workplace. So unglam.