
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #12

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #12

Sunday, 19 March 2017
Oh I forgot the introduction again haha. That's what happens when you start doing this post immediately after reading a new chapter of manga lol.

I know. I need to stop interchanging between "haha" and "lol". I'll try; no promises though haha

アニメ ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
I can feel it. The evilness within will arise next episode. Trust me. And I've never read the manga yet haha
This new episode (#ACCA10) talks about the regular stuff about the districts, about addressing Jean as royalty about now (I mean, really?), and about everything behind the coup and probably if Mauve would not interfere with the decisions of the higher-ups. Then again, there's the King. This turns out to be a game changer, because it matters a lot. The absence of the monarch will spell potential rumours and trouble, not forgetting the Prince wanting to be king, and there's Jean and his sister. To top that, recent episodes have given enough time for Jean to think through whether to follow through with this change for the nation or not. Lastly, the episode tops it up with the last district of his visit, Furawau which also houses the richest people and of course, Lilium's family. Yes, if you can recall, Lilium's the guy who pulled on the leader of ACCA Grossular's hair last episode. Yeah, this is going to happen. I can feel it. On the other hand, I can't help but think how the Anime will conclude this show. It may end up focusing a lot more on the process of the coup then show us what the future might be like, I think. Well, guess I'll just have to watch on to find out.
MVP of this episode haha. Did I talk about how attractive neat she looks under the hot weather?
P.S. Looks like the relative of royalty is going to take action of removing the siblings. But hey, can't hurt to take a little bit of the action. I worry for Lotta-chan's safety. *sob*

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
Eh? Last episode liao? Oh well, because it's going to happen again! Yay for season two same time this year!
The last episode (#3Lion22) talks about settlement for Kiriyama mainly, about his moving up to second year in high school and still dislocating with the class, but hey, there's the teacher. He decides to help him get shougi interest in the school, and so with the help of a falling Science Club he finally has somewhere to talk about his interests in school. The second half is obviously for wrapping up the season so far, but hey, it's still a good story to tell for many of us who don't really know well about Kiriyama's alone-salty-sad-and-I-don't-want-to-be-a-piece-of-sh*t-to-list-more-loner-stuff life haha. All in all, I feel a lot of emotions from this story, but mainly because he is better off than me as a person. I mean, he has SO MANY PEOPLE around him that will help him. I can't even get along with my colleagues because I'm a loner lol. Well, that's all for it then, but until next time... will we really get to see him play against Souya? We can but hope. This episode is setting a good stage to what will be upcoming in this series, and I'll be looking forward to it for sure.
Must really suck for kids to be honest. Glad I wasn't the only victim.
Then again, Kiriyama is field smart somehow. I'll be joining someone after seeing all the ants already haha

アニメ Demi-chan wa Kataritai
No, no bloodbath. Just "tearbath" for me, I assume haha
This new episode (#DemiChan11) talks about the confrontation from the vice principal whom we are hinted before to talk about Takahashi-sensei and his gang of demi-chans haha. (Hey I'm keeping this light-hearted okay?) So yeah, obviously the teacher took it to the extreme in thinking of giving too much thought into it resulting in him not continuing interaction with his students, but yeah that's just wrong and so stereotypical in drama, really. On the other hand, we have the other classmates providing a perspective of them not interacting with the demis in the first place. (And we're not even talking about the other teachers *wink*) Hey, not discrimination, and maybe because of that which is why only the girls would approach someone like Takahashi. That aside, Hikari-chan thought of showing their teacher what it means to be depending on him all this time and without him I swear the acceptance journey would be harder. Takahashi probably got off easy as a researcher and more importantly, as a high school teacher, but hey, that's life isn't it? If it pays off there's nothing wrong to stop doing it. Even if it means helping a bunch of females making it look totally like a harem haha
P.S. Next episode must be exciting, right? Hehe no we won't see Satou-sensei in any attire showing off any more skin, I swear.
Best girl Hikari-chan will ALWAYS be best girl. Half the "tearbath" came form her *sob*
Really makes you wonder if such people "people" exist haha

漫画 A Channel
The new chapter (92) talks about hide-and-seek, literally. Because Yuuko is with a teacher and the others are bored in the cold weather. Funny how it all turns out especially Run-chan totally telling off Nagi-chan and her obvious traits despite her being in disguise (lol), but hey that was fun. And we don't get to see the punishment! Oh well kuroda bb-sensei, we know we're not getting it, considering the way you say it. No really, running around half naked probably isn't a thing in this story haha
Haha Yuuko-chan she thought they are pulling a prank on her.
Then again if I were her knowing that could happen I might just leave first lol

漫画 Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
Wow what a d*ck, the author haha. Left two stories hanging, if that's not enough of a cliffhanger for you.
The new chapters (49, 50) talk about two specific stories which are actually more interesting than you think. Firstly, the girl. The girl who confessed to Uchinaki, and I bet even you remember it from the Anime. Yeah, she's back (including her younger sister who Uchimaki stalks lol) and she is desperate. Well, not desperate enough for another confession or undying love, but she has something. A love for art. What's more, a love for 2D art like the guy himself. Extrapolating this into the far future where people fighting over Uchimaki may be a thing (lol Usami-san), I also see more potential for the Art Club to develop. Weird Saeki-chan may be not, but she is shy, to say the least. But hey, I like this extension, if it'll ever come back anytime soon. The other talks about the guys at the library (if you didn't notice the Chairman at the library it's not my problem haha) doing research and reading books, amongst other weird things. Colette-chan seems to have found something, and the couple sure is playful. No wonder the librarian thought they were a pair haha. Can't wait to see what happens.
The sense of achievement as a teacher when students really ask you questions.
Tachibana-sensei is holding her tears well as a professional lol
P.S. Can we have a season two of this already?? Argh I envy the sequels of Anime I DONT watch lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
[Hint: The tooltip images that pop up can be searched online, provided you're not using IE8 lol]
Okay, let's talk about music. Third disc on my shelf by next week. I'm not even joking. Remember this?
Didn't expect 96neko to appear a week early. But hey, I can always listen.

And it may just end up on my shelf for some reason. Hmm...
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) March 8, 2017

This week's releases come short of what I wanted to listen even with Apple Music, and that's where I think this streaming service is going to under-perform. Nonetheless, let's talk about songs first. 96neko's new single (apparently her first) (read as "Kuroneko" because of the numbers) was pretty good at first impression, and within a week I took charge to bring it into the list. More on that on the review when it arrives next week because boy have I found out a lot about this singer. I also took time to listen to YUKI's new albumwhich isn't disappointing I must say in general, and I'll probably give a couple more if I really miss Ikimonogakari that much haha. (Well we need to compensate the lack of it somehow) LuckLife's new album is missing in the list for now, and from the music videos they are rather good, so I may have to depend on the online community to help me on this I guess I have no money for iTunes yet lol

Also, you'd be relieved that I've given up on giving songs from Sangatsu no Phantasia and Scenarioart's albums. I mean, I tried, but to no avail. It's fine. There's more songs to come.

Speaking about new songs (haha), you guys heard the new song from Natsukawa "Nan-chan" Shiina? Sounds great, I would say, and I can't wait to (try to) give three songs from her, which I doubt will happen anyway, but still. Also mentioned in the radio broadcast from Tuesday (burned mobile data, totally worth it) was the release of Asakura "Mocho" Momo's 2nd single. Also mentioned in Aki-chan's radio show this week is her new single, so.. I see a lot of money gone in the future, although seeing from the credits for Anime (hell yeah) I'm doubtful. So... I'll see about that haha.

(As usual, for more details please visit the Tweets I liked on my Twitter account. I'm not Wikipedia, you know *wink* *link*)

This is it then. I need some transition period (and suddenly I recall a song title from School Food Punishment I didn't give lol) to return back to work life I guess, and until next time... I'm giving YUKI new songs from her album. Typical Sunday evening, if you ask me. Oh, also this haha. Cya guys then.