
The Klassic Note Review 2017.03 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2017.03 Issue 1

Sunday, 05 March 2017
Hi guys. I know the week's not over, but DHL doesn't take breaks on Sunday, so let's do this quick haha. No seriously, thanks Amazon Japan. You've made my week.

How long as it been, six months since my last review? Man, even the shelf is gathering dust haha. Okay, let's start.

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Sayuri - Heikousen [Single]
First Press Limited EditionAnime Limited EditionRegular Edition
(Why do 2D image when there's 3D, yes? I mean, look at the girl. I'll take the Regular Edition cover even without the 2D character haha)

Origin: Well, I guess I should start somewhere. Two years ago, she appeared as an aspiring singer-songwriter for Anime, it seems, and since then she has not been stopping. Her second single from last year has been on my shelf for people who know of her and me, and this fifth single was rather unexpected even though totally anticipated. On the credit side, maybe it's because I haven't gave her another song since then, and this one starts her year well. I mean, she's definitely close to an album, and with her current standard in composition I'm not surprised that she can impress me with her songs. Also, this release features one of her early works which I will elaborate later, but still, she takes the first straw for being on my shelf.

[As usual, I only review the Regular Edition (far right cover) which houses two tracks. Not more, not less]

(1) Heikousen [Parallel Lines]
This song will draw a lot of parallel (I see what I did there) from the Anime it's credited to, so let's talk about that. Ignoring the fact that I rejected the show harder than the characters have been doing it themselves, Anime "Kuzu no Honkai" hosts Sayuri's character and composition style well, and it's whatever she wished for. Dirty (not in the sexual sense), sad and a lot of being lost. Such is of her nickname before she started her career (which I shall not elaborate on), but also part of her way of expression in music. And I think when it comes to that, she did this song pretty well. It sounds strong like her other songs, the chorus has impact, and overall it was done right. Besides my only complaint be the bridge part of the song, the song itself is really catchy, and thoroughly expresses her emotions just like I remembered when I first heard her sing (Anime "Ranpo Kitan" is also a dark show in itself). So yes, five stars for chorus. The rest of the song? Not so much.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

As usual, it's the B-side that shines in the light. I went hard to find a context to where this has been as it appeared not as a studio production, but an acoustic version, which makes me wonder. Results after a rather fruitless search turns out to be one of her early songs, probably back when she was auditioning and stuff. But I must say, this is when one's compositions can go sky high. This song has so much feels, I feel as emotional as she was during her early times as a musician: lost, scared and worried about success. Hey, I may not be one of them, but I can still feel them. And that, I gave her the thumbs up for making me feel it. Whatever she feels when she sings this song, of course.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

Conclusion: Overall a pretty good single, and I'd recommend to anyone who knows of the Anime because it fits the show well. Also, in a personal standpoint (because I rejected the show), I'd also recommend this single to anyone interested in her... compositions. She has her own strong style which is noteworthy to be attracted to, and this might just be her strong point against many other singer-songwriters in the industry.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

And suddenly I fell in love with Sayuri-chan.


— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) March 5, 2017

And yeah, I managed to get the A4 clear file. No really, I did, even one day after release date, which typically means in the world of pre-ordering for an Anime theme song release that "you're screwed". No I'm not joking, online purchases are that fierce. And if I thank that shop I bought from again for the swift delivery from Japan they'll start to blush haha
The package itself includes the file, but inside besides the usual (which I've been spoiled early by the Internet goddammit) is a small card of her. What a nice touch. Now I can fandom as much as I want, I guess? *laughs* No seriously, the worst best single this month has yet to come haha

(Well you know I don't say that in the review because I don't want to get sh*t on in the future when I read it lol)

This is it then. It came early or late depending on your perspective, but it sure as hell came. No, not Sayuri. I meant her new single, you sick bastards. Cya guys next week then. Really, Yuuki Aira is not going to like my review of her new single.

P.S. Oh well she's 35 this year already so I'm sure she doesn't mind haha