
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #18

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #18

Sunday, 30 April 2017
Ah, feels great to be on a Sunday. The day after you totally slacked off on Saturday and you know Monday is a public holiday. Hell yeah! Sorry for the slightly later post anyway; did you read the music video review post? I was tired over doing that lol

アニメ Alice to Zouroku
Yeah, I think I can watch this show. Just purely I can understand the sides that are taken and the reality of the situation in the plot. Let's talk about them.
This new episode (#AliceToZouroku04) continues on Minnie's violent capture of Sana-chan, and somehow she enters a trance after realising that she isn't human (yes technically she, who is named as Red Queen, is supposedly the strongest manifestation of "Dreams of Alice", which is an existence responsible of creating human manifestations, as far as I understand), and somehow she calls for that special someone to save her. Without knowing anyone else more responsible, she calls upon Zouroku, to their surprise, and he talks some sense to the military widow. Then again, it's not about that, if you did listen properly, but the meanings behind all this. This show has taken a similar approach to escaping fantasy (human-like) beings but landed them not with a youngster who will obviously protect them at all costs, but the author chose an elderly who has seen life as a target. Now that's where you should be interested in this show. We then have been further hinted on the story from Zouroku's friend who works for the government, but is also in one of two opposing camps about the reality about these existences. Hey, I may be thinking otherwise, but I'm interested to find out. Honestly saying, I thought this kind of episode will only appear like... 6 episodes later. With Zouroku and Sana-chan's leg on the line, I think I can continue watching this. And guess who's here to save these guys. Don't say humans aren't the only ones able to manipulate or be born with such power. Yeah, Minnie C is kind of talking as much crap as Zouroku is to Sana-chan haha
"I'm a really cool lady you don't know"
Haha what are you, the mom or Sana-chan when she turns 21?
(Also, she is flat-chested as someone pointed out lol)
(Also also, never looked at Sanae-chan this way until this episode haha)
P.S. Zouroku MVP after you hear the second half of this speech. No really, the old man deserves my respect. Then again, has he like, been through war or something like that? Probably, right?
P.P.S. Can Aki-chan come talk to me and my family about family bonding? Thanks in advance, Aki-chan. Why not join my family and make a difference? Eh... okay, I'm just joking. I don't want you to be my stepsister haha
(I laughed hard again when I saw the credits. BTW Tamura "Yukarin" Yukari voices "cool lady" HAHAHAHA)
(Yeah RC finally revealed they won't be covering this. Sad, isn't it? This is such a good show.)
Edit: I just noticed that this show in plot is literally the prequel to Demi-chan last season! I mean, accepting abnormal people... okay, maybe without the fantastical context.

アニメ Tsuki ga Kirei
You know what happens after every school trip? Everyone, EVERYONE gets laid haha Okay not really, but yeah, I like the ending to this week's episode.
This new episode (#TsukiGaKirei04) talks about school trips of course (as mentioned last week), and as if this show cannot be more real than school culture in Japan (I'm taking this as reference haha), they go to Kyoto with their phones not in some safe place but in their possession haha. Of course, some keep to play games, some to text friends, but hey, if you have a partner, why not text them too? It's supposed to be the case, but with whatever happened last episode turns out to be a neutral reply, I suppose? (I mean, I've not been in this kind of stuff, and I was rejected all the time, so... yeah. *sob*) Add on Kotarou's bold attempt in asking Akane out only to have his phone confiscated, and she not receiving a reply, feeling bad about it and still meeting as promised... Hey, typical drama, people. What's NOT typical here is then everyone else. Akane has at least a friend who doesn't poke on her business (Remember: No secrets within friends UNLESS you have a relationship with someone haha) and Kotarou chose to pick his guts against someone he knows. Or at least, someone who knows him. Thanks Chinatsu for seeing through him. Because if he takes charge we'll hardly be able to reach this episode's ending haha. Talking about endings, the couple eventually met, and Akane's reply was interesting, not to say intriguing. But then that's the case - if you have more to talk about then let's spend some time doing so. It's not going steady unless THE WHOLE CLASS knows lol
Totally predicted this one haha
Imagine if Akane got her phone confiscated; "see you guys next episode" lol
(On the other hand, someone else got his phone caught)
P.S. I didn't know I'll react WTF to Anime, but I just did. The ending shorts were hilarious, especially when they literally listed out part of a law clause there haha
P.P.S. Many cringes this episode include the expectation of receiving a miss of what you'd call a date, being able to meet again even though it's not confirmed (both sides have a certain responsibility to hold, especially Kotarou), and Akane's reply. I wished someone would say that to me. In this case Akane is easily braver than Kotarou in this relationship. Also, Chinatsu for MVP because she was almost mistaken as being the third-person in this haha
(My comment on RC)

アニメ Eromanga-sensei
So now I have to cringe all the way until next week to know what happened in this week's cliffhanger?? It's not fair!! *laughs*
This new episode (#EromangaSensei04) talks on the conclusion between Masamune and Elf-sensei on their duel to fight over Eromanga-sensei Sagiri to do the illustrations, and turns out he won. Hey, I mean, she literally said he was writing a novel as a love letter, what can you do? Then again, the ending gave us quite a start as to what direction this show is taking. Unlike the original author's previous work, this establishes relationships early in game and probably is going to focus on the developments then on. It's not a romance relationship per se, but it's going to be something close to like, teamwork I guess. On the other hand, didn't expect this kind of development to happen this early, Such hope and optimism is quite unlike what we saw in Oreimo where plenty of unexpected emotions come to play. Hey, it's still a harem story, but a lot more emotional and more focused on the siblings. That's good news to know though, for this will make a more palatable story compared to that then. Ignoring the comparison, I like how the Anime has done this nicely, and has given us a light of hope to their family relationship turning for the better. What's going to stop them now? I have no idea. Sagiri can't resort to taking pictures of herself all the time, so... haha
Yeah I know; for once I thought Masamune is going to drop dead lol
P.S. MVP this episode I don't know I should choose Elf-sensei or not, but yeah, just for the majority of comedy in this rather emotional episode I guess lol novel born from darkness (of the printer I guess haha)
P.P.S. No I'm NOT going to talk about how they literally visualised Sagiri in bikini and how she drew herself half naked into an illustration and how erotic that is haha
(My comment on RC)

アニメ Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
Not until now in this season have I been so touched by any episode. And I think I found one. Good job, Ymir. Your sacrifice was worth all this drama lol
The new episode (#AttackOnTitan30) continues on the last episode where Ymir reveals she was a Titan all along, and along with this secret revealed Cristia has to honour her promise of revealing her real name which was supposedly concealed because of her unknown past related to some royalty I guess. I must say I expected a flashback, but not quite as much impact as this one. Obviously the "miracle" was just Ymir using her Titan powers to bring the teammate down the cliff to base camp, but hey, it makes of good drama. As the second half shows, she was real conscious of herself being a Titan, as she successfully saves the others off the tower. Unfortunately in the end, she was kind of beyond saving until reinforcements arrive (yeah good timing idiots haha), and Cristia reveals her real name. Hey, great for the title of the episode, but still, something to remember. We probably wouldn't have to question her past and why she can keep such a secret (Ymir I mean), because she has already answered to herself, to say the least. Next episode brings us more reveal to the big mystery that is the Titans, and let's hope we'll get some real plot progression this time lol
I'm not spoiling the plot too much (see it for yourself),
so here is last week's screencap haha
(No I didn't take it from last episode lol)
P.S. BTW the action this episode, real awesome. Well, besides the fact that it's taken in the wake of someone's sacrifice, but still. Eren got a kill as a soldier too; what an occasion to celebrate lol

漫画 Koufuku Graffiti
The not so new chapter (8) talks about food it seems (lol it always does; it's the story), and in summer where they go to the zoo to complete assignments, Ryou and Kirin get tired of drawing and decide on a meal, or actually, a feast. Top that up with a nice, hot bath and ice cream, probably enough to get my stomach going, I mean, a trip to the toilet lol. Things that probably are missing from the manga but in the Anime is no doubt that scene I cut screenshots for, ie. Kirin worried the neighbours looking at the bathrobe only Ryou haha
Little do we know Kirin knows of adult content lol
(Also, I don't want to show the bath scene haha)

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new (sort of) chapters (49-56) mainly focus on more sweets but also the festival as shown in the Anime, and mostly follows faithfully the manga itself, so I won't elaborate much. All in all very entertaining, and yeah, you get the usual Kokonotsu, crazy Hotaru-chan, somewhat yandere Sayashi and her retarded brother lol. I know, it's hard to describe comedy here unless you read it. And I assure you, if you enjoyed the Anime the original work will bring you back. Damn, now I want to watch the Anime again haha
Me when people are gaining the system and getting away with it lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Okay this was quite long so let's be quick with it. Yoru no Honki Dance's new single was pretty good purely because I gave a B-side, so that's that I guess. But really, this time round was really good, making them better with Anime actually.ClariS new single was kind of okay, I guess. I can only think of the topic song so the B-sides kind of pale in comparison as they always do haha. Shinsei Kamatte-chan's new single was acceptable, not before I have to think of giving it before watching the new season of Titans lol. I rejected the other topic song anyway purely because I dislike the vocals, I guess. Good thing this one is not a problem because the music covers that gay vocals haha.
(Edit: Oops got it wrong. That's the problem when you have Apple Music. The single's only out next month lol)

I won't talk about other disappoints I got (*wink* fhana *wink*), so I'll leave them as so. Well, I can't deal with high-pitched vocals for now anyway, so...

Next week brings a couple of releases which I shouldn't bother mentioning, so look it up yourself. I only remember Mikakoshi's new album because she's been promoting it. Or at least, her staff Twitter has been lol

This is it. I'm done for the week. Cya guys next week, and until next time... I really need to get myself together to devote more to this blog than I'll ever. One post a week is not going to work if I want to do 10th anniversary posts for Klassic Note. I know. I'm just lazy.

"Lazy days~" (Sorry Nan-chan!!)