
The Klassic Note Review 2017.04 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2017.04 Issue 1

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Almost typed in the three main titles for Entertainment News, noticing that this isn't the weekly post and immediately stopped haha

I looked at the package just now. I'm happy. I want to write a review. I want Nan-chan. Okay, all possible but the last one, which might never happen.

Shiina-chan, please?

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Natsukawa Shiina - Grapefruit Moon [Single]
Limited EditionRegular Edition
(Somewhat topical with respect to the title I guess, and thanks for the close up on the release I'm reviewing *thumbs up*)

Origin: It's been a long time coming. If you do not know of her, let me introduce her to you. She is Natsukawa Shiina; Voice actress, member of idol group TrySail, artist under MusicRay'n (which coincidentally hosts TrySail and sphere, amongst many others), and a total newbie. No really, she is. Recall back in 2014 where I first heard her in Anime "Sora no Method" and she probably is best girl of the show, and this is probably where she started too. Fast forward a couple of years later after her initiation as a voice actor, TrySail's debut (we did talk about the first four singles here) and now the long anticipated solo release... it has been a long wait, especially when you know she sings in lives that I'm never in from last year. For her debut release this may be more impressive than the increasing amount of voice actors taking flight, landing her single to the hands of Klassic Note. Let's talk about it.

(1) Grapefruit Moon
(*I refuse to accept the online version of the first word ending with an s)
Okay, let's talk first about impressions. It all started in the reveal on her group's Tryangle Harmony radio show, and it's... not bad. It's mysterious, for starters. This song set out to give a mysterious vibe with a minor melody (I'm talking music here, sorry) making the mood of the song sound a little mellow, if not a bit sad. But the lyrics say another story. It's quite lovely, and that I mean love too, and this song has quite a lot of it. Topping it off to not make you misunderstand feelings, they drop in a topic to love for good measure, which easily explains the excessive use of the title in the lyrics even from first impression. This song is also the last to give in the list because I had a hard time swallowing the lyrics, and of course there's the usual bridge part of the song that people never seem to get it good on. All in all, this is a nice song, and I'm totally hooked. Well, at least the chorus. I'm lovin' it.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

(2) Daisy Days
This is probably the real life reflection of Nan-chan (as I will call her here) as this is a light-hearted melody coupled with familiar lyrics that if you follow her closely (well, her blog would do haha) you'll feel totally at home immediately. The song also presents a rather lazy, relaxed side of her singing voice, and I must say I liked it at first listen. The melody maybe simple, but it makes of a good song overall, I can tell you.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

(3) gravity
Listening on, you'd notice whoever wrote for her (all different people in this release btw) are making it easy for her by writing simple melodies, and I like it for that fact, which brought me closer to wanting to give this release. This melody maybe even simpler than the previous, but brings a lot of vibe and energy, which in turn makes the song stand out quite well in itself. This is the kind of song which makes you feel with her, well, at least in feelings. I also hear a hint of technology in it somehow, suggesting this song has some ideas taken from the person herself.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

Conclusion: All in all, a decent release. This may be a three-track single, but this might not be the best. But this will be above the rest. Nan-chan's first single has a lot of style in her, and all the songs represent a good subset of what she can achieve, and I'll be looking forward of whatever potential she can present her in future releases. This is also a good start to her solo music career, which no doubt will be remembered in the future. Take a listen if you want a youthful voice Nan-chan singing in styles you'd never expect. The topic song is NOT representative of what she has to offer.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

(Klassic Note fact: This is THE FIRST RELEASE on my shelf with a solo artist younger than me. I am not joking. And I'm not counting Ten-chan because I don't want to use the word "significantly" lol)

My phone camera may be bad, my photo taking skills may be poor, but Natsukawa Shiina's debut single is good.

— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) April 26, 2017

I know; my camera sucks. On the other hand, the CD isn't small enough? Dammit Google Camera, always spoiling the good things.
Well, at least they got the normal shots right, which can easily show the disc in its full glory haha. I wish I can sign up for the release campaign which is typically slotted in into the release ("playing games with her" must be priceless), but hey, I ordered this a week AFTER release date, and I took a shipping option which delayed it good until today (could've been last week FYI), so... I wouldn't complain.
On the other hand, I'm getting hooked. By the images, mainly. And of course, there's the special gift. Thanks Animate once again, because if not for the lack of popularity on her debut release my fast fingers and decisive mind I'll not be able to snag another release from your online platform haha

This is all then. I've got games to play (lol) because I did think of doing it later in the week (oh yeah there's this week's releases too) but... I cannot resist. Nan-chan, that is. Cya guys next time then, and until next time... whoever doesn't like "the one on the left" on every other TrySail music video is a dick. I want to play games with Nan-chan, man.

P.S. How do I feel like a serious senior reviewing a junior's performance when I'm giving this release? Damn. Life is not the same when you're old. That Aki-chan hype is no longer present haha
And I SWEAR I'm NOT DOING THE MUSIC VIDEO REVIEW!!! No, really. The video isn't fantastic anyway. (I better swallow my words; I have a long weekend ahead of me)