
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #26

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #26

Sunday, 25 June 2017
Sorry, too busy playing Psychonauts (Audience: What, now?) that I'm not bothered to do anything else this weekend. So yeah, expect a quick one in the Klassic Note section haha

Then again, I need to find new songs. I can't just depend on LILI LIMIT lol okay let's finish this

アニメ Alice to Zouroku
I mean, Hatori-chan, you should've killed yourself. *shock* Mind blown. But please don't, otherwise we have no story to write lol
After this new episode (#AliceToZouroku11) we still have a mystery. Well, for the alternative world that is Wonderland, of course. But with Hatori's story, we may have a bigger picture. The girls talk about their past, and yes Sana-chan technically cannot talk about hers, but the show is trying to draw parallels. Through Sana-chan's perfect vocabulary and terminology that she learnt in like a month lol, she explains about how she is part of Wonderland as mentioned long before this episode, and how in this case she is just a communication tool created to link with the real world. So yeah, Dreams of Alice may just be instance, assumed the same way as our galaxy. (Remember The Big Bang?) That's as far as we know though, as Hatori talks about her past, her connection with her mother whom she shouldn't be too connected to anyways (her mother has some temper, her advice kind of sucks because she told Hatori to introduce herself to EVERYONE), and her life up till now. Hey, human versus an entity, which one is more real? We shall wait for the final episode? I guess, to find out.
Nice try, b*tch. *laughs*
As if that door will work when Sana can't use her powers.
P.S. MVP this episode is Kashimura "Happy Alien" Sanae haha. Okay, it's just her mainly, but I'm more focused on the storytelling than bother to think any of the two girls deserve praise. Come on, we know Sanae-chan is the real cute girl here haha talking too much makes you less attractive you know?

アニメ Tsuki ga Kirei
I don't believe I'm saying this but... KOUTAROU MOTHER MVP!!! No seriously, I'm not joking. You did it, old woman. *sob*
The new episode (#TsukiGaKirei11) focuses on Koutarou's decision last episode to go to the high school Akanecchi is going. So yeah, obviously the mother will get to hear about it, and there goes in the drama. Of course there's the usual transition of a quarrel with the mother, not listening to her for once in his goddamn life, and working hard to achieve his goals, even if it is for a woman. As I said, it's better to have a goal which is meaningless than have no goal which is meaningful. For pragmatic parents like Koutarou's, I feel it's just another stereotypical example of the story showing how this might pan out. But as the father said, the mother is supporting after regretting her stand. Hey, as they always say, parents never abandon their kids decisions to do anything. (okay, maybe is I said it, but still) Also worthy of mention but to a small extent is the Christmas meetup. Koutarou just bought a handkerchief which will make me as Akanecchi probably mad (haha can't say that huh, Akane?), but the return gift was much more. Hey, as mentioned before, Akanecchi may be doing way too much above what Koutarou has shown his love, but it's okay. Surprisingly, that's what makes this relationship going. I mean, even the sister's getting practical for some reason. I mean, Koutarou made his decision, so he's going to live with it, responsibility and everything. If they break up, then... I'll stop watching this show. So don't. Don't even try, dear author. *laughs*
An overview of the Mizuno family.
A kind of rebellious kid, the mother who cares too much, and the father who sips his tea lol
P.S. This week's insert song is... adapted to a Chinese song somehow, if I'm not wrong. (No really, stop stealing awesome Japanese songs already haha) The melody is surprisingly familiar. Yes, I recognise that even as I weep. Hey, perfect timing, isn't it?

アニメ Eromanga-sensei
Yep, it's the episode we've been waiting for. And I wonder how this got on national TV, really. Oh it was a late night broadcast? No wonder lol
The final episode (#EromangaSensei12) is still from the original work I suppose, and as promised from Elf-sensei to Sagiri after the work vacation in the villa she promised the stay-in to do anything in return. Muramasa was dragged in against her will, and Masamune gets to watch? Haha, guess what? We're always the biggest beneficiaries. In case you knew you shouldn't watch this show because you're pure unlike me lol, there was doujinshi ie. hentai manga, some censorship, and a work of art. I mean, a work of art diagramming a penis. Come on, Muramasa can't be the only knowledgeable one haha. Besides that, everyone had a great time (as usual, the audience enjoyed the most lol), and I didn't get a boner. Thank goodness. But hey, I wouldn't be surprised for a season 2 or whatever, as they did kind of leave something behind for future plot development, like Sagiri doing doujinshi, showing the manager once again and stuff. I'm very welcome for this harem erotic slice-of-life stuff any time of the day, especially if it doesn't turn me on. No really, porn is more than this FYI haha
I don't want to put a mature content warning, so you only get this lol
Sagiri when she has locked on to some pussy cute girls haha
P.S. Mature rating? If not including this episode this is lower than Seitokai Yakuindomo. After this one though, I'm not so sure anymore haha

アニメ PriPri Chii-chan!!
Surprise!! I mean, I didn't expect to watch a kid's show either lol
Let's talk a little about how I started with this show. It's the theme songs. *laughs* Okay, I know it's been like, cornered by people I know of already (Asakura Momo's doing the opening, Aki-chan is in the ending, and the new ending theme is going to Natsukawa Shiina's 2nd single) but still. The show may just be simple in plot, it may just be a ten-minute show, but I must say, I'm enjoying it. After all these weeks I decided to not wait for it to end because chances are it isn't (this can go on forever as far as I can tell), so I decided to talk about it from here. In summary, the story talks about underground dwellers (of course they must be cute) coming up to the surface ie. human world in fear of being taken into custody or whatever, but hey they met a good guy. Yuka-chan (as voiced by Asakura Momo) is the human who houses Chii-chan (the main guy), Joe-kun (the bro) and Uc-chan, which Yuka has previously taken care of prior to Chii-chan's arrival. Since then, they have been playing around with her life (and vice versa lol), and this is how the story goes apparently. We've reached a point where it's reaching the point of plot development because for once (as of Episode 11), Yuka is going to visit the underground world with the others! (Okay, there's that alien, I know) So yeah, we may be seeing Non-chan (voiced by Aki-chan, coincidentally) and many others in the near future. Hey, I'm not telling you to watch a kid's show, I iterate again, but amongst all the credits and whatever it takes to make this show funny (it's not an original production ie. it's a manga adaptation like most Anime anyway), so you can give it a chance. But of course, if you're bored of slapstick humour and can't take irritating cute stuff, then I guess you should stay away de-chi! *laughs*
A summary of Yuka-chan havinig this many irritating stuff cute beings
P.S. So yeah, I'll only be covering this show every end of a season (for as long as this goes I guess), so expect the next review in like, September. No promises then, that's for sure, but I'll still mention it once in a while, yes?

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
The new chapter (129) probably will leave us more confused than ever, if not worse. I shall spoil it for your right now because I got to discuss about it starting now - there are two Ciel Phantomhives. I'm not joking. Why? I can't get an idea of it as fast as I can finish reading it, but this is no hallucination. I hope the decked-out drawing of the painting has got nothing to do with it (haha I doubt so lol), but then it was a surprise. For once I thought it was the father but hey, I recognised those thin, short legs. Then again, many have seen who the "Blue Star" is, and is also possibly the main antagonist of this arc besides Bravat himself, but hey, saving himself? Why doesn't Bravat say anything about it? Or is this just a separate thing? Thinking that might go two sides anyways, I would consider the first one more plausible. Assuming Bravat saved the one guy in order to rid of Agni and in consequence, getting rid of the current Ciel (as I would call the not "Blue Star" guy from now) to take his place. Funny thing is then, why? Is there some family history we have been missing out? Then again, we'll not know. What we do know though, now leading to the other side, Soma has seen the face of the killer, and chances are as we have seen that it's not as short as Ciel, and it has got to do with Elizabeth who is still, currently missing. So many questions still left unanswered, but I feel we're getting closer. Damn, I wished I could read this in bulk instead. (Also, I'd like to assume for now, that the "Blue Star" has nothing to do with "imposter" Ciel now; let's treat them separately until the story reveals any link.)
P.S. My guess here is the "imposter" Ciel is the him from before the fire, ie. when he hasn't gave up hope and he's still some arrogant rich kid or whatever. Remember, we don't know too much about his past.

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapter (64) discusses about what has been aired on Anime but surprisingly unforgettable, which is just the guys trying to pick up girls. Haha not really, as they use a packet of fortune-telling sweets to tell the tale. I mean, the girls aren't even mad.
They are playing girls' stuff though, Saya-chan.

漫画 A Channel
The new chapter (96) tries to make those two teachers (you know who I'm talking about haha) and Kamate-sensei is here to help lol. Stringing Tooru to help out, and Run-chan somehow being in it, they spot the couple having lunch together. Through a series of unexpected events, they are somehow indebted to each other. Okay, Kitou-sensei wants it, so... *laughs* All in all, it's going according to plan. I mean, for Kamate-sensei, at least.
That's not it, Nagi-chan~
P.S. MVP this week Nagi-chan (the one above) because of the last part. I mean, no one will recognise her without her glasses already she doesn't need the censoring lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week brings us a couple of releases, of which I'm probably not putting on my list just yet. Yeah, it's hard to find new songs recently. First things first, I finally got some time to listen to Ray's best album and also her final release, and decide to just give one last song as a send-off. For this week, negoto's new single is really not great in my opinion at least, and I haven't gotten a hold of TWEEDEES' new mini-album yet. I mean, I know I have Apple Music, but even then.

And next week brings us the long-awaited LILI LIMIT's new EP which no doubt I'll give a listen to, and I'm starting to like the topic song this time around.

In other news, Neat's = YUI from RYTHEM = Niitsu Yui is starting off her final change in artist name to start off anew in yet another refresh of her music career. Using her own name now, she intends to release an album soon and already has new song previews up online. I mean, it doesn't feel like any different in music style I guess, but visually it was quite a change. I wouldn't say an improvement since I don't really care, but I can't wait to listen to more of her new songs. Remember 2014? Yeah, it's been a while already. I need those new songs haha

This is it then. If I forget anything blame on the game haha. I'll talk a little about my experience thus far as a closure then. Psychonauts as a game is pretty interesting in concept, and back in 2005 (I'd be like, 12?) this would have been my time-killer. Then again, it's your usual back then new generation 3D platformer, which proves tough for me especially when I am using the recently purchased game controller to play. It's not the controls thing, but either it's I'm dumb or the bosses are tough, but I just can't do it well. I end up finding walkthroughs to help me get through some parts of the game (I've used the "lifeline" for three times already thus far, on to my fourth soon lol), which makes me feel like a cheater. Oh well, I just want to finish playing the story at least. If you haven't played it though, you would like the story, to say the least. Now I want to play the sequel which is going to release soon. Like, next year soon if I'm not wrong.

Cya guys next week then, and until next week... I'll spend some time on APoL if I can (because after this I'll be tied to FYP very soon) and I'll do up an update on Apple Music. In case you don't know, it has gotten a whole lot better the last time I reviewed it. Until next time then.