
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #28

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #28

Sunday, 09 July 2017
Hey I'm back!! Okay, I did promise myself to do up an Anime in review post from last week to talk about Anime in general and its influence in Klassic Note, but... I think I missed it. By quite a bit. I better get this done next week or whatever or maybe I do it next season?? lol

Hey new season Anime!! Hope we all enjoy this underrated off-peak season, yes? (I wrote this before I watched any of the shows below, just so you know)

[*All Anime reviewed are Episode 1 unless otherwise stated]

アニメ Koi to Uso
Why can't they do a show where the love is mutual AND the government approves?! Haiz, I guess you can't have best of both worlds haha
"I don't know what to make of this show, man." Is quite literally the words I said as soon as the first episode (#KoiToUso01) ended. But I must say, this is quite a good show. Firstly, let's talk about what's good. First, the story. It has a good plan of showing statistically that arranged marriage by the government proves to be a positive thing for the society, but then also shows how much teenage love has to prevail in the event of such an eventuality. Of course realistically everyone would hate society (especially the people in this story) for interfering in their freedom of seeking love, but I must say even in Japan this might be passable as a way for most directionless citizens to finally be able to have a better future with someone they can truly love. I said "can". I didn't say "will". To top it up, that was some ending, so the ending theme song gets some good credit. The animation is also decent in portraying whatever is necessary for the story to progress (FYI the source is a light novel so images are scarce), so that is also a plus. Now. THE BAD. *evil laughs* Okay, firstly, the opening theme song. Seriously, Fujifabric? You're a disappointment once again. I mean, I'll probably listen to it without the Anime (which still sucks BTW), but even then it's a weak song. Pretty much like Anime Kuzu no Honkai, the opening theme song is covering bad for what the show is about to portray in terms of theme and mood. Secondly, the story. Yeah, can't be a story without criticism, yes? Because getting a message in the middle of the night (I mean, I don't pull all-nighters and I'm a good minor to be at home sleeping when the clock strikes twelve) or even getting a notice letter from government officials as soon as the clock strikes and even delivering it to me personally in a park they probably don't know of?? It's not just coincidence, my friend. Then, there's the distractions. As irritating as they might be, I'm still concerned about certain things that have been briefly shown and mentioned throughout this first episode. (1) The mention of physical contact - listed by the classmate which of course, can be dismissed off easily, (2) The physical contact - where the main couple (if you have been watching) continuously hug each other time and time again to show confession of love even though the government is watching, and (3) the extent of physical contact - where the is a kiss but it's no ordinary one. It's an exceptionally long one, it's literally French kiss (which explains saliva presence), and she says she wants more. So there you have it. How far this can go? If you saw the next episode preview someone had a loose school blouse and her bra is showing. So I'll leave you to guess it out. I'll still hold the three-episode rule in order to determine if I want to continue this journey (I mean, just Hanazawa Kana-chan isn't enough FYI), and to see if by any chance this will derail in the wrong direction. I mean, I was quite literally not staring at the monitor for a solid 2 minutes when they kiss. TWO MINUTES!! I'll leave it to you to watch this because it's going to be overrated anyway. Okay I better stop.
The grass he plucked out lol
(I was seriously thinking between this and the burial mound thing though haha)
P.S. The first damn thing I do when I receive the notice on my 16th birthday is to (1) not read it on my birthday so that it will not spoil any birthday celebrations (if any) because it (most likely) will suck and (2) read it right after my day is over so that I can come to terms with it ASAP haha
P.P.S. Praising the main plot a little more (not the mention of sex and kissing of course), I think the idea of a letter pushing one to confess to another which will be a miracle if it's mutual love and it is is pretty fantastic. And I wished the government thing would be done a little more subtle, because I thought I was watching Men In Black lol no really this is not that original Anime about money

アニメ Aho Girl
Wait, so is this girl an idiot or is this like Seitokai Yakuindomo? I don't know lol
Okay, this first episode (#AhoGirl01). Probably my most anticipated show of the season (for now), this is a show about an idiot for the main girl. Not just a normal idiot, because if it's like someone who is a sick-minded freak it's easy to dismiss. But considering she has been referred to as a monkey, there is no doubt about it. Yoshiko here, our main girl, is an idiot. (And I will refer all 'idiot' words from now on to her in this column, so take note) Claiming very similar visual references to the author's previous work, the main guy Akkun (Akuru, if you're interested not an idiot and want to know his name) (also, romanised so you wouldn't read as an alphabet "A"; I know you're no idiot but still) (Yes that was totally referring to her) is the perfect target of such a person. Being a neighbour and probably childhood friend, this guy has a short temper and is uncaring of others (unless with respect to the idiot who surprisingly can remember his attributes) (then again how did she get all the vocabulary) who likes to beat people up for their extreme stupidity. Yes, "extreme" is the emphasis here. Back to the idiot, I mentioned about me referring to Seitokai Yakuindomo (congrats on movie premier BTW) in the beginning. That is because most of the plot this episode goes around sexual references, from seeing panties to grabbing boobs (I mean, brings back memories?) (Then again only an idiot will get past that), and it's hard to ignore. On the other hand, the author did grab (oops pun not intended) the chance to use that to extend the stupidity (Oh I'm hating to type this word now) of this idiot (this word too) besides the fact that she behaves like a monkey. Oh, and can we have Yuuki Aoi act the part but without the 2D counterpart? I'd like a stupid Aoi-chan in my life haha (note that I didn't use that word here) All in all, this show has too many tsukkomis (ie. idiot joke reactions) to list them all, but suffice it to say if you like such things (which I do) I recommend you stay. angela for opening theme song is perfect for this show (not for the animation which I hope will be improved in later episodes) and once again I've crossed paths with Uesaka Sumire (the last time was Anime KONOBI). We shall see. I'm watching this show though, for the laughs
[I can't decide on one so you get TWO!! Also, will try to control myself on images from next episode. No promises haha]
This show in a nutshell.
The book Akkun's reading is "How to take care of pets" lol

Right back at you Akkun, because you LITERALLY have no friends.
I have them but I don't contact them and leave them on my list, but you...
P.S. "I want to stand above others." I mean, if Trump can do it, so can you!! Haha I better take that back she's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too dumb to be ANY President
P.P.S. You're supposed to find friends for me, idiot! I'm not supposed to see you make friends and I don't because I'm taking care of you! (Okay I overdid this liao. Then again, I'm here to prove the stupidity of that idiot)
(My comment on RC)

アニメ Tsurezure Children
Wow. I didn't expect this show to be this good. I'm liking it. And this confession, I'm not joking about it.
This romance Anime may sound like your typical show which wants to talk about everyone (we have four prospective couples here) within its story confessing to someone else, but hey, this one might just be right up my alley. We are shown in the first episode (#TsurezureChildren01) four couples, each with their outstanding feature which makes them super passive, in between, active, and reminiscent (in this order) about confessions to each other, which simplifies this episode, for starters. On the other hand, I'm liking how much it takes to make this first episode look so good (besides the animation lol), but also setting things right, right at the start. (I'll base the following from memory, so pardon me) Things that this show set right at the start is the cast. For knowing all female character voice actors this season (well, most of them tbh) and recognising them right off the bat is a consolation, as I'm immediately comforted by the familiarity of voices in literally the romance Anime I've been waiting for for years lol. The passive Takase couple (or as I will call them from now on maybe) has the guy happy about the girl who wants to confess to him but can't and ends up being a meetup than the start of a romance story? Oh well work hard then haha. The in between active and passive Furuya couple has the direct from the girl to the guy who is being a dere for some reason. But hey, this could work out someday, I guess? Got to put those jokes aside first though lol. The active Akagi couple on the other hand, is literally the embodiment of aggresive romance, asking for ridiculous things and probably getting away with it. Well, considering you've been blackmailed to be allowed to smoke in school of course there has to be compensation. Not a hundred thousand yen though lol. Last but not least, the Sasahara couple (because I remember the girl's name better haha) is about a junior missing the chance on her senior as he graduates. I mean, it's about time to cut out the jokes, yes? Or will she? We don't know. On other things, it seems that we may not be done yet with this pairing up, as they may be more, and as more of them appear, will this show be able to finish them all? Hey, if there's good theme songs (I must praise Ogura Yui for the ending theme song it sounds nice hehe) I'll stay to hear them all. The romance stories, if the government won't suddenly appear to give them marriage orders lol *wink*
(Because confession scenes are too commonplace anyway)
Good to know at the least that Akagi is rich lol
P.S. Which romance story do I like? I mean, I saw a couple on LINE in the opening animation, so I'll hold on to my choice for now. We may have my answer very soon though
P.P.S. This show may become the best of this season here. I said it. See if I'm right or not three months later. See you at Issue #40 or something. Also, the next episode preview may show us a different story for Sasahara because goodbye senpai hello new confession target?
(Just to show I'm not an idiot *wink* I know of each couple's strengths and weaknesses which we will no doubt be exploring them in later episodes so stay tuned)
(My comment on RC)

FYI Gamers (the Anime) airs next week, so I'll be doing that along with... most of the above the next time round. I'm impressed thus far, not lying.

And also? I know I shouldn't mention Puri Puri Chii-chan Episode 13 at any point before the end of this new season, but hey, new theme songs!! Didn't expect HoneyWorks to appear as opening theme (Mocho, no!~), and as for Nan-chan for ending theme... she's dancing that, right? RIGHT??
Yes, alien wear included don't you DARE run away from it Nan-chan

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapter (66) talks about a dagashi we might be familiar with, especially in tropical countries - ice pops. You don't really need a knife to do this, and I am not manly enough to ever break that in half (and I've eaten quite a lot), but a pair of scissors would do. We don't want potential murderers to roam the streets considering the terrorists warnings in countries in recent years lol
Because this chapter is also in celebration of Anime release so color page!!
Uh... Hotaru-chan?
P.S. Yeah Kokonotsu-kun she's not getting married to you not with some stupid dagashi haha Hotaru-chan is no idiot *wink*

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow this week? No new songs, but I did once again go on a journey, though a short one. The Floor's new mini-album finally got my attention after the music video did not get stuck on my brain for nearly a month, but that doesn't mean I'll get a chance to review their releases once again like last year. Also releasing in-store release (damn you Tower Records) is vivid undress and their new mini-album, in which the topic song and music video I'd like to refer to as "feeling like an Anime theme" (you may find my comment in the video page hehe), and it really feels like it, so I decide to give them chance despite hearing their whole portfolio of three mini-albums. Last but not least, I got to know of Ryokuoshokushakai (Trans. Green Yellow Color Society) or "Ryoku Shaka" as they like to be referred, are a bunch of youngsters (average age Natsukawa Shiina's age today) who can do pop music. Well, I only gave their latest song because of their main vocal Haruko-chan (hehe), but hey, it's going to be a start. Be sure to check all three of them on YouTube because nowadays if you don't publicise yourself as an indie artist online no one will know you lol (their 2nd mini-album releases next month FYI) (really f**k you Tower Records and your exclusives) (well still better than live event only releases)

Well, I maybe talking mostly about Anime for this part, so please bear with me. angela's new single which releases this week (right after Anime premier for some reason) and is also somewhat a summer song is not out yet, so I'll have to wait. So... yeah, this week there's nothing. Well, I wouldn't say that, but I'll talk about it later. For an overview of songs this month, KANA-BOON's new single is next week and the music video is... okay? The long awaited G-FREAK FACTORY's new single is also going to be out this month, if you guys know of the Gunma TV drama which transitioned to the movie which both use the same theme songs, is done by this rock band I've never heard of. Also released this month is Ogura Yui's 2nd album - I know, like "why?" right? - which has Anime Tsurezure Children's ending theme song and Anime Aho Girl's ending theme song later this month, and yes, it's Uesaka Sumire once again. I missed it last year (sorry Konobi), and I don't think I can avoid it this year hehe. We shall see. (Edit: Oh yeah fumika's new single is in this month somewhere too I don't remember lol)

Talking about Anime, Minase Inori's new single will release next month and it sounds great already especially when you watch the show, Natsukawa Shiina Nan-chan's new single is also sounding funny yet great (I mean, I can't wait), and HoneyWorks may just have to appear on the list again. Hey I don't mean they suck, but I want to start with a good first song impression, and I think this might be it.

On other things, more music videos are making their way online (be sure to check out my *updated* YouTube playlist if you haven't already), on YouTube and on Apple Music, and if you read my follow-up post on that my sis also subscribed to Apple Music (for Ikimonogakari mainly), glad that FLOWER FLOWER is back after yui's pregnancy, Porno Graffitti is back with a new single due September, and I'm finally tired of fhana. Sorry guys; the year 2014 was really a dream haha

This is it then. Many news this few weeks, very little music (I've been brainwashing myself with the indie songs recently haha) too, and new Anime just released. So yeah, the pace will kick in once these theme songs add themselves to my list, but for now I'll just sit back and... I know. I haven't cleared those soundtracks at all. I should write a post on that too. I mean, I listen to Anime soundtracks sooo attentively in the past... okay I'll leave it on that post haha. Cya guys next week then, and until then... if you're still alive and not killed by natural disaster (I won't be I assure you) please do check in from time to time to see if I picked up my lazy a** to do up a couple more posts.
