
The Klassic Note Review 2017.07 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2017.07 Issue 1

Thursday, 20 July 2017
It could have been yesterday. I'm literally dipped in TrySail from remembering their live performance and probably making sure this isn't the only issue this month already *wink*, and now I've no mood to do this. Oh well, I'll get into the mood.

*After review* Okay I'm good now. Let's get to it! Yay Aki-neechan!! Haha guess what's playing on my music player now lol

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Toyosaki Aki - love your Best [Album]
Limited EditionRegular Edition12-inch Vinyl Limited Edition
(No seriously, they all look the same to me, even in vinyl. Thanks for the close-ups anyway; very much appreciated haha. Personally prefer the one on the left for some reason, and everything in the booklet hehe)

Origin: We all are not unfamiliar with Toyosaki Aki. I say this again because you should get some acquaintance with this lovely, unique, and interestingly cute voice. There, I said it. Apart from me being quite a fan of this Anime voice actress, I also dwell into her world of music, where she started her solo music career eight years ago during her birthday week. Today, she is still well remembered in Klassic Note despite me listening to new songs continuously for ten years already (#KN10YEARS), but I must say she was a good addition. Something I didn't regret letting her in on. A collection worthy artist, to say the least. And now, we remember her great tunes in this great collection she handpicked herself it seems, and see my extent of immersion in her songs.

[Review Notes: For this particular release I will change my format, and instead of quoting from previous reviews I'll quote lyrics from various parts of the songs, translate them (you're welcome), and discuss about how they all fit her, and why it may be her choices for the many songs she sung.]

(Again, pardon my translations; This is Klassic Note, not Japanese learning school. I do to the best of my limited abilities)

(1) Issennen no Sanpo Chuu [During A Thousand-Year Walk]
From the chorus:
"'Say, we are nothing
But this hand (of ours) can do anything from here on'
And so I taught (that to) you"
This song is teaching me something. In this long walk. In this long stroll we have all been through, and I think this song means something. It immediately caught my attention as one of the better songs in her third album, and today stays as her radio broadcast ending theme song, which means a lot to all of us. If Aki-chan were to teach us something, is probably that we are not alone. That we may be nothing, but we can do wonders, just like her. And for that, I feel thankful once again. Thanks Andou Yuuko for writing so many great tunes including this one, to help us feel what she feels.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

(2) SHUN PU [trans. Spring Wind]
From the first chorus:
"You smile in this spring day
Blossoming, blossoming are the cherry blossom flowers
One, two, three, four (of them)
Counting the happiness as the (petal of) flowers dance"
Ah, this song has so many feels. I mean, if you didn't like any of her songs, this will be the only saving grace. Because this, is THE BEST SONG in her list. Fans guaranteed, including me. Simple in melody, lyrics are easy to remember. Such happiness, such loveliness, coupled with a wonderfully cute voice, you cannot not love this song. Which is pretty much my first impression too, and till today hasn't changed. I am still, like the others, loving and always, without fail, singing to this song every time she performs this song. And this is testament to how much love there is in her songs. This one, in particular, has touched many hearts.
Rating; 4 stars (Unsurprisingly Above-Average Great)

(3) Shamrock
From first verse:
"(I) shout out from the window, let's have a secret talk
(With) the train that passes, counting the colors, (we) shall go outside"
"The underdog", interpreted as I peek on the previous album review, and I can see why. It's averagely everything. Simple, happy, a song that feels like Aki-chan taking on a stroll again... how can you not feel at home? I never doubted this song was great, but it definitely didn't click too much on me. But it sure is a lovely song, and descriptively nice I would describe, are the lyrics too. Overall a wonderful tune, which is no wonder Aki-chan has taken a liking to it too. I like too, really.
Rating: 4 stars (Unknowingly Average)

(4) Kataomoi no Theme [Theme of One-Sided Love]
From first verse:
"Can't, can't, can't be true to myself
Darn, (when) you're in front (of me)
Being a cute girl would be great
Again, falling in love, (I) can't say it out but
The feelings of affection, I can't hide (from you)"
Before there was love, there must be infatuation. I guess this is what the song wants to try to pass on to us. For the cute Aki-chan who has not been able to convey her feelings, this song gives a more direct approach and making it feel like a love confession scene, which is likely not the case. Nonetheless, the song spells of love all over the place, and we should always love her back, yes? For such a wonderful, cute and simple melody and straightforward lyrics, "I love you" Aki-chan.
Rating: 4 stars (Cutely Average)

(5) Clover
From intro verse:
"All the memories crammed, into my very small treasure
Up till now (whatever is) inside my heart, (will) always, always shine"
This one. This literally ticks all the available blanks I can give and expect from Aki-chan's songs, considering this is the third album coming, and this one is so great. Diving into the lyrics, it gets even better. The lyrics just perfectly describe the many years she can been singing thankful songs, treasuring every single one like so, and feeling happy about music in general. That, this song has covered all the ground. Coming into the best album, this one hits me even further. Now that I truly treasure her songs, this best album is a testament to how much I like of her music, and if there's way to say it all, this song can do it for me. I, for one, am satisfied. And it's not even a love song. Saying thanks is enough to make me blush.
Rating: 5 stars (Perfectly Awesome)

(6) Orion to Spangle [Orion and Spangle]
From first chorus:
"(I) look up to see the Orion "mist" likely seeing a squall of shooting stars
Going out without an umbrella and spinning around, let's go to the park"
God, this song. Being one of the most compelling songs in the list, this one had a rough time getting into the list, and I'll say it again. It's a song of celebration, no doubt, it's a song to sing to, but it's not a song for her. Maybe a miss, I suppose, but this doesn't feel like Aki-chan. Of course, on exploring the music styles she can take, I would wonder if this is one of those considerations. Then again, this song is as cheeky *wink* as herself I guess, and it still feels very like her as I hear it today. Very happy, slightly cute, makes you think of festivities... what could be better?
Rating: 4 stars (Somehow Below Average)

(7) Shirotsumekusa [White Clover]
From second chorus:
"When happy, when lonely, there is (always) that location
(Where) words I can leave aside
Little by little, little by little, (I) grow up, (I) have only one wish"
For making a flower the title, this song has many emotions bottled up in it, ready to deliver. I mean, for the many years Aki-chan has been singing, this also belongs to one of those tunes which are relaxing, reminiscent, and full of gratefulness. That, is so stereotypical of Aki-chan, it hits me almost immediately back in 2012. For being loved this long, I will never forget how much she has delivered, and this one, she delivers more than ever. So simple, so lovely. I can't get enough of this tune, seriously.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)
[P.S. If anyone can find out what she wishes for and tell me that'll be much appreciated]

(8) Hozuki [Ground Cherry]
From first chorus:
"This beautiful power that is summer
Turns the child us into forever (in memories)
This beautiful structure that is love
The moment of dreams in dreams, (as if) is in the time with God"
As I have probably mentioned, this is likely the unlikely summer song. Why? Because it feels so relaxed, so inactive, unlike so many summer songs out there. And that, I give it credit. It may have been a song easy to forget, but the style of the music is making it really memorable in the list of Aki-chan songs. Really, all I want to do is to play this in instrumental (like those in singles) and listen to this under the summer shelter. That, is an image of summer that you can never forget. So much environmental feels will quite literally, make you love summer again.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

(9) Dill
From first verse:
"Even now, (I'm) totally, totally, lack of confidence
But, (I) still believe, (in) this chest there is, (a) rhythm"
Wow, this song that created an impact. For being the 3rd single back in 2010, this song did create an impact. For feeling so much like the emotional pop that many composers feel niche to, this one created its unique feel, tempo and lyrics. No longer do we talk about happiness and thanks, but we focus on weakness and gratefulness. Still honest, but this one, the lyrics say it all. For the melody, I expected back then to only sound like what is in the first chorus. Like, a repeat of sorts; your usual pop melody. But this song blew me off with an alternative tune, and using Aki-chan's unusual voice and whisper, she quite literally talked me into liking this song. Satisfaction, and thanks, but in a different way.
Rating: 4 stars (Below Average)

(10) Patapa
From first chorus:
"As if thrown out (to the open), hands stretched widely, without wavering and shouting of love
Someday your eyes will not only reveal the one thing
That much I have always believed
Just like that, we step out (to the open) once again"
If you thought of rain when you see the title, I thought so too. But it's more than a beautiful tune. It has much meaning within. Learning from the lyrics, it's yet again in Aki-chan's aspiration to reach out, be happy, walk out a path of the future. A song of confidence, and a song of confession. And that, she sings happily with her style. This song, I can never forget. I mean, hit the intro and I'll be humming the voices right on beat. That's how much I loved this song back in 2013.
Rating: 4 stars (Lovingly Above Average)

(11) Kanae Tamae [Wish Come True]
From first verse:
"The same future, (I) would like to share with (you)
Accepting love like this (we) can surely grow up
Can't believe that it's impossible to not understand what is surely (love)"
"Love song". If Aki-chan were to ever confess to us using music at any point, it is going to be this one. Standing strong as the best love song since 2014, it may be an intentional pitch for Aki-chan to profess to the many fans about her feelings or thanks and love, and this one exhibited it rather fantastically. This one, I will never complain. The single itself presents itself somehow in a bigger image of being together in the future, but I'll not talk about how the B-side never got into this list. Still, if you still want to feel some treasured love from Toyosaki Aki, you still can, because this has everything. She has sent the message. And someday, I would like to return the favour.
Rating: 4 stars (Falling-in-love Above Average)

(12) letter writer
From intro verse:
"Gathered (your) thoughts, that are delivered, (the) heart feels so filled but
Searching for words, (I wonder) what do I actually want to hear..."
This must be how it feels when you write fan letters or reply them, if you're one of them or Aki-chan herself of course. The feeling where so much emotion is kept within ourselves, and how honest we can be in writing letters or even tell how we feel when we listen to her songs, be with her, supporting her all the way in her career (as a voice actor too)... it's all in this song, actually. It means a lot for them, for many who have really went all the way to make her a popular success. I think I did too, in my effort to keep listening to new songs. But for me, since I don't write letters, I can only feel. And I guess I can feel it. Maybe you can too. To her it means everything. To us, it might just mean a little more than that.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Average)

(13) Kimi ni Arigatou [Thanks To You]
From last chorus:
"Thanks, for you always being on my side and smiling
For days (I) cry, for days (I) felt lost, for sure (I) can overcome them all
As always, (I) never forget, the warm passion from you
For days (I want) to meet, for days (I) felt lonely, (I) just look at the sky
(For you who) have always protected (me), (I) give my thanks to you"
Technically Aki-chan's first emotional song. Being a piano piece, this one fits feelings hard. And yes, it's another song about her singing her thanks. This one, being so simple in melody, relies a lot on its lyrics, and it didn't disappoint. Because it has all the faucets of how she feels, and whatever is bottled up inside. This, is enough to make me tear up. I recall in her first album live performance where she did a piano solo of this song, and yeah, it brings up all the sadness and desperation within. I believe it can touch hearts too, since it touched mine. Be thankful to Aki-chan is all I can ask for all these years. Once again, thanks to you, Aki-chan. Your footing will never be forgotten. Also thanks to Oku Hanako for such a touching tune so that she can convey her feelings.
Rating: 4 stars (Beautifully Above Average)

(14) music
From first chorus:
"Ah now, wings of (the) heart open, believe in me
La la la, (I) sing, (a) song of happiness
With all (my) voice
(I) deliver to the sky, la la la"
This is just a happy song, isn't it? Thanks Tsuji Ayano again for the song, because this one just makes anybody smile. And I guess at that point after the first album where composers "tested" of  her voice then decided to changer her direction in music, and out comes this. Man, back in 2012 this was the best song from her list. I can recall myself not being able to stop listening and recalling this wonderful tune, and I think you'll like it too. Produced by a team with a weird name with familiar names of Kotoringo, Tsuji Ayano, mito etc. which will make you feel right at home with how great this song fits Aki-chan in its entirety. The music video is also something to remember, as the lyrics support so much of what the image can be, from balloons to singing notes. This, is indeed, a happy song.
Rating: 4 stars (Positively Average)

(15) love your life
From the first chorus:
"Today's sun is shining, (I) can live on; just that, I can taste happiness
Everything (my) eyes can see, thank you; I'll live on, (with) everyday new, while searching for songs"
This is it, man. The song that started everything. I can't thank the composer Rie fu (now Rie, in UK) enough for this, for this made Aki-chan who she is now, along with songs like SHUN PU. Along with the lyrics show how much honesty there is in her, and her wanting to be thankful, be happy, and be singing the new songs. This, is quite literally the emblem of Klassic Note I should follow. Other than that, we feel once again the unbelievably cute voice of Aki-chan back in 2009 (God, time flies), and how much different it feels hearing her sing today. And that, is what makes this first song so pivotal to her music career.
Rating: 4 stars (Nostalgically Above Average)

(16) Neko ni Naru [To Become (A) Cat]
From first chorus:
"I may not have name yet, because I'm (just a) cat (who) doesn't know
Someday I'll join hands with you, to become a useful person"
Ah, actually, a song that will nurture us. Hey, I may sound weird, but in all honesty, that's what I think the song is trying to convey. Unless you believe the song is all about cats, you might just be wrong. Being the only new song in this best album release, Aki-chan has maturely presented this new tune to us, and it feels as happy as the many songs she has sung thus far. It might just be the best closure to the eight years she has been singing songs, even though at first impression for a best album I expected something more emotional (I mean, you placed the best song at the end already), but this one would do too. I like a happy song. And Aki-chan's happy songs, I can never get enough.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

Conclusion: All in all, a great selection from Aki-chan, which is precisely the reason I would review this best album. And I swear it's not because I pretty much listened to every song from her, but giving her unique voice and the melodies that stem out from her needs no reason. For so many years of listening to her songs, she has the softest, cutest, and possibly most identifiable voice out of the artists I know of. And that, it'll be forever for me to remember. And looking into the future and recent music releases, I have cause to believe Toyosaki Aki will reach new heights. Not that I'm dissatisfied with her songs, because I cannot ask for more. This image she created for her solo music career is so nice, I wish it would last for eternity. It's time to love every single part of her music now, and for time to come.

-Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

Firstly, in all honesty because I am one and Aki-chan is honest about her solo music career for the most part (I mean, company business is not under her control), you would notice there are only a couple of 5-star songs from this list (namely "Clover" from 3rd album and "Patissiere" from 2nd single), despite me talking about how much I liked the tunes. This is because Aki-chan doesn't come up as an impression typically due to the fact that the songs she sings aren't delivering much impact (eg. fast/loud rock tunes) or aren't filled with extreme emotion (think very emo songs, pop and rock) which in the end didn't leave much of an impression. That is to say I didn't like them too, but it takes some time to get used to, and I eventually have grown to like them. This easily explains why you can see Aki-chan on the ranks every year she appears on the list. This is because I've always liked her songs, and want to place her in the ranks to give recognition, even though it's not much as she hardly hits the top. Her placement in Klassic Note's Top 20 is as follows: (subject to overall list songs' performance)

  • 2010: 16th - "Patisserie"
  • 2011: 13th - "Kataomoi no Theme"[M2], 20th - "SHUN PU" [M4] (yep)
  • 2012: 12th - "Shirotsumekusa" [M7]
  • 2013: 16th - "Patapa" [M10]
  • 2014: 17th - "Kanae Tamae" [M11]
  • 2016: 19th - "Clover" [M5] (yep, yep)
This is also in line with how much I want to keep this going for her, especially considering her songs may be hard to give from time to time. However, it has been proven easier compared to same company artist Kotobuki Minako which got cut out of the pre-ordering spree late 2014 with her second album. This shows that Aki-chan is actually a lot easier to give due to the many factors I mention in the review, and honestly saying that couldn't have been more timely. Even after the third album do I find myself easily giving new songs from her, or even from the latest single which I criticised heavily on the review, talking about how weak the whole song is... Despite all that, and I'm still here, trying to give every single song from my beloved. This, Mina-chan is not catching up with.

To end on a light note, I noticed on this compilation that even though it's Aki-chan's personal selection, it isn't as ideal as what I would expect. (You should've seen my face when the first song was "Ginga Station", which has been changed since then) Aki-chan has many other great hits besides the ones on the review, some appear on the Vinyl Edition (no, not "CHEEKY"), some didn't. For example, I was awoken by one single "Flip Flop" from back in 2013, and I swear is the best single I've reviewed thus far due to how easy I can give both the songs. The B-side in particular which sounds like a cat song, could've been in the list, or even "Flip Flop" itself. Also, Aki-chan's love for Chara-sensei has not been shown in this list too, for she wrote "LiLi A LiLi" for her 2nd album. Another one I would like it to be in the list is "Tomato", following up from the love confession that is "Kanae Tamae", which did make it in. Did I even mention her best emotional song "Portrait" is in neither compilation? How did this happen, seriously. On the other hand, songs which shouldn't make the list, in my opinion, are actually "music" [M14] and "Dill" [M9], due to their nature of incomprehensible song structure or even melody, to specify a little.

All in all, this is still a great selection. (Thanks, Aki-chan!) I do hope in the future we can still get great songs to couple with the most uniquely cute voice I've known to date. (No really, the newbies got nothing on her) That, I can very much hope. Composers like Tsuji Ayano (personal ranking 1st), Andou Yuko (who wrote the new song, and a couple of good ones) or even Chara herself deserve praise, while people like mito-sensei (who wrote both songs I don't want to see in this review above) should be avoided at length haha I can't give the guy's songs somehow. Okay, don't tell them I said it here; sometimes, you don't have a choice on who's writing your songs.

This shall be it for now. I'm running out of things for #KN10YEARS already. I'll talk more in the future when the whole picture can be shown, hopefully after a couple more blog posts.

Hey, since it's the best album, let's talk about it. Well, I fell into the trap of having to buy special stuff that comes along with it, and you bet I did it. Contrary to me wanting a towel from Ikimonogakari from last year (you could recall my sister paid for that), this one... I just want it, okay? Don't ask questions haha
Opening what is inside (not the towel lol that's not for practical use), I see even more beautiful stuff. Well, mainly the booklet, and that application form. Considering it delivered on time ie. before the weekend such that the form doesn't expire, I got a chance to get... well, free desktop and mobile wallpapers?
Yeah, I should've taken this at 11.11pm or whatever haha
Yep, that's right. Those who buy can all get it. Complimentary with successful application. Whether I'll get anything else out of the campaign (I mean, I can't talk on the phone with her. No, I really cannot) (It'll be just "arigatou bakkari" [Trans. many thanks] haha), then I opted for the safe option of getting a signed poster. If my wish came true Aki-chan, I'm going to jiss kiss on the poster (oops). I said it. Not going to prove that if it does happen though, for my chances are pretty slim, it would seem. I mean, there are THOUSANDS applying for a chance at something. I seriously, have no chance. And what's more, I saw the notice on their official website citing accounts now need official detail and identity in order to register... well, I'll just take the wallpapers, thanks. *sigh*
Other than that piece of paper which just gives two PNGs (lol), there's the booklet of course. Suffice it to say I'll not show it here, and I'll just say "why aren't these the shots for the special gift photos instead". Haha really, those inside are great. Can't imagine what's in the Limited Edition. Guess I'll never know about it then. I stay true to strict Klassic Note rules. Well, buying the towel is an exception already, but still. *giggles*

Okay, that's it. If you see me fill up THE OPINION segment means I've done my work for #KN10YEARS, and also for myself to remember everything great (in the review) and not (which is why the segment) about Aki-chan. Ugh, my eyes are twitching for me to sleep already. OK, cya guys next time then, and until then... "Aki-chan LOVE" should be my gamer tag lol

P.S. Oh? We have an update on the orders? Yes, we do. So yeah, stay tuned for next week I suppose, for THREE single reviews coming soon. I'm sorry about Sumipe getting death threatened, but at least I can talk about her new single, yes? Hehe see you guys on the next issue! Yay!

P.P.S. This one is for you, Aki-chan. May you always stay cute, lovely, and... AND!!! Ugh my sides hurt
I know, I missed a single (not two), but yeah. You were too cute on that last song in your 2nd single. They say it's impossible, so I was thrown off.