
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #35

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #35

Sunday, 27 August 2017
Well, I'm trying to watch an AbemaTV repeat broadcast as I type this because I missed the one just now over dinner. If you're interested it's a special for celebrating Tendou Karen from Anime "Gamers!" from reaching a "happy end" (sypnosis below hehe) for some reason. (lol reasons for starting a live broadcast but I swear it's because of opening theme release this week, also see below) But I'm here to watch Ookubo Rumi-chan so whatever haha. Also a good chance to discover how things work on that site so I can extend this to using it for Klassic Note purposes. You know, some like to do live performances and reveal live broadcasts there for some reason. I guess "it is getting popular"?? haha

Okay, let's get to it. I need to type softer on this Surface Pro 4 so I can hear what they say lol (oh yah I could just use the Type Cover instead of this Bluetooth keyboard haha)

アニメ Aho Girl
I thought Dagashi Kashi was the only show I'd see people talking about sweets in. So in-depth too. This show has everything, it seems.
Okay maybe it's just me but this new episode (#AhoGirl08) has got all the voice actors written all over it. I now then noticed that for the second half of the episode, so I'll talk about the first half haha. That idiot is hanging out with the gals again, and this one is about love talk. Hey, it sound like girls' talk, but YOU MUST let that idiot's reactions get into you, despite the usual understanding and advisory on handling with relationships like most girl friends do. But hey, that's what is different. The other was the kids buying snacks for their upcoming field trip, and as I mentioned in the intro, I didn't expect them to talk about this in such detail, which is only covered in brief in THE Anime about sweets. In the second half of the show, I didn't expect to notice Sugita Tomokazu (the guy who voices Akkun) sounds exactly like himself when he sounds manly, he has mentioned before he likes Sumipe (who voices the Prez) and there are rumours of that in the past which explains the irony of their 2D relationship now (I mean, production knows, right?), and... I think this is the most overreaction I've EVER heard Sumipe voice any character I've heard of, considering I only heard of like, three. *laughs* On other other things, the dog found himself a... lover? A phobia, more likely haha
This looks correct, but I swear it's totally wrong ESPECIALLY THAT IDIOT haha
P.S. BTW Almond Crush Pocky (Deluxe) is indeed a snack sold only in Japan. *This episode is sponsored by glico* <- This is the alternative intro too haha

アニメ Tsurezure Children
beta beta [ベタベタ] - 1. sticky​; 2. all over​; 3. clinging (e.g. of a person); following around​. Thanks for the definition! (I mean, they overused this word already)
This new episode (#TsurezureChildren08) talks about being all clinging, ie. being intimate with one another. And in a field of romance pairs, this can only get better. We start off with the Gouda couple, where he thinks he's doing too little to feel like a pair, and she wants more. A lot more. Hey, if the guy's desperate we'll get something doing, that's for sure. The Chiaki pair is also doing it, following the previous story spreading around the school (I like the continuation, baby) and instead of somewhere private someone's trying to play soccer in the middle of a cafe haha. Anyways, you can guess what happened. I mean, the mother's not there, but still. Then, we have the Akagi couple. I mean, even as friends if you got better in your grades the least you could do to repay your tutor is to... let him touch your chest?? Yeah, awkward as hell, but as Akagi mentioned he just wanted to show his passion. This one, Ryouko is holding back quite a lot. Gal personality? I don't think so. But if she loses that personality I guess Akagi wouldn't like her that much too, so this is good enough. Lastly, we see God Katori (I told you he was Jesus) with his lost kitten (one of them) after what seems to be a brutal fight  (because he could've just dropped from a tree) leaving him in injury. After that... ah, I thought this would lead up to something proper though, but yeah, it ended up feeling like the next generation of *ahem* ninja Anime or whatever I mean the way to not be too popular Katori-senpai is to go out with someone and kill all hopes of the others. BOOM! Got him. *laughs*
Again, why is Patricia (right) here (joke not intended) when she wasn't even formally introduced??
[Dialogue: She's asking if Gouda 'sushi'-s Kamine-chan lol; Answer is 'suki']
P.S. Oh I saw the next episode preview and that LINE couple is there haha I'm going to like this damn this show never stops making me interested. Or is it just me? Hmm...
P.P.S. I also like how facial features can be in play despite the somewhat sketchy animation ie. mouth to nose I mean can you even see the nose?? Haha not criticism because 3D animation sucks anyway but still
I know I can do this but I'm not popular I wonder why lol
OMAKE!! (Ah, too late?)

アニメ Gamers!
If you've been waiting episodes for this to happen, I guess the wait is over. Ladies (if any) and gentlemen, welcome to Gamers!, a romance comedy Anime. hehe
The new episode (#Gamers07) talks about what happened right after the confession scene with Amano and Tendou at episode 1 last episode haha, and yeah, Amano did end up going on a date with Tendou. I mean, Hoshinomori may be in the way, but still. What does she know, right?? Anyways, it appears at least from the other three perspectives (Uehara, Aguri, Chiaki) that the misunderstanding have not cleared yet, but at least for now at the end of the episode I'd like to say things have cleared up  between Tendou and Amano. Maybe. We don't know. It still feels as confusing considering how dumb some of them are in their inferential skills. Then again, it's not like I don't get it, the show should continue this awkwardness for a while, but I like how I get to see Tendou in bikini now after weeks of end card artwork every episode haha. All in all, I'm liking this show, how messy it potentially is, how little they take to clear them up, and how much can still be done despite all of this. Sounds like my house's storeroom lol. Honestly saying? I'l satisfied already. This is as much as we might have as a romance Anime for this show, and I'm liking it. I'm going to wait for the day Tendou explodes from embarrassment and excitement, and for that, I want to see hehe
I seriously want to see Tendou fluster more.
It makes me happy seeing this popular, serious girl get confused over the one guy haha
P.S. If you've read from the intro paragraph, you would have known this show has held a special live broadcast about celebrating the "happy end" of Tendou, but yeah, also a reminisce episode for them too, as the main three female roles talk about their best scenes. Two are from this episode so we can talk about it. Ookubo Rumi-chan (voices Aguri) chose Tendou appearing in a swimsuit and Amano saying "thank you" because she thinks it's very otaku-like (lol), and Kanemoto Hisako (voices Tendou Karen) chose the final scene of this episode on the bus where they confess to each other, thinking this is very romantic and cringy too, if I didn't interpret wrongly. All in all, a great listen hehe
P.P.S. The author himself herself? (Aoi Sekina) She chose last week's episode Amano attempt to ask Tendou out as the best scene. But yeah, this is the penultimate already for this show, isn't it? Or is it? Hmm...

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapters (74,75) talk about Hotaru's journey after she was lost the previous chapter. Remember she left the bus stop as Kokonotsu was going for summer class? Yeah, she got lost. Sounds pretty normal for a city girl, and she probably can deal with hit herself relatively easily, but no. She ends up though, relying on dagashi to get help and eventually, Kokonotsu found her adter her long trek all day lol. Then, she fell asleep on the shop until late at night, and of course kind boy Kokonotsu helps to send her home (yeah, she has one btw) despite it burning his time to pursue his own hobbies/career/interest or whatever you call it haha start taking over the shop already lol
My life in a nutshell haha

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
The new chapter (130) continues on the fairytale story of Ciel Phantomhive, before the fire that changed both of their lives, for better or for worse. Because I had to read back a bit to remember whose perspective we're at, so I'd like to warn you to stop right now as you are if you haven't read it yet, and wait another month because the story will be complete. [SPOILERS AHEAD] Now, the story. We know that Ciel's mother gave birth to twins, but we don't really know who is who. Until now. Ciel - the one we know of since Chapter 1 - is the younger one. As mentioned throughout the chapter too, he was the replacement, a copy, an independent, never a heir, weak, lonely... well, everything about Ciel as we know of now has been shown. Fortunately, whatever the other Ciel has been doing since he was a kid was also shown. He was kind, a great brother. He helped this Ciel all the way on his illness even though it means something had to be sacrificed. And guess what? Thinking about what happened today compared to the recollection, it would seem this Ciel has not done the brother any justice. Well circumstances can differ, but that we shall see for ourselves next chapter. Which is why I said to skip this if you haven't regretted me spoiling it for you yet. Damn, this story. Yana-chan-sensei stop teasing us and get to it already
I guess this is where it REALLY started, huh
(Come on we know Sebastian doesn't count)
P.S. LOL the dog is called Sebastian well I guess that's the only companion he'll ever really have, and if the dog isn't the devil who is? *silence* Wow I'm making so many assumptions here

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week features a couple of releases we can talk about. Hey, for starters, I know TrySail's 2nd album is not going on my shelf now or in the near future anytime soon, so that's a relief. (Come on, we know the album songs are not good) (maybe I'm just too strict but sphere wasn't that difficult to give) (oops) (yes, no overlay image for them) Anime "Gamers!" opening theme single is finally out, and I'm generally okay with the song since it's been some time I give Anison so I won't complain (the last time was February btw) and I will just take the topic song as it is. LuckLife's 4th single releases this week too apparently, so I guess I'll take the topic song then; the rest of the single isn't very interesting as I mentioned before for their album back in April because they do too generic of Rock music, which makes me not want to give too much of them lest I get bored.

Talking about NOT getting bored, next week brings us plenty a couple of releases to end the month, including Natsukawa Shiina's 2nd single, SPYAIR's new single in preparation for their new album which is coming soon if I didn't remember wrongly (October), negoto's new single (I've already given half the release by now, and... oh that's it huh. *replaces "plenty" with "a couple"* Okay, not that I'm tracing it hard, but Nan-chan's one I've been waiting long. Then again, negoto is a fresh contender considering their previous single only months ago, so we shall see about it. Meanwhile, I know two of the three will appear on Apple Music next week, so that's going to be great, honestly.

On other things, Rie fu is back (the Japan one, not the newly formed one in UK) with another album starting with a single release, also available on Apple Music, and it's great. Her music video featuring her artwork is also online, and boy am I glad she's back for more music. I mean, I can't get used to the new style, yes? This week with Anisama (Animelo Summer Live) (and we're not done yet today's the last day so reports will appear online tomorrow latest) we hear a lot more news including Toyama Nao's first album (I'll give a listen maybe) and many more and probably I'll update next week or whatever. I've been noticing I'm trying to prepare to list out stuff and turns out I only got like, one lol

Well, I'm done for this week. Next week is not as hectic, but I've still got a lot of reading to go through, and I've not been doing also APoL, Klassic Note weekly post which I promised last week, and more. *sigh* I'm tired, I guess? Well, I better get my head on for next week. There's a lot of stuff to go through to be honest. Cya guys next time then.

P.S. Meh, the viewers chose a "dere phrase" instead of the other two options for punishment game on the pop up pirate game (well it's Amano and then Uehara lol) which is THE MOST BORING option compared to "wear cat ears" (come on, never seen it before, on any of them) and "pose for #KanojoDateNow image". They don't know. The image lasts forever, for the others only last for the live broadcast. I mean, Ookubo Rumi has been doing phrases pretty much throughout the live broadcast anyway haha