
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #37

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #37

Sunday, 10 September 2017
Wow, it's been 37 weeks this year already, huh....

LET'S GET TO IT! Haha if you wondered why it's this short go look at this week's #KN10YEARS post talking about changes in artist members and how it affected my experience as a listener.

アニメ Tsurezure Children
I was just wondering how thick of a block Gouda can be and they served him a basketball haha I laughed too hard on that one
The new episode (#TsurezureChildren10) brings us further with more relationships, and potential interactions between them, and I like that. We are close to the season finale, so it's good to see things going further than what is already established. Yamane is still worried about Kurihara's kindness to him (I believe it's not just that too), but sitting as the "light bulb" that is Motoyama (pun not intended) I feel bad for him to stay while his friend spends time with the partner. On the other hand, I'd like to lament his actions for if he didn't stay the event will not take place as shown in the story too. Of course to maximise this for his friend then he should just stay until certain things are done (for example, Yamane settled down and took a bite and says it's delicious) (or this may take a while, but) before he leaves. That'll be doing a good deed for the brother he truly respects. Oh well, maybe next time? On other things, Gouda and Kamine are progressing extremely well, with Kamine feeling really uneasy of him with other girls, and voicing her selfish opinions out. Of course, as mentioned at the start, to the surprise of their classmates Chiaki and Kana. Then again, this less than proactive couple did not manage to do much other than kiss unlike the ones at the park (lol), but hey, Chiaki got the shot. Whether Kana is happy about that or just purely pissed, I don't know. It's got to happen someday, the first. I mean, someone choked on her first kiss haha
I guess this is me when I hear what Yamane and Kurihara have to say lol
P.S. "I have to be back home by eight" WE'LL BANG UNTIL THE SUN SETS DOWN!!! Haha Chiaki will NEVER say that to Kana
P.P.S. I'll probably do up that GIF about Gouda getting hit by a basketball and not flinching lol is this what it feels like to be in a relationship?
[My comment on RC]

アニメ Aho Girl
Thank goodness I don't have this idiot *wink* in my life to spoil my childhood dreams but still that acting is top notch was Yuuki Aoi-chan born with this talent??? lol
Wow, every episode of this show is really trying to blow me off as much as possible, and I mean comedy not anything else haha. The new episode (#AhoGirl10) explores on more ridiculous things but starting small, from the gals trying to punch an earlobe hole? Sure, never seen it done before, and I swear I heard of other methods to wear earrings (well, those magnet ones technically are useless though), but hey, sometimes like taking that flu shot you need a bit of encouragement. I mean, if I got someone to punch when I was a kid I wouldn't be scared of needles lol. Then, there's the drama roleplay in the park. Damn, Aoi-chan is good voicing this. And then, things went to a whole new level. I mean, comic and action elements are never meant to be in this show, but it did. Speeding down the mountain road with a dog and fighting over undies (lol pure coincidence) must be some of the most random stuff you'd see Anime do, but here it is. Now Ruri-chan should feel stupid for not knowing that grades aren't everything you can still be a perv or a martial arts expert both ways will get you a drama role someday haha okay I think I've said enough
(Edit: I liked that opening intro though haha)
Drag physics 101 shown in one image haha
(No I don't mean the Dalmatians lol)
P.S. I see what you did there, putting that pole that writes "be aware of perverts" beside the Prez I know you want to see some pole-dancing but this is not the show haha
P.P.S. GIF of the b**ches fighting in a moment hehe


BOOM! Don't guess who won! *laughs*
Damn, this show.
[My comment on RC]

アニメ Gamrz Gamers!
This might sound wrong but I like the panting in Chiaki okay that sounds totally wrong I take it back then I TAKE IT BACK SHUT UP CHIAKI I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYWAY haha
Before I start I was just wondering what's with the new ending theme song and I noticed they're just trying to sell me on the new ending theme single which released this week I REJECTED THE HECK OUT OF THE B-SIDE ALREADY STOP PUSHING IT ON ME!! Haha, this aside, the new episode (#Gamers09) talks about what happened to Chiaki, and how she ended up lying even further away from the truth. Amano kind of found out about what happened last episode indirectly, but instead of letting him assume otherwise (because he can as he's not that smart) Chiaki pushed the role of Nobe-san and MONO-san to her sister who was coincidentally in the room. Then again, it's obvious that doesn't click, and Uehara knows who to back up despite the fact that Chiaki is trying to cover up using her lies. Then again, this became another layer of misunderstanding after he mistakenly confessed who to side with to her, shocking the other two who are around. Hey, talk about more misunderstandings. Man, is this show going to end someday? Because it has to, right? Come on production, don't try to leave things hanging, please. We need to know if Konoha is the next Sagiri haha
As mentioned at the intro, rolling-on-the-floor-panting Chiaki is great.
Because imagine her big che-
P.S. Okay NOW I want to know what Konoha is doing in her room but guessing by what she said it's probably her getting excited about looking at idol girls in dance version music videos or whatever no really if I need a waifu this b**ch is it haha (okay maybe not she's into girls I'm just into her lol) (and also I don't want her to punch me just yet so I'm lying too)
[My comment on RC]

漫画 Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
As mentioned by the guy who released the translation, this new chapter (55) was a short one. However, it is pivotal in changing Usami's life in that... she wants to lose weight badly haha. After landing on Uchimaki accidentally in the last part, she realises she may be heavier than the average female (which is what ALL guys say because they think bone mass doesn't matter and NONE of them carry women with their muscles before) (or do they have any lol) and talks to her friends on doing it. Well, personal motivation does matter so let's anticipate what will happen to her next chapter, yes? I hope she doesn't drop dead on the floor and Uchimaki has to save her... actually that may not be a bad thing hehe
In case you need a recap, this is what happened last chapter.
Perfect. Just perfect haha
P.S. I wanted to post Kaori's face as she appeared in the group chat (it's literally her smiling face covering the square icon) but this was funnier. Don't you worry because this wasn't the funniest because if you have friends like Kaori you know this will become the chat group icon haha

漫画 A Channel Kashi
The new chapter (101) chances Yutaka (almost thought she was Miporin and realised that's what she refers to her friend) (who was called Miho btw) with Run-chan, and of course without Tooru around they can finally hang out together for once, of course in an effort to have Yutaka fill her belly up, ends up having to pay because everyone else is here. Satellite Miporin found them through a selfie and Tooru got worried, I assume. *laughs* Nonetheless, I enjoyed the small amount of time the two were hanging out together because it shows large differences between the two, like the image below haha
P.S. Okay I wonder which difference is bigger but I thought I would teach myself a social lesson so... no spoilers for the introduction then hehe
How To Be A Woman In Modern Society 101:
Take images of your food and post on social media before you eat lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week is a week for many releases, now that I noticed. Luce Twinkle Wink's new single for Anime "Gamers!" was okay as it was Anison level disappointing anyway, and playing the B-side as the ending theme song from this week on will not help them get on my shelf, I assure you. Scenarioart's new single came in as stereotypical of their style, but that doesn't mean it's good. Whether this will get on my shelf despite the Anime credit? (BORUTO if you're wondering) I have no idea but I'm trying not to give such an average single. We'll see. Porno Graffitti's new single in a while isn't fantastic as I try to compare this to the singles I hear last year, so... yeah. Maybe I'll give one. I don't feel like giving it though. Rie fu's new album in Japan (I know there's UK that's why I'm saying this) is okay, as I continue to like the new tracks she brings back which has so much of her usual style unlike what she is pushing in the Western side. SID's new album is very close to disappointing as I identify the topic song as uninteresting and my feelings for rejection is even higher than the singles I reviewed this week. *sigh* Music is so hard to give nowadays. #KN10YEARS

Talking about that hashtag, please do take a read on my previous post as I continue to slowly cover all the topics I'd like to discuss the ten years I listen to Japanese music. I'll see how far I can go on this because I'm just plain lazy right now haha. Also, I've reviewed two singles this week in case you didn't notice, so be sure to see if whether negoto or Natsukawa Shiina should be your recommendation from me. On other things, I only know ClariS' new single releases next week (okay there's that Anime "Koi to Uso" ending theme I want to listen release digitally too), and I've been hearing new songs from recently TV broadcast live performances. Didn't know PE'Z had continued since they disbanded tbh
I think I just found the successor to PE'Z accidentally, like their music.

Random crazy jazz just as you like it:
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) September 10, 2017

This is it then. If I still recall as I go shower after this I'll fill in above later lol. Cya guys next time, and until then... projects are NOT life. Work will be easier when projects are not all life. Or well, if you have forever to do it. Or that forever is actually a shorter deadline than what your schoolwork dictates. Hey, at least it'll be easier once you get used to it. Modern society, ladies and gentlemen. Bye.