
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #39

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #39

Sunday, 24 September 2017
Okay I don't really know what I'm writing for KN10YEARS this week and I've not read my own logic in explanation yet, so that'll have to wait till after this. I'll settle this first. For starters, the Klassic Note section is pretty much blank haha

Let's start. *laughs*

アニメ Tsurezure Children
Yeah they made Patricia MVP this last episode, no doubting about it haha
The final episode (#TsurezureChildren12) leaves us with the endings we desire. First half is the sports club, which is what I really wanted from the start of the show for the kids: interaction. Interaction between students, couples, and others who are pissed at couples. We are also introduced briefly to some of them, and then more came out of those we did see. For once, they made that foreigner Patricia stand out in the crowd. Well if you read the manga please do not spoil it for me because I don't know of her story yet. Nonetheless, this inter-class soccer tournament really brings in the greatness of the school, and the environment that comes with it. Second half we get to our pivotal point of the story, and that is getting the class out on to the beach. Sadly, not everyone is going. Or to rephrase, not everything will go unless they are persuaded to. So yeah, this somehow settles things between Sugawara and Takano (haha they don't know *wink*) and Chiaki and Kana as the guy brings up his courage to make sure they can get back together again, in the latter case. Takano though, is one brave girl. Then again she gave a lot of false hope to her partner, considering even her friend has liked the guy before. That's not important though, as we reach some equilibrium which surprisingly, goes to a new height. Now I really want more of everything, including the beach trip. But yeah, this is it, ladies and gentlemen. And as I moan on the animation compensated by the awesome voice acting and somewhat cheesy stories of the couples, I reminisce on the days where they all started confessing to each other, or at least, started trying. "Tedium Children", everyone. (Yeah that's how the title translates too lol)
Everyone has a hero moment. This one is Chiaki's.
P.S. In case you read what I mentioned last week on the manga portion (I'm not going to repeat it here), yeah, no wonder she went bikini shopping hehe NOOOOOO I WANT TO SEE IT ANIMATED!!! *sob*

アニメ Aho Girl
Hell yeah they did, in this final episode (#AhoGirl12), they ended with a flashback. Just like how every other show ended with one so they can wrap a season of comedy. Well, and this is as good as it gets. Turns out we're actually fed with a really sad story of Akkun who just wants to be the best student he can ever be. Man, sucks to be him though, because that person who wants to do him no good becomes his new neighbour (now that I think of it he can just move out lol), and gets kissed all the time in the first place. The mother may be right, but this is no love or perv or fighting at the age of 5, so whatever. I mean, school can't teach you to deal with an idiot, as they say. *laughs* Nonetheless, I feel bad for Akkun even up till now, and that also hasn't changed. Because really, dealing with an idiot, or someone trying to be one, is tiring. Relate this to someone who suffers from cerebral palsy and you'll get what I mean. Because dealing with someone that has disabilities is different from dealing with someone making a farce. It's just... I can't... sorry, Akkun. This story was made for you. I'm sorry. And thank goodness I wasn't one of them. Thank. F**king. Goodness. *laughs heartily*
P.S. The other images looked like porn/saliva rape, so this will do haha
This is where it all started, huh.
P.P.S. And just in case you didn't know this is MOST DEFINITELY an Anime filler episode, meant to wrap up stuff as a serialisation of a show ends. Convenient method as usual, but not like I know if the flashback is part of the manga story or not. I suppose it is, but presented this way it's not, that's for sure.

アニメ Gamers!
It's the first time I see eye-blinking to pass on messages being a thing in an Anime haha
The new episode (#Gamers11) feels like the last already, but I guess it's not? The guys decide to go on an amusement park tour, in hopes of... well they didn't do nothing much to be honest. Amano is influencing his bunch of female friends to like him as usual, Tendou is happy without knowing the whole picture, Uehara is just as scheming and mistaken as ever, Chiaki (not MVP lol) is as confused and as happy as ever despite the collapse, and Aguri just likes Tasuku. To be honest, Chiaki will be the only one who knows of the truth of Amano, for he is just one to like the friends around him because he doesn't have much of such a thing in the past, so yeah, if this makes him popular with the girls then I'm sorry haha. Nonetheless, this is just some kind of conclusion we hope to see more of before this series ends next week, and hopefully we'll have somewhere to land on in terms of this relationship hexagon. I don't want to know honestly, but it must conclude somehow. And don't try the method this episode, please. It'll not satisfy, really.
Just look at the smiles on their faces lol
P.S. Is it just me who feels Chiaki's rather assertive this episode? I mean, pulling on Amano saying she'll feel lonely? What do you think her sister feels of this?? lol

アニメ Pri Pri Chii-chan!
Second season already, ladies and gentlemen. And you bet I'm still watching this kids show haha. First things first, don't ask what happened in the previous 12 episodes because I don't remember anything. Come on, we know everything here is an adventure, and it always come back to square one. From making Yuuka happy (or not) to going down to the underground to Uc-chan's story (man that one I remember) before she landed on Earth and so on... man it was all an adventure. Hey, ignoring how childish the plots may be, some of them tend to remind me of life lessons we can pick up ("inspiration", I call them), with the latest episode (#PriPriChiiChan24) talking about confidence to walk down the isle of a fashion show, for example. All in all I'm still happy, and if not for the theme songs I would have left lol. Not really, but in case you don't know of what's going to happen next episode, we're going to welcome two new theme songs - Tomacchan for opening and Mocho for ending - for the show, and I have a feeling it's going to be great. It's pretty good so far, so I hope this will carry on to be better.
This season's show in a nutshell.
Come on, Jo-kun isn't the only one who's mesmerised by the main girl hehe

漫画 Tsurezure Children Vol.1
I may do this once a week per volume, but no promises for now. One volume may be too much, but for the first one which I've seen most of it once the Anime has ended (well, after I watched the episodes that have the stories) this will be quick. Most of them are available in the first couple of episodes, as we see relationships form between the characters, from (if you don't know the notation I refer to the couples by their male counterpart) the Gouda couple, the Chiaki couple, the Furuya couple with the sister mixed in it (you bet the sister is in it haha) the Katori "couple"? (Well he has many encounters so I'll leave you to consider which one is the real one) (The kitten in the tree, maybe?) The Yamane couple (without the bro friend *wink*), the Sugawara couple, the Akagi couple, and many more. Some are not mentioned here because they play small part for now (I know some of them are quite main in later volumes), their stories pretty much ended (remember "Spica"?), or there is further development not mentioned in the Anime. For example, the Takase couple has a third person involved (I may be biased because I stand on Kanda's side) which is Alice, a yandere (yes the type with a knife haha) who wants to express love for Takase but can't do it even if she attempts to remove Kanda from her sight lol. Other new ones include secondary characters from the Anime including Patricia and Keisuke in which confession takes on a language barrier, the one who likes the teacher, the Souma couple whose club leader likes the little boy (why?) and Miss Wabisabi who actually just wants to perform in "a" band for school festival for once (no ulterior motives whatsoever hehe) even though it's not the case. Well, you can read it for yourself, future reviews may also be this long (or not), and this sets up many stuff that will happen in future chapters. Recently I talk about spoiling myself off new content by reading very ahead of things, so I'll do this progressively from now if possible. I'm aiming for Takano's swimsuit chapter! YES!! *laughs*

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
For once. In a long time. I've nothing to talk about. Well, recently I've been watching some live performances and some have gotten my attention, so I'll get somewhere somehow. As far as I can remember KANA-BOON's new album is coming out next week, and I have Apple Music which has them in it, so... I'll be looking forward to that. The topic song music video isn't all that bad. I mean, the song. *laughs* I don't think it's good enough though. The last time I hear something like this (the change in music style, not their own) I followed ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION, so...

In new stuff, miwa's new single is confirmed for October, Tsuji Shion is on an inspiration overseas trip if I'm not wrong (she's in her 2nd country Singapore right now *wink*), Minase Inori's new single is ready for November release, and more recently like, just now, Amamiya Sora's new single is slated for December holiday entertainment. I hope it's a Christmas song. But yeah, it'll never come true.

Or will it? *prays hard*

(Details of updates on @KlassicNote likes page, so be sure to check it out yourself!
*Translations not included)

This is it then. I know. I've not been listening to new songs lately because I'm busy for a lot of stuff in school. Remember? It's mostly because of mood when I give songs or find new songs today. Oh, I haven't posted this week's KN10YEARS post yet? Oops. Well, when you read it you'll get it. Cya guys then, and until next time... Can I hire someone to spellcheck for me? I'm not doing this efficiently. My fingers move faster than I can proofread the text that appear on screen.