
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #45

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #45

Sunday, 05 November 2017
*sniff* Welcome back, *sniff* seasonal cold. Haha it's been *sniff* some time *sniff* and I really need to stop this real soon. Not very fun when there's a ton of assignments and stuff to do when you're ill. *sniff*

Let's begin. All text below have been removed of my ill state to reduce word count lol *cough*

アニメ Just Because!
We get to switch seats again?? Man, that's the BEST part of school, don't you know? Now you just get to sit anywhere in the empty lecture hall lol
How am I still enjoying the new episode (#JustBecause05) despite all the hate for this show in general? No, I'm not talking about me because I like these kind of shows, and sorry for relating you to shows that really suck (I'm referencing Glasslip for the last time, I promise), because this is not even close. There really is "a plot" here. Let's start with Haruto. Apparently giving up on his confession means giving up on everything in his life, and as he explains he thinks he will not have those times - even his favourite baseball sessions - after he starts working. That should not be the case, as we can see that Morikawa was having second thoughts after the last time they talked, Haruto was actually partially active with an adult baseball group (I wouldn't say "adult only" because most of them are middle-aged) who plays every week, so I don't see why he would throw his baseball glove (Man, I was so dumb to know what that was in English...) away. No really, you had a life, bro. Hold on to it. Just like how your long-time friend did it for you. I mean, as Eita I see throwing that glove away as evidence for wavering friendships lol. Anyways, talking about Eita then, is Natsume. If it's just apologies about interfering with other people's business, it wouldn't have led up to this point only. On the other hand, I wished the production will allow the story to go further by lengthening the conversation to reach some form of conclusion. Every time it's just hanging there it's painful to watch. I totally adore the mother-son scene *sob* and Komiya potentially jumping in to whatever relationship between Eita and Natsume I don't care, but yeah, there is progression. And we're going to see it happen. If this can blow me away just like Toradora! or other romance Anime I've watched or if it looks like that home run that Souma did in episode 1 I'll be darned. I want to be impressed, Anime. Prove to me you can write a true-to-life yet dramatic romance.
When you don't know what's happening between those two and your friends totally do haha
P.S. I'm so digging for the ending theme song tbh and it's not because of the ending transition this episode or yanaginagi's new single which is the opening theme song which I'm going to review next in Klassic Note hehe oh I gave it away? lol
P.P.S. Is it just me or does the Morikawa-holding-a-cup-of-hot-drink-and-swivelling-it scene look terrible? Look!
Right?? I mean, I don't move BOTH my hands in circles whilst holding a mug! Haha maybe I should try it sometime

アニメ Blend S
I thought there was going to be some romance development there. Nope. Kaho-san and Akatsuki Akizuki were thinking of different stuff haha
The new episode (#BlendS05) brings us less of Miu-chan who appeared last episode (I know, we'll forget her by next week lol) but more of Maika? You bet! The first half talks about some ponytail day (just in case you don't know it's on 7th July; it's a thing) and how Maika has troubles dealing with her hair because it's thin and will get messy if left untied. Then, we have the gamers. Lol that doesn't sound like anything for sure, but yeah, the manager got told off by the two who were locked in the room. Second half brings us a direct consequence of the manager being out with Maika as the rain fails, in which she still has no umbrella to go home after the train ride, so yeah, she still caught a cold. I don't know if the show is mocking me of my recent illness *sniff* but yeah, the guys get to visit her in the... most traditional house you've seen. Well, not until we get acquaintance with their... I won't say sadistic, but yeah, more of like, rude siblings. No seriously Maika, good job telling them off. They seriously don't know their place. Nothing has been set on stone yet and these two want a foreigner as a brother-in-law? Hah! *laughs*
When your mom found out you have friends who come to visit lol
P.S. The whip scene is awesome tbh haha just perfect in describing Maika's sadistic plays haha
P.P.S. MVP this episode... Kaho-san, I guess? Yeah don't mind me Kitou Akari-san; your voice is just too good hehe

アニメ Houseki no Kuni
So we're doing rehab now??? Man, this show has EVERYTHING haha
Besides the fact that the new episode (#HousekiNoKuni05) brings us the journey to recover for Phos who has lost like, a third of her body, we now even get the adaptation of The Flash in this show. Man, this show. Haha let's talk about story first, yes? The sea people (as I'll call them from now) are saved somehow, but that also means there are more than this group of moon people who are on this land, and that someday conflict will occur between the fallout of an agreement to get rid of the gem people. Hmm, sounds like an okay plot to talk about, but more importantly, is the sea people returning Phos to the others. Hmm, sounds suspicious to me, but then Phos lost a part of her memory already, and Cinnabar still cares somehow, and now we got a Phos who can run at the speed of sound... sounds like a recipe for disaster and awesome action, as to be seen in the next episode preview. This show is turning out to be really impressive, I must say. Them legs, I mean. *laughs* But seriously can Phos fight now?? She can be support because of her speed now. Like, being a servant, but at like, twice the speed of everyone else lol
The cutest thing in this series imo
P.S. I guess my feels are with Phos in general (besides the last part) this episode, where I see the despair in her being tricked and of course, knowing of the truth of the moon people's plans. That, I don't think she remembers much, but yeah, this show man, it's rough.
P.P.S. To be honest Kongo-sensei didn't say how far she can go to do up the encyclopedia so I guess it wasn't Phos at fault. Then again, she's not smart herself so whatever haha

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
Cowered character + asking for people who care to do nothing + asshole teachers = perfect bullying scenario. Seriously, practice social awareness, teachers. Students cannot protect themselves for shit when they are discriminated. Been there, done that. Getting bullied, I mean.
I know the new episode (#3Lion26) will be a tearjerker, so yeah, I took a while before writing this to compose myself. *sob* (this wasn't from the cold, I promise) Okay. Welcome, everyone, to a discriminating world. I say that with the utmost seriousness. People don't know many things, including taking care of others in the dark, or being who they are. For Chiho, Hina's friend, it's the same case. The students start to despise of her clinging personality, which may just be simply her reason to not stay alone and be off the norm. Hey, we've been there before. And if you didn't, good for you. I just hope you didn't go around insulting people like these classmates do. Leaving the school may be the best for the friend, but now Hina has to suffer for the repercussions that will still be around until, at least, she leaves the school. She will be alone, she's not wrong, but she'll live her head high knowing that she was there when people have been left alone. That, as the grandfather said, takes great courage. In society today, (*sob*) we take in a lot of insults. From job interview eligibility to even asking stupid questions to the teacher and not getting points for answering it wrongly, and so on. But that is still very determinant, and one should work hard towards achieving those targets. For bullying, it's a very psychological case. I wished education systems will teach our children how to care and not be hurtful to the people around them, but chances are this may have its reverse effect, specifically people think this is dumb and continue their own ways. Sometimes, not many things can be taught well. And it depends on circumstances. And when everyone's grouped up and you're left alone, you can't but help think why... why depression rates are only growing and people commit suicide. Okay, I'm trying to lighten the mood here, but suffice it to say some people don't learn. It's not traditional values though; it's common sense. Okay I think I've written enough to justify this wonderful episode done by the production and the manga author, and I like these stuff, which is half the reason I'm here watching it. I feel sorry for Hina-chan though, and like Rei, I want to do something in return. And sometimes, it can't be done in words.

No, I'm not talking about marriage lol
This episode in a nutshell.
Great inspiration for my upcoming story arc though hehe
P.S. I'm not going to talk too much about my story, but yeah, when you're alone typically this is how it happens. And I did fight back. Not like I did not, but to be aware of one's actions and words are very important. Not many do though, and even I take a miss sometimes, so what's that got to say about us being obstinate to own up to our weaknesses? Weakness in helping others, in being offensive, and even being physical violent? No one really cares until they have been hurt, and that's why I always say you only learn through experience, especially when young. Telling isn't as much as being in it. And besides, I can't control how you learn. If you learnt to shit on others when you're in a group just because it makes you look great, go ahead you piece of trash. That's as far as I can say. And that's how much society gives a f*** about all of us. Stay strong, everyone.
P.P.S. Kudos to Hanazawa Kana-chan (who voices Hina-chan) for acting the part so well. As expected, she is popular AND great at her job. *salutes* (Audience: What has being popular got to do with her job?) Oh she isn't popular? Oops

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapter (87) is I don't know, coincidental or just wonderful, but yeah, just in time to take a new dagashi if it doesn't happen that I'm already down and medicine isn't working on me. Turns out the solution (pun not intended) is sweet (pun not intended), and some Hotaru-chan. Yeah, that'll heal anyone haha especially how she gives it to you HAHAHAHA ah Kokonotsu you piece of shit how I envy you
If someone ever wants to convince me to have se eat vegetables this is the way haha

漫画 Koufuku Graffiti
The new chapter (9) may be slow (considering the Anime finished airing and the manga also concluded) but it shows us another story from the Anime too, where Kirin and Shiina want to pay back to Ryou (thank goodness I remembered the name) for always treating them to good cooked food. So yeah, they went from getting the coal, treating the fish and grilling them all by themselves (well, with the help of Tsu-whatever the helper of the house), and this somewhat extended to them being trained to be housewives. No, carrying cardboard boxes full of coal is NOT part of the training haha
How I WANT to view my mother as a capable housewife haha

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was quite a week in Klassic Note, just that they are releasing songs faster than I can give them a second chance, so let's talk about what I've reviewed first. yanaginagi's new single for the Anime "Just Because!" (because I didn't listen to the other one) will be in review next week when I have the time (because I won't), Asakura Momo's 3rd single is okay but I didn't give the B-side and can't resist giving the topic song so in the end I did (not what I mentioned when I first watched the Anime preview), Yuuki Aoi's comeback single also wasn't that impressive, but I can't miss myself giving her the new topic song because it's still good, and Touyama Nao's 1st album... let's just say I've given enough chance. Thank goodness I'm in the mood to give her own composition or else I don't know what else to give in this list, honestly. King Records seems to be able to write better songs somehow.
I compared Minase Inori and Touyama Nao first albums and I must say:

There aren't as many "normal" songs in the latter than in the former.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) November 3, 2017
Next week brings us a couple of singles from Komatsu Mikako to sphere's last single before going on hiatus (I know this feels like a lie) and hopefully they will be good. I've heard Mikakoshi's new song and I think it has potential this time. I'm still listening to Yonezu Kenshi's new album because I didn't really have the time to give it due attention, so I'll try to conclude that next week. I may just give up on giving ORESAMA's new single even though I'm okay with the dance pop style up till now I still can't bring myself to give even one song.

Okay, I've done enough. This, and I should do more than this for my assignments. Thanks, sudden cold. Now my plan to do things last minute is going to crumble into pieces haha. Cya guys next week then, and hopefully by then, I'll be a little happier. Okay, maybe not. Next week is worse. Maybe the week after. Maybe. *cough* Bye!