
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #49

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #49

Sunday, 03 December 2017
Well now I know what to write for the intro.

Hey, it's me from Sunday afternoon. I just noticed just now that I lost ALL the information I typed this morning when watching Anime (FYI I do the review immediately after watching) so everything besides "Just Because!" is gone. No, I'm serious. I'll try to write up everything again, but seeing as I don't even remember what I wrote but I remembered what I didn't write (lol), it's probably going to be hard.

WTF man! The uploaded images are still online too!! Can I sue Google for this? They ruined... well my opinions which are pretty much nothing I suppose no one comes here lol let's start anyway

アニメ Just Because!
But seriously, how much is there in that "I didn't come and tell you" market? I mean, there's those girls who are proactive, but the others? How many actually liked you at some point? Oh whatever it's not going to happen to me lol
The new episode (#JustBecause08) has a lot of things going for most of the characters in this show. Firstly, is this the first time the lot went to Morikawa's house? Hmm, maybe because we've seen this multiple times lol, but yeah, they had a good time. And then, continuing from last episode as if nothing happened, Komiya decided to find a way to go out with Eita. Not that it bugs Natsume to any extent (not yet anyway), but yeah, it even went as far as them gathering together to... I don't know. Allow Natsume to run away from all that? Sure. I get the drama haha. Still, we may be seeing a future that Eita will be going out with Komiya following a potential confession in which he doesn't know how to say no (I mean, taking pictures of the girl without permission? lol) while still liking Natsume, and she feeling sad she cannot be with the person she... I don't know too, to be honest. So yeah, if the time comes and we'll get a conclusion, maybe then, Natsume will speak up. Not for following her sister's footsteps for education, not for just seeing her guy get taken by another, and not being a wimp, to say the least. I would say so much for her as I would say myself, but yeah, I take no personal experience from this verdict haha. Anyways, this show is going in a good direction, even though the ending may still be able to blow our minds off. I hope I'm right, and they may set some stage for potential turnovers in romance. The last time this happened... Toradora! maybe? I don't know. (Haha I sound like Natsume for some reason)
I wished I had a cat to help me send messages. Puta the cat MVP haha
P.S. Yesterday? (Oh shit this post is on Sunday *ahem*) 30th November, was a celebration (according to the Anime official Twitter) (you can see my likes on Twitter too) of two things: the advent of a digital camera hence #CameraDay, and because Natsume Mio gets all the attention in this show recently so #NiceMioDay (word meaning: 1 - 'ii', 3 - 'mi' as in 'mitsu', 0 - 'o') (date is read as MMYY so 1130 ie. 'ii mio') and I must say, I can't choose between the two. Especially after this episode. Natsume's great but Komiya's got something in her. I don't know. *laughs* Don't worry; The MVP this episode is neither Mio-chan nor the camera haha
P.P.S. So wait, was that the phone? The one who gave the definition of a date? lol Eita why you have that on (But then again which one is better - the phone or Mio-chan reading to you the definition? I personally want a Komiya version lol jkjk 100% haha)

[Changing order because now it doesn't matter *sob* I'm doing it differently now, even though I have a feeling I can still write as much as I did before lol]

アニメ Houseki no Kuni
Am I the only one who sees the affection or even harem the sensei gets to enjoy with these girls? Man, jacked, has girls, is powerful... what more of a life can you ask for? It's wise choice to leave the moon or whatever, Kongo-sensei. *laughs*
Seriously, never thought I'll see Phos like this someday. Never.
The new episode (#HousekiNoKuni09) is of change. Huge change. Phos is now a completely different being, supporting and being the lone man (or woman) for the winter season until the others are out of hibernation. Man, what a journey to be honest. Never did I thought I'll see Phos behave like this, even if for reason for losing a comrade, but hey, it's quite a heavy lesson to learn for her, to say the least. Bring in the other members as spring arrives in the area, and everyone was more than surprised to see her new alloy arms now added to her snail shell feet. It's like BLEACH now for some reason. (Thanks, Ichigo) Anyways, it didn't surprise Cinnabar anyway not even a bit, and somehow it has gotten new attention from the least unlikely person - Bort. Hmm, maybe it's because of her increased popularity coupled by the fact that she can deal with moon people herself, but yeah, I sense some jealousy happening. I just hope it won't end up in some infighting because that will not be wise.
P.S. I mean, the moon people just pick up Antarcticite and what happens when they heat it up?? Haha I'm just joking. Then again, this might be just the reason that it may NEVER come back. Sorry, Phos.
[I guess cuing that table is useless now since there isn't much change anyway. Welcome back, new Amethysts. That's what happens when you have plenty in excess haha]

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
It's so sad I didn't even get to write an intro when I watched it? That's a rarity. But also, just to remind myself from now on, that I should prepare a packet of tissues (or a handkerchief) when watching this show because it's hard to wipe tears off my shirt which stinks haha
And this is how you do teh tarik in Southeast Asia lol
The new episode (#3Lion30) brings us to even greater heights of emotion. Leaving the Hina-chan incident aside for now as we seek for a long-term solution from the teacher (I mean, my reaction to this is still as intense as the teacher's haha) or maybe through Kiriyama himself. But what's more for the main guy to worry is about his "best friend" Nikaidou. Seeing as he's not duelling with him in the Newcomer Tournament finals, and it didn't take much to find out the truth after accidentally hearing from Shimada about his friend, it would seem Nikaidou's fight for the incurable disease may not last. I guess the bigger problem is that we don't have much knowledge about that, and thus Shimada is here to give us some recollection. Turns out this "rich kid" is more passionate about shougi than what people around him see, and it isn't his pride that is going to stop him from rising up the ranks. Compare that to Shimada who at least went to the finals of the Lion Tournament to fight... who's that face (lol); Nikaidou can't even reach the semi-finals to play against Kiriyama. It's sad man, but seeing how serious this is, Kiriyama rather take it as motivation to win the finals to show his friend who... just promise me that he's not going to die in this show, yes? But seeing as how it goes, we may have to witness that. Oh man, I better prepare those tear-catchers.

アニメ Blend S
Little do you know the sister is in the shop to force Maika's "work character" out of her lol
Damn, this dog is more attractive than that man boy new waitress already haha
The new episode (#BlendS09) brings us a new character after quickly brushing away that new waitress (haha they know it's not going to last in views), and it's a dog. Well, an abandoned dog picked up by Maika and now part of Dino the manager's new active lifestyle (man I'm an a-hole), looks surprisingly like the main girl herself lol. I guess it's hard on that otaku who likes to watch Anime late night so this might be a problem. Okay, not until Maika feeds the manager with sweets until he's totally out of shape haha. Meanwhile, Maika's sister visits the cafe in hopes of finding out the relationship progress between Maika and the manager, and I think all she found out is that she has to protect her sister by removing anything that gets in her way lol. But seriously, I had a lot of laughs, and quite a lot of them can't be expressed well in this review. Well, not that they are rated to be talking about them anyway.

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
[*The phrase "new chapter" is used for chapter review, and all other words are with respect to it]
Wow, this new chapter (134) was quick lol. But seriously, remember last chapter? Yeah. As usual, the mystery is at where 'other Ciel' is (referring to the elder twin, the one who's lost and came back in the main story) is unknown as of now (and will still be for the next few chapters maybe), but we know of everyone else, to say the least. Other than Tanaka the butler, Yana-chan-sensei has "executed all her author rights" (lol) to eradicate EVERYONE in the house. No exceptions. Yes, the only exceptions are as above, and Ciel Ciel (the main guy of this whole story) is still alive, but I guess he's been taken hold by the antagonist of this incident, so I really wonder who he/she is. Chances are it might be a doing of another Earl, but seeing how today Ciel hasn't taken revenge on any particular target at all (yet), then I suppose that person probably also "died with the fire". Remember the early days where Ciel Ciel went into child abuse and auction? Yeah, those times. So maybe it has got to do with that. But before that, I guess we all want to know - who was so evil to do this to the whole family? What have they done (or might I guess the father as Earl) that deserved such punishment? Hey, only one way to find out.
No violence, kids. Not even to the dog who was later named as "the devil". Not even as a serial killer.
(Well, animal protection didn't happen in the 19th century, so... sorry, dog fans.)
P.S. Man, I wish someday I have the power to execute dozens of people at will. Haha, no terrorism here guys. Fictionally. I meant fictionally. Man, don't quote me and make me have to go for internal department investigations, okay?

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
Okay, first things first. The new chapter (91) did NOT show a new character. We know of the woman even from the Anime. Remember that stall owner when they had to prepare for the festival, and to avoid competition they had to sell different things? Yeah, it's that. Besides the father getting stuck at someone else's place, he noticed that there was much fun and excitement going over at his place where Kokonotsu is, so he decided to leave them alone lol. On the other hand, he decides to have a drink (well it started from dagashi, but) with the neighbour in the huge storm outside, so that's a good thing to kill time.
I seriously for a moment thought this was a recollection of the wife of some sort lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note

Well, it's that time of the year again, so I'm being apprehensive. Taketatsu Ayana's best album is... I guess I won't be putting that on my shelf anytime soon (it's close though), but we'll see. I may just delay it to next year so I can start next year with some momentum lol. I still haven't gotten my hands on fumika's new single, so I'll not talk about it here.

In recent news, YURiKA's new music video is online and it looks impressive but short of what I really wanted to see which is not fanservice btw (thanks anyway lol), amazarashi and negoto new songs for their albums this month are not that impressive so we shall see for the rest of the releases, TrySail's new single is announced for Anime tie-up once again, UNISON SQUARE GARDEN is going to have their new single be tie-up for the next opening theme song for Anime "Sangatsu no Lion" (I'm not holding my breath), and I'm still not over Chatmonchy's disbandment. *sigh*

This is it then. Man, this is going to be short, Entertainment News this month. And it got worse this week with that stupid incident I rather not bother myself with. *sigh* My last paper is next week, and by then I'll probably go full on to start my plans for compilations and most importantly, song awards this year. Well, if my current home printer did not just stop feeding in paper and we switched to a monochrome (yeah) laser all-in-one (yeah) I would still think I can print those anniversary compilations just like how I did it 5 years ago. Oh well, it's the digital age anyway no one cares haha cya guys next week