
The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #51

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The Entertainment News 2017 Edition Issue #51

Sunday, 17 December 2017
Yes, it's not out yet.

Yes, it's still in writing. I'm just not in the mood to do so. The Klassic Note segment will be the evidence.

And yes, I'll finish up the project I'm doing since last week by tomorrow latest. Okay, let's get to it. (Audience: No seriously why the serious look?) You'll know.

アニメ Just Because!
I mean, what's with that intro scene? I mean, why stop to look at that scene? Isn't it just picking up Natsume and going home? #plothole lol yeah I know it's to "fill up the gaps"
The new episode (#JustBecause10) tends to remind us about how original of an Anime production is this show, and it's near from perfect. Even though it's that, we do have some development. It's Valentines', it seems. (I'm glad to have learnt about the after-exam schedules without doing research myself, thank you) And besides the one guy (ok count the other two walking down the alley) who got no interaction from any girl (I feel bad for him the moment Souma ran out of the classroom already haha), everyone had something out of it, it seems. The one who loses out the most through interaction must be Natsume this time round, as Komiya's selfish action of putting the image Eita took of her as phone wallpaper most definitely became the biggest hurdle the poor girl has to overcome in order to be with the person she likes. Souma got off it slightly better though, seeing Morikawa was trying to reject the heck out of him but decides to not do so in view of Souma's potential determination to want to be with her. That, we shall see if it'll ever unfold in the last episode, probably. Ignoring Komiya's feelings, Eita seems to be the better off considering two girls are after him - though one actively and the other very, very passively - considering he's just a transfer student back for like, 3 months. And finally, Souma's the one friend probably had the day in the ideal and best way possible, which is receiving chocolates from a girl. Hey, not everyone has happy endings from this day, yes? Then again, we may see more things conclude in due time, because at this rate Natsume's going to lose her Eita to her junior. And me, for once, do not wish for that to happen. Sorry Komiya; you ruined that Eita x Natsume combination really hard this episode. Also, this episode also reminds us (back to the beginning of this) about how cheap the animation potentially is (I mean, Eita looked different in the one scene with Natsume WTF) (And Morikawa doesn't have to look this bad) and also how less of an impact this story makes. Natsume's teared up face did not hit me as hard as like, (sorry again) "Toradora!" does it (even "Tsuki ga Kirei" is better than this), and the turn for Morikawa's situation with Souma was also not shown distinctively. Man, could have made more impact man. All of them were worth the time to put forth more... more... well, you know. *laughs* Display of emotion, I would say. Hey, I'm no Anime director or producer, okay?
Since they'll never appear in a thumbnail here, I'll give them a chance.
I too can't bear to put anything couple-y here already
P.S. "Why are you making that face?" Because you haven't searched online on how to change the wallpaper on your phone?? Eita YOU GOT BURNED haha
P.P.S. "He doesn't even know how I feel" I mean, you didn't even have enough courage to tell him despite all the hurdles too haha BURNED man how many characters in this show do I need to burn to be happy lol
(Okay one last one: I thought Natsume had won/was being ahead of Komiya when she sees the two outside the classroom, but hey, Natsume didn't expect the wallpaper. Now that's called being ahead lol)

アニメ Blend S
Turns out Akizuki is better at doing tsundere than Kaho-san for some reason hehe it's not without reason anyways
The new episode (#BlendS11) felt long, but it's not lacking in jokes compared to the other episodes, by the way. Romance antics sure are hard to watch in this show, as with the case of the manager Dino with Maiks, for my case. With the dog as medium, they go out on a dog park trip, had lunch together, and got the dog a friend? Haha I don't think so. Things between Akizuki and Kaho surely got more awkward already, but it's nice to know that Kaho-san will be happy just by the customers and without much help from that helpless guy who just seems to be a step late in everything, I guess. Lastly, Maika learnt of a "kabedon", and if you don't know of that, wait till you have to do it on someone then haha. Maybe it's just me feeling awkward on these romance jokes, but I'd much prefer the normal stuff. And yeah, Mafuyu is indeed an integral part of this show. And not so much for that man girl lol
Guess what caused that dog to run away haha
(Hint: It's got something to do with someone's face lol)
P.S. The subtitles (if you are reading them) are likely wrong when Dino blocks Maika's path and getting confused, but most of them I heard are of the names of rice bowls (as they end with the "-don" prefix) instead of whatever was translated haha

アニメ Houseki no Kuni
I'm still amazed at how wonderful this animation is, to be honest. And because of this fusion between 2D and 3DCG, the jokes always get me lol
The new episode (#HousekiNoKuni11) introduces us briefly to Alexandrite and her berserk form, and thus was not tasked to deal with the moon people because she kind of breaks down fast, as much as she can attack fast. The big moon beast that got cut down by Dia got into pieces, and more as the gem people cut it down, and it eventually became a bunch of moon puppies? Sure, but that says a lot about the structure of the moon people, and also, how they relate to the sensei after seeing him being so friendly with it. But hey, as Cinnabar said, no one shall doubt on the truth even if it is standing by his side, so yeah, Phos shouldn't either. But that doesn't really stop her though, even though it has been many days since the next bunch of moon people appeared. Maybe as the sensei mentioned they have "found peace" and decided to not launch another attack, I guess. Time is of essence here, as Rutile still actively tries to piece up Dia and another of her close partners Padparadscha (I'll spell this right once, and only once), which we will no doubt get a feature episode of next week. Or maybe the moon people. Or the sensei. Or all of them. Hey, it's going to end spectacular at this rate, so why not expect more?
Bort when she sees someone playing around with her fluffies lol
(Notice how she cracks - literally - when she gets pissed haha)
P.S. Did anyone not remind you to not put them together at the same place? I mean, going by how it works with the moon beast I would guess that much tbh
P.P.S. I'm going to make some weak guesses here, so don't mind me. I would like to guess the sensei was definitely one with the moon people, who advocated its creation and probably is one of the other humans who now have lived on the moon. Then comes the rebellion, as the sensei felt something was wrong and thus left to create another land in the once (I assume) inhabited Earth (I didn't say how long before this though, remember that) and created these gem people to fight for good, I suppose. Hey, plenty of question marks here, but that's as much as I can guess. And if this show is going to end by the end of the year, we'll not get any conclusion out of this. 2nd season please?
(It's been some time already since we had a new character, so LET'S BRING THAT TABLE OUT!)
Name of Mineral(s)
Yellow Diamond
Red Beryl

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
Is it like this show to do a timeline of events then recollect them in first-person for all the other characters that matter seeing it's always Kiriyama's story first? Hey, can't blame them if this story is long though.
The new episode (#3Lion32) gives a little case study credit to our new loser (haha) side character who is also Kiriyama's recent opponent last week, Junkei. His story sounds as sour as many out there too (I mean, I've watched this show up till now lol), but unlike himself he adores the bravery and perseverance of Nikaidou and Kiriyama in the never ending trip that these two take to be better at shougi. Hey, good thing for him his life is also filled with hope, like those racing pigeons (<= click to see birds lol) he raised and being laughed by his "friends" or whatever, he is also working hard to achieve his goals. Sadly there can only be one winner this time, and it's Kiriyama. Sorry, bro. Second half brings us to the joy that Hina-chan got when Kiriyama went to find her during her school trip in Kyoto. Well it's near, Kiriyama said, but nonetheless the joy that shows up on her face is unexplained heartwarming among the cold-hearted students in her class. You know, bringing her a coat, getting her pudding (I'm like "<= what did I like most about the school trip" haha) to eat, and so on. Thanks to the end of the episode, we also know that Kiriyama then - after Hina's school trip - treated everyone to a feast in which was one that got the two guys scared (the other was the grandfather) and the two girls waaaaaay too satisfied. Food, man. It can do wonders. Which also explains Hina's smile on her face, for which we hope it'll last longer than before. Hey, putting behind her such a past may not be easy, as we all know that events experienced at a younger age becomes part of our lesson-learning, and part of our memory, no matter how terrible is might be.
If it takes so much setup to show us this, they've done a good job.
P.S. MVP the aunt who has to take orders for Hina and Akari as they were ordering way too much lol "I'm running out of paper" I just broke haha
P.P.S. You heard who's doing the theme songs next season? It's... UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (yeah it's them) and RUANN for ending theme song. The latter sounds like a newbie (like, 14-years-old newbie) so I'll check that out next year. And Unisong? If they write songs like in this season's Ballroom Anime I'm out.

アニメ PriPri Chii-chan
Hey, didn't expect this to end, so let's talk about it. Yes, after three seasons (seasons as in 12 episodes ie. 3 months), this little show has come to an end. I guess it's a little anti-climatic like all the other episodes, but hey, drama is drama, people. Especially kids drama, so I won't comment further. My favourites for this series are likely Yuka dancing for the ending themes (they are just great), that photographer who loves to end with "-basha" (refers to the sound effect you hear when you take a picture from a SLR camera click your smartphone camera) in his words lol (just that episode is the most I laughed), and maybe that yeti that Chii-chan summoned from the poles lol. All in all, it's fun to watch, I definitely enjoyed the theme songs (maybe haha), and I'm glad to have been on this journey. Hey, again I say, it's not for everyone, and it's kind of childish, but I got a good laugh once in a while, and I guess it's good enough for this show. Once again kids - There's always a solution to everything. Also, happy endings will always arrive on time. Always. *laughs*

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapter (94) talks about bubble blowing, as the guys fight it out to see who is the best... okay, I didn't say that lol. As Hotaru is amazed because we know she can never do any of the stunts, Sayashi walks over with disgust on her face. Oh well, what is cool does not always look cool, just so you know.
When you're single and you see a couple cuddling each other

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week brings us a couple of releases. Okay, before I start, I would like to say I didn't review all the releases. It was not as expected since I wasn't in the mood to do so that hastily anyway. Therefore, I shall talk about two of them here, and do a couple more (since I followed up on some of them) next week, so to spread out the agony of no new releases next week, and also the week after, so yeah.

For this week, negoto's new album to celebrate their 10th anniversary seems unapproachable at first glance, so I'll take some time before giving anything from the release. Amamiya Sora's new single came in strong and quick (just like the songs), so yeah, I'm reviewing it next week, in case you didn't see the Tweet. I also managed to get hold of fumika's new single and I must say it's okay because the previous one kind of outshines this one too much, and clearly this feels like a celebratory single of sorts. *wink*

(Just to be clear, all releases mentioned in this paragraph ARE NOT released next week)
For next week, I'll give a listen to amazarashi's new album which released this week, and Porno Graffitti's latest album since I never really gave a listen to their album in ages, and in their sense, it's kind of a long period of time lol. I'm also trying to give GLIM SPANKY another chance after giving the one song, even though I'd rather give them more attention for next year in the first batch of songs for Klassic Note. Yeah, it's a thing I do every year to kick start the Klassic Note song list, so...

In other news,Endou Yurika is quitting the entertainment industry, in case you don't know of her yet. *sob* (I know what about the game I've been playing? Pretty much means they're gonna kill Airi-chan in the main story to make sure she doesn't come back lol) (or they can just replace her too, yeah) (FYI she also stars in Anime "Tenshi no 3P" #noseason2, and some of you may know her from Anime/Game "BANG Dream" sub band Roselia; They're doing live events without her already lol)

Trying to get out of the bad news, sunday morning bell (if you still remember them back in 2012) is back, and what's more, they're releasing a new album next year. A new music video has already been released online. That's what happens if you do that project haha. Also benefiting from that, I now know Coalamode. has released a new single recently, but that I'll leave till next year instead. Sayuri's new single is slated for next year February too (thanks to Anime "Fate/EXTRA"), and last but not least, Sangatsu no Phantasia. I hope this time round I can give some of the songs mentioned above, but for Yurika-chan... I'm sorry I did not give your solo 3rd single. Didn't know it'll be your last *sob*

A bigger reason surrounding why I've made little progress this week is also that infection that's been hitting me, leading to a heck of a flu and plenty of coughs. (I'm just too tired to put them in here since I'm on antibiotics) Cya guys next week, and hopefully I'll get more done, in terms of schoolwork and here. I need to start earlier for the stars project though; I notice I cannot finish that many artists in one day. Maybe I should just do another part and make it five. I'll see about it.