
The Klassic Note Artist Evaluation 2017

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The Klassic Note Artist Evaluation 2017

Tuesday, 02 January 2018
Hey. I don't know if I took too long, but here I am. Happy new year to everyone, just like last year. *laughs* Also, I'll talk about my plans for Klassic Note this year at the end of this, so be sure to scroll to the bottom if you got bored of all these.

Talking about bored, I'm here because in a yearly tradition I'm supposed to comment on all the artists who participated last year, in 2017. It's quite a lot to talk about, but since it's typically a one-liner unlike that project I did last month, I believe I can clear this in no time. So let's get started.

Just like last year (lol), I'll be talking about three main types of categories of artists, which are namely:
Don't worry if you do not know any of them. This is precisely the place to tell you what I think of all of them. Yes, ALL of them. Okay, maybe not all of them. Can't bring myself to criticism everyone. Still, this is going to take a while. #LONGPOSTWARNING

[I'll use the year number for all references corresponding to "last year" (2017) and "this year" (2018) or whatever. It's confusing in the past so this much mentions of years will have to do.]

Chatmonchy: Oh we starting with them first? Damn. As you would have known, the two have announced their disbandment due mid-2018 with a final album, so that's something to feel sad about. In 2017 though they only released one single which is less than any form of justification of any sort of them leaving us, but not like we can do anything about it. *sob*

Rie fu: She's been active in UK but she did release an album this year, so I won't complain. I didn't give much attention though so whatever I'll take what I can

sphere: They are preparing for their hiatus by now (pretty much already), so they released an album early in the year before a final single in October, which is fine by any means. Just a good reminder what you're going to miss before we go MIA for two years lol

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION: Rather disappointing for one single only, but hey it's a single I've been waiting for so that's good. Problem is that is pretty much it. Yeah.

SID: Thanks to Kuroshitsuji I've listened to one of their three singles they released in 2017 lol. I did give chance to their album though, even if all I did was just pick one song.

SCANDAL: I've been actively avoiding their songs after their best album at the start of the year, and their only digital single in 2017 deters the heck out of me with an unlikely good melody coupled with... lesbian kisses? Ugh.

miwa: I gave one of her past year singles due to an awakening lol, but other than that I've not given anything from her two singles released in 2017. I guess I'm drifting away from her music style slowly but surely. Then again, I did give a listen to her album at the start of the year, which was backed up by a movie and I literally skipped the topic song(s)

SPECIAL OTHERS: Another collaboration song album? Man, I'm getting tired of those already I just want more music!!

Toyosaki Aki: 2017 should be a glorious year for Aki-chan as she releases one single but more importantly, her first best album. I did give credit and discussed about it a lot on Klassic Note Review so be sure to check those out.

Tomatsu Haruka; Having only released one single in 2017 after her best albums in 2016, this comes of as slightly disappointing. But having lifted of that after-shadow that is the idol group, at least we know 2018 is going to give her more songs than we can expect.

ClariS: 2017 is a big year for the girls. They revealed their appearance (besides the eyes) early in the year overseas, in lives, and now in releases. Their participation in Anime not forgetting Eromanga-sensei probably gave them more attention they should have after their album at the start of the year. You should've watched the making video of their live video - that chorus without instrumentals is literally the best.

Porno Graffitti: I kind of give and take from them these few years, and in 2017 I did the same. I gave only one song from their singles and one from the album which came as a late review to end the year.

Taketatsu Ayana: 2017 was a best album year for Ayachi. From live voting (which I didn't get to participate) of the tracks to release by the end of the year, I did not by any chance give her any song. Maybe in 2018, Ayachi.

fumika: 2017 was quite a year in Klassic Note for her. I gave her #1 after years being in the ranks from 2012 to 2014 to now, I feel sad having to not give her her songs earlier. That, and I did give her two singles she released a chance, so that's good. Very close to a single review though.

Hanazawa Kana: Can I even say after having only given one song from her album? 2018 looks better though, I hope.

NEGOTO: 2017 was a good year for them in Klassic Note. Also celebrating their 10th anniversary they released two albums within a year, quite a rarity for any artist (in 2016 it was Miyawaki Shion, but this is two full albums) and definitely plenty of work for the girls, which also means there aren't many good songs in them. Thanks to their single they get a worthy mention though, and I think that's good enough for me.

nano.RIPE: Their return after a year of rest comes as rather anti-climatic since I didn't give the topic song off the bat, but hey, I started with one of the other songs. They are picking up their paces though, so I hope to hear more songs in 2018 soon.

THE ORAL CIGARETTES: I've listened to their album at the start of 2017 so that's a pretty good start. Then, their two singles in the year also impressed me well, so I didn't stop. I must say they did well. Just, not well enough to be in the ranks. Sorry.

Yoru no Honki Dance: 2017 was quite a year for Honki Dance as their two singles probably left a better impression than many other artists who released plenty of songs. Pity the one new album was kind of along the same lines as their previous album so I ended up only giving a couple of songs, especially missing the topic song, so that's saying something.

YUKI: You know I only give her songs because it's her and I watch the Anime she sings theme songs for, so that's that. Other than that I gave a listen to her latest album which wasn't disappointing to say the least, and I did get quite a lot of songs out of it.

7!!: 2017 was the year for them to release their best album, so I did get a better idea of what the band was about, from wild to generic pop to ballad songs, they've got it all. This was after their latest album at the start of the year which I was slightly disappointed with. Still, I would say it's okay.

Goose house: It was a great and fun year to be listening to their songs once again, but sadly we still had to say goodbye to Takezawa Migiwa unfortunately. Their new album provided a couple of wonderful songs to remember by (I mean, can they even find replacement for migiwaaaa?), and their two singles shed good light into what they are good at.

LILI LIMIT: I've given a lot of songs from them in 2017 though even though most of them aren't in the year itself. It was also an extension from their initiation into Klassic Note in 2016 so this was just part of it. Their only mini-album/EP in 2017 wasn't that bad though, and in 2018 I guess it'll only get better. What can I say? I'm liking their music style.

Minase Inori: After only giving the one song in 2016, I gave her a lot more credit than I should have in 2017, to say the least. Her first album was okay and I gave a lot of songs, and thanks to Anime Tsurezure Children I gave her another of her singles. I know there's the other one but I didn't give it. I'm not here for fandom, just so you know. No bullshit even though that music video is the reason why everyone would live for her haha

cinema staff: As usual, every year one album, and it doesn't disappoint. That is good enough even for me.

SPYAIR: Following the wave that is set in 2016, I continue to give them more songs in 2017, which is great considering I've not been giving them songs for the many years before. The two singles were a great listen, and the album was not at all disappointing.

Scenarioart: They did pretty good in 2017 to be honest. Their new album was a great listen and now I have their new single to do as promotion material to people who I want to recommend to others. So close, so close to being on my shelf.

Komatsu Mikako: Her change in music label brought upon her a stronger wave in terms of releasing new songs thanks to Q-MHz writing songs for her, and that's great. Her album is okay but I didn't give much, and I barely even touched on the two singles that she sang for the ballroom Anime. I'll just talk about the album, yes?

KANA-BOON: They are not great in 2017, to be honest. I only gave the singles and was largely disappointed with the album I decided to not give anything. This was in conjunction with Yoru no Honki Dance and SPYAIR albums though, so I won't say too much in terms of such competition.

ORESKABAND: Don't ask me how I only gave the album which was released in 2016 lol

SpecialThanks: Their full album in 2017 was quite okay even though all I did was give songs with music videos only so that says a lot about me giving popular songs or what they think was popular haha

Sayuri: Thanks to Anime Koi to Uso the ending theme songs was strikingly good. I also gave a listen to her first album which gave great insight into what she really wants in terms of music style. I don't think it'll make of a good time in Klassic Note though, just so you know.

Sambomaster: They released a new single and album in 2017, so I just barely gave it a listen. Funny thing is that listening to the album brought me back to the single released just a month before it, so that goes to show how much I wanted to give them songs, at least for now.

LuckLife: They did pretty good in 2017 too. Their album was seriously just nothing but rock music which was rather boring because I thought like many artists they will  have an alternative style but not really, it seems. Their new single as an Anime tie-in was even better and I seriously believe they are better in lively than emotional songs.

Numakura Manami: She was okay for 2017 in general. Her 2nd single was some impact and I thought the pace will carry on but was greatly disappointed in her first album, so that's that.

Amamiya Sora: Her two singles after an album in 2016 were great overall. Almost turned into two single reviews but I'm glad to have done one of them.

PHONO TONES: Thank goodness they released new songs, but this time with pianist ADAM at, which was pretty cool and gave some insight into what piano instrumentals that guy can come up with, but I think I missed the music style tbh

Cocco: I only gave one of her old singles since she only sings old songs in rock festivals instead of her latest ones.

The Floor: I'm glad to be able to review their new mini-album and it wasn't bad. Glad to know I'm liking their music style after all. Again, still better at lively tunes than emotional ones.

TWEEDEES: Only one mini-album in 2017, but it isn't without any good songs, so I just took a couple. Seriously thinking that if there's anyone that would write weird melodies and still be able to pull it off in Klassic Note it can only be them

wacci: This is the most I've given them in a year. Well, I thought they had gone quiet with their previous album but that isn't the case. Still very glad to have given a chance to their single and album in 2017.

Yogee New Waves: Didn't expect new songs, and here they are, which was also them being able to managed to keep me hooked for this long to give them a couple of songs and even put them on the ranks. Good job, guys.

Coalamode.: Their album was kind of okay but I end up giving old songs instead. Totally missed their new single though I'll be doing that in 2018.

yanaginagi: Glad I can mention her in this list because I reviewed one of her new singles hehe

Asakura Momo: She released two singles in 2017 thanks to Anime PriPri Chii-chan, but I'm glad. Without this Anime she probably will only get... none of them for the year haha still, no reviews yet

Tokyo Karan Koron: I'm glad they came back after changing music labels, but releasing of songs... hmm it's kind of hard on them I guess. I mean, half of the album on Apple Music? You guys know you aren't that popular, right? It's hard to listen to the full album, I mean.

Primary: After quite a setback and missing a single I'm glad they released a new mini-album. I'm so close to going to Comiket to meet yuiko in person haha no just joking I can't afford the plane tickets

Kuso Iinkai: Pure disappointment in 2017 to be honest, as their album wasn't that great and their singles... let's say I may have started to give up.

fhana, angela, Tsuzuri Zukuri etc.: Don't ask why they are here haha

Natsukawa Shiina: Need I say more? I mean, you know of her first two singles and how they mysteriously end up on my shelf, right? RIGHT??

Yonezu Kenshi: Being one of the biggest contributors in 2017, I'm still disappointed in the fact that I can only give the one album from back in 2015 because everything else was rather disappointing and I just gave chance because I think he has potential.

96neko: Really surprised how much of a versatile singer she was, and I'm glad to have given her a chance thanks to Anime Koi to Uso (which I stopped watching) and man, the album was weird.

Touyama Nao: I think this one was mostly for bias, but of course if not for Anime Tsuki ga Kirei she probably won't get in the list in 2017. Still, I'm glad for the single and the album, as much as it has contributed to Klassic Note.

Sangatsu no Phantasia: Besides being impressed with vocalist Mia's voice (and her back) I'm glad the composers behind this are making good songs for me to give a couple of songs from the Anime Demi-chan wa Kataritai single and album I reviewed.

Uesaka Sumire: Congrats Sumipe for making it to Klassic Note. See you again in ten years haha

GLIM SPANKY: I think they have potential for delivering a set of emo rock tunes in 2017. But I doubt this is their style despite it reminding me of the style I liked. Still, I'll be digging through their songs in 2018 to see if I can find more. Hope that mini-album isn't the only one that'll impress me.

ORESAMA: From front to end, thanks to Anime ACCA I got to know of PON-chan, and how it started from a collaboration single as an Anime opening theme songs to Alice to Zouroku and their first major debut single which probably broke more records outside than inside of Klassic Note haha. Then again I didn't give their two other singles so my bad try harder in 2018 guys

H ZETTRIO: Thanks to the familiar style of PE'Z, I'm glad to have picked them up once again. Maybe I'll dig into them in 2018 too, to see if I can give more to fill up the void that is SPECIAL OTHERS.

vivid undress: Similar to The Floor, glad to have given these guys a listen, and I must say they have potential. Then again, if they're staying indie for the next couple of years giving them songs is just going to get harder, I suppose.

Shishido Kavka: This one, probably because I entered with a concept album. Her other releases aren't that impressive and even felt old style in retrospect, so I'll stay away from her a bit I guess.

Ryokuoshoku Shakai: I'd like to see this indie band grow to be the next pop rock sensation, but they've only started this year and they're getting so much attention, I may have to wait but maybe not for long. I'll be looking forward to that.

Yuuki Aira, Ogura Yui, Luce Twinkle Wink, YURiKA etc.: Don't ask how they are here just pure coincidence lol

I guess I'll talk about this much then. Artists I don't cover are either too insignificant to comment or just they're here to add to the numbers. That or I'm just tired of this and I need a break. Talking about breaks, Klassic Note 2018 will only start next week instead of this week to give me a bigger buffer period to do whatever I want (FYP!!! *sob*) and find more new songs if that isn't the toughest thing to do every year already haha. Cya guys soon I guess, and until then... *yawn* I think I've gotten enough of typing for the year lol oh that's last year haha