
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #7

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #7

Sunday, 18 February 2018
Hey, how are you enjoying your long weekend? Haha, my mind is full of that project despite sinking into the Chinese New Year mood. Clearly stress is going to be a big factor when it comes to my future job problems I can't put them down especially when I have to do it "full-time"

Maybe I should just work part-time at a fast food restaurant haha okay let's move on

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
"It's how I normally sit" haha yeah WITH YOUR LEGS WIDE OPEN RIGHT haha and that is how you don't get laid lol
Man, doesn't it piss your off when you see lovey-dovey action and yet NOTHING HAPPENS?? Ugh. Haha, in the new episode (#TakagiSan06) it's the summer vacation, and of course, Takagi-san must find a way to tease poor Nishikata as much as possible so he can continue his push-up regime to keep himself fit. (Well, I assume he is ripped by now lol) Still, doesn't stop Nishikata from being dumb enough to accept all the offers that comes from Takagi, mainly because of her clever use of words to egg the poor boy to do stuff against his will. Hey, I'm not talking about witch level powers, but still. Somehow he gets to play around with the girl more often than ever, and even then he still hasn't learnt a trick or two from her. (Compare that to the other manga publication which isn't featured here starring her with the mother) Nonetheless, it's still a joy (maybe I'm getting bored no boy is THIS dumb lol) to see Nishikata fall into the trap every time, all the time, without realising that his persistent character is getting in the way. We're halfway through already for this series (which is still early according to Sanae-chan and Mina-chan haha), and we're not close to a conclusion, or chances we're not getting any. It's okay though, because this is good enough. Just like how much of a tease this is just to watch through it, hoping for a happy ending somewhere haha man I'm as dumb as Nishikata so much wishful thinking that is Takagi hehe
A perfect summary of maintaining a relationship lol
P.S. "Want to drink?" ITADAKIMASU haha he never heard of drinking without touching the can huh
P.P.S. Man, if not for friendship maintenance between Yukari-chan and her retard friends (lol) who will give their well done early-finished homework to those slackers haha no seriously do your work early or just don't you'll get scolded and probably have a week to finish them all anyway lolol
[I noticed the segment looks terrible on mobile so I'll just put without the design here instead]

アニメ Dagashi Kashi 2
Wow man Kokonotsu he's here to TAKE YOU DOWN lol "sweets corner" 
HEY, FINALLY! PLOT DEVELOPMENT!!! The new episode (#DagashiKashiS206) talks about what was left of a cliffhanger which is obviously just a signal of rivalry against the humble dagashi shop: the convenience. Considered as a staple to modern society first-built amenities, Yutaka has brought a team of employees to open shop in the small village, which no doubt, will attract crowds to their shop and leave the poor establishment in the lurch. Still, Kokonotsu is just amazed, but not impressed, at what is in front of him. He blabbers feedback to his opponent, refuses the offer to work for them, and disrespects his father by not keeping up (the porn mag) business... he's got a lot more coming. Still, Hotaru is still pretty much stuck in his mind, and along with it, at least one and a half seasons of lessons of how dagashi came to be. So yeah, you'd be crazy to say yes to any offer from that narcissistic freak of a manager haha. Still, no formal plan has been established on other side just yet, as we may get a quick insight to our other new character - that unenthusiastic employee of the convenience store - turn back to even leave her current job for good. Who knows? It's not going to be a story of the century, but it's got to be something worth more than those expensive whole cakes, right?
The decorations lol
And seriously, that one whole cake can get you one dagashi a day for like, a year haha
P.S. "I'll grab them with my both hands" I know Kokonotsu is talking about Hotaru-chan lol you lose porn mags haha
P.P.S. And seriously, that hourly wage of 850yen (lol) which is above the average is probably the closest to Yutaka will ever get to convince Kokonotsu to ditch the family-owned shop tbh haha

アニメ Slow Start
Man WTF did I just watch you guys sure this is not yuri? lol
As we may be looming on the side which I'll probably elaborate at the end, the new episode (#SlowStart07) talks subtle about... no it's not something wrong. It's just maybe it's all the Anime experience that I had and this just turns out to be more than your usual girls' talk, and add in the fact that the pace of this show is slow, it kind of drags out the emotions especially awkwardness (come on even the end card too??) a little too long there. Still. The story goes that Eiko saw the teacher drunk, and whatever happened I'll leave you to watch. It's not much of weird, but it's still unusual. Then again, that is not it. And the second half, I prefer. (Sorry Kamu you'll never get to know haha) And surprisingly, it ties back (pun not intended) properly (no really I'm not) to Hana-chan herself, about her not mentioning about herself to her current budding friends. I wouldn't say it's bad, there probably is a better time to do this which is definitely before any of these happened, but hey, there aren't any huge consequences to this so I won't say much. How to say... to set up this much just to talk about secrets and stuff maybe a bit of a stretch, but what is in my mind is more of the fact that the author put this teacher-student part in without thinking. Okay, maybe that did happened and it's like "heck, it's Anime" kind of thing, I assume lol. Anyways, I'll forget this episode in an instant too, so no harm to me haha. I still prefer - like the previous episodes - where just do normal slice-of-life stuff, touch on jokes here and there, instead of focusing on emotional stuff. But hey, if this is the direction of this show now, I actually do not mind. I just feel confused. The queries in my mind about this episode is probably going to loom over me for some time, I guess.
I'm finding a thumbnail that isn't inappropriate, so here's Wishing Tree Tokura haha
P.S. Yeah it most definitely looks like something happened "the teacher tied me up" haha god this genre is so underrated? (I mean, I don't know)
P.P.S. The point is Tokura is just so happy about being the victim considering she is the one doing it to other girls I suppose man this show is dark in the wrong sense lol

アニメ Sangatsu no Lion
Just in case you were like me who is not in the know since last week, the next episode will air 3rd March earliest. Cya guys then. *laughs* WHAT THE F-

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The new chapters (111-112) following the recent episode of Anime is... rather short. Hey, I'm not saying it's bad, but somehow the manga did not force me on believing the idea of the works compared to the Anime, which did kind of ramp it up a bit, but this time, I feel it's on the negative side. Things that are summarised on the original work is expanded (the porn mags, for example), and I can only let the Anime take credit for extending some of the scenes when they have to (thinking of Hotaru, for example), and that is pretty much it. The discussion was done in the convenience store instead of the dagashi shop, the simplification for introductions of not asking for name... sometimes it feels off, and the Anime may not be rectifying it. But I'm glad I didn't read this first or I'll sure be disappointed. And as mentioned in the Anime segment, we're close to the other new character we'll no doubt see her get involved in this very soon. I mean, who wants to work in a convenience store... right?
Just a show for the different in art form.
Yes, this is that weird convenience store manager lol

漫画 Nagasarete Airantou
The new chapter (155) tells us that Yukino's plans to have some time with Ikuto was a huge success, thanks to that distraction last chapter which is also a huge success lol. Anyways, they visit the only mind-reader youkai in the island, and apparently Ikuto's trip was with intention from the elder in the island. Thinking that way, one can't help but find out the romance preferences of the only guy in the island right now (can I move there now we need to help Ikuto really), and turns out he's too honest to have a specific preference. Although I would say it may not be the case if he's still at his hometown now, but at least he's still thinking about it. I mean, the girls on this island. Can't help but, I guess haha. All in all, we've (maybe?) known quite a lot more about Ikuto than we have little knowledge of him already (okay maybe the grandfather but) so we should see some development along the way. Maybe. Honestly saying? I'm glad Yukino took the effort to grow up. But maybe she should do some bathroom trips if she doesn't want to wet the bed all the time lol
Poor Ikuto lol literally ALL the girls are against him okay maybe not Suzu-chan

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Three new releases have appeared under the scope of Klassic Note this Valentine's Day week, in case you guys remembered that day instead of the other one haha. (Yes I know I forgot to mention them last week so here it is) It can be easily summarised in the Tweet below (chain Tweets are awesome), but I'll talk about it a little more. I listened to Friends latest mini-album from last year because I watched the COUNTDOWN JAPAN live video from last year end, and found these guys sound great. Sadly, I think I'm still disappointed by the other music videos I hear on YouTube which are real similar to the one I gave, and the release was less than stellar. Still, I'm going to give a second chance next week maybe, so I'll see about that. SCANDAL's new album is also out, but since from two years ago they changed their style to include more beats and pop elements, I've not been impressed by the new songs, not to say this release. So I guess I'll do a second round without caring for style or else I may be leaving them in the lurch just like what I did with miwa last year haha. Lastly, the new single from Ohara Yuiko is probably the best Valentine's Day gift, but problem is which version do you want. And if you may have noticed, the two releases are both qualified to be on my shelf. Sadly, even with Apple Music, I've not been thinking to any extent to put any of them on review. So yeah, sad to say I may have to pass. I don't think her compositions make of enough substance, so this may be it too. Then again I hope I'll not see her again for next season Anime I don't need this combo lol
What to listen this week (1): I heard them from a recent live video. Female vocals with male rapper, songs are okay. Be friends with them, yes?
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) February 15, 2018
What to listen this week (2): If I said I didn't listen to the new album from SCANDAL I'll be lying. It seems like they're going with a different style after all, ever since 2 years ago.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) February 15, 2018
What to listen this week (3): I missed Ohara Yuiko last year, but I sure as heck won't this time round. This new single is as Valentine's Day as it can get.
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) February 15, 2018
SpecialThanks is releasing their new mini-album next week which is less than impressive when I first heard the topic song music video, so hopefully my perspective will change somehow. I've also heard ORESAMA is going to release a new album on April, and the topic song... probably is more digestible compared to the other singles I've tried to give from last year, so I'll give it a listen when the time comes. Come on, I've given high ranks for that one song last year, so I got to give them another chance.

I guess that is it. Not bothered to dive into that stack of OVAs I haven't watched which I probably won't talk about it here anyways but yeah, schoolwork is important I want to graduate anyway haha. Cya guys next week then, and if you're kind enough to wish me a happy birthday tomorrow over at my Twitter account it would make my day because my family made mine today already. Until next time then.