
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #18

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #18

Sunday, 06 May 2018


You know what's worse than last week or even last month? This week because I (mind me) fucked this one up real good this time. No one else besides my two (I guess best) friends know about this and have suggested ways to remedy this without success, so you guys are a lucky bunch. Or unless my family decide to read my blog which I never mention to them about which cannot be searched online. Okay, suspense over.

I missed my examination. By a day. Behind. Not ahead. Late enough for me to not even be able to fake an MC and be exempted from a course I have to pass to graduate this year.

Cya guys next year then I guess I'm going to stay for another semester then.


I can't even cry. Well, I did in the Anime below but that was after a long stand-up against resolving this issue knowing that my chances of any success is low and my risks are just as high as if it was illegal to... you know, forget an exam date. I know. I can only blame myself. But that wouldn't happen in real life and society... or would it? (I mean, you know the reality better) So yeah, I'm officially fucked. Once again, choked it at the last mile. The last time was during my (high school equivalent of) JC days where my results are actually, worse than my two friends even though I was better than them along the way. Okay, besides GP. That one, I can say my language is just terrible mostly due to this blog lol okay I'm fine now let's move on to entertainment

Let's start, shall we?

(*I've decided to hide my problems behind the old-fashioned sigh so if you really want to know...)

アニメ Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
By the way I share similar tastes with Tada-kun; we like the same dishes (I can't take spicy stuff) and... well we don't like to fall in love? *laughs* #NotTrue
Someone PLEASE teach me how to play that Rainbow Shogun poker card game wait is it a card game that exists I don't play these much lol. Okay, the new episode (#TadaKun05) talks about one thing in summary: the incident. You know what I'm talking about. On that day, someone's parents passed away. But guess what? Also on this day is Ijuin's show, and hey, it's not without reason. Given how the backstory brings us back (and tears me up a little, not to the BL level fortunately lol) to how they knew each other (they're relatives I guess?), but more importantly, Ijuin's efforts (as a rich kid) to cheer Tada-kun up. And that, for 10 years straight. That's friendship right there. I mean, no one is ever (well, not that I have this problem) cheer me up every year even on my birthday, so... Tada-kun you're one lucky guy. Okay, maybe not with the loss of parents, but still. And you bet I enjoyed this episode. I mean, I'm glad they didn't get to beat each other up because Alec-san will win for sure lol (word explanation in postscript) but yeah when there's slice-of-life Anime there's gonna have that bath scene!! I'm so sorry Yui-chan but you fail to meet the average chest size of the female cast lol (I wanted to be harsher by putting her with the guys but I decided not to) (I'll be the exception Yui-chan and say I don't care because it's Anime haha) despite you having the most speaking time in the middle of the episode (Inorin, love you!). Add that with the usual of everyone (I'm talking about Alec-san here) and some... little hints of the girls in love in some way, we might see some sparks going in the future. And guess what? It's not without warning. Turns out Alec-san is right about Teresa-chan having a date because... she's the heir to the kingdom. What a surprise, ladies and gentlemen. But yeah, how will this slob compare to the main guy? We shall see it for ourselves hehe
P.S. I like how the old man got the realisation after all of us (not GLIM SPANKY single lol) knew that unless you're gonna get killed even if you state a colour of the rain bow lol
P.P.S. (This postscript is sponsored by lol) So to clarify what Teresa-chan made a mistake in, she thought Ijuin reserved a battle even though they're going to a public bath. (double lol "THE Gin no Yuu")
[LAST SPURT!! <= I promise it's not sex lol Why can't they make the Rainbow Shogun less stupid by making the victim be able to live 1 in 7 times with a say of a colour of the rainbow? You know, like "it's not purple it's red today" kind of thing? I mean, they just kill them there's no sparing in his case lol]

アニメ Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
It's weird that siblings go to school with each other?? Haha, you aren't the only ones, girl.
God, don't you think it's wonderful to have a younger sister in my life?? Well sadly I have an elder sister who behaves like a younger one though lol. Not close enough, God, not close. Okay, this aside, this new episode (#FumikiriJikan04) we're talking about siblings! Sorry to all solo kids out there because yeah, it's great having a sibling. Especially if it's one who is younger than you, is different gender, and says he/she wants to marry you someday... well I don't have one of those so I don't know if it's that good, but yeah, just having one is good, whoever he/she is. Trust me, I know. Problem here is, they don't talk to each other. I mean, the girl scared her classmates will see she's going on well with her brother? I don't know but whatever the case, the guy definitely dozed off at the crossing? Man, so many questions in three minutes, I wished this was just done in three full episodes. Oh well, so much fun for this week, actually. At least we got... plenty of dialogue? I mean, you guys are messaging, man. It's easy on animation team but sad for the audience, you know?? lol
P.S. Just a little snippet of my backstory: I was in the same school with my sister for... about three years if I didn't remember wrongly. We hardly will meet each other inside the premises though but at least it's easy for my parents house maid (back then) to bring us to and fetch us from school so technically we didn't have to walk to school together I mean it's just below the house haha. What's best is that my life got better without her in school apparently haha come on I went to the last class the year before she left!! Okay maybe that's just me lol

アニメ Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Sorry to disappoint the previous generation Anime viewers out there but yeah, never watched Sailor Moon R. I cried worse on other Anime though so no thanks
"It's because of her huge chest" I refer you to the other Anime above I reviewed for a generic opinion about guys liking girls lol. The new episode (#WotaKoi04) gives a lot more understanding about the secondary couple of the series since we got an insights of the main couple last week, so yeah, we can talk about it. I thought the cosplay thing will go on forever which might make me think otherwise of my decision for giving this show, but yeah, it's with reason. Well mostly due to Hirotaka's ignorance of whatever her gf does to him (I mean, I wouldn't... mind... too?) but yeah Kabakura has a problem. Maybe. After the whole episode, I'd like to think of him as being crude and unable to be honest, and that's kind of okay for people like him. But what's important, is that he learns to console. Through physical action, amongst all other things like speech. I mean, being called ugly all day is going to break a woman, like it or not. But hey, at least they got to even it out, you know, through hugs and Anime figurines lol. Wonderful episode I must say, and after this incident *sob* I'm even more convinced this show will be good. I have a hunch that the episode itself is cut in parts to facilitate storytelling and is likely not the same as the original work, but hey, I'm not here to complain about that. The idea went through and I totally get the point. I guess the last part totally hit Narumi-chan as much as me though, so I'll leave you guys to think about that. Meanwhile, Narumi may be thinking this a little too much. Will that be a problem to their relationship? As of now, I don't think so they go along so well really. But then again don't ask me I haven't got any girl yet not even an otaku so Hirotaka is already ahead of me you jerk ARGH I'M SO PISSED OFF!!! lol
P.S. Oh come on Narumi-chan she crying and you thinking of her chest?? Throwback to me when I was first hugged by a woman who is not my mom lol (Audience: WAIT WHAT???) *laughs* It's a secret, people.
P.P.S. "What if they start quarreling again?" The Anime director says they'll be okay haha

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
The latest chapter (125) continues on surprise Hotaru-chan appearance back in Kokonotsu's life, and yes, everything is like the Anime. Kudos to the Anime again for making it this faithful because I really don't believe what has happened to be honest, and am glad this is the confirmation. What happens next? I have to say spoilers, but yeah Hotaru-chan left again. Why? I think we will have an answer in the following chapters maybe.
How I look like right now after this week

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
I've finally concluded on Aqua Timez's new album from last month because it's May (already?) and given more than a couple of songs because I still like their songs and they don't sound as disappointing as... well this week's ones were pretty good. Middle Kids' first album is pretty good anyways, typical English songs but from a genre that is severely underrated, so I'll take some time to give them more songs if I can. Tomatsu Haruka's new album came in late this week (like, today late) (not like, 3 months late because that's Apple Music Japan) and overall I think it's comparable to her previous albums, though obviously it isn't as good as say, compared to her previous album back in 2015? Yeah, because that has HoneyWorks writing her topic song and this... I don't know the guy. But regardless of my curiosity to find out who wrote those songs (especially ALL the lyrics for the new songs in the album are written by the one guy) it won't actually change my perspective of the songs. After all, I'm here for melody. Either they pass or they fail. get in my list or they don't.

Next week actually brings my (supposedly) busiest week in life and in Klassic Note as I'll be reviewing a lot of releases since this is kind of the best week they can come up with apparently. GLIM SPANKY's new single will release next week and from previews... they aren't as impressive as their previous single which I'm still totally rocking these days. Amamiya Sora's new single will also release next week, of course, for Anime, but hey, for once it's an emotional song. I mean, it's been some time. Albums include Endou Yurika's final album because if you have not known this voice actress who has been around for less than 5 years is retiring. Yeah. It's okay many of us don't know her in Anime anyways I knew her from a game I'm playing. But yeah, I've also never given any of her three singles which have been released over the past 4 years and so... hopefully this is my last run for her. I'll try my best to etch her in the history of Klassic Note if possible. I'll try. Iwasaki Ai's new album is out for like 2 months already I know, but I prefer to wait for the official release date (#dedication) to give this wonderful singer-songwriter because from the topic song as I mentioned some time ago I have not been disappointed. Growing to like her acoustic music brings happiness to my ears.

Other new news I found out on Twitter this week include LuckLife's 2nd major album releasing in August, Komatsu Mikako's new album due in July, and just hours ago where Asakura Momo's 4th single will be released in August too. I also took some time to check out Coalamode. and their new album is due the end of the month following their latest single last week. Well, kind of missed it but I'll compensate with the album I promise. Then again the first album is mostly stuffed with indie songs so I'll not hold my breath. They've changed styles pretty quickly with their single I reviews at the start of the year.

I'm done.
I'm done.

I might just want to write an email tomorrow just to see if there is any chance of getting myself to retake the exam which is probably none (the school is like "suck it up go pay for another semester you idiot") but hey, just like my friend said, at least I tried. I mean, I tried a lot over the past couple of days. It just was too late. And people in my country don't bypass systems, if you get what I mean. Cya guys next time then, and hopefully by then, I won't forget the other two exam papers and that project presentation which might make me stay for another semester if that professor decides to fail me instead haha who knows? Remember I chose the wrong person? Ah, how fucking stupid can I get

P.S. Guess what, reprimanding myself won't change the reality though. So how? Worse case scenario is pay and see myself graduate next year then. *long sigh*

Until next week.