
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #30

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #30

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Tomorrow marks a point. Well, it sort of marks a point considering I'm not in a full-time job yet, so... tomorrow technically makes me officially unemployed. I know I said this weeks ago already, but this time... *laughs* Okay life talk over let's get to entertainment

I hope you noticed the "Anime Extra" post of the previous issue. Because half of the shows I watch are going to be aired on Sunday late night,Β I can only watch them earliest on Monday so hopefully that extra post will be done on the same day for now. This is still assuming I have the time to watch them all when I have a job (I don't for now) and push the reviews early so they don't have to wait a week around. (Well no one cares anyway) That's the best compromise I can think of now. Screw you Anime; next time make it before Sunday, yes? *laughs* Okay let's start

I mean Max, should've kept your mouth shut. *laughs*
Hmm... it's just filling up the blanks on this story? The new episode (#BANANAFISH04) talks about... more plot developments it seems. And yeah, Arthur's guys did get to Eiji. Well, it was an easy lead, and... well let's just say someone died in the crossover before Shorter could do anything. Yes, that one China guy Eiji met in the restaurant. Moving on, Ash struggles to stay in prison after that realisation that his cell mate is technically his enemy, but hey, apparently it's the only one who will care about him too. Changing cell mates, Ash has got to deal with more trouble which he takes on gracefully, but that's not the point. To get him out will be the focus on next episode, where he and Max will (chances are) be allowed out of prison and hopefully, be able to continue the investigation under the eyes of the mafia. Thankfully, (innocent, stupid) people like Eiji refuse to go away from the mystery, owing to the one Ash Lynx for all these, decide to stay and help. I mean, go home, kid. *laughs* All in all, an interesting episode more for information than on action imo, but hey, at least we did see some fighting. Maybe not so much next week, maybe. Then again, at this point we still can't be so sure of what Banana Fish was. Ash talked about an address, and that is supposedly going to lead us to more. Man, this is going to be a wild goose chase, I swear.
It all started with this thing, everyone.
P.S. Not like I have good deduction skills, but I'd like to believe this was developed over the war. Remember when Max said Griffin "depended on drugs to survive"? And this drug lasted thrice as long as LSD? So yeah, you gotta take something to not feel the pain. Then again, they didn't tell the guy about the side effects, I assume. And the mafia is trying to popularise this? Hmm, we don't even need a serial killer incident to get this under the police microscope. Well, not unless the whole system is corrupt anyway lol

をニパ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
Can someone just remind those schoolgirls to not upload those images online- WTF THEY DID IT ALREADY??? *teacher going crazy*
We're not even halfway through guys don't do the ending so quickly though Andou-san haha okay the new episode (#ChioChan04) touches us in... many (illegal) ways than you can imagine. *laughs* Firstly, cigarettes. Okay, nothing bad was taught here I hope, but yeah, Chio-chan talked about how cool she could've been and to be honest, I'd like to try that myself someday. The "you dropped something" thing. *laughs* Stupid things aside (lol), the girls decide to have a shoot-off (as in taking pictures of each other) to see who's cooler, and man, did the animation quality go up real fast haha. They almost are going into the muff thing after school but the teacher found out about their "toy" right at the entrance of the school for some reason, and no one else will believe Chio-chan is cool and can smoke. No really, don't take those pictures out Chio-chan you'll get you and your friend in real trouble. Next up: Andou-san?? Yeah, that bike gang leader is delivering newspapers now. (He's actually doing a proper job now...) While trying to shoot me on the foot for not finding a job yet (though I totally agree with them that working sucks HAHA), Chio-chan had to help him out in doing his job because... Manana does not know of the legend yet. *laughs* I mean, it was just a joke two episodes ago, remember? *laughs* But yeah, it also perfectly appeared to be somewhat of a farce to the initial betting Manana suggested before she approaches some random guy to ask if he's enjoying his job. (Don't approach me btw I won't say I will enjoy my job no matter what it isΒ I don't have a job yet haha) (No seriously those people who took the papers are a**holes) Lastly, Manana gets a chance to rectify the situation we saw in the first episode where Chio-chan jumps into the trash upon seeing the most popular girl in class greet her and wants to go to school with her. I mean, besides the right way of just looking behind you in surprise (I mean, why not?) (I can just flaunt about how interesting I am to Hosokawa-san anyways haha) Manana suggested making the most awkward expression to signal to the other person you acknowledge him/her but did not ignore her because you have no idea if he/she is greeting you? Well it didn't work anyway look behind you instead guys lmao
P.S. "Something stinks" and there's that one student that was beside him lol teacher (must be that pantyshot I saw when Chio-chan dives down the apartment floor lol) (you saw that, right? haha)
P.P.S. "Manana-chan no Tsuugakuro" lmao we need this to be a series Omigawa Chiaki is amazing her laugh is contagious haha
[GIF SERIES PART FOUR!!! Haha this just needs a title]

ζΌ«η”» Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
I think I missed this one so I'll talk about it since there aren't any new ones since... 5 months ago? Damn. Oh well. The "latest" chapter (59) continues on the heroine contest in the school, where Usami is still angry at Uchimaki for helping the Manga Club out so he's at Imari-chan's side. Well, cross-dressed I guess it's not a problem, until you notice that it is. *laughs* Oops that's too much of a spoiler? Hmm... I was looking forward to the live drawing of Usami of Colette-chan though. Well, it's pretty much the same thing but... well read for yourself, yes? And considering this was so much later than before, read the one chapter before too, yes?
MFW I noticed I missed a chapter AND the guy's not continuing anymore

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm I think I know why but I'll keep mum for now, since it has yet been another quiet week in Klassic Note, but I've come to give more songs as far as I can, considering I'm still holding much stricter requirements for giving songs this year. I try man, but the new ones out there are just continuing to disappoint. (Release mentions are going to be all over the place so if you would forgive me) Natsukawa Shiina's 3rd single kind of rocked the Oricon charts in Japan, but here... maybe not so much. I rejected her B-side through and through so yeah Nan-chan your single-on-my-shelf streak is over, even then giving the topic song was... kind of a challenge. It's not as bad though compared to the one song in Kuso Iinkai's new EP I have to give just because it fits my mood now, another from Amamiya Sora's 2nd album because she's cute in it hehe, and another from miwa's best album because... I recalled giving "Delight" from 2013 and "We are the light" sounds like it. So yeah, ignoring the beats and giving the melody. Finally, Niitsu Yui's debut album was reviewed by me again giving faith to her, hoping that I'll pick up another tune or two like her previous work, but nah, one was the best I can give. Which also officially closes my review of all of the releases mentioned above. Now to the real new songs.

Hanazawa Kana's new single was so close to be on my shelf (it'll be her first if it happens) but I rejected the only B-side instead, leaving still me trying to give her the topic song because it wasn't good imo. (I'll watch the tie-up Anime at some point I've got 5 shows this season now lol) I'm also hooked to the Anime "Tsukumogami Kashimasu" opening theme song for some reason after listening to it on Monday (details in Anime Extra and my Twitter feed), but suffice it to say I have to give Shishido Kavka again now. *laughs* I also took a listen to NICO Touches The Walls new EP, and... it wasn't as good as the last one tbh. Lastly, I gave a listen toΒ Cider Girl and their full album which was released last year and I regret not knowing them because they sound cool. I would say their coolness only will last as far as Cocoro Auction where at this point they are still in theme, and once they have to write their own songs it'll be a very different feel. I can see it coming already. Which also explains why I didn't give anything outside of the album even though two new singles have been released this year.

Next week I'll spend some time listening to the new theme song releases for Anime "Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro" I just got my hands on just now, and also hopefully not delay all the songs I've mentioned so far in giving them. Yes, at this point most of the songs I give this year needs some level of brainwashing. That or I ignore them enough and I don't care to give them anymore. My latest victim of this phenomenon which I'm not proud of is H ZETTRIO. Remember they weren't mentioned after the one time earlier this year? Haha now you know.

Okay I'm done. I'm sweating as I'm typing this right now even though I should be calm and collected so I can sleep later. Well, it's not going to be possible considering I have a graduation ceremony to attend (my graduation, to be specific) and I still can't tie my double-sided tie lmao why did I buy this oh because I had to use that voucher I got for the suit haha cya guys next week OH NO it's tomorrow my apologies hopefully I'll be done early so I can do this, yes? Bye bye

[P.S. Is this how kids do long sentences without punctuation on the Internet I think I'm doing pretty well sorry if reading on it sucks though I proof read all my posts and I think I can still handle it just read like a denizen on the Internet you'll get used to it haha]