
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #31

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #31

Sunday, 05 August 2018
Hey, I gotta send those resumes someday. Figured out this week was the week. Well actually it was just yesterday so I can avoid the sudden interview notice over this week lol. But I think I worry too much since chances there are many who applied so yeah I might be unemployed again this month my sis already is egging me to go do delivery service as temp job already HAHA NO NOT DOING IT lol

Real life aside, this week was... as boring as I thought. Okay, I did get my certification from a guy who had a wider grin than mine (FYI my default face is a frown) so that's great. But that was Monday already so I would say my happy days are over. Well, not unless you include Entertainment this week because we got quite a good run this week! Let's get started.

No seriously Eiji just go home we don't need another Skip as bait lol
So there you go. Banana Fish is [spoiler alert] just the name of the drug. I mean, why would you call out someone or an organisation when you're about to die? Okay not that it's got any relation to the new episode (#BANANAFISH05) because Ash is free. Well, conditionally free from prison. And after that, it's just a roller coaster of events that if you didn't strap yourself to your seat probably already died riding on that truck lol. Okay, the episode. Ash is out, of course, since he heard from Max, to get revenge for his brother's death. Big problem, because he thinks he can do it himself. Yeah try that when he's the largest gang leader and half the police will be watching his ass, he probably could do with some help. Surprisingly, Eiji wants to be on the ride. Going against his supervisor, he helps Ash escape from police interrogation and tries to assassinate Dino himself. Well, it sort of worked since it landed him in hospital but his own gang rival ex-subordinate Arthur is helping the old man, so he's not going to get an easy advantage. With some help from Shorter, he manages to at this point, render him immobile while he possible continues the search for the truth with Max, since he technically knows more than Ash himself. Problem is, he doesn't want to go home. Go home as in, the home he escaped out of. Now you know why he's so emo. Next episode will be what leads us to the truth finally, and knowing that [spoiler alert] Banana Fish is the drug name doesn't make it feel bad anymore. Problem is Dino thinks this will change the world. How will it do so? I have no idea. I mean, he can't possibly make a shit ton of this and pour it into the water inlet. Or can he? Okay maybe not that but you know, drugs are going to get a whole lot more... devastating on children's life expectancy? I mean I don't know ask Dino he's the one who took other people's kids
MFW I want to diddle kids so bad lmao Dino you're one sick old man
P.S. I haven't listened to the theme songs yet and they both sound cool, and great at further listen. Let's see if I can secure one of these to justify watching this show.

アニメ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
"Even if there's an issue with the relationship, all the blame will fall on the teacher!" Haha Manana you have never been more correct
"I'm going to look into this" I mean you're going to be friends with them real soon haha okay the new episode (#ChioChan05) is still all kinds of weird, but let's go take a leak in the toilet. As much as I just bombed Chio-chan on her trip to school on the first part, it was quite an adventure. (I got turned on by the voice actress panting lol) (But seriously how softcore is this show lmao) Here's question even though it's totally revealed already: What would you do if you're stuck in the middle of nowhere searching for a toilet and your bladder is making sure you'll wet your pants/skirt before you can find one? You... firstly crawl. Yes, crawl, with every step and with care. Then, rush into a public toilet of the opposite gender. With ZERO regard of consequences. Then, act as if the toilet needs cleaning and get out through the back window. This is fully assuming you're skinny enough to get out of the smallest windows in existence. Lastly, create a diversion (this is purely depending on luck, and panties) and pretend something happened to you on the streets so no one will think you jumped out of a window. There, problem solved. No really Chio-chan, what's your problem- *shock* Oh. I am male. *laughs* (Here heavily implies I can decrease my SAN value just by finding a nearby bush) Next up, the true value of friendship. Here's a pro tip for you guys out there, because if you haven't shitted on your friends before, they are not your friends. To add on, if you haven't done the dumbest things together, you're not friends. As much as friendships can be taken down, the student council president Momo is going to have a hard time tearing down the relationship between Chio and Manana. Like seriously. As much as I want the Mamanachio song and dance to be a music video and soundtrack (it better be) it's... probably their best way of showing their friendship, considering Manana can't even recall Chio-chan's birthday lol. All in all, fantastic episode as always, and if every episode didn't blow your mind you could be as weird as these girls. Just... just wear some safety shorts, yes? It's Anime here so it's alright? I don't know man apparently next week there will be more lol panties I mean haha
P.S. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is your latest Ikimonogakari reference lol. Or is it a Naruto reference? I know the former only though so FUCK YOU NARUTO haha (this hatred will never cease, I promise you)
P.P.S. Here's a voice actor pro tip: Go (back) to the first mention of the Anime title and hear the voice. That is undoubtedly (if you watched BLEACH) the voice actor behind Madarame Ikkaku. I guess he's one of the guys who peeped at the girls' undies then lol (okay my bad he was the guy who entered the toilet because his bladder was giving way)
[THIS ANIME'S CUTENESS IN GIF!! And no I'm not posting the Mananachio GIF I can't even]
(Oh on a side note, the manga has concluded. Please, PLEASE give us an ending. We can but hope. *laughs*) (WAIT WTF THE AUTHOR IS STREAMING NOW??? Oh it'll be over when you read this but) (Okay I'll spoil it here the last chapter of the manga is very similar to the first chapter ie. first part of episode one but Manana gives that very reaction and Chio-chan knows the way around the road obstruction haha nice one)

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san OVA
"Oh is that legend true? Now I just gotta trick that idiot into doing it with me" <= Takagi-chan's devil thought lol wait she is the devil
Wow that's the most desperate I've seen... who's that girl again? Haha hey guys welcome to another episode of teasing. And no, I'm not going to do my rendition of solving problems because it's the SWIMSUIT EPISODE yeah yeah haha. But I can truthfully say, Nishikata is happier without women lol. Okay, the OVA episode is about the water slide. And yes we do NOT have to mention how wonderful it is when a boy and a girl go down it together, but suffice it to say they will fall in love with each other. Haha, of course, it's our dear main girl Mano-chan who wanted to go with her... boyfriend Nakai-kun, so yeah, it got drifted off real quick though. Although I must admit same gender hanging out with each other seems way more natural though so I actually liked the girls' talk and stuff, but hey, the couples gotta go down the slide together too. So with Takagi-chan finding Nishikata they decide to (or well SHE decides to) spy on the couple to probably see if they are doing well or not and if all goes to plan. Of course even Nishikata did not expect it to be Takagi-chan's motive for bringing him up to the slide to they can go down together... well you know. *laughs* All in all, Yukari-chan's swimming lesson was a bust, and I wish her other two friends will treat her better. I assume it was a hard time convincing her to come to the pool, so... the other two guys only ate the whole time? *laughs*
P.S. God they gotta put that analogy in and yes I'm referring to the floating ducks when Yukari-chan is in the swimming briefing
P.P.S. Did Yukari-chan just take out her glasses and put them back??? Wow, so surreal lmao

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
Hmm... the new chapter (142) was totally worth the build-up up till now, to be honest. So, summarising what happened in all, other Ciel was resurrected by Undertaker after the incident which made Ciel Ciel form a contract with the demon to restore his past glory back for the family, but in this case I would say the older brother is trying to steal all of what he has right now? The shinigamis were about to fight until... guess what, the police arrive?? Yeah, plot twist, everyone. So yeah, the police found out about the incident, NOT the Phantomhive house. Not yet, not until the doors are open and the detective saw it for himself. That, and proof to back up who's the right heir to the household. Cue Elizabeth Milford. Yeah, that could've gone worse. So why did Elizabeth side with the other Ciel, considering the Ciel Ciel restored the house to its former glory although technically sacrificing the brother? I don't know if (the author) Yana-chan-sensei wants to walks us through this guilt ride but I suspiciously think so. Now it's more like me thinking that since Elizabeth technically knew the older brother better as in the flashback she would take his spot, but considering he's already dead and this boy over here is literally the only resurrected person Undertaker has ever done, where does this all put us to other Ciel's existence? Man, I'm not going to throw all the existentialism things on you this is the Anime world btw but I am going to say this: the majority will be by other Ciel's side. And what is Ciel Ciel going to do? Will he watch to see himself go down to the ground? Will he be evil enough (he isn't btw Sebastian is) to use the contracted demon to do whatever is required to continue to exact revenge for his family? Why not, I mean? But this one, it might be his biggest hurdle yet. (Oh please tell me other Ciel is technically dead so I can see him die again in piece, hopefully in pieces lol)
Introducing Othello, the weakest shinigami we've seen yet lol
P.S. To think about this in Sebastian's perspective (or actually the author's) if a shift of leadership in the Phantomhive household were to happen if other Ciel ie. the older brother takes charge, and considering Tanaka-san and Lizzy are on his side, the servants won't have much of a say and with Undertaker it is highly likely that Sebastian can be eradicated... that might spoil his and Ciel's contract for exacting revenge, so yeah, Sebastian will most definitely not allow that to happen, since it will impede the current Ciel's power to complete the contract. Also, the house is burnt down. Considering Undertaker's powers even if he brought back other Ciel back then he would not have the (demon) power to bring the house back up, hiring servants who will protect the master, and all the stuff that has been done till far to restore the family's reputation. How to prevent this eventuality (if possible) from happening though, I have no idea.

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
In this week of Klassic Note, I suddenly reminded myself to go check when the Anime theme songs I'm watching this season will release, and heck have they released already. Anime "Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro" theme songs released last week already, but finally giving them a listen they aren't bad, as expected. So I gave them both. Don't ask for B-sides they aren't great. Also, I just listened to Survive Said The Prophet's new single for Anime "Banana Fish" opening theme song, and it's short, sweet, and I almost wanted to put their single on the shelf. Almost. 2018 me is not generous enough to give them this quick off the bat. I also took a listen to Shishido Kavka's new album(s) which also released last week and... the one theme song for the Anime with MIYAVI was better haha. Turns out her collaboration songs are better? Okay, doesn't say much for the album because most of the songs are also collaborations and I didn't give any lol. Anime then, Anime. Last but not least, I decided to give Uesaka Sumire's new album a listen after her full initiation into Apple Music Japan just this week with the new album in streaming too, and of course for the single which hit the ranks of Klassic Note last year. Turns out not crazily impossible to give because I even gave that Anime "POP TEAM EPIC" theme song too. Ugh, I'm ashamed to say that. With this song also I've came up with a themed yearly which will be released by the end of the year separate from the... I'm also ashamed to say, #KN10YEAR compilations which are not even in place. I'm sorry guys, feeling emo to get it done quick.

Next week brings us (finally) Yoru no Honki Dance's new single, and damn am I excited. The music video (preview) is pretty good in first impression, so I'm going to be looking forward to a release for a long time lol. I also have plans to clear my live performance archive because I don't like sitting in front of my computer to just watch lives so I will now, and it'll take place in the long weekend I'll have next week starting Wednesday/Thursday we shall see, but I'll put my impressions in Twitter if I can. To give you an impression of what artists are "featured": sphere (yes their 2017 live), Chatmonchy and their final live, GLIM SPANKY's latest live in Budokan, and Sambomaster's latest live.

In latest news on Twitter, Asakukra Momo's new single music video (preview) is out for listen, and... if I didn't see the music videos from one Tomatsu Haruka I'll totally fall in love with Mocho right now. So yes, I'm not. The song isn't impressive though. Tokyo Karan Koron will release a new album in October this year after like, 9 months so that's great, and (don't make me spell ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION every time, yes?) Ajikan will release their new single in September. No really, this was just hot off the press I just retweeted it go check it out. In other news, you should've read previous paragraphs to figure out that Uesaka Sumire's music collection is available in Apple Music Japan for streaming. AZUMA HITOMI will be in a new instrumental band (yes the one who legend-ed her way to the ranks in Klassic Note 2011) (and no not the same as "Hello, Wendy!" in which she was in a quattro with Niitsu Yui) by the end of the year, and Scenarioart has formed their independent label and artist management companies signalling departure from their music label Ki/oon Music and management group Sony Music Artists. Doesn't sound much but in preparation for their 10 years in band formation we might have more news to come. They've gotten themselves a fashion label, for starters. I'm for music though so no thanks? *laughs*

Yeah that's it for now. I can say that now because I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully, unless I'm so busy taking in interview phone calls lmao) for more Anime stuff I hope, and until then... I can't really say for sure if you are going to have a nice next week, but I know I am. Happy National Day, my country. *laughs* (I mean, you should figure it out by now where I live) (No really the answer's on my Twitter profile)