
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #34

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #34

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Eh... I'm kind of tired considering my weekend's over and I just spent the afternoon watching everything listed below, so... let's keep this short, yes?

And tomorrow I'll probably post real late considering I'm going out with my friends (I should've remembered this) so this is also a good time to test the real life situation where my Monday's burnt and I still have to stay awake and watch like three shows tomorrow. We shall see. I can sleep later than before anyways.

Let's get to it then! I'm getting sleepy already lol

"We'll see if I can't be better than him" Oh come on Arthur you're not even close to Dino's tastes he only likes little boys haha
I mean, at this point, all of us should be convinced that Dino Golzine is one sick motherf**ker of a underworld lord of America. Hey, it's just fiction , but it's still sick. In this episode (#BANANAFISH08) I think the Anime has proven easily that where everything is not going according to Dino's plan he has ways to make sure everything that comes his way will be resolved. Let's start with Max and his family. Continuing into the last episode where the gang reside in supposedly the scientist's mansion, and that gay of a Lee family younger brother (whatever haha I don't like the names of baddies anyway) has made sure Shorter will listen to his orders which is from the brother in the West who is from the leader brother who is in the East (man, this is complicated) and with a good distraction will be able to take action on eliminating as many people out of the gang as possible. Shunichi was left to tell the tale, Eiji became the new hostage (you know, because Dino), Shorter had to obey other people's orders, and... technically Max's family was fine. Hey, good trap, as they say. (No I'm not referring to the wife I mean Golzine's plan) Falling back, the real scientist came back home to reveal the true identity of what Banana Fish has been all along. I mean, it's not explicitly stated yet, but this far we definitely know that it's a potential hypnosis drug which can be used to trigger people to kill other people, in a nutshell. And that is a weapon, depending on how it's used. Obviously this caught interest of the military for some reason (I mean, do they not care about soldier welfare al- Oh yeah these guys aren't conscripted haha) and... in case you need a superpower soldier there's your solution. I mean, this isn't real life true. Or is it...? Anyways, coming back to the story, Ash and the other guys left were apprehended by Golzine's guys once again, and they are on their way to the East, where I assume the final confrontation/obstacle elimination depending who you ask, will take place. Hmm, I like how this builds up so well I am speechless as I am interested to see what's next. With many liabilities taking place from the Lee family to Shorter to Ash (I mean, he's always got a plan up his crotch lol) to maybe even the Japanese... you know it's going to be more than your typical cliffhanger. This is going to end anything but well. Hey, you want me to make a guess who's taking the real drug sample first? My guess... the main guy himself. What, you thought it was Eiji? Unlikely though imo, not that I can't imagine him looking like Griffin, but that is possible too. I just thought seeing Ash go crazy will be in contrast more interesting than seeing others go crazy in front of him. I may be wrong, but I'll like to see this for myself. *Golzine laugh*
So much despair in such an innocent shot.
Shorter, you should've sacrificed for the greater good...?
P.S. Aw man, they burnt the house down. Will the scientist be able to remake the formula again or sacrifice for his pledge to keep his own scientific discovery? Man, this idiot thought he was in the 15th century where you can still keep secrets on your findings lol

アニメ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
"Minna-san, naisu reakushon" lol I wished I was there at that convenience store
But seriously how packed is Yuki-chan's athletic high school girl body?? *laughs* Okay I'm becoming a pervert real soon haha. The new episode (#ChioChan08) talks about some stuff we already know of, but would love to know further. Yeah, just like how Shizuoka-san wants to know of the world around her. Okay, this girl aside first, let's talk about the main ones. Firstly, Yuki-chan boldly dons her track suit to school. I mean, if you haven't seen how track suits look like for atheletes (not those jerseys, mind you) please do a quick Google before continuing, because the only difference these guys have compared to Yuii-chan right here is that she doesn't seem to bear any shame on wearing it in public. So, Manana decides to test her awareness. Apparently it's not up to much, but what's funnier is that Chio-chan is trying real hard to react from such so-called embarrassment which the one girl who should be concerned, isn't. So yeah, that was fun to watch haha. Secondly, I guess it's not much about Manana's diet plans because she looks good enough for a high school student (my standards aren't very high I'm sorry) (okay maybe not the face lol) but more of Chio-chan constantly putting herself in danger just because she still thinks she can climb walls like those stealth video games she plays every night. Not wrong considering she's in the soft tennis club (I'd like to try that trick one day myself; It's a good pitch to get people to join the club too haha), but man does she get her best friend worried. I guess that's more of a problem, yes? Lastly, we get to Shizuoka-san's story. So yeah, she was one with standards, for improvement and for concern of the people around her. Which probably landed her on her position in the student council since she'll do way better in educating and helping the students to keep up standards within the grounds. Hey, I love a touching story or two in this show, and man do they do it good. Next episode preview apparently Manana is pitching to entice us to watch it lol, so be sure to come back to see if Chio-chan has died from embarrassment or from falling from a high place lmao
P.S. Chio Fisher? What about Bloody Butterfly?? (Btw that name is a reference to Sam Fisher, from the Splinter Cell shooting game series)
P.P.S. Once again, and that is why I can't have many friends, it's really rude for someone to talk to you and you act like you listen because you're not involved in the conversation. Really, and that's why I'm here writing about Anime because no one gives TWO F**KS about my opinion. No really, guys. It's a real problem.

映画 Early Man
For seeing this stop-motion animation movie which got me in, I'd like to see for myself why such a production will make people like such a hard-earned production method to come back. Now that I've seen it for myself again, I must say I'm still amazed. Okay, I'll talk about this again in three main things: how this came by for me, the plot, the production in general (because I think I only know of Nick Park lol).
I saw this in the trailer and I know this is going to be a good movie
Firstly, how watching this movie all started. Probably around the start of the year, I came by some Internet promotion of this movie and stop-motion production in general (where you make movie frames by the frame instead of relying on continuous filming like using a camera, and reference filming like borrowing frames in standard animation) and this immediately caught my attention. Moving on like half a year of this movie airing, I decided to pick this up and watch it for myself. And I must say, it'll leave an impression, just like how the caveman have.
When you know you're going to die and you're still happy-go-lucky
Secondly, the story. It's about changing paradigms. It's about the Stone Age and Bronze Age. It's about football. Yes, if you're not of English descent and love USA in general (even though they come from the Englishmen anyways) you should have known of this ball-kicking sport of soccer. I mean, there's a four-year World Cup going on this planet where the best teams of each country compete to get that one trophy and lots of fame, don't tell me you don't know. So yeah, story goes that one of the last stone tribes have their homeland in peace (despite the chaos outside? lol that's our idea of statehood haha) when the nearby civilisation decided to take their land in for mining metals, namely bronze. Ignoring the impact it has on the dozen cavemen left in the area, and of course following a series of events, Dug the caveman got a chance to save his land back from urbanisation, if you would like to call it. So on goes their training after the governor of the area Lord Nooth agreed to a sure-win situation, because the cavemen can believe that the paintings on their stones are actually their ancestors learning the sport. Without much hope to win and taking a huge gamble, Dug sneaked into the kingdom once again in search of a replacement ball, caught the girl whom he first met on the streets (of course, in the kingdom) secretly practising the sport. In a quick turn of events, she decided to help the team since she will get a chance to play football in a place where only men are allowed to do so. This in turn transformed the statuses of the cavemen from amateurs to skilled players, giving them a better chance at playing the game against the elites. Lord Nooth, seeing such an impending fate upon him, decided to reveal the truth he found in the caves: the ancestors do know how to play, they created the sport, but failed at achieving professionalism which led to their eventual lack of passing to its future generations. This came in as a turning point for Dug, as he juggles with striking a "peace deal" for the tribe or fighting for their freedom. And of course they did the latter. Happy ending as always, everyone. But hey, I'm not expecting despair and much sadness in a show aimed at a younger audience.
Me when I hate my boss
Lastly, what I think of the movie and production in general. As much as the story feels serious because you know, there needs to have a motive to educate and enlighten and touch peoples' hearts, this movie is also super entertaining. For starters, look at the animation. This is stop-motion, people, where every frame of the movie is hand-made using plasticine models (yes, the stadium and Badlands too) to the best of detail, probably topping most Japanese Anime to date. It's obvious for one to be amazed at the amount of effort required to put into this 90 minutes of non-stop action. Then, there's the humour. If you didn't laugh hard enough at any of the things here from Hognob's existence (like, literally) to the still alive rabbit to those two dinosaurs which the credits say aren't killed in the process of filming (lol) you got to stop watching this. Because this was as much entertaining in every corner as you would expect and not expect, delivering tons of laughter for me right from the beginning. Of course, modern references and ridiculous renditions of the modern-day technologies is obviously a way to make fun at technology back then (that message pigeon HAHA OMG) (and goddamn those instant replays using puppets LMAO) but also a way to relate what happened back then to what is today, if the reference can be deemed as anything other than inaccurate. And last but not least, the effort in storytelling. We all know how much it takes to tell such a story with scale in under 90 minutes. Many movies have came by, not many have told it well. For the one guy Nick Park who produced and directed this movie (and also voiced the pig btw) he's done a wonderful job in keeping the story altogether without breaking momentum, and I applaud that level of effort.
Imagine how many days or weeks it takes to make produce this particular scene
All in all, I must say this is those shows that if I treat a kid to this in the cinemas when they rather waste time playing video games or watch YouTube I'll make them walk out even more excited about the movie. And you thought Anime was the only thing I watched. This is the reason why I'll pick up another movie to watch despite not being an avid fan. Some movies done well can just be this good.
My opinion on how good this movie is versus Internet's opinion
P.S. ...And that's how they invented soccer lol MOONBALL!! (This is a Achievement Hunter reference)
P.P.S. I know I'm going to put an infinite number of joke references here considering I took a formal review above, but I'd like to say I wonder how much time they took to slot in as many stupid jokes as they can because I lauhged way too hard at the Lord Nooth service by Stefano haha that was funny

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was quite a week for releases, so let's talk about all of them as much as possible. Well, I kind of had to work but there's that public holiday on the Wednesday which was pretty good in facilitating the reviews by the way. The theme songs for Anime "Asobi Asobase" were out this week, and... man it was hard to give a decision on. Well, I've closed my eyes on giving the ending theme already, opening no thanks I can't bear to give the rest of the song even giving the preview. Asakura Momo's new single was okay, I didn't complain much now that I can finally give the full song, so it's good. Not going to be on my shelf though. SID's new original mini-album (original because that Anime compilation "new song" was technically a self-cover) after quite some years of inactivity might just pick up, and ignoring those active tunes the emotional songs are still getting me, so I'll leave this till next week in order to give a song or two if possible. Lastly, I've been rather invested in SIX LOUNGE after hearing their live performance in a rock festival (RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2018 to be exact) and decided to extend the generosity not only to their new album which was available online but all their other songs on YouTube where their releases were NOT online. So yeah, I'll still give a couple of songs. Come on, I even gave the girl in the music video already (MV link also on her profile), so why not the song? *giggles*

Next week brings us nano.RIPE's long-awaited full album after their band change, and... the new music video preview wasn't that impressive. Hey, I'll see for myself how good this will get next week anyways. I've yet to hear LuckLife's 2nd album so I'll be on a lookout on that next week for sure.

On Twitter, the Animelo Summer Live 2018 (also known as "Anisama") reports online are killing me personally mostly the photos haha, AZUMA HITOMI's newly formed group YEASTAGE was listening to Bombay Bicycle Club and I thought I'd give them a listen (not bad, but it's like relevancy may be low considering their latest album is in 2014) (I mean, I'm not that interested in their style tbh they sound great though), Scenarioart and Cocoro Auction released new single tracks online and they both sound okay I mean, we know who's the winner here, Neverland. *laughs* Last but not least, hey Asakura Momo will be releasing her very first album in October! I mean, she has never been more "Peachy" than she will be, but man am I having erotic thoughts hehe. Okay to be honest she already gave us a love song. What more can we get? (Yeah I'm egging her haha)

Okay I'm done. Have a great week ahead guys. Well if you still haven't had your Sunday then have a great next week ahead. Or whatever. I don't care for time zones my world doesn't have time zones. *laughs* Haha I'm getting loopy I better stop soon haha until tomorrow night then