
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #37

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #37

Sunday, 16 September 2018

I know every week I come in with a heavy mood, but I think this needs to be discussed with my colleagues because... I still don't know what I'm doing. Specifically, what I'm doing work for. Not that I have no goals (I don't though), but I feel empty. It feels the same as the time was in internship too. I might be too free. Not busy, if you need a better term. I don't know, man. If I can't take it, I really need to tell someone who is busy. I know I can do it. I can't bear a sad mood every week.

Even my emo days wasn't this bad.

Okay, let's get in and out my world quick. I still have to do this for tomorrow anyway.

"Former male prostitute, gang leader and murderer..." Wow this guy's got ALL the work experience in his resume haha
Hey, they do say all your need is one capable guy instead of rearing a bunch of noobs around. *laughs* (Am I talking about my workplace? Haha we shall see) The new episode (#BANANAFISH11) was quite the rise of the comeback, I must say. And with hope upon us, we can see how Ash might already be playing and planning his further action against Golzine. Firstly, tasking his remaining squad to gather information about what he needs to deal with in town. Mainly because his gangs were taken from him when he was... you know, busy with other things (see past 10 episodes for details lol) so now he has to take it back, even though it's technically not Arthur's but the remaining ones are those who have the balls haha. Besides taking a rest and having a great time with Eiji for some reason (hey why not Golzine has boys to play with why can't his stepson?), he also started the first part of his own plans to make sure he himself is self-sustainable, and hopefully out of reach from the lord. So yeah, he went hacking. Well, I guess it's not tough to hack considering he wasn't enjoying it when Golzine was doing him (ugh), so that's the old man's fault, I guess. Ash also got Max to help him out so he can get a place to stay, enclosed within a condo, near one of the places Golzine owns, hopefully to keep Eiji safe and easy to spy on maybe. So yeah, Golzine is going to have a rough time for now. Meanwhile however, he is tasking Arthur to take over his... crumbling empire (well his house was crumbling lol) as he flies overseas to settle things. That, which makes this a good last stand for these two enemies who probably should've settled amongst themselves like, before this series even started. That, and hopefully things go along their way. Max has something up his sleeve about protecting Eiji though. Also, Eiji himself can be a liability if he really wants to, so there's quite a lot to play here. We shall see then. The series has also been confirmed to be two-cour (as in seasons) announcing the new opening theme song, so yeah, this show is still here to stay. I want to see some sweet, sweet revenge, Ash. Make sure it happens. I want more shocked faces of Golzine this episode was just a teaser haha
P.S. I thoguht the guns guy is going to rat him out but I guess Ash does have some personal connections outside of Golzine's world, so that's good.
P.P.S. I like how Eiji talks about Ash's dual personality (the killing one, and when they were in bed lol) even though that's basically just us at work and outside work. Hey Eiji? We all have to maintain this balance, it seems.
[Because I had to talk about it as it's so weird...]
If you haven't watched this you thought these two were doing it
(Yes the one in the bed is Eiji btw)

アニメ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
"So why are there wars when we have war video games?" Well Chio-chan, because those guys haven't played it before haha you know how much a computer costs in Afghanistan?? lol
Oh man this show is just... Okay, let's talk about what happened in this wonderful new episode (#ChioChan11) where we talk about Chio-chan and BO. Nope, don't relate them together just yet this episode has too many plot twists for us to just think of them as so. Firstly, Chio-chan's student life at night in a nutshell. I mean, I don't stay up late so I can't relate, but I must say at times she's too smart for herself, really. Because her mother is not strict enough and doesn't want to break her computer in her room (I mean, you have never seen my parents INTENTIONALLY turn off the power so I can stop at 10pm), she lets Chio-chan do her thing. The late gamer life is really great (I mean, I know Chio-chan is below average, but the animation department is really trying to push her body into our viewing perspective lol), she thought it was easy robbing banks as if doing it in video games wasn't enough lol, and... she still manages to go to school on time while getting some much needed sleep. Yeah, in case you need me to fill in the blanks as the Anime didn't, she left her place at 4am dressed in her school uniform, went to the temple, and slept there with a paper bag on her head so that Manana can wake her up. Still, it took a few hard whacks to wake this beast up (more on that name later), so yeah the neighbourhood probably knew (and got used to) that one girl who has been sleeping at the temple was her anyways. But technically, the game stuff inside the house, I can relate. Not the sleeping part though when I'm tired I go sleep haha that's the difference Chio-chan lol. Then, there's Manana's worry about BO. In case you guys don't know what body odour is, try to wait till your busy day ends and before you step in the bathroom, smell your armpit. If you are the 60% that aren't aware or are just using perfume to cover it up, go shower. If it persists, go see a doctor. I'm one of those who refuse to do any of them early in the morning so technically I'll make Manana and Chio's nose fall to the ground with that beast scent lol. Okay, but on Chio-chan first. If I didn't spoil you on why her armpit smells to Manana and she has to go through that much to realise that it's because of the house dog licking her underside, then you'll be glad to know all this logical thinking still doesn't beat smelling the other armpit lol. Hey, you gotta confirm, man. If your nose falls to the ground twice then you'll know she needs a doctor's consultation haha. Well probably for you too but hey you gotta help your friend since she helped you through so much. And you can go to see the doctor together too. *laughs* And nope, Manana-chan is not getting laid. I wonder if Hosokawa-san is or not considering she knows everyone in class apparently. I mean, how do you know the one guy likes pretty girls? *silence* Don't look at me, do I look like I know? Besides, it's not an easy question to answer, considering the classroom is more heated than that bank robbery which someone got 6 million USD alone in haha
P.S. Now I secretly wish they'll make Chio-chan's voice actress (Oozora Naomi, for your reference) really play a video game that her Anime counterpart plays. (I mean, they already let her kill someone lol the director I assume) Any of those games, I don't care. I just want to see her fail catastrophically playing something like PUBG hahahaha PROVE ME WRONG NAOMI-CHAN
P.P.S. "What would you do if I have 700 million yen?" I would say for Momo-chan, "dagashi" or sweets probably will be the best answer imo. Refer to last week's episode for more information hehe

アニメ Asobi Asobase
*Quote about how Olivia's brother thinks the movie is awesome* Haha it wasn't awesome?
I know she thinks she's dead even though she wasn't but I wished she was dead lol okay she approved the movie anyway so I'll forgive her haha. On the new episode of (#AsobiAsobase11) whatever the f**k is this show because I need to be reminded of how stupid, silly and exaggerating the plot can go. And that just means this show can go anywhere haha. Firstly, Actually, this episode surrounds on the unknown yet super-ridiculous character of the popularists that you think Hanako would hate the vice-president of the student council, but yes, it's a slut. *laughs* Makeup too much for her own sake, she is second to the student council president, and is actually helping out to talk to the boys' school opposite the school to... I don't know. Initially it was to cooperate on the combined school festival, but the real reason? Haha I'm not so sure. (They are leaving this for another story involving an in-fighting amongst the boy school's student council members though) (See? I said there'll be a second season haha) Ignoring that completely, the vice president (as I shall refer to from here on), has even more problems than the president. (Does she?) Well, mostly surrounding the fact that she wants to go to the boys' school so badly it leaves the president to do all the work ie. approving club activities for the festival, is giving her a good time to escape the school's clutches and wearing her makeup so she can be the *the word that shall not be mentioned* that she can be while being a student lol. And that desperation does spread to the president but not really, as we quickly switch our attention to probably the best club in this series (yes better than the Art Club lol) which is the Occult Club. Proudly gracing her return, we now have Aguri-chan (I'm not using her nickname here) joining Oka-san in making some sweets and maybe cookies for the upcoming festival. I know, you have to have the creeps even though the taste is totally normal. Okay not that normal after Aguri mentioned about the special potion that her (probably evil) grandmother gave her to use when she wants people to be happy. I mean, I forgive her since she's still a middle schooler, and Hanako probably will know how to use the drug better, but still. They made some, gave some for that male teacher to eat, and... you can figure out what happened after that. *laughs* Lastly, the confrontation. Of many things. On the front, it's two out of the three girls asking for repeal on their proposal (that movie) for the festival. I mean, the president got enough shit for approving whatever the Art Club was doing with surrealism (if anal is surrealism I need to go to an arts school right now lol), so this one was definitely a flat-out rejection. However, due to a series of unfortunate events and the curiosity of the three girls, they got their movie approved. Man, it's tiring being student council. Especially the boys' school student council, if you get what I mean. Between butt lasers, two-faces, long and boring movie reviews like they matter (boom gotcha movie reviewers and Olivia's brother) I would say the vice president survived it all. That, and knocking someone unconscious. Twice. God, if I tell you she is voiced by the same person who voiced Oka-san you wouldn't even believe me.

*serious face* Yep, I'm not joking. Look it up.

Like seriously, if there was to be a mystery to solve, Conan can step aside because apart from its second reference in this series, Olivia makes of a good detective and I like haha oh I meant her in general not her lazy brain which has been actively used twice? *laughs*
P.S. So... the six guys in the student countil in the opposite school were fighing over an overly-disguised makeup girl? Man, these guys have NEVER seen the three girls before haha maybe I'm not popular enough to understand this
[Let's celebrate the nicer things in this episode, yes? MY EYES!!! lol]

I guess not. Let's move on.

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow this week is a whole lot of... nothing? Well, I still gotta find new songs to listen. It's Klassic Note, after all. I can't listen to one-week old songs. *laughs* ORESAMA's new music video is finally in after weeks of trying not to give a melody which is so 90s for some reason (I know, the beat's are still today's beats don't get me wrong) (maybe that's why the single didn't appear online), I decided to give Tachibana Rika... on her charatcer song on that game I'm still playing when I should've quit lol. Why? Because it's so dope tbh and I can't get it out of my head. And I'll never say sorry to her two mini-albums because they suck haha. (Oh, and a new yearly compilation is due since I got enough songs to group to this topic which I hate lol) tacica's latest single was rather disappointing to be honest, so I instead went to listen their 2009 single of which I did give the topic song thanks to one "Solanin" movie and its songbook compilation, back in 2013. That is, for my experience. I must say, this is the most typcial of experiences where artists are trying so hard to create melodies which won't be exact as others in fear of copyright? I don't know. Whatever the reason, it's making music compositions terrible, and I wish that will not happen to everyone. THE ORAL CIGARETTES and Yoru no Honki Dance are doing pretty well, giving us fresh melodies in every corner. Why can the other guys do it? Is that a problem that artists are struggling to overcome? I mean, I don't know; I'm not a music artist.

Next week brings us (hopefully) Linked Horizon's new single for that Anime which I can't even get my hands on the opening theme for some reason, and this time I might just give which will be my first since back when I first gave it and regretted my decision back in 2013. Huh, all the memories are from five years ago somehow.Well, I need a second impression. First impressions are dying out quick. Especially Linked Horizon. I'm really wanting to wipe my memory of their music style if they don't give me another good song haha

In the latest news, someone in negoto got married (oh well haha), Komatsu Mikako is due for another new single with an Anime tie-in, and Tsuji Shion's best album is due late October. In other other news which I TOTALLY don't care about, Earphones (Kouno Marika, Takahashi Rie and Nagaku Yuki get a mention here because their Tweets are fantastic) and TrySail (they only got the staff one) (nope, no blog posts as of writing) are due in Singapore late November. Yeah. I don't care at all. I mean, how much money does it take to maybe just talk to Ten-chan? FOUR HUNDRED BUCKAROOS?? Fuck off. I may not even be able to get her to sign one of those CDs I have on my shelf. Now that I think about it it's a real good idea... ARGH NO I WANT TO DO IT SO BADLY NOW lol no I don't what do you think this is? I'm paying just to see their faces? Well it's not that expensive I can just buy the day ticket or night performance ticket hehe

Also also, TIL embedding Apple Music Previews is now a thing:

Okay now I can't stop fantasising about talking to any of them, the six mentioned above. Okay maybe not Nagaku Yuki she not my type haha. *silence* Okay maybe not. I mean, if my enthusiasm for them isn't like that one guy who will bring someone's latest photobook for them to sign while donning on the cosplay of one of their roles... I think I'm already not eligible even if I HAVE the money to pay for talking to them for 20 seconds. Hey, if I do? Hmm... I mean, I'm working now, and I definitely have a couple of hundred bucks to spare... we shall see how. Maybe. Maybe this time. I avoided this a lot of times, maybe now is the time to do it. Then again, I'm not that invested in Anime festivals, so maybe not? Cya guys tomorrow then, and until then... finally took some time to clear my computer of hard disk space, but I have a feeling I need to get a new system drive this SSD is way too small to do Android app development. (Audience: お?) (Stop second guessing me please)

[P.S. And for once I don't care about F1 just happening downtown because I've got Anime to watch #AnimeIsLife haha should've told my colleagues that when they asked what I do on the weekends]

[P.P.S. Some Kouno Marika eating to end this week oh yeah I'm in heaven you can don't come to Singapore already haha]