
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #38

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #38

Sunday, 23 September 2018
Either I'm going to read Japanese manga raw or I'll just have to spend weeks going through current translated serialisations of manga in order to get more weekly updates? Sorry guys, that's not going to happen I have a day job now haha

Hey guys. Now I really regret not making myself busy enough such that if I want to play a simulation game over the weekend I only have... well just an afternoon to play. That's about 4 hours. The rest went into those two games that I have to play or else the events will end lol why

Well let's begin I need to talk about how many new songs I've listened to this week haha #sarcasm

"I just feel so in pain when I can't do anything for you" I mean Eiji, you did him a great favour by showing him a good time last episode haha
This show is becoming one of those where there is the big boss having a mistress he found on the streets while he goes out and orders people to kill so he can take over the world. And it's not even a mistress too. Heck, Ash is becoming the new Golzine lmao. The new episode (#BANANAFISH12) ends the honeymoon period of this series we're going to get a second cour of, so that's fun. First things first: Arthur and Ash haven't fought. It's all the proxy war thing where Ash just swiftly takes over all the gangs in downtown and making sure the rest don't interfere, for example, gangs who want nothing from both of them. Instead, they pretty much become spies for Ash, so Arthur is at the losing side at this point. Well, besides having all the power Golzine has in New York, and even then the old man himself may not be in a good state. Not physical state because he's so healthy after banging all the boys lol, but yeah, mentally he's probably not feeling so good. On the other side, the truth may have been discovered to be a larger conspiracy than before, that Golzine is practically a pawn in the bigger state of things involving the government of the US, Middle East, and everything else money can influence the world. So yeah, money is everything in this show apparently. Well, unless you're Ash and can't say farewell enough to Eiji even though you're the one sending him away, knowing FULL WELL you'll not be able to even buy this friendship back, has to go settle his own affairs once and for all. Ash is real deep in this worldwide conspiracy involving the drug, and it's only going to get more crazy. I really wonder what is up next for now besides Arthur's confrontation and that sweet, sweet revenge. I hope there's enough plot twists to make me excited because this cold war drama period is killing me haha
P.S. "I'm becoming a murderer" I mean Ash, you're not doing most of it though lol
P.P.S. Yeah the first one Ash probably did not get to save was that girl someone thought was his girlfriend, I guess. The second one was probably Shorter, so... who's next? *laughs*
アニメ Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
MANANA-CHAN NO TSUUGAKURO CONFIRMED haha no really why are we sticking with Chio-chan for the story up till now? lol
And... we're finally at the end. Man, I wish we'll be able to get that last chapter of the manga animated, but hey, just watch episode 1 but imagine Manana in it haha. The final episode (#ChioChan12) of this crazy series of happenings gives us a little more than what we wanted, which isn't bad until you notice they've gone too far once again. Wait, isn't it for all the episodes in the series what am I saying? *laughs* Firstly, Chiharu found out a lot of things. Where Chio-chan lives, and that she is totally unlikely the girl her brother likes. (Oh man, she doesn't know) Well, we found out a lot of other things, like how smart she is, eh... that's it actually. *laughs* On the other hand, we may have found out how dumb Chio-chan was at solving a problem although I would take pity on her because if I were her I'll probably end up the same fate. We're all not smart or lucky like Manana standing on a line anyways so whatever. *laughs* Then again, I would like to remind whoever reads this that it sucks to be average because you won't be looked up to or be taken care of, which is actually the worst. So yeah, I'm glad Chio-chan is below average and not just average lol. And the second part gives us the best thing we can ever hope for in this series which I hope if from the original work: no-pan. An abbreviation for not wearing panties (typically in public), these girls have taken it to such an extent, I wished I was born in the Hosokawa family. *laughs* (So if I marry into the family do I have to walk around the house naked??) (Man, it's all the sagging too besides Yuki-chan maybe haha) So yeah, she wasn't wearing anything down there, it's all white overlays for the whole scene until Manana wanted to join in the fun before she got found out lying, and then Chio-chan felt lonely, and then Kushitori-senpai wanted to play Kabaddi. *laughs* No really, not a good time to do this, but hey, they kind of got away with that. I mean, you'll feel it once... everything else happens because... okay I lied I know nothing about that I'm not even female lol someone pay the fine for Yuki-chan's potential streak act in the future please. Lastly, the animation production gave us two things that we wished was in every series: random stuff, and NGs. Wait, what? "How does the latter happen?", you say. I mean, it's not hard making weird cuts to stuff which probably should've happened otherwise but didn't outside of animation, but this is a good effort, and fun too. It's not that fun actually now that I see it haha. On the other hand, we were introduced to the legendary seven in that rich girls' school in which Chiharu is trying to defeat but seriously wtf man I want that this to be a series which will never be approved you know how much it took to approve everything else in this series??? THAT, is how you know this is a good Anime. *laughs* And seriously, stop with those underwear referencing I'm becoming a pedophile real soon *looks away*
P.S. Lol what's with the last episode opening theme extra SFX they just got budget to do a new season?? Haha I wish
P.P.S. "Like I was missing something the whole time..." I mean Kushitori-senpai you meant you smelling some pu**y lingering on the streets? lol
アニメ Asobi Asobase
"It (wrestling club) may be too stimulating for him (the baby)" I mean, this club isn't any better btw haha
Well I kind of skipped the Japanese "simulcast" because VPN is playing on me so whatever I just watch the subbed one earlier then hehe. And it's still the last episode too. Oh well. The final episode (#AsobiAsobase12) for the series talks about... wow. I don't know there's too much to absorb. How are they still so high when it's about to end?? *sob* *laughs* Okay, there's a lot packed into this last one, so let's talk about all of them since I got more time hehe. Firstly, the baby. Man, if the word I use to start this sentence isn't the best word to use to describe whatever is the beast that the teacher's friend raised, I couldn't be more wrong haha. So yeah, the girls get to play around with the baby for some reason, and ignoring the speeches that we can understand somehow, he went from playful to wily to evil and everything else like he's part of this club or even this Anime to be honest haha. It's just weird, okay? That's Anime. Live with it. Just like how we have to live with Olivia's armpit stench. *laughs* Next, we have a lesson on bras. Thanks to Kasumi who had literally no choice but to wear a bra earlier than everyone else (it is a problem to those people btw) (I speak from experience) (Anime experience, actually), and Hanako is jealous of her as usual. (Olivia did I hear you say "wizards"? *looks at Oka-san* haha they should help that flat-) On the other hand, she got a quick lesson on how to select bras, but I think for now there won't be one that can fit her. Fun fact also, there aren't a lot of brassiere designs which are below A cup. *laughs* Then, there's this show's adaptation (I hope this was from the author and not just filler content) of whatever is that popular Battle Royale genre of games which I shall not mention the name of (acronym starts with a P) (starts with an F if you live in the West it's more popular), but this one is too cute to miss. So, the girls have a go after being recommended by Olivia. (I seriously thought the Kasumi notice of the sweets being horizontal was because we're playing a Maeda-produced game here HAHAHA) And as expected, they didn't do very well. Much like a bunch of noobs playing one of those games, you're going to get killed fast if you don't know the rules. In their defence, they were playing against the shougi club who immediately saw their team name and took action (especially the president personally) to exact their revenge. I like how this show relates past content so well and I really was waiting for something about them to talk about after that incident which sent the club president flying really far and into the hospital bed lol. Lastly, a game I've never heard before. But essentially if you don't think this game is lame and for kids, it's a game of influence. If you can convince your opponent that they have lost, you win. Although it's that simple, technically there isn't a way to end. From simple things like a prince, a shield, to like a cannon, a politician speech (lol), Mister Man (lmao wtf), or even to that parasite which we don't know why Maeda thinks that's the most powerful thing in existence (I don't want to know tbh lol), this game has everything Asobi Asobase wants you to know. Heck, this is the most sketch comedy of sketch comedies ever. Well, at least within my experience, but man does this show take things to the max, even with just middle schoolgirls and that butler which shoots a laser out of his butt haha. All in all, boobs are great, I laughed a lot, and I don't mind joining this show as a third character with the likes of Maeda and Hanako's grandfather haha seriously that family is weird how did the brother not be influenced by all this?? *laughs* now I WANT TO BE THE BROTHER lol
P.S. "The aroma of breast milk and pee" man Hanako-chan you've got some weird tastes AND I LIKE haha someone please stop me
P.P.S. #TodayILearnt Okay it's not the first time I knew about brassiere measurements tbh but thanks Kasumi for the simple explanations haha websites are terrible at explaining this stuff
音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Let's see what I listened to this week... YUKI's latest best album from earlier this year was planned on the list this week but I didn't listen to it over the weekend, so that'll wait till next week. YUKI's newest single though... I might just give it chance. To be honest I've heard a dozen songs which sound like this and are honestly better, so this one is going to pale in comparison to for example, that Kotobuki Minako song. Linked Horizon's new single has to come by considering the Anime tie-in, but heck it wasn't good anyways, so maybe I'll just give this over the opening theme song which... honestly haven't surfaced yet for some reason. (It's getting TV attention though because of the collaboration) So yeah, we'll see about that. I don't think I want to give another 3-star song which is a rarity and a symbol of failure in Klassic Note now, so I just refrain from doing that. *sigh* Can we just remove the give-one-theme-song rule now? I'm regretting giving the series haha yeah I think that's why hahahaha

Next week bring us... oh yeah I haven't listened to KANA-BOON's new B-side compilation yet so maybe I'll listen to that or not because I don't like their early stuff for some reason. Yeah that's it. I mean, I wish I spent more time if I have any to go around and listen for good songs but all I have are these guys mentioned above. Oh well. We know the good stuff is appearing next month. *looks at Asakura Momo*

Speaking about good stuff, on Twitter there has been many good news. TrySail's new single comes at 14th November just before their trip to Singapore hehe (haiz), Yoshioka Kiyoe is finally releasing a formal album of cover songs on end of October (yes, Ikimonogakari's vocalist) for the first time since her hiatus from the group, apparently King Gnu's digital single was such a success they had a CD release which I will review next week as it releases this week (I almost forgot to talk about this in front) and Komatsu Mikako is singing a new song for Anime once again. (Be reminded she is under Q-MHz care now, that Anime composers group) So yeah, all good stuff, but in the future. Well, the King Gnu single review will be coming in quite early so we shall see about that. Meanwhile, you can catch their new music video online. Very dark for a song which sounds great tbh

I'm done. I hope you guys did notice that wonderful addition of a Apple Music embed code I replaced instead of a link to go there and an upgrade from hovering over to show an image. It's really cool too; they don't load unless you hover over/tap on it. (As usual, find those blinking texts I make easy references) Ah, I love coding. Just that I'm not doing a lot in work for some reason even the newer guys who came after me got to crush some program bugs. *sigh* Oh well, might as well start asking for it. *laughs* Cya guys tomorrow I've got a support phone to learn to answer considering I have ZERO EXPERIENCE with customer service hehe I hope I'm not disappointing lol