
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #47

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #47

Sunday, 25 November 2018
Hey, guys. I've been busy this weekend. Good thing it's not about work even though I think I'll be worked dry by next week haha enjoying while it lasts tbh

What have I been doing? I've been rushing to finish The Klassic Note Spirit, for starters. As you can not see because I just said it got delayed, I brushed up the posts and pushed all of them until Year 10, so yeah, that'll be done with the (oops) announcement next week. Yeah, we're getting to it, finally. So yeah, until then, I guess. For now, let's get this week done and over with I can't wait to play Nintendo Switch games I just bought- oh, no console yet? I can't wait to finish Mafia III and rebuild Sammy's Bar then. *laughs* Okay let's move on.

"Food hasn't tasted this good for so long" I mean, you like to eat trash, Ash? *laughs*
Haha I love how Lee dug himself the grave in which Blanca protects him and he can't do anything on his own or even instruct Blanca to do anything lol Defense Mode right there haha. I must say, this new episode (#BANANAFISH20) must be a good exhibition of whatever underground powers we have now in the storyline. First, we have the old man. An experienced fellow, someone who still has a strong desire but wants control over the world, lacks of the intelligence to act diversely when necessary. Golzine is one heck of a power, but is not going to be one without people around him. Secondly, we have the getaway kid. He always has friends who can help, he likes the little boy, and he's way too smart for even the government to handle. Ash Lynx has always lived up to his surname for some reason, and when he gets to bite back as he falls he makes sure he balances the scales. Then, we have the careful leader. He asked for power by killing his brothers, he doesn't believe in the ways of the extreme in America, but he knows when to not hold back especially when he has to and has a bit of brain on that. Lee Yut Lung (for the last time I'll spell his name in full here since it's been mentioned so many times this episode) is a China underground lord, but he may have found power which makes his decisions way more important that he thinks to act in. Finally, we have the observer. There to make minor decisions that matter, knows where to take sides to control the situation, and a skilled assassin and killer himself. Blanca has shown the ways of battling the intelligence that is Ash, deal with old friends like Golzine, and control little leaders like Lee. However he still can't play with the likes of the lynx, who is more likely playing him way too much than he wants. On this episode, we went from Ash half-blind in a party to the subways to a museum and to the safety of himself and the two gangs who decided to save him out of his hell hole. Yeah, he probably ate little and the IVs were basically just drugged I assume, but he's still fine, this super, super fit boy haha. Anyways, it's exciting to see things level itself out once again, and with Lee's apprehensive approach falling in shambles and giving Ash the edge on his own homeground again, it'll take more time for the no-brainer boss Golzine to get his hands on his favourite boy once again, I guess. We shall see, Blanca. We shall see.
P.S. It's like we know Blanca for a couple of episodes and Eiji be like "so this is the guy who got Ash worried?" yeah what do you know about that man assassin you little boy haha

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"I said I'll be fine with the garbage room, but-" Man, sometimes Midorin, I wish you wouldn't trample on yourself- On she's a masochist? Never mind then haha 
"I'd love to keep you in, but this maid right here was too expensive and too good not to hire" is if I'm Misha-chan haha if only you knew. In this quote-filled new episode (#UzaMaid08) where if Tsubame marries Misha (and this will be a fact when I say it) the marriage won't last long lol, we live a day of the rich. Specifically, Midorin's rich family at the biggest hotel in the area. Yes, finally Misha gets to live the rich life for once. Sorry, Yasuhiro, your name is as poor as your financial situation lol. (I wished your daughter will understand your situation, but...) So yeah, it happened. Misha sleeping on the same bed with Tsubame. Okay, to phrase that correctly, with Midorin in between because you know, "insecticide repellant" haha. Many things happened that are sure to make you laugh as much as be in disgust (referring to Midorin most of the time), but it's the father who got the most shame out of this right in front of his house lol. This show is real good in the sense that even for a moment they wouldn't let you think otherwise (besides the quote above maybe) that none of them would not step in to say what is necessary of their character in any situation, and they did, which is a good thing. Then, there's the panties stealing incident. Or incidents, I would say. Firstly, on Misha's. I mean, it's way too natural to point Tsubame as the culprit considering she called it out herself, but I hope you had guessed it like me along the lines of "she just placed it somewhere and forgot", which she did, so that's that. And then, there's her panties missing, that lolicon maid. *laughs* This one wasn't that complicated considering it concluded quickly, but suffice it to say that the small animals wanted something comfortable lol. Hey, the maids aren't the only ones that are sick in the mind haha. To conclude, congrats Midorin on mastering the stock market and if you're rich enough instead of a cleaning service can you open a community stock trade company and make people like me rich too? Thanks in advance! *laughs*
P.S. Midorin has a rich hotel room to stay in but doesn't want to => Misha wants to stay in it because it's expensive => Tsubame wants to stay in it because of Misha => Midorin has a rich hotel room to stay in and wants to stay in now. Ah, how it all comes around...
P.P.S. "I wish someone would trap me in a place like this" Yeah me too... Wait, Tsubame you didn't react??? Oh she's not M *laughs*
[We really need Nu-chan to scream more haha. Also, another GIF for your own pleasure. Nope, it's not just for Midorin only btw]
Misha-chan is really cute tbh

[Update 2018.11.28: Sorry for the delay because that Nintendo Switch arrived at my place on Monday so gotta test it out and yesterday was because of Super Mario Party and just now that motherf**ker of Windows Update popped out a restart while I was typing. And this post was published in Blogger already so it won't autosave. Let's do this again, shall we? Ugh]
アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"HOW DOES HE KNOW MY NAME?? Oh, my name tag" lol Honda-san
In this new episode (#HondaSan08) of this wonderful series which will never make you forget what kind of people you are dealing with, we have people who will appreciate buying at the bookstore. Like someone who will buy in bulk because he probably got scolded for an accident and is compensating for it, for example. Like someone who is buying for someone else because... because they can't make it to a bookstore, for example. Spoiler alert, it was because they're in prison lmao. And yes, I didn't notice the finger until Honda-san screamed about it haha they did show you in the cut though I just missed it BECAUSE I DON'T JUDGE THEM HONDA haha okay let's move on it's freaking me out lol. And then we have kids. It's great and all, but just don't go into the adult section haha. Then again, I don't think the bookstores in Japan will put BL books right in the entrance nor will they put it in the restricted area since as long as it's not physical I guess we're fine? Well, just don't kids. The mother is right you can't get out of it once you're into it hehe. And we also learnt that some of the bookstore staff are actually lolicon haha. Then, there's foreigners. Hey, I think I won't be as surprised as them seeing familiar work in Japan, but I'll definitely talk about it non-stop, just like the one time I went into a bookstore with my friends recently. When we walked into the Japanese section with all the manga and magazines I can't stop talking because I was the only otaku there technically haha. (They sold seiyuu magazines too apparently but I think that's just a coincidence lol) Lastly, a production perspective of Honda-san the author himself being adapted into Anime, but with a proper face. Haha not that his personality will balance his looks out, but man it wouldn't be what is now, isn't it? So yeah, thanks for not turning this show into some Shoujo series that I wouldn't watch lol
P.S. TFW you wanted to buy a book which you had saved pocket money for three whole months and you forgot to include tax haha #MathFail Also harsh realities are a thing kid live with it haha

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow this was quite a week in Klassic Note, and I don't think I'm done with it yet. Did I say that every week? Okay, in this peak week of the season which is near December, firstly BLUE ENCOUNT's new single is rather disappointing at the topic song as I've heard earlier but that one B-side is kind of okay. They remind me of SPYAIR btw, as mentioned in my Tweet. So yeah, no wonder I never gave their songs even from two years ago. So yeah, this one is for the Anime in fear of not being able to give the ending theme which comes next month. I think they are fine though, but SPYAIR technically has filled that gap back in 2010. Sorry, guys. ClariS' new album came in weak to be honest, and after showcasing their topic songs at the front half of the tracklist the rest of it proves diverse but weak in melody for most of them. Don't get me wrong; I was real thrown off by whatever that was before the last song. GLIM SPANKY's new album is by far the most disappointing of releases reviewed this week as their new songs failed to capture my attention whatsoever, so I'm sticking with that one song which was released as a commercial months ago and was only in an album release after like, 4 months in YouTube.

I also sort of caught up on earlier releases before this week. LuckLife's new single wasn't that impactful, but that also meant I did not skip any of the songs on first review, which means I still like their style. Sadly, I think I'll be taking the topic song for now. The B-sides aren't that good compared to BLUE ENCOUNT at this point to be honest. Tokyo Karan Koron's new mini-album which was released recently also wasn't that memorable, but I think I can give the topic song which I heard last month while waiting for it to release and maybe one more if I have the mood for it. For now... I'm feeling a little moody I'll update next week haha. I also got disappointed with Asakura Momo and her 1st album after noticing that it was missing the one song which I totally wanted to give from her 2nd single if it appeared again after I missed it last year, so I went back to the single to give it. Literally. I said sorry to my past year self and gave it. So yeah, she'll end Klassic Note Review this year, it would seem. Oh also, her 4th single after 3 months of "hibernation" is out on Apple Music, in case you liked the topic song as much as I did which is A LOT haha

Next week... ah, next week finally brings us the long-awaited (at least for me) Cidergirl's 2nd album after being impressed by their first album months ago and knowing of this news. I'll see if this can hold up even just in melody. Man, artists these days... Ahem. Also on the list next week is fumika's new song after whatever that cover album is so I'll give myself a heads-up because I missed her releasing new songs already tbh. *Looks at Twitter like feed* Wait, that's it? Well, might as well catch up on "new" songs from last week then lol (Hey, it's new according to people who listen to the same damn thing every year lol)

In Twitter this week, you must have noticed my comments and promotion of releases available "This Week on Apple Music" (Get it? Read through without pausing and you'll get it), some artists are releasing new singles upcoming January including Minase Inori, Kotobuki Minako (as mentioned last week) and Amamiya Sora. Yeah, all technically idols by the way. Not too surprising after you see Klassic Note 2017 tbh. I can't wait to make sure this doesn't happen to my Top 20 songs this year haha *shakes head*

Okay that's about it. If like last week I'm not bothered or just plain busy to fill in the blanks here so be it haha. Cya guys next week then, and until then... I think I need more sleep even though my brain wants me to finish that Bar so I can be fulfilled playing this sub-par game people call Mafia III lol bye