
The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #49

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The Entertainment News 2018 Edition Issue #49

Sunday, 09 December 2018
I think you have seen what happened earlier today, I assume.

So yes, I finally completed The Klasssic Note Spirit for 10th year anniversary and announced the compilations I have curated based on my experience with the 2000 songs I've listened to and given so far. Hope that's some inspiration for someone to break out of listening to only popular songs and move on to listen to what you really want, and always have that burning desire and passion to ask for more of your music.

Okay, serious talk over let's get to the entertainment this week haha

"You could have anything you want" Yeah, but I have to be a sex toy to an old man?? No thanks bro haha
Little do you know Blanca is the hidden character the director of this Anime has used to make sure Eiji doesn't die lmao okay serious talk people. The new episode (#BANANAFISH22) is all about proceedings, and I think we have gotten somewhere, to be honest. Spoilers for later, but let's talk about what happened earlier. Firstly, remember that one ambush squad that took Ash and his friends? Whoever that person is, Foxx? Anyways, life is cruel in many ways than other, and this guy isn't any better. I would argue that he's on the same level as Golzine, but only on the level of disgust when it comes to threatening people to talk, in this case Ash. Hey, he knows everything, so yeah, sexual violation seems to be a thing for old men. What did I tell you, you little cun- Okay, I'm not doing it here. So yeah, but he smoked his way out, this young boy (pun totally intended, by the way), and pretty much helped once again by Sing, Cain and Eiji, which Ash rapidly reprimanded on, who is also the one to get consolation after that... violent session, by the way. That aside, Max is also caught by Golzine, and is also tortured by Foxx to reveal whatever he knows about the incident. I mean, shouldn't have tipped the old man about his credit, really. Anyways, he gets to stay alive since Ash has blackmail against Golzine which hopefully he knows, but we just don't know for how long. Hey, that man will live he's too small to bother. Talking about small boys lol, everyone is struggling whether to do anything with the boy, considering he's Ash's biggest weakness right now. Hey, that Lee guy isn't very happy. And Blanca, on the other hand, is getting worried. Not that I'm clear about why the kid getting killed will change anything but Ash himself, but hey, that might just be it. So yeah, it may be too late though, as Lee already instructed the rats to find the right time to take action. So Eiji got shot (notice that it's near the heart not on it) and man did it turn Ash into a maniac. I guess so then, this is literal proof of what happens if you f**k with his boy lol. That's all we get for now though as consequence, as we see how Eiji can survive this ordeal this time around. Remember he isn't as strong as Ash is, so maybe he may not last. Golzine interested in keeping the boy alive? Better get the best doctors to save him then. And if he's alive and you get Ash you get another boy to play with lmao Ash please don't shoot me even when I'm shot dead lol
P.S. "We'd just be sucked dry by the Lees and Golzine anyways" Hey, Sing's got a point there, man. I'm not even joking. The Downtown is f*cked as far as we know of it.
P.P.S. "I just don't get why you hate Okumura Eiji that much" I'm like "Because I wanna be the b*tch instead and he took it!" lol

アニメ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
"Let's make this vacation a success, without that woman around" lol you all have this problem in real life? Haha
Uh oh, have I been using the wrong word this whole time? It's not "father", I guess? Well stepdad is also good, Yasuhiro's a nice guy, Misha. The new episode (#UzaMaid10) gave us a touching ending. And I'll take that for this season of Anime I'll watch, to be honest. Okay, what happened. Yasuhiro managed to arrange a hot spring trip up in the mountains, and Tsubame wasn't supposed to know about this, so yeah of course Misha is excited to see the capybaras so off they go, as secretly and as quietly as possible so that the maid will never know of this real family trip. And with this much precaution made, you must think that something must have screwed up for them to see the maid in the hot spring and yes they did, for Misha still doesn't know of the old woman disguise she has been using to eavesdrop on her conversations recently lol. The trip was fun though, as much as it is irritating with the maid there, for starters. Then, there's the incident. Since Misha doesn't like to listen to his father, of should I say, stepfather's words, she went off to the mountains to find that panda on her own. Yeah, wild panda? Your father should have more knowledge than you, little kid. Kudos to her for knowing that the so-called panda was actually a breed of bears with panda-like skin, so yeah, disaster must be coming her way, yes? Not when she got found by the maid though, and her... story sort of scared the mother bear away. I'd like to think it's because she thought that was the mother, but yeah the show determined that it was disgusting, and really Tsubame stop talking about marriage already it's real irritating. And also engagement, and stop creating words to use for you two to be together lol. Jokes aside, this was a good lesson to show the family relationship between father and daughter, and it's touching to say the least. Now you'll know Misha, that there is someone who is concerned about you and wants you to be safe. I'd like to say it's the maid but no, it's your stepfather. So yeah, give Yasuhiro some respect, yes? He deserves a MVP this episode, really. I know the capybaras or even the panda would've been a better MVP, but... *laughs*
P.S. "...And even Morikawa-san" lmao best joke this episode here, everyone. I like how this show never fails to inject some level of jokes despite the serious mood haha
P.P.S. Okay in Tsubame's long speech she did say that even if Misha had her first period she'll love her forever #ConfirmedLolicon lol well not really

[Update 2018.12.10: This early because Mocho's single review haha]
アニメ Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san
"How do you know (it's done by Fullface)?" "It's organised in a way logical to anyone, it's orderly and easy to understand" So that means you are a retard? *laughs* 
The new episode (#HondaSan10) of this still really funny series is two questions people ask themselves in the line of work, whether at a bookstore or just real life: what makes of a best person for the job, and should we take the initiative to learn new things? The answer to the first question wasn't that easy, as Honda-san quickly found out he wasn't that much of a competent worker in a bookstore. (Maybe that's why he took on the writing business because remember, that is him when he is working he's writing his story now) He did find someone else more suitable for the job though, maybe way too suitable, is Fullface, the only person in the workplace who tidies up things so well he tidies up other peoples' stuff so that they can find the stuff. Man, that's already in a new level of tidiness already. Not OCD mind you, this is just your usual chap who is kind and is real good at organising stuff. As usual, organising items takes a special kind of skill. And I don't care what any of those idiots commented about what type of people is best working at a bookstore if you want to work there go ahead passion will tide you over haha. In the second half, we're greeted with a flashback story, going back to tell the story of how Honda-san got his current position as in-charge of the foreign comics section. It didn't come as interest, no no, but thanks to the manager I suppose he got a chance to be interested and come close with it, so yeah, it's a kind of learning and getting used to before you really can do it as easily as something you're already good at. And it says a lot about working in general: never be stuck at one single task you're good at and learn to be diverse so you can help out others when there is a need to. That's... what my supervisor told me in a meeting today lol. Anyways, good introduction at this point to all the book publishers lmao, and if you know all of them then don't read this blog post nerd you're probably hating me right now haha
P.S. Because I can't think of things to put here below is another Honda-san GIF because it's just funny seeing a skullhead do reactions haha
P.P.S. "shikuyoro" haha I laughed at that way too much too bad no one here even knows how it's said normally or else
What do they call this in baseball? HOME~RUN~ haha

漫画 Kuroshitsuji
Okay, let's see what we've missed out so far. The "new" chapters (143-146) talk about the conspiracy unveiling, and that (for the last time here) Ciel Ciel was actually a fluke all along, taking inheritence of the family heir, and continuing its business. That's all everyone knows though, for we still have many secrets unknown to man, heavily disguised within the Yard and people involved here and there. Still, more than an accusation, other Ciel has ensured that at this point, he would be prosecuted and even framed as the killer of many for starting the cult of drawing blood (which makes no sense considering he wouldn't want to save his brother because we know he's technically dead) as stated by Bravat, but more importantly, assumed Phantomhive identity and doing everything else in his rightful place, I would assume. For this, other Ciel did prepare a lot for it, or at least, had a lot of backing. Undertaker was his saviour and now protector, Elizabeth knew about the truth early and decided that Ciel Ciel was deceiving her all this time and living a lie she shouldn't have done (although I would argue that living a life with a living dead maybe worse of a lie) so now she sides the older brother, Bravat used Ciel Ciel as cover to everything that has happened (and the Yard knew about how it came around because Ciel Ciel was also the Queen's Watchdog) with the music halls and stuff, and other Ciel has managed to point all the evidence henceforth to the younger brother. I mean, anyone wants to question his existence at this point? Whether he's even really dead? Oh well, might as well arrest Ciel Ciel and Sebastian first I guess, said the Scotland Yard, and off the left. Literally, running away from the dirty society known as London now as wanted criminals. They managed to not get their Funtom Corporation back which is bad for financial prospects for the group including the servants, but they did manage to catch up with their friend who runs the photography studio who can lead them down to the sewers, nonetheless also tipping himself off to the Yard so he can live. Anyways, the guys are stuck underground now, Sebastian can't ruin the place like a demon uprising even though we've seen that happen which was the point of this story lol, but hey, look who showed up. More on the next few chapters if I can remember this series is still running, I guess. This story is taking a real turn, and I actually like it.
I would argue that this is the most infuriating and saddest moment in this arc so far
P.S. I would argue that Undertaker here is most definitely the most evil character in this series. He has escaped from shinigami hands as one of them, created ways to rise the dead to the living, and intefered with human affairs. I mean, he's most definitely not considered a shinigami now, but with his powers he's going to be hard to defeat. Hey, remember every narrative has to have an evil villian? I think we found him.
P.P.S. Referring to the thumbnail, I say "infuriating" because I was angry that Lizzy sided with the wrong people. I mean... not that the fact that other Ciel was unreal, but also - as she said herself - that she wanted belonging. Imagine if the whole family went up in flames. She would've lived a different life now. No more princess stuff, and probably swordfighting like her mother. So why? Why even choose?? To patch up the hole in your heart? You've got to be joking me.

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow I wasn't feeling well this week, so as an excuse I didn't do much listening until like, today to be honest, so let's talk about what I've given so far because I still did. Man, that passion needs some pushing even if you're ill, yes? First things first: Asakura Momo's single review will be next week instead since I don't have time to do everything which was the past two posts here AND get some sleep after taking medicine so that can wait, yes? Besides the flashback singles are coming their way too, so maybe I can do them together...? Hehe surprise surprise, everyone. Hey, be sure to check out the 10th anniversay compilations for KN10YEARS first, yes? Get a feel of what songs got into my personal lists. I'll update with previews in due time as I promised on the post itself.

Okay, this week in reviews. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new album was last to be reviewed in what I'll be mentioning this week, and I'd like to give this more chance after hearing it once. Besides, I think I can give more songs despite the nostalgia feel of giving us something closer to their earlier albums which didn't stick with me ever since they re-released their 2nd album, so... I'll try. We'll talk more about it next week. Moving on, I gave SHE's new single a chance, and I think it's great, at this point. First impressions aren't good though, because I thought the entrance after the introduction was weak and the verses weren't as good as the chorus but the latter was so good and I remembered that the former was actually their style which was softer than your usual pop band, so I gave it. And a B-side too, because it reminds me too much of Sunrise In Your My Attache Case (SIMAC, SIMAC...) in singing English songs, and it's not too shabby, honestly speaking. Which is why I gave it too so yeah, that's Klassic Note recognition of English proficiency right there lol. 7!! new album after the leaving of their drummer wasn't that impactful, it seems, as most of their songs lack of the power of melody to keep me interested, which is like simple and easy to listen. So yeah, not decided on that yet I may just give one song maybe. On a livestream this week I also heard an English song I liked from someone else's playlist on Spotify (lol I know) so I decided to give John Mayer's new single a chance. It's just one song though, and this guy hasn't released anything for a long time, so this is pretty good for starters, I would say. 24 million views on YouTube, his music video. You know he's good as much as he's popular, I'm sure. #ExceptionCase, people; I don't give popular songs all the time, at least, not outside Japan. Lastly, a flood of circle's impressive triple A-side single is actually not fantastic, so I just gave one of them, the first one. It's produced by yours truly from UNISON SQUARE GARDEN, so I can understand why the other two songs are like that, but hey, no excuse for not making songs I like, understand? Then again, it's very like the band to be like this though, so I guess the producer nailed it for them. I'm just... not that interested in them, I guess. *laughs*

Next week isn't much anyways in new releases (sorry, Survive Said The Propher), so let's talk about Twitter and new releases next year. Hey, gotta get hyped about something. KANA-BOON is releasing a mini-album which is going to be out by the year ends so that's cool (pun intended), Aimer's new single has been confirmed for next month for yet another triple A-side because demand for her singing is soo much it's overflowing, TrySail is releasing their 3rd album on February next year, and THREE releases are due on the same week next year in February, which are The Floor's mini-album ever since they major debut, Hanazawa Kana's new album because it's her birthday week again, and Numakura Manami's 2nd album after their announcement on a livestream on Friday. Man, they can just drink in livestreams now, these guys. *laughs* Impressive line-up for next year though, but it's all in February so that's kind of sad. Also, I need to write down new releases lest I forget about them, man. I can't keep relying on Google feed to tell me everything lol

This is about it, then. I'm still coughing for some reason after taking antibiotics lest they tell you that a phages injection may just solve anything in the near future (trust me, watch YouTube videos, kid) haha but yeah, my body is deterioriating as we speak. Yeah, exercise exercise blah blah blah and they say live life your way, huh. *sigh* It's never true. What a reality to live in, really. Just like I have to do for company trips and that socialisation trip next weekend... it's never in your control. And always done for some reason; to not be left out. But I like the world I live in, which is here as you can see. I never regret being here, and I'm content with sharing everything here even if it's not the way it's supposed to be done. Cya guys next week then, and until then... I hope you're not as alone as me, to say the least. Take some advice from me and get some friends, yes? *silence* Oh well haha