
The Klassic Note Spirit Part 11 – The Year 2017 and How It All Lasted

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The Klassic Note Spirit Part 11 – The Year 2017 and How It All Lasted

Sunday, 09 December 2018
Last time in the Klassic Note Spirit, we talked about how much appreciation we give to J-Pop artists and their songs and how far we have came, and I know this might be repetitive here, but we've come this far. There must be a point where we finally give some mention to as many artists as we can, and relate to what music has done to my life. And this, we can never say enough. Whether we will continue from here is no longer a question. Or is it?

The Klassic Note Spirit Part 11 (FINAL)
"The Year 2017 and How It All Lasted"

This year symbolised something big in Klassic Note, but also meant a lot for many artists who decided to make a comeback to release songs for the year, and that, I can never ask for more. These include Sambomaster on their 3rd album after they moved to Victor Entertainment from Sony Music Japan, fumika released the one single which would become one of the best she has ever done on her music career whose topic song ranked the top in the charts, negoto releasing a new single which was the most acceptable from them since forever and an album, SID with two singles and an album which barely passed my judgement but was still really good to hear and more. For many it was a comeback, but for some it was farewell. Ray announced her final album along with her retirement from the music industry after singing years of Anime songs. Chatmonchy announced their end soon after releasing a single on April that year which was after releasing singles on a slow pace since their album in 2016, and not long after Aqua Timez joined along the ranks which is due the following year. These artists proved to Klassic Note that not everything will last, and no matter how much I support them, they will not be able to contribute as far as I want them to.

I hope this means something else, but... yeah. *sigh*

I feel sad now.😖
— Kaineng (@KlassicNote) November 22, 2017

Following the departure of Collection Artists and more, I seek further to new artists which can potentially be good and will be in the music industry as long as what I have experienced this past decade, and will make a huge impact in Klassic Note, from here and beyond. Among them are Ryokushaka (Ryokuoushoku Shakai) which is a prospective pop rock band which made an impact in the year itself with two mini-albums, GLIM SPANKY which rose in the end of the year with heavy impact 70s Rock music which struck me the first time I listened to it, Yogee New Waves which played relaxed music and impressed me year after year with good songs, and even Middle Kids, an Australian band which wrote great alternative music tunes I will never forget. These along with many others from past years mentioned will no doubt make a huge crater in the planet that is the Klassic Note song list.

This year's list of songs though, unlike previous years, became populated with better Anime songs than ever, ranging from inside the shows themselves or even just generically speaking from the Japanese Anime industry which includes voice actors (namely actresses here) and their music careers, and this made a huge impact for the year for some reason. As such, their excellence has got them mentioned in the ranks more than ever, as when I went through the decision-making process of how the Top 20 would be of that year I suddenly saw that many mainstream artists are losing to the potential of what Anime artists have. These include Numakura Manami who created an impact from 2016, Komatsu Mikako who changed music labels and is now under Anime composer group Q-MHz releasing new songs, Uesaka Sumire after finally accepting one of her songs ever since I got interested in her years ago, upcoming idol group TrySail in which even in their group Amamiya Sora has been doing well in the year itself, despite being relatively new to the industry along with Numakura-san herself.

As much as I am enjoying myself listening to all that Japan has to offer, here in Klassic Note we have come a long way to create a standard so that we can keep giving songs, and we can keep giving songs that will last in my mind for a lifetime. For example, the "formalisation" of Song Integrity Survey has been established ever since it was introduced in the previous year which now contains a flexible average rating so that it can be fine-tuned every year to compensate for my tastest in music. Song Awards results are also fully explained in the extended results page for this year specially to clarify any changes that have been made throughout the years, and what will be the likely standard going forward. This year the main page got more depth in order to give Klassic Note some form of explanation of what it is now, and how much it means for any number of songs to appear on them.

Speaking of going forward, how is Klassic Note going to continue from here on? Every year even coming up to the year of 2017 I question myself every year. Firstly, the judgement of songs now provides a more objective yet stricter way of giving songs which might impede the flexibility of giving songs, so should I just not bother too much and give songs based on what I like and my mood or should I judge songs in further detail so I don't keep giving the same styles? Then, there's the time to commitment. Along the years, I have always have plenty of time to listen, review and comment on songs whether it's online or through the Song Awards results every year. But ahead of me is going to be a busy schedule of adult life, and that will create a challenge to keep this going. Lastly, how do I continue this with following the vision that is now "Searching For A Different Melody"? My passion for song appreciation over the years will be put to the real life test with all considerations above, a busy life, and most importantly, a decrease in mood to devote time to listen and explore more songs in order to fulfil my raging desire for what I have been pursuring thus far. These will no doubt create an impact in future years as I move on, and Klassic Note's fate might just change from here on, for better or for worse.

To be continued...