
The Klassic Note Artist Evaluation 2018

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The Klassic Note Artist Evaluation 2018

Sunday, 06 January 2019
Happy New Year, everyone. Yes, I know it's the new year because I can say "2019" without you scrolling all the way down this post and seeing I posted this yesterday because I won't I'm too lazy to do things after the Song Award Results already haha did you listen to The Top 20?

[Update: I WAS LAZY, OKAY?? And it's easier to tell myself to do this over the weekend anyways than on New Year's Day haha]

Just like last year, I'll be talking about three main types of categories of artists. They are namely:
Don't worry if you do not know any of them. This is precisely why I'm here to tell you what I think of all of them. Yes, ALL of them. Okay, maybe not all of them. Can't bring myself to criticise everyone. Still, this is going to take a while.

[I'll use the year number for all references corresponding to "last year" (2018) and "this year" (2019) or whatever. It's confusing in the past so this much mentions of years will have to do.]

Chatmonchy: It's their last year as mentioned from 2017, and in 2018 they have one last mini-album to send themselves off. It was fine, it was different, it was very Ecchan (the vocalist) as usual. Giving them has always been a journey, from thinking that they're terrble to understanding their style and even to the lyrics today... it has always been different than others. You will be remembered in 2011, and you'll be remembered now and forever.

Aqua Timez: It's also their last year too, though this one came in as sudden news after they released their now last album, and officially closed their activities by 2018. I feel bad now. WHY ARE THEY ALL GOING AWAY?? These guys are the first I knew of, felt of, and loved. And now... they are gone. I felt so empty when they announced their disbandment, to be honest. As much as Klassic Note should be independent I feel that my reliance on them making Klassic Note, or at least what I thought was, is going to fade away in the years to come. Even then, I can't help but. Again, I'll never forget you guys, for you make the best of Klassic Note with your presence every year you're in.

ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION: Their best album bootleg collections have provided much insight into their even earlier songs which I ignored mostly, and many were added to my list. The album to end the year wasn't too shabby too, although I didn't give the most of their songs even in 2017, so 2018 seems like a cover, but a good one so I'll forgive them. I can feel their old style in their new album, by the way. No joke.

Sambomaster: Just one single, but makes all the difference. Thanks Sambomaster for the motivational songs as usual. Imagine what Klassic Note would be without these guys.

SID: It's just one release I gave a listen, and with this mini-album and their initiation to streaming media I felt that I can see the old them again, as in music style. And I'm rather excited to see them come back with more songs in the futre, to be honest. Prove me right, guys. You all have always been good all this while, just not good enough.

SCANDAL: Ugh, they have disappointed me. If you still loved pop music and maybe sometimes rock music then Rina-chan is 30 already so... *laughs* Okay jokes aside, but really, if you girls remind me of the days where people are writing for you songs? This really says something. And that is not good news.

miwa: Her best album and one single was just a start to giving her back songs, I assume. Her new song which I will embark hopefully with a disced release in 2019 hopefully will be better. miwa-san, you're not YUI, but don't be a letdown. You're falling behind everyone else, I must say.

SPECIAL OTHERS (ACOUSTIC): 2018 for them is acoustic it seems, as they tour the Czech borders playing light-hearted music which I liked, don't get me wrong. Once again, would like to see them come up with a non-acoustic album in 2019. Please. I'm desperate. *laughs*

Tomatsu Haruka: Her album wasn't that great, and the new single is seriously a disappointment. I don't know. They gave the good songs to the TrySail girls? lol

ClariS: Two singles and an album to end 2018 probably was quite a positive roundup for their year, and it isn't bad to say the least, well, the singles. The album was filled with experimental styles which I didn't give any of them. Sorry girls if I can't imagine you in any of the mature music styles, but I just can't. Your songs for Anime might just be good enough.

Porno Graffitti: I've come back to give them chances in 2018 for their two singles, and... I only gave one. Yeah, real hard there, guys. And guess what? Pokemon movie theme song. Turns out these Anime credits are the easiest to give songs from. Other than that... maybe it's just me not missing your music styles, to be honest.

Taketatsu Ayana: One single only. Not talking more here. Moving on!

Hanazawa Kana: Her new album in 2019 will be something to look forward to, but meanwhile it's not much. Two singles in 2018 would suffice, I guess. I did give the one early in the year with one of Ikimonogakari's composers writing for her though, and that wasn't bad. But did I say Noriyuki can write songs? Yeah the one for Detective Layton Anime was better. Haven't gotten around to watch the series though...

Kotobuki Minako: The album was actually quite a surprise, because personally I thought it was pretty good. Still not in for the music styles though; I miss Kotobuki rock a lot, I swear. Her new single in 2019 will not continue that trend, it seems, as I probably slowly drift away from her songs because people don't like Rock music. *sigh*

NEGOTO: #NEGOTORIP yeah, no more, guys. They are no more. New songs though? I doubt so anymore. AND I EVEN CREATED A MUSIC COMPILATION WAITING FOR YOU GIRLS TO FILL IT IN!!! *sob*

nano.RIPE: The duo is on a roll after their comeback in 2017, and in 2018 they released a single and album, and they aren't too bad, so that's good news. Looking forward to more good songs, guys. Don't let the band size affect your song quality.

yanaginagi: Yeah, just one song, so I thought I should mention her a bit. Her best albums in 2019 hopefully, will help rectify this short paragraph.

TrySail: They did a lot in 2018 with three singles, but guess what? Only one single on my shelf. Says a lot how bad GARDEΒ GARNiDELiA can write songs for them for their single in June, and man is their November single a disappointment, so I just took the B-side, but still. Quite a rough year for these girls, to be honest.

Tsuji Shion: That was a good album. Period. Okay, a little more. I was dubious when I hear her come up with an original album without old songs in 2018, especially on such short notice while still producing good results, I must say Shion-san I'm impressed. Continue doing what you're good at man, and if your stay in King Records is permanent all the better. Hey, as I always say, staying in major music label actually makes you better in general. She might just need it to get more popular, and better too.

Kalafina: Just here to say bye. This group will be missed. At least you guys ended up with a "blaze" on your final best album.


KEIKO DID IT lol okay no own Twitter account jokes here please

THE ORAL CIGARETTES: They have done well to cement their presence in 2018, to be honest. Started with a single that I have no interest in UNTIL they come up with the album mid year across and now those two songs are the most played songs in their recent live and rock festival performances. If you haven't heard of them I suggest you give them a listen. These guys have easily proven they can do cool stuff while doing motivational and emotional stuff decently well. No wonder they are so popular. Don't stop in 2019 because I'm going to need a reason to put you guys on Top 20 again.

Yoru no Honki Dance: Only one single, guys, and they take the top. Honki Dance, never thought I'll say that, but you make legends. With these awesome topic songs, you're going up to Sambomaster standards real quick, but better. *wink* All in all, I desire more songs in 2019 after your album in 2017.

Goose house: Only one album, and I took two songs but one of them is from a single in 2017? Welp, cya guys in 2019 then. To be honest, I want more member solo releases. Some of them make different impressions not as a group, and I liked that solo compilation album from a couple of years ago.

LILI LIMIT: Well, I was expecting a big release but... the only thing big enough to make me cry is their disbandment announcement. Man, many artists leaving in 2018 making me real sad now. So yeah, that mini-album was it. Was that their last chance to prove themselves to the music label or their last experiment to the unique style of music people don't favour? Either way, sad to see them go, and I'll remember their songs by heart. Their move to major label was big, but it didn't last long too.

YUKI: I took some time to go listen to her recent best album and her latest single in 2018, and to be honest it wasn't bad. Turns out I did miss out a lot for not listening to her songs for the past 5 years as some of the single topic songs got into my song list. Maybe I should give her more chance; I kept thinking I'm not into her music style. Maybe I was wrong after all.

Amamiya Sora: Ten-chan did well in 2018, with a single and her 2nd album which was pretty good. That's as much as I can say though. It's still very impressive above many artists in Klassic Note for the quality we're talking about here though, so let's hope you'll get into the Collection Artists list soon, yes?

Asakura Momo: She surprised me with a single and more importantly, an album in 2018. The album was disappointing though, but hey maybe it's just me not knowing what to expect from Mocho's solo music career, unlike the other two TrySail members. So yeah, I just gave more love songs. Turns out the company knows that this might be her strong point, so she's starting 2019 with another love song for a single. Literally, they are selling her out to the public. It's good though, just do whatever it takes, I guess.

Natsukawa Shiina: This one surprised me even more with just one single in 2018. Despite being only the one and it's not on my shelf this time around compared to her first two singles, the topic song brought out so much impact I totally ignored the EDM style she was throwing at me which I actually disliked. (Refer to Uesaka Sumire for more reasons) So yeah, here to hope her first album due April 2019 will bring out hopefully more of her singing than her favourite music style because I'm not liking it. But I'm not rejective yet, for now.

Komatsu Mikako: She only released an album in 2018, second album under composers group Q-MHz and it still wasn't good enough. Hey, I don't know about them but I like Mikakoshi to give her enough songs doesn't mean it's good, okay? The struggle is real. Please, no more Anime-style melodies. She is not singing for Anime all the time. Well, I hope not.

KANA-BOON: Two B-side albums that I totally ignored because to be honest in KANA-BOON, I'm only interested in current them in 2018 than them in like, what, 2014? Whatever, we talk about what I gave. Her summer mini-album was fine so I took the topic song, but the winter mini-album released before 2018 ended was short of anything good, but I managed to pick up one song to listen, I guess. Not good enough, guys. Stop with the super long melodies again, as usual, and I may give more.

LuckLife: Let's see... two singles and one's a Limited Edition one? Seriously. They are still passable though, so I did give them more than just a listen. Still, not impressed considering it's also getting harder to get your songs to listen too. Your album... I don't know. I'll get to hear it someday? lol

7!!/seven oops: Yeah, they rebranded themselves after the departure of their drummer? Yes, and released an album shortly after releasing one at the start of the year, at the end of the year. Man, their compositions show no limits. Sadly, not Chatmonchy level good though, so yeah, it's really hard to give them new songs at this rate. Hopefully this shrinking won't stop them to release new singles or something or for Anime so I get to hear more of their ballad melodies, if that's still a thing in them.

Scenarioart: They took some time, but they left their label company to be independent. And they gave us a taste of what is to come in 2019 I hope, and that one digital single isn't too bad, to be honest. Maybe indpendent them will be better. Here's to more good songs from you guys, I guess.

Numakura Manami: Just one single in 2018, Nu-chan, and I think it's good enough. More songs in 2019, yes?

The Floor: This one I'm impressed. I thought my recent listen from them like a couple of years ago was it until I knew of them moving to major label early 2018. And man did they set things off strong with an album and a single later in the year. The album wasn't bad, and the single was once again showing off their music style. And I'm excited to hear more of them in 2019, I hope.

TWEEDEES: They released an album in 2018, but I wasn't impressed, to say the least. Their previous album was so good though. So yeah, just took one song so I'll mention them here and move on.

wacci: I'm deeply impressed by their album in 2018, many good songs in there, but few made it in the list. Still, really impressed on how far they got in releasing digital singles earlier in the year and ending off with an album. Once in a while wacci ain't bad at all, people. Perhaps give them more of a listen and we'll get more good songs from them.

Yogee New Waves: The spring mini-album in 2018 was impressive, but later in the year they released digital single one after another singing the four seasons, and that I just totally ignored because it really isn't as good as the album. 2019, guys. It's going to be better.

Coalamode.: Didn't last long on the album run in 2018, because I gave nothing on their 2nd full album, and only gave from their singles from 2017 to 2018. Maybe I'm not accustomed to their music or melody style just yet, so give me some time, yes? They could do better, to say the least. The vocalist voice is really unique to make an impact, as seen from the singles.

Tokyo Karan Koron: They released a mini-album in October, and that's it I guess. Still the usual them though, so I just gave a few songs and moved on. That's it. *laughs*

Kuso Iinkai: This one I'll just mention a bit since they've been in Klassic Note for a while. Their mini-album in July 2018 was impressive on that one song even they know it's good it's inside the rock festival performance. Says a lot about what you put as your topic song, huh. Still, with that song I remembered how great they sound, and I really want more of the in the near future. Stop disappointing me, guys.

Tsuzuri Zukuri: I went back to give their latest album, and yeah I can give a couple of songs this time around. Guess it was an on and off thing for them, to be honest. Normal songs sound great on them but they like to sing off-beat melodies really makes it hard to put them on the list.

GLIM SPANKY: These guys did well in 2018, following their rather late initiation in 2017. Two singles and an album despite not making much impact especially with the album, the singles did really well and are totally worth of mention, with all the credit and stuff. Unfortunately I guess it's still all down to melody as I see myself throwing off more melodies than get tired of the 70s rock style because their music style will never throw me away and never fail to amaze me, which is the reason why I listened to them.

ORESAMA: I guess they are fine in 2018, following their major debut in 2017. The album wasn't impressive per se but I did give a couple of songs, and the follow-up single didn't even appear online, so yeah, I can only give that much, I guess. I think they are good though, and their sub-par simple melodies will make sure I will continue to support them in 2019, that's for sure.

Ryokuoushoku Shakai: The band did well in 2018, bringing up their indie songs in the first album, and ending the year with a major debut mini-album, which is impressive by any means, to be honest. This one's really going up the ranks as one of the most prospective artists in Klassic Note, so you bet I'll be watching for them in 2019.

Uesaka Sumire: This... let's just say I want to give her album in 2018 a chance. "POP TEAM EPIC" was a challenge to give, and the rest of the album... let's just say the one time she got me is in 2017, and that might just be it. I'm just sinking into the EDM here as much as I can hopefully lesser than the melodies themselves so I can still be objective in Klassic Note here haha

Primary, ORESKABAND etc.: Don't ask why they are here with only one song lol

SHE'S: This one may be overrated review, but I actually think this rock band putting in more piano is making this band as unique as their mission to write songs that girls would like. Nevertheless, they still created impact in Klassic Note with their latest single in November 2018 along with the first initiation of their most popular songs and that very mini-album, which I still think deserves a re-review. All in all, would love to see them perform more in 2019, and I can't wait to see what these guys have in store.

Cider Girl: In contrast, this one wasn't that impressive. After giving their most popular song from their first album, it appears that's the best they've got for Klassic Note. Really sad, as I anticipate for the second album only to walk away in disappointment and not giving any more new songs. Something must be missing in them, or I just don't like their melodies enough. Seriously, could be better. Covering their image wouldn't help much, to be honest.

Polkadot Stingray: Ah, this one. If you know them and think why this idiot took such a long time to even mention them in Klassic Note, here I am. *laughs*

Niitsu Yui (Neat's): Okay placing her here is meant as a joke but yes it's her and her debut album is... still the same, pretty much. I just wasn't in the mood to give most of the songs which are bumped up in production. No really, the melodies are pretty much the same, to be honest.

Survive Said The Prophet: I thought they started out strong when I heard them in Anime "BANANA FISH", but turns out their compositions may be more disappointing than I expected. So yeah, ending the year with a disappointing single sure took a damp on their review in 2018. But hey, not terrible though to be honest.

SIX LOUNGE: These guys do from conventional rock to hard rock, so I'm not surprised this one caught my attention immediately. Their new mini-album released end of 2018 wasn't impressive enough though, but I know these guys have the potential to do more. I'll look forward to that in 2019, guys.

Kuraki Mai: This one's a veteran in the industry, but not in Klassic Note, to say the least. Her latest concept mini-album in 2018 did leave an impression on me, so I can somehow understand why Mikakoshi (Komatsu Mikako) is all over her music, but hmm normally her songs aren't like this good, right? RIGHT?? I'll take notes for 2019, Kuraki-san.

FINLANDS: Hmm this one is an interesting one. I thought music videos on YouTube won't impress me, but turning off the video on this one this band has a unique vocalist and some hardcore rock music style which I can take a liking too, so the album in 2018 was nothinig short of terrible. However, it's not their best. Going through their music library and this might be just their best, because everything else sounds similar in some way, and without the more distinctive style I would love to call them the new SHISHAMO, which is not good, by the way. More good stuff starting with a mini-album in 2019, yes?

King Gnu: I was truly impressed by the one songs you guys provided for Anime "BANANA FISH", but after listening to your music library... I guess not. I feel for your style, but I'm not into it. Sorry guys, maybe some time in the future.

Endou Yurika: I just think she deserves a mention. The one song from your 3rd single is for you, Yurishii. You're never coming back, are you? I already miss your role in that Alternative Girls game already; your replacement was too cute to sound cool haha

Awesome City Club, Oohara Yuiko, Komagata Yuri, Ooishi Masayoshi, tacica, DENIMS, RUANN, TWICE: etc.: Don't ask how they are here just pure coincidence lol especially that last one

I'll stop here then. Artists I don't cover are either too insignificant to comment or just they're here to add to the numbers. That or I'm just tired of this and I need a break. Talking about breaks, Klassic Note 2019 will officially start next week instead of this week to give me a bigger buffer period to do whatever I want and find more new songs if that isn't the toughest thing to do every year lol. As of now? Hmm... SHE'S? And if I'm in the mood to give fhana's latest song from their best album... Cya guys soon I guess, and until then... *yawn* I think I've gotten enough of typing for the year haha time to move on I guess