
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #7

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #7

Sunday, 17 February 2019
Hey, it has been another week, huh. It was a whole lot of nothing for me though. Work is boring when you're not at the right post, I guess.

Also, did you guys notice the mobile site changes? Yeah that's how much time I had to make it look like buttons and now I'd rather visit the mobile site more often than the desktop site lol please visit from anywhere you like but hey all CSS man totally useless on today's applications because I don't Javascript lol

アニメ Domestic na Kanojo
"Did you think a teacher and student were doing something disgraceful?" Going by your personality, sir? YES haha
Okay is it about time that I stop watching this series already?? WTF WAS THAT?? IS THE TEACHER GAY OR SOMETHING??? Haha in this new episode (#DomeKano06) that I don't know what to make of it already because seriously, I thought this show was only about boy-girl relationships. (Okay there's the Hina-chan thing, but still) We doing transexual now?? I hope not. Firstly, we talk about getting into clubs. School clubs you idiot, no one's pregnant yet haha. And in case you noticed, Rui-chan isn't in a club yet. I mean, she just transferred schools. But hey, Natsuo isn't too, so good chances they can go find one together? The problem here seems to be that one teacher Kiriya, who besides having a weird personality and being a good teacher, may sometimes be more curious in romance than he should get his hands on them, is I would like to think of him as of now. But hey, ignoring that a sudden influx of love and whatever physical contact that might happen between any number of them, Natsuo is forced by the teacher to join the club probably because it only has a single member Miu-chan (I don't want to know how Kiriya became an advisor to this "club" with one female member lol) (she's cute btw) (the kind that gets fucked and won't make too much noise lmao) and the teacher noticed this club could use more members but Miu-chan is too soft-spoken (won't make too much noise haha) to do something to promote said club. So yeah, wise choice maybe, sensei. Rui-chan also got interested in the club probably just for interest, and we may yet find out that this is a fairly predictable setup for future episodes where we see more jealousy pulled out of that innocent girl who had sex just once and barely knew about the infatuation she may have on that one guy after talking with the cafe owner. (Man, Marie's story is also something too lol) (word pun intended haha) So yeah, very complicated now, and even Momo-chan is joining the Literature Club because she wants to sex with Natsuo behind the bookshelves? I don't know, man. Way too complicated for this virgin here haha (oh yeah Natsuo did it already lol), and yeah I guess it's in the author's perspective to make this as forced and as complicated as possible so Rui would do something about her feelings. But yeah, I just feel uncomfortable with Kiriya-sensei I guess. And I am MOST DEFINITELY not into males haha he's just a jerk and I hate those people haha fuel for this series then I guess hopefully it won't make me drop this show lol because NEXT WEEK WE'RE ON A DATE WITH HINA-CHAN!!! What, you think this is compensation to make me forget that you were trying to ruin a marriage??? *laughs* Cya guys next week haha
P.S. Just so you know Momo-chan, we're a serious Literature Club here so we don't take no nonsense from members who just want to play around, you know! *looks at Miu-chan* Okay whatever we need the numbers anyway haha
P.P.S. "When I don't have a boyfriend I was so free I was studying all the time" I know right? #StudentProblems lol too bad I wasn't one of them haha you cannot feel free of time when you didn't even have a partner to spend time with before lol
[Oh it's boobs this week for the end card? Nice.]

アニメ Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai
"YOU WANT TO QUIT?? Then I won't have time to flirt around!!" <= not Shirogane lol
Her eyes are enough to make you think she wants to kill you? Hmm... good enough reason, I guess. *laughs* I mean, isn't it because those two idiots are flirting the wrong way day and night on their so-called "love war"?? Didn't know it has such an impact on people around them tbh Chika-chan is okay though haha. The new episode (#KaguyaSama06) brings us a whole realm of events as it seems, and let's see if we can catch up with the expansion of this universe we once loved with just maybe three people. Firstly, the fourth member of the Student Council was introduced. Ishigami Yuu as he is known, is a mathematical genius who probably can do finances so well the President is so free he gets to flirt with girls lol. Anyways, the problem here is more on Ishigami's extreme imagination, bringing him to think that Kaguya wants to murder for he knows a little something about the relationship between the two. That, or I just think he has a weak heart for blackmail but then again Kaguya doesn't really know how to express herself (I feel so for her voice actress Koga Aoi too somehow and THAT'S GREAT haha) (if you watch the commentaries after each episode available only in Japan then you'll know hehe) so yeah, we have an Anime character officially (self) diagnosed with the Stockholm Syndrome lol. Feels bad, man. I don't know how to really save you bro, but the easiest way might be to intentionally take another club activity and say that I'd rather devote time to the latter and the President may let you off? That, or just say it, then Kaguya will make sure you die instantly haha well she won't Shirogane said it then it must be true haha. Okay, jokes aside, I don't see how this will affect the love triangle as of now, but at this point I'd like to believe he's here for the ride he's never intended to hop on haha. Then, there's Hayasaka. Remember the butler? Well apparently she is tasked to disguise herself in school to stay alongside Kaguya-sama? But man is she cute when she doesn't have to do her "work". Oh well I guess it's also because she has to deal with a shy girl and confessing to that other guy who is also shy. You know, the plot of this series haha. To help Kaguya out, she decides that giving her some form of dress-up while still staying within the school rules (this girl knows how) will increase her appeal especially to Shirogane. It worked though, but yeah as usual apparently commenting on a girl's appearance feels like sexual harrassment. Oh well, is that not you wanted? *laughs* Anyways, saying to someone who doesn't like you is nothing but asking for death lol, so Shirogane eventually... did not get those words out of his mouth. Too bad then Kaguya; it'll be ages later before you two get together. Lastly, we rewind back a little to a normal scene (this time with Ishigami) to talk about psychological tests. Besides the fact that (if the narrator hasn't given you a good idea of it through its wonderful summary) these things are totally NOT a way to find out someone's emotions because most of them are motivated by social media presence and designed by the one guy who have zero psychology knowledge (refer to Blogthings for an example), they are normally not accurate to any extent. Just... play when you feel like it then. I mean, NINE KIDS?? I'm sure Shirogane's dad will be happy about it but I don't think her butt can handle it. *laughs* (Haha what) (Oh I meant about the traditional thought that a lady's undercarriage determines how good she is at bearing kids as mentioned in the episode) So yeah, but man did I laugh out the most at the one Chika-chan found online (and that truckload of flowers dumped on Kaguya hehe). I mean, she just needs to open back the laptop to see the answer though; why ask Kaguya? Oh yeah because she'll get killed if she does so immediately but then again she's not that worried compared to Ishigami because she got a chest that can take knife stabs?? Haha this show is great
P.S. Wow Chika-chan's got two more months left to live? Then what about the Chika Dance? No one's gonna do that now? I mean, Kaguya-sama you gotta take over haha
P.P.S. "I just wanted to tease you a little with (the knife)" KAGUYA CONFIRMED SADIST lmao please do me Koga Aoi-chan haha what
[On a final note, I wished Kayasaka was voiced by like, ex-seiyuu Endou Yurika so I can truly love this character. Hey, don't get me wrong, Hanamori Yumiri is still good, but it could be better and I SWEAR I'm not talking about her looks haha I'm sorry]

漫画 Dagashi Kashi
In this new chapter (137) of the stay in Hotaru's place and just in case everyone including me has forgotten, they were invited by the girl to her place. You know, that big mansion she stays alone in on the countryside. But yeah, it's a "flashback" episode because instead of starting with more proceedings, they threw Kokonotsu in quite a situation. In chronological order, the guys were making sherbic (it's the first time I've heard of people mention it) (I mean, I did see some in the supermarket, but never got to trying it out anyway) (maybe I should hehe) and putting in the fridge, and if you didn't know how to make it it takes about 4 hours to freeze. So yeah, the guys played games to kill time (as with the Dagashi Kashi theme of eating sweets and playing) but Kokonotsu accidentally drank that serving of beer from Hajime-san which technically is an indirect kiss but he didn't have time to figure that out because he got knocked off real quick. (Haha is that me if I drink alcohol lol) So yeah, Kokonotsu then wakes up in the middle of the night where he was brought to the bedroom along with many who were already sleeping, and he deicded to have a bath. Sure is weird to be in someone else's place and being so free because it's never possible that no one's in the bath haha. So yeah, Hotaru was in it, this is not public bath so no differentiation between genders so that's indirect sex lmao, but they remembered about the sherbic. And of course, eating it out of the hot bath makes it taste great. Okay now I really want to try this out for myself haha

[Note: This segment shall be indefinitely suspended until I find reason to write this on a regular basis. Or if I catch up to some other manga if I have the time to read them all.]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was another week of listening to music, and personally I think I'm not listening to enough at this rate, so I'm just giving songs from which we mentioned last week. Asakura Momo's new single is the only thing releasing this week which I reviewed (screw you Tachibana Rika and your 1st single haha) and it's okay becuase I think I'm setting her 2nd single which I reviewed last year as benchmark now and I'm just giving the topic song so yeah, that's pretty much it. I'll also be giving Taketatsu Ayana's new single but on her B-side as mentioned, and maybe if the topic song appears in the album again and I'm lenient this release may get reviewed hopefully by this year. YUKI's new album stayed for another week in Klassic Note so I decided to brainwash myself (lol) to a couple of songs which was not the topic song which is fine, but at least I have the mood to give something from her this time round.

Next week brings us a whole slew of releases which I hope I'll get to listen them all. The Floor's new album will likely be the highlight as it's on Apple Music, and Hanazawa Kana's new album and Numakura Manami's new album are going to be the ones which we'll see if I can get a listen to it by next week haha come on I haven't posted on my plans to compare possible review options to talk about this yet

On Twitter news and everything else related to music, FINLANDS' new music video presents itself as a simple song so I'll probably give it when it comes out next month, Kawano Marina is coming back to the music industry with a major debut and a new single in May, and Ikimonogakari is releasing another new song for their band anniversary in March. I also got a listen to that Anime "Kaguya-sama" opening theme song which was featured on music program MUSIC FAIR by that one Suzuki Masayuki-san who sang the song, and... it's okay I'll probably give it because I'm definitely not giving halca-san on her songs lol

I don't know why but I feel empty now. Maybe it's because of work. Maybe it's because of watching Koga Aoi's story (it's on YouTube with subtitles if you need it, just search her name) aired as some special broadcast documentary for Anime "Kaguya-sama" of her struggles to be a voice actress... but hey, I like you now Aoi-chan so you're good. *giggles* And yeah, still watching Takahashi Rie cook tonight so if you're still reading this maybe she's already finished cooking haha okay cya guys next week