
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #14

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #14

Sunday, 07 April 2019

I hope you noticed that not so obvious tagline I've placed from last week and this post just right above mainly because the system in Blogger sucks and I want a way to search my own opinions from the past watching Anime lol. So yeah, this is what I came up with. Clicking on them will (hopefully if I can recall this every week) search the blog for that exact hashtag so you can find the post of the specific episode.


Wait, maybe that's not the way I want, huh. What if I want to find all the posts in the series? I may have to change this a bit lol (Edit: Official series Twitter post-hashtags in English because I Japanese haha) (And if I can't get used to these long post-hashtags I'll edit back to WHATEVER I WANT lol) (Edit v2: Edited back haha)

Anyways, let's get to what happened this weekend, yes? Okay, not all of this happened in the weekend but I hate weekdays so whatever lol

アニメ Midara na Ao-chan Benkyou ga Dekinai
"I'll go to a university as far away (from home) as possible" Yeah to get away from your dad!! Haha you think he'll let you, Ao-chan?
The first thing they should do before putting that bold statement out to say looks doesn't matter is to make the main couple ugly. Can you do that, author? *laughs* In this... fairly interesting first episode (#AoChan01) of this 12-minute series (yep, getting Aho Girl flashbacks already) if there's something Ao-chan can learn how to say for starters instead of being so kind is to say "fuck off", because she hates guys. And it's not like some other girl who hates guys because the dad's a freak (wait), she hates guys because she thinks guys are lewd. (Must... not... relate... to... WORKING!! No Inami-san go away!!) Actually, she just wants to study. And for good reason, as she wants to be a good student and have a great future. What's wrong with that, isn't it? It's only wrong when you have a sicko for a father ugh haha. Really, she doesn't have just any father. It's the kind of father no one wants to have. Really, not even myself, and I'm male. *laughs* Anyways, there's this guy called Kijima, he's popular, he wants to talk to Ao-chan, but hey we got like, this perfect student who doesn't even have time to talk to men, or so she ensures since he thinks everyone is as mentally sick as her father anyways. (What about the editor by your dad though he is a good man I think who is  not your dad lol) So yeah, but she has a hard time rejecting the shit out of people. I mean, she can just say "stay away from me" and be a real prick but really, she's just being nice, and maybe that's what attracted Kijima to her. I mean, if otherwise you would be attracted to someone who loves to just study as a high schooler, you need a medical checkup lol. Anyways, she gets an opportunity to get past her message, but instead gets flustered over Kijima's reaction mainly because Ao-chan herself didn't know of anyone else that pure (lol) besides her dad so has no idea how normal men behave, but maybe also because she thinks he's a fine dude. Well, he is going to get in the way of her studies though at the end (or is it the dad...) so I would argue otherwise, but yeah, this is probably why she won't be able to study as the title suggests. Spoiler alert: She might be in love. And I won't thank the father here because besides giving card hints to do the boy and lifting up her shirt (un)intentionally, he is just going to get in the way. Hey, the father had romance before? Or was it after the mother's passing that... I don't care about that piece of shit haha. What will happen next to Ao-chan after Kijima literally confessed to the girl he likes even though it leaves Ao-chan totally confused to the extent of not remembering what was her reply? I guess we gotta watch to find out. Meanwhile, I gotta complain about the episode length (please refer to 2017 Summer Anime to see me write a load of stuff explaining this trend) (oh I didn't?) (What about winter 2018?) and the lack of pace in the first episode in terms of plot also maybe due to me having read the first chapter of the original work. Otherwise I would commend on Waki Azumi being great on this role, and as irritating as the father was, and Kijiima being just the right guy who will attract Ao-chan's attention. We have potential shoujo manga content, guys. Well, as long as the father doesn't interfere, we will. You know, Ao-chan? If you need help juggling (not your tits lol) between schoolwork and whatever sick shit people keep throwing at you including yourself, maybe try to become one and talk sick like that one Student Council president Amakusa Shino lmao
P.S. "How did you get such a high score?" "When you start studying?" Wow the guy got burnt real good there lol
P.P.S. At some points you'll notice that Waki Azumi's sadistic voice is leaking out, and if you know of "Blend S" you'll either hate it or love it so much you'd rather let Ao-chan hate you lol I'm good haha "Is he a masochist?" NO AZUMI-CHAN DON'T DO IT haha
[Since I can't put two links on a hover image thumbnail, here's the video explaining why I say pink is a lewd colour haha] [To summarise in case the video link is dead (#foreshadowing), it was a Pyxis (Ito Miku, Toyota Moe) livestream, Miku-sensei is teaching about colours and deduced pink is an indirectly lewd colour, especially when Moeshi likes pink stuff and her room is pink lmao]

アニメ Hitori Bocchi no Maru Maru Seikatsu
"Why can't elemenrary school last nine years?" Hey don't ask me go question the education system, girl. Haha
You know how to get friends? When you play a prank make sure to put your name in it *laughs* Okay because of a certain blogging website (refer to last week) (yes I know I didn't mention this show at all, but) I decided to give a chance to this slice-of-life Anime where in the first episode (#HitoriBocchi01) the girl... I wouldn't like referring to her as Bocchi-chan, but as her name implies (you're going to need a lot of references starting with this because all their names have meaning) she is alone. In middle school, I'll take that as acceptable because look at Anime "Slow Start" lol. If this was you in high school, you may need some social assistance haha. So yeah, she starts her life in middle school WITHOUT ANY FRIENDS, mind you, like many others who probably are in this situation because their friends went to other schools. For her, it's her long time friend Yawara Kai-san (ugh) who couldn't be more kind to being friends with her for this long. Six years long, in case you wonder. So yeah, times have to change, and so Bocchi has to make new friends now. Yeah, until you notice she pukes upon socialising. Hey, was a problem for me too. Really makes you wonder how she'll deal with society in the future, but we got present issues to solve. Her ex-friend is in the midst of breaking up with her unless she gets to know everyone in class. Hey, only 28 other people? Make a friend a day and you'll be done in a month lol. Oh I'm counting weekends btw haha you gotta make the class know you before the Heisei Era ends lmao we still making this joke? Okay that aside, she did at the end of this episode, make a friend. I hear you say "What?" but yeah, she did it. Good for you, girl. Now the series can actually start. If you guys are making this a full adaptation please tell me we getting three more seasons of this because I would love to not watch them haha. (please no foreshadowing here) Anyways, Sunao Nako-chan (yes this too) became her first friend after she got some interested in her and also she decided to make friends with the closest person to her seat, which was ironically (as they do in Anime) at the back row towards the window. Nako-chan wasn't that much of a punk girl to receive even the attention of the teacher (wtf teacher, you into gals?) but more of a cool and honest character, so yeah, Bocchi got lucky here. No doubt we will see more people appearing around her social circle in the episodes to come (hopefully lol) (hey friends of friends count as friends, Bocchi-chan) (Strategy #5 btw lmao), and we do even see a lot of friendly things going on from just texting in school (man I love this school already normally your phones would be confiscated haha) and just gifting each other gifts or whatever in between, and once again I can't help but love this slice-of-life stuff once again. No need for confessions, Bocchi-chan. Liking stuff is natural, and it doesn't require a statement. That's something you should remember. Moving on, I hope I would get interested in this series somehow because I would argue I still can't get over the social awkwardness which reflects my own personality so well when I was a kid even after watching that one show last year. Here's to hoping I'll like this after three episodes, yes? I have to give the theme song though... And the cast are mostly newbies I only recognise Akarin... (I'm ruling out Kai-chan as she's not in this school) I don't even know how to like some of these new voice actresses because no one told me to watch and like them... *wink* haha also Strategy #6 right at the intro of this review btw haha you'll be known by the class real quick lol (And then the school starts on April 1st and people saw that notice be like, is this a joke? Ah, the logic is perfect haha)
P.S. As many have pointed out the main girl sounds like Kana-chan, and heck, it's her first role? You want to be famous, girl? Start changing your voice options you're not going to be famous being tailwind haha
P.P.S. Author was the one who did Mitsuboshi Colors too? Isn't that just last year? Well I guess Kadokawa was being kind to you haha. Hmm... you like your middle schooler stories, isn't it? Pleased to be watching your work then. That is, if I stay haha

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Okay, not a lot this week but I did a lot over the weekend so let's talk about it. This also means I won't come to much conclusion for most of them so... you can just listen to them too the moment I gave them I'm in it already. Yogee New Waves new album finally was available for streaming for some reason (Victor Entertainment, why) and... I ended up giving the topic songs. So yeah. Don't ask how great their album was haha. Thanks to YouTube (I think) I heard of a band I thought I would never give a song from FIVE OLD NEW, and their newest music video sure caught my attention and within acceptable melody region despite the raps in between shouting "OMG". Even so, but I heard the related release which released newly from last month and... I know why I wouldn't like their music style haha this is a one-off thing now. Also, because they sound too like the 80s and I'm not really in the mood for that so yeah. (99% GTA Vice City vibes, ladies and gentlemen totally can be in Emotion 98.3) I also caught wind of AIMI from STEREOPONY which disbanded like 7 years ago releasing an album so I gave that a listen, and... it's the same melodies, just... now I hate the music style. It's just her trying to blend into the already saturatred J-Pop industry. Yes, those "sing a pop song and you'll get famous" industry. So yeah, I tried to give instead some of the pop rock styles instead which reminds me of the rock band. Really man, I miss those. And also thanks to remmebering to listen to the live performances for last year's content, I chanced upon Cocoro Auction and their newest song and thus their newest release which coincidentally comes out this week!! Yeah, and you bet I missed their style and melodies. So yeah, and now the song has a title when it did not have one back then. Playing the mind game, I guess? So I'll decide on everything after FIVE OLD NEW next week. I also took a listen to the character songs which were insert songs in Anime "Domestic na Kanojo" and... Yocchan's voice is soooo good, I thought Uchida Maaya was copying her. Wait, what? Yeah. They sound too alike? I mean, they are 2D sisters anyway no wonder haha

Next week brings us one of the either most potent or harmless releases of the year, Minase Inori's new album. Eh, it was a miss last album so let's hope it hits somewhere on me this week. Also out next week are Aimer's new two albums for some reason (she got that many songs to  write?) so I'll give that a listen when it comes out maybe. And... I'll  follow up on the stuff mentioned above. I have been really lax on even giving releases a listen to I'm trying to catch up. Yeah, that's how boring work was I don't even have the mood to listen to songs anymore please help

On Twitter, Hayami Saori is finally on Apple Music so I can give her the one song lol, VELTPUNCH announced their return with a series of live performances with new relesaes pending to arrive (hopefully), Horie Yui announced a new album due in July (better write that down), and SPYAIR released a new song which looks like a motivational song for a sports school? Yeah, they do those things. Also, because I watched Anime "Ao-chan" the opening theme song is already out for listening and for streaming so feel free to only give the song by "EDOGA-SULLIVAN" and not the show because it ROCKS!! Okay, I may try to give more over next week before Inorin comes in to trash all competition lol

Okay, finally done for the week. Between scary eyes and having babies... I wonder why Rui-chan haven't done it with Natsuo- Haha I'm just kidding I hope I didn't nail it on the manga spoilers lmao. Cya guys next week then, and you bet I am looking forward to Good Friday muahaha oh it's next week? Haiz I should go get a fake MC and take a break haha