
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #17

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #17

Sunday, 28 April 2019
In summary to last week, my butt still hurts and I have no mood to jerk off to porn lmao

Okay, sad memories aside (self burn right there), this week we have more shows to cover. And unlike the last time I had to watch Attack on Titan on Mondays, it will join this list tomorrow similar to Honda-san two seasons ago, so take note of that. Ok let's start

をニパ Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
"I'm his wife... and his mother!" Nakano be like OH GOD PLEASE DON'T SEND ME TO HELL WITH ALL THIS SIN Oh wait. *laughs*
I like how Nakano is already at that level where he's already considered a pedophile and a child abuse prosecutor- Wait, he was already? *laughs* In this new episode (#SenkoSan03) of this series I guess I have no choice to give, we are introduced to the neighbour. Yes, finally she took the courage to step out of her abode and call the cops haha. Besides the great misunderstanding which can hardly be explained lol, we found out that Nakano finally is paying for his meals by likely buying the goods on his days off. Thank goodness, we don't have to eat off cooked offerings lol. And just in time, we can feed the neighbour so she won't think Nakano is here kidnapping children lol. Nice one, Senko-san! Really, she's literally keeping her mouth shut, with offerings. *laughs* Okay it's not, but still. It's a real good excuse though, since the neighbour who is known as Enouji is a student and an artist, which also means she could use some home cooking since this one barely even eats haha. (How she got that rack though we will never know lmao) So yeah, they kinda explained their relationship to her, and she just eats to satisfy her stomach haha. Easy, right? We're settled, so far so good. Well, when more questions appear like why Senko-san is "dressed like a fox" (because she is one lol) Enouji ended up believing it was some cosplay of some Anime character which she likes and which Nakano has to pay subscription now to let her watch the whole series so that she can act her role in the real world, that Senko-san. So yeah, at least that is one way of keeping your resident deity occupied haha. Hey unlike my mom this one still stays at home and remembers to cook dinner. *BOOM* Haha talking about buying food, since Nakano has been fed offerings from the temple for like, a week lol, it's time to pay back. Hey, for this much of happiness we gettin', this is a small price to pay, right Nakano? *him looking at his empty wallet* But yeah, worried that Senko-san will be seriously questioned to the extent of being brought to the police station (yeah I swear it'll happen considering she floats lmao), Nakano decides to go shopping with her. Really reminds me of the days I have to go to the market with my mom as a kid. Somehow this sticks with you when you grow up old and lonely lol. And so does Nakano, as she sees Senko-san looking around amazed at the product of capitalism and globalisation in front of his eyes, and also deciding his somewhat limited fate of his future meals lol. Come on, at least it's good, so I won't even complain haha. All in all, another wonderful episode which only makes Nakano (and me) more grateful than ever that some agricultural deity exists to feed him and let him touch her (#PedoAlert) to his satisfaction... this show is just great. Now to give the theme songs haha
P.S. "If it's not a child, I guess it's not a problem" Hell yeah how do you like some Anime stupidity injected into your real life? Haha
P.P.S. In case you don't read credits, "Kon kon kon" (haha) is voiced by - I didn't even guess it because I thought Waki Azumi would take this role too -Β Kugimiya Rie-san, and if you need references to how cute this veteran can get on her voice, watch some Shana-chan and you'll pick up the vibes immediately haha

をニパ Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3
"Isekai"? Did someone say that word? TRIGGERED lol
And... man, what an episode to end the short arc. Haha did I say that last week too? Oops haha. In the final episode of this (#BungouStrayDogs28) short flashback of a series, we find out that the one real spy in this series has been a spy in like, every flashback lol. We'll talk about that later, but first, proceedings. Firstly, I was right in most cases. (Gotta give myself some credit her to sound smart lol) Arahabaki was an existence, probably an ability of some sort but sealed by the military in Japan and which is an Aragami (a sort of God existence, if you wonder), and directly possessed Chuuya in the events that happened. According to Randou's account (not going to talk about his real name which is under that hat tbh), he and another guy (we'll get to that later) were supposed to steal said power and report back to their Western headquarters (if we like to believe it might be the Guild but we don't know) (maybe the White House has ability users lol) but instead resulted in betrayal and most importantly, the attention of the nation. So to save himself, Randou chose to release that spirit and it destroyed the place good, he supposedly killed his ally, and left the place unscathed. Fast forward to years later where Chuuya is able to control his power, Randou came to learn that truth and seeks to take revenge (as predicted) not really on Port Mafia specifically but to gain the power for his own interests, most likely. So in comes his space control powers which obviously defy the laws of gravity even if it was set by Arahabaki Chuuya, which explains how he can survive the blast back then. Thank goodness X-ray wasn't anyone's ability yet lol and Dazai was prepared to replacing his hand in a cast with perhaps something more useful (I thought it was a minigun lol, but) which was probably just to make sure he can break Randou's barriers to negate his powers and not get killed by the ex-leader who was just possessed by Randou and has a scythe waiting to rip him in half lol. Ignoring the "I don't want to die" moment lmao, the two managed to defeat Randou, he told his story, and that is it. They've done it. Not as spectacular as when Chuuya had to like, limit release, but close enough haha. In the end, his kid friends betrayed him in the most spectacular way possible by joining in with the GSS wtf, and managed to "assassinate" the leader ie. Chuuya, who of course is not in a pinch of choosing whether to survive when incidentally Dazai arrived with his army lol. He offered him a place in Port Mafia in return of taking care of the organisation's and his enemies which technically includes the children, but they were protected by Chuuya's orders and the rest were settled by lunch haha. Just another day in the life of Port Mafia, guys. Don't worry too much. On a side note, the most important thing you should have paid attention to is the mention of the lab as explained by Mori Ougai. The lab was trying to infuse human beings with abilities which should remind you of a certain were-tiger which I somehow cannot remember the name, and should make you understand why the Agency doesn't know of anything while Port Mafia knows that one guy so well as much as to want to recruit him from the start. So yeah, next week we'll be back in canon story line, and boy can I not wait to see what more fun we'll have next. The action is short and sweet, the mysteries always get solved in the most logical way possible, and everything is awesome. We need a new reason to hype this season, and thanks Anime for coming back. *cheers* Last but not least, evil Mori Ougai is awesome haha what is it about the meeting with the old man in the Agency and the woman though... the lore, guys, the lore. Muahahahaha...
P.S. "To die is not the opposite of living; It's just a part of the process of life" Hmm, very deep, Dazai, very deep in meaning... haha
P.P.S. (spoiler alert) What the f**k dude you got the military behind you? I thought I was the strongest in the Sheep! Haha but seriously wtf man you don't have to do conscription and yet... Lmao

をニパ Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
"Ao! Ao! My dinner is just rice!!" If you didn't laugh hardest at this I don't know what in this series will lmao
It's like she even knows of 3P haha let me be the fourth if you guys doing 4P, okay? Haha on second thought I'll have to deal with Kijima so no thanks lol. 4P is provided I'm the only guy lmao. Okay, in the new episode (#AoChan04) we have competition. Yes, people. Ao-chan isn't the only b*tch that wants to f**k lmao. And it's Miyabi, classmate probably in elementary school, it seems. She was the one who sent in the love death threat lol, and she's the one who will stand in front of Ao-chan and stop telling her to be a b*tch even though she's the b*tch and is totally trying to fight for Kijima's attention. (Sorry is the asterisks are bothering you lol) So yeah yeah Ao-chan kind of found out mistakenly that he was sleeping with Miyabi (obviously not true because Miyabi knows of photoshop lmao) but yeah, back to studying I guess. Then again, it wasn't as easy as just that. The father knows about it again because Ao-chan can only consult with her dad, and in an outing (with the dad) they saw the couple and the dad sort of decided to do something about it. Well, firstly, by already writing a love novel in a female author pen name lmao which supposedly Miyabi uses to guide her through the day in the amusement park. (Man, this guy is earning it, the money haha) The real couple (Kijima and Ao) end up in a haunted house, she was scared and he volunteered to walk her out. Not until you notice that the place is rigged by the father so yeah, it was probably intentionally created to make each other jealous of the fact that they are attached to someone in their own outing. Whether that's good news or not to their silent period after seeing that fake photo, I'm not sure. What I'm sure though is likely the dad is helping them this time around so Ao-chan can finally get around to be jealous of the guy and do something about instead of being a b*tch haha Miyabi I'm sorry but you're going to lose to big tits lmao
P.S. Yes, Kijima. It's those kind of mixers where a girl drags you out because she thinks the others are boring, brings you to a hotel room and asks if you can f**k her a**. No joke, I speak from Anime experience haha *looks at DomeKano*
P.P.S. But seriously speaking, must the dad always dump in the Anime stupidity AFTER explaining the reality in romance? Must you, Dad? *laughs*

をニパ Joshikausei
(--Quote Unavailable--)
In this new episode (#Joshikausei04) we learn what it takes to have money to eat at a family restaurant, and what it means to not haha. So yeah, Momoko is poor as heck and spent all her money, the other kid with eyebrows as thick as picked radish (that's a K-ON! reference right there) skips meals and eats dessert lol, and the rich kid with the glasses had a full set meal. So yeah, she was selfish and doesn't want to share with her poor classmate, and the other two decide to play origami because how else are you going to curb your hunger? *laughs* Using paper towels left for the purpose of wiping your mouth and everything else in case you need them, Momoko took that and folded all kinds of stuff to play with picked radish lmao that's her name now. All was fun until rich glasses (that's her name now haha) decide to build cages using straws to stop them from playing, but isn't it ironic that's how wildlife domestication works in a summary? They fight to survive in the wild only to be caged by humans who spoil them everyday with food and order them to provide so-called entertainment to fellow humans? Uh oh, wildlife preservation is going to sue this Anime now lmao they are as confused as the waitress staff by now haha

をニパ Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! OVA
"You're saying I don't deserve to be in this world after all" Uh, okay Midorin mind my own business then haha
"When I think of hot springs, I think of snoopers" Haha the only snooper is you, you idiot maid lmao this Anime is the best. *laughs* In this reminiscent special episode (#UzaMaid13) of this fantastic series from two seasons ago, they decided that an episode of fanservice using middle school kids would be ideal. Uh, okay... The only one happy is the maid though, as we will soon (immediately) notice haha. Firstly, the trip. The three girls (namely Misha, Washiwashi and Morikawa haha) go for a hot spring location you wish exists (it doesn't) (that or you must be as rich as Midorin to build yourself one) and they had a great time. That was just fanservice, I guess, and that occasional snooping from the maid lol. (Yeah I finally remember, it's Tsubame) More importantly, the trip ended with Misha forgetting to bring a change of panties. I would argue that besides buying one on the way home you could also just wear back the previous one (unless you as a kid already wet it because you're horny as f-) instead of just bearing all sorts of nonsense including the maid and typhoon while going home commando lol. As we can see, besides commanding the heavens, Tsubame has again shown what it means to be able to do everything for the sake of her master, namely the kid. Which bring us to the last part, where Misha thinks that she can prove to Tsubame how she can also be maid and not be like those in that one Anime (lol 4th wall reference here) but more importantly, Misha has also proven to herself that housework is hard work, and people do that on a daily basis. Thanks, Dad. *laughs* That is total fanservice probably for Tsubame though, as she kind of replicates the same scenes as the Anime she watched (lol really wtf it this flash panties season?) and... yep that's pretty much it. No major screw-ups whatsoever. That's boring haha. But for Tsubame that might be the best thing ever. Well, until she notices that her phone has been stolen by the little ones upon Misha knowing that she is quietly being snooped all this time lol. I don't delete the photos tbh I just smash the hardware on the ground and crush it with my foot haha. Well, I'll tell Midorin to crush it with her bare feet so she can enjoy the pain while we're at it lmao ah this show is reminding me how fantastic this was especially with the level of self-thought and jokes I can never stop laughing at. Again, if you didn't see the jokes you liked here means I ran out of space to talk about them lmao
P.S. "Go dig your own society grave" If you don't get the subs it's because they don't explain to you that the phrase "Marriage is life's grave" and the maid is trying to get Misha to marry her so I'll explain it to you, that reference. You're welcome haha
P.P.S. "Did she move the heavens because of me?" And then they immediately wrote "It was just a coincidence" lmao this show

をニパ Kimi ni Suizou wo Tabetai
I mean, if a nice-looking dude took up your death wish diary and read it, wouldn't YOU want to spend the remainder of your life with him? This show in a nutshell haha
It took me some time to be convinced to watch this sad, sad story, but thanks to loundraw I decided to give this sad tale a chance. That, and Lynn-san is in it. Let's talk about it. Story in a nutshell: The end is nigh. Okay, not exactly, and turns out this story is way more than you see in the trailer which I've seen last year, to be honest. Story goes that a girl Sakura is about to die due to a terminal disease regarding her pancreas, and the one guy saw her personal diary. Yep, opened it up and read it. I mean, as someone who would return it to the lost & found or even just the nearest counter, this is definitely how it can all start if you did otherwise. So instead of hiding it, Sakura chose to tell him the truth, that her body was beyond saving. In surprise, she found out the guy wasn't worried about it, since it's another person dying. Hey, sounds like me lol. Still, the girl insisted on spending the rest of her remaining life with this guy, so she joined the guy in working part-time at the school library. And then that it how it all began, and maybe because he knew the girl in front of him was about to die, so like, obligation to fulfill her last wishes remain. So yeah, from going to places to eat (where did they get all this money lol) (oh yeah she was technically working) to even going on weekend trips and lying to the family and best friend about it (we'll come back to that later), those were great times. There were of course, some instances of showing some romantic progression between the two. I mean, it's a coming of age show anyways, so yeah, sleeping on the same bed because the hotel can't give you two single beds, and pouncing on each other is a thing lmao. And then in comes the hoax: the hospital visit. It made the guy real worried for once, and yeah, maybe that is when he showed concern for the first time, to another human. That, and thank goodness she got discharged out of the hospital to (SPOILER ALERT INCOMING) die due to a stabbing. Yeah WHAT THE F**K DUDE WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?? Sakura was pronounced dead especially considering her condition ("hey if you could try not to stab my abdomen" lol), and the guy took some time to realise how much she meant to him, and how much she changed his life even without using his name, and even so made an impact Haruki will live to remember.
Okay, been holding back on comments above tbh, so here goes. Firstly, I'm real surprised not because it wasn't a smooth ending like most of these life end shows would do ie. the one time she went to the hospital will be her last, and everyone would crowd around to her death while he has to explain the reality to the people she kept secret to besides her family. Seriously, I thought it was that, especially from the trailer. But even if I didn't and made me think she just died without much notice, the story still gave me a 180 and tell me she didn't die due to her illness!! So that was quite a plot twist, to say the least. Secondly, I can relate to this show. Not that I have someone around me who is about to die and wants to spend his or her remaining time with me (I've not had the luxury to be touched emotionally by another fellow being tbh), but suffice it to say Haruki behaves a lot like me. But I would like to point out, I would not do one thing he would likely do until the day Sakura dies, that is to keep her secret. At least, to Kyouko, or even the ex-boyfriend, I would tell them the truth. I would not keep mum and let them beat me up. No joke, I'm too honest to keep this secret. If you are going to die and you tell me you didn't tell anyone else outside the house but you're like, the most popular person at the workplace or in school, you'll be sure I'll tell every single one of them haha. Death is bad that it brings people around you to grieve, but it sure is better than to find out in the future that the lie is set, and that time can never be recovered. Obviously drawing into Kyouko's perspective right here, but because she seems to be the one who will be hurt the most not knowing of the news. (Screw the ex, alright? We marry the two spring trees now haha) (Yes, referring to Sakura and Haruki, which means "spring tree") So yeah, I would not stand and watch her enjoying her time with me because as much as I like to joke like Sakura maybe, I would not take impending incidents lightly. Not especially if I see your pills and hear you got hospitalised. If you are just unhealthy I wouldn't care, but if you are going to die I'm not going to keep mum. That's... what I can assure you. Also, why drag this guy down with you if you're going to die; you need more people to cry for you?? Haha thank goodness I wouldn't even open that book in the hospital since I don't want people asking me why I'm there. *silence* Haha okay let's move on. (Note to self: You can't tell her about your last weekend in the hospital lol) Lastly, I would say Sakura is what I want in life but have never seen. Hey, welcome to the world of Anime, ladies and gentlemen. With a light novel story as base and loundraw doing character design, no wonder this show is done well. But ignoring production since I wouldn't be picky (not even sumika for the theme songs), but from a personal standpoint I secretly want someone like Sakura to come into my life. Well, it probably wouldn't happen already looking back at my studying years (it was close though; I got a girl to come to my place to study, remember?), but man, one could dream, right? Cue the ending theme here lol. Still, for someone who relies on relationships to live compared to me who thinks living is itself a pain (sorry pancreas I do you no wrong), Sakura is sweet gum I'd be willing to eat 24/7. If such a girl exists and would appear in my life, I say once more, my motivation to live will be her. Problem is, it's not there. Oh well, I could watch this and cry lol Haruki got laid with a dead girl and I'm still alive lmao GOT ME haha
This movie in a nutshell?
To end this, I would say overall production is good. Lynn-san wasn't what I expected in this show, but thanks to a certain Anime I believe her acting lively characters would be similar, so that is that. (I don't care about the rest of the cast, in case you wonder haha) Aniplex might not be the best choice for music, but it is a choice, and I still liked the soundtrack. Would argue more soundtrack to make impact would be better though, as three songs have been presented throughout the movie. Animation I can't complain, but considering loundraw started his own studio and can do this for a CM (commercial), I wouldn't be impressed with the animation quality here, but it's still good. The plot line represented is also good, and as I said above, besides the plot twist, I really enjoyed how this plays along, as dumb as it sounds. Again, I wouldn't read any book I picked up on the street especially if I knew it belongs to someone like one with a custom cover. *laughs* Is this why I haven't got laid? I need to up my curiosity more haha. Then again, Sakura has been in a relationship, so she knows how it feels to be loved. And I like how the plot has explained itself completely in this show, as indirectly shown in her diary Sakura has been interested in Haruki for some time, and naturally after experiencing heartbreak and facing impending death she decided to go bold and choose the one guy to be with for the remainder of her life, in which coincidence made it all happen as if to fulfill her dying wish. Unlikely she would confess to the most boring guy in class who doesn't give two sh*ts, but the book thing definitely made it happen way more easily. All in all, I came in with an initial neutral only to be impressed by the story. On that, I'll say is a good show. Thanks for making me cry like, as many times as every time one person cried. Yes, the funeral doesn't count.
[Early part postscripts because I haven't gotten serious and so did Sakura lol, and some after I watched]
[Again, as an advisory to all parents out there, allow your kids to find something in life to live on. Whether how good or bad it is - food, sports, video gaming, smoking?, love and fidelity?, being otaku and buying a stack of CDs (lol) - it'll give them something in life, instead of regretting and making them frantically search for one when they grow up. It's a pain to do this stuff now with people constantly questioning about your life goals because you don't have any]
[Advisory x2: The infection or even removal of a pancreas does not mean your life is dead. According to medical sources online (I did a bit of research), the pancreas is an organ which helps your digestion by - if you could recall in your science lessons - turning food into glucose. Without that you can still live but you would suffer from severe diabetes (yep) because you constantly need drugs and specifically injections (refer to Sakura's bag) to neutralise the threat. Maybe that's why she said she was about to die; she got tired of living. Hmm...]

[Update 2019.05.01: Yes I got reluctant in watching a show on a Monday so I chose the nearby public holiday to do it haha let's do this]
をニパ Attack on Titan Season 3 Part.2
"Rest up, Eren" I'm like, walking the whole night through the forest bro, you want me to rest? lol
Hmm, and that is a real interesting episode (#AttackOnTitan50), despite it being short and rather straightforward in development. We're back, guys, and in this next part of the Anime story (because they can't come up with a better title) we continue to seal off Wall Maria. But well, it was all again a farce. It's like they just wasted time doing whatever they set out to do again. I would argue though, that walking through the forest in pitch darkness and sneaking to the edges and sealing off the wall is a legit strategy to gain confidence in the people again. But then again the enemy is full of intelligent Titans, which is kind of a problem in itself if you think about it. So yeah, credit goes to Armin this time I guess, and RIP the first guy who got killed this arc lol, as many would likely join him so... I wouldn't say too much haha. Nonetheless, the guys did manage to seal the outer wall, only to realise that all of them (yep all the Titans) were actually cleverly concealed in the walls all this time. Now THAT is what I call a stealth operation, Erwin. Thanks to Armin's thinking and not believing that they are hidden in a ditch somewhere (well for Beredohdt and Reiner it's possible but the others...) and of course, Erwin believing in the flexibility of the operation being as Levi mentioned "as long as we don't get rid of the enemies Wall Maria will never be retaken", we got an answer. Hey, I like when a mystery gets resolved in the episode itself. But really man, way too quiet. And you didn't even clean up after your tea? You disgust all British in tea etiquette haha. But yeah, Erwin has also a purpose for walking into their trap, because as much as these monsters are prepared, he might also be. Whatever that is, and what will happen next to Eren's titan fight with Reiner and everyone else, is the next big thing in this series. Let's hope it's going to be nothing but a streak of awesomeness waiting for us just like their death lol
P.S. Just heard the new cinema staff song from the Anime itself as the ending theme song, and... I like the flashback feel in the animation, as if they are paying tribute to something. Is this their end, the lot of them of humanity? I hope not. This is such a dull show I could use some happy stuffΒ 


Nah, not doing it, manga reviews. Moving on~
(I'll probably do it in bulk, as I have plans to purchase some Japanese manga. I'll just need like, 10 weeks to read like, 9 volumes worth lol)

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week wasn't too much of a week, but we can talk about it. Longing this for quite some time since last year, I finally got to listen to NEGOTO's best album, and yes, their last, and... it wasn't as much as I thought. Maybe it's just the melodies, or the style doesn't stick with me anymore. Still, I think I can give a couple of songs, even though it doesn't bring enough justice for the two CDs worth of 36 tracks. You can find out more on the recent Moment I posted on Twitter what songs I have given and the rest aren't in the album too on Apple Music if you want. Again, hitting that preview button is still, in my opinion,the easiest way to hear a bunch of songs in a short period of time. I also remembered metro polica listening to oldies and... man have they come far since the last time I saw them with a major album. Some of their newest songs are good, so I might give something next week maybe. Yes, it's because I got so much attention again following Karano Marina last week lol what's with all the following here I'm too old to understand lmao

Next week brings us nano.RIPE's new digital single, so yeah, not full single. Still, it's been some time since they sang, and I did say from the music video preview that it isn't bad, so I guess I'll have to give it haha. I'll also have a couple of days work leave and holiday to back that up effectively reducing my work week to 2 days (YESH), so yeah I'll try to clear that Aqua Timez live and Ten-chan's if I have the time to not sleep all afternoon haha

On Twitter news directly or indirectly (lol I have to use this phrase now so I can group all other news together), Scenarioart is releasing a new single in the upcoming months finally, Yoru no Honki Dance released a new music video preview and... I guess it's fine. Man, they don't sound like themselves anymore, to be honest. Is it because of major label? You can tell us, guys. No pressure haha. Asakura Momo's new single got a music video preview and... what is with all this cuteness? *laughs* The ending theme song for Anime "Ao-chan" revealed their release date which is end of May like the opening theme (man, why), and cinema staff's new single is ready to go. Well, hopefully the Anime is. Lastly, because of the above one video featuring loundraw's new video (see movie review), the song at the background was sung by none other than - if you find it familiar - Hanazawa Kana-chan, with the guy himself writing and producing the song. Wha- Anyways, I hope that will be a song of hers someday, but man, a movie without full-on loundraw animation and drawing is like the above. Imagine what happens when he takes over everything. I'll be waiting patiently for that day to come.

That's all I guess. I have to make this post shorter with a collapsing element for the movie, so if you see that happen when you hover or click on the title then that means I've done it haha. Cya guys next week then, and remember to come back for some titan talk. And until next time... I need to plan out my breaks. I have to do stuff, not just sleep all day as much as I like to, to be honest. *laughs* Life ia all about sleeping people. Until you notice you have people to interact with and you can't sleep. Well, invite them to sleep with you? Argh I can't forget that night with Sakura-chan haha imagine how dumb I would be sleeping on the couch when I really say three things cute about her. Haha okay good night.