
The Auction House Journey Part Deux: The Recovery Package

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The Auction House Journey Part Deux: The Recovery Package

Thursday, 27 June 2019

With respect to the last post, yes I won the lottery haha no you idiot I just thought spending money and waiting for them to reach me through international shipping feels great and keeps my adrenaline going at work. Guess who's the idiot now. Capitalism, everyone. Ugh, I feel so dumb and happy now...

So welcome. To my greatest regret this month lol (there are a lot this month, this just happens to be the last) but also, I kinda spoiled myself by opening it yesterday, so... I'll make this short haha

It's because of this.
(*As of 2019.06.27)
My personal Google Photos account. Yes, it does not contain my face but images of girls I like. Don't ask any further. *laughs*

It was based on this because it lists - in descending order - the number of images I have placed as my wallpaper. Through the power of face recognition (thanks Google!) and the occasional addition of some wonderful images from people at the bottom of the list, I decided to set out to balance things out. Which is why it's called "recovery" because I want to bring people like Ookubo Rumi up. Images of her online isn't a lot, to be frank.

Of course, it's not only based on this as this was after some thought and I noticed it was to little to just consider those at the bottom of the list even lmao. (That's why Tomacchan is in this) I also wanted to get more of those who hardly ever appear on social media and as a consequence is related to the above too (and thus hardly will ever appear on my phone as wallpaper) so like TrySail girls, Touyama Nao (probably still won't after this one maybe), Kouno Marika and even Minase Inori considering her images on twitter are getting smaller lol, so yeah. So much motivation to buy as much as I want haha

In comparison to the first time I did this, many similarities remain. It's from that one store called Buyee again through that one auction site called Yahoo Auction again, I still spent a lot on money on shipping, but what is different I can talk about. Firstly, as you will see below, damages on the goods are minimal or even negligible. The first time I may have made it sound great, but on close inspection some of them even have coffee stains (dammit why on Aki-chan) so yeah, this one does not have any of those. I guess it's maybe because some of them are never opened before, especially some where it's special gifts for magazines and their previous owner only liked the book and not the free stuff, so they just sell it online and recuperate their losses, I would assume. And then, it was more than last time. I would argue that it's at least twice as much stuff as the first time, so yeah, I'm a mad man. Lastly, I focused on getting more out of my money. You probably can see in the list from the first run, but there are a lot more of auctioned items in bulk (indicative as numbers in all the Japanese text, like set of 2 or 3 or 5) and that saves you money because technically you're paying the same service fee as the one photo which is also a single auctioned item. So... I have saved money on this? *laughs*
The online receipt taken at date of this post
To add on, because auction consolidation is about taking all those who sent in in as good of a condition as possible, some chose to package them real badly so it became quite a waste as a large package but not as large as the first run considering this one contained more stuff. Both orders also contained A4 clear files so that wasted a lot of space, and more importantly in this, packaging here is on average more wasteful. I mean, look at this.
That was what was in this envelope, no joke

(For more details on finance, I will talk about this in a future post where I talk about collecting stuff in the past, present and future) (Publish date TBA haha)

That was... 12 separate orders (on left Tomacchan's clear file is coupled with the bromide photo second from bottom left) with 4 auctions featuring more than 1 item besides the clear file one. Marinka was shown above, and the others are the rightmost three which can be seen below.
Don't tell me which one you like, because I liked all of them. If you need a most disappointing one because you hate me, the one with Rumi-chan in white probably haha. But no, I liked all of them. Also, don't be envious of me. I have to buy a new photo album to store all these in now lol I used to use a detachable one but the downside is that it can stick on to the photo so I decided to give that up. I'll probably buy multiple small ones because then I can categorise them all. Heck, with this package it's going to be 100+ of them now.

Again, I do get some of these bromides for free but sometimes you don't, and this is the only way to get them. Illegally. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

That will be it then. I'm not going to promise things like last time whether I would do this again, but hey if I have spare cash I'll make sure it's spent lmao. Or maybe I'll fly to Japan next time to buy these like how my friend bought some for me when he was there. Hmm... it's going to be different as far as I know but then now that I think about it I shall make sure that happens haha. Oh, feel free to zoom in to see the any of the images. I'm going to have to spend an afternoon over the weekend standing by the scanner at home haha (too bad I can only do it when my dad takes his afternoon nap hehe) (ah dammit I have to also buy photo albums AND also get the blog migration done??)

P.S. Okay Ten-chan's set of 3 is the best here haha and my imouto can be second hehe (she's right smack in the middle btw pure coincidence)

P.P.S. Yes, Fujita Akane was in this. She never appeared in my Google Photos list but with this... I like your photoshopped self, Akane-chan hehe