
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #22

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #22

Sunday, 02 June 2019
Hey, TIL you can do a livestream signing of Tachibana Rika's new single. Eh... you don't get the sign though she just signs it in front of you and reads your comment maybe haha wtf

Again, not learning my lesson to watch Anime on Sunday mornings so I didn't get to nap in the afternoon again. *sigh* I need to finish my tasks enjoy my entertainment a little earlier but yeah you bet I will next week at least with Bungo Stray Dogs. Senko-san makes me feel like a pedophile haha okay let's forget that and move on

をニパ Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
"How many days (of summer vacation) did you get?" "One." That is me when my mom asks me to take leave and I don't wanna lol
Hey, if it's ONLY one day off I'll be sure I'll stay at home. Well, if you have a couple demigods and a rack for a neighbour then maybe not lmao. The new episode (#SenkoSan08) brings us to the beach?? Yeah, because every Anime series needs that obligatory beach episode, and I know it's just a man and a bunch of kid-like figures, and that's why Enouji Jasuko had to join in lol. They played in the sea, enjoyed the sun, and had barbecue. Best things to do on the beach, yes? Ignoring whatever is behind all this (the fact that they are transported there through holy gates), there's more mystery to where they actually are now, even if Shiro mentioned it's some secret place that she knows of. I mean, it is. The only other way people will be there is if they barely survived a capsizing and drifted there haha. Anyways, we can't question this and our screwed up work lives every time (looking at you, Nakano), and even me watching this on a Sunday I also know tomorrow is going to be work again *sob*, but hey, you gotta enjoy the time and live in it, yes? Simple premise for a series, but it makes me wonder how it will end now. We are soon to the end, we have been introduced once again to the other demigod who sits in the world amongst Senko-san and Shiro-san, she gave Nakano the feast (which is not her rack surprisingly lol), and... hints on confrontation sooner or later. Hmm... I mean, it wasn't meant to be, this pairing, or even this pampering for Nakano, so even if it were to go away he'll just go back to his sad working lifestyle, so... I guess it's on Senko-san then? Well, hopefully more backstories will determine how this will end eventually. For now... I'm glad I get to see some fun even though if I were Nakano I wouldn't even move because THERE AREN'T EVEN ANY CUTE YOUNG GIRLS IN THIS!! Haha yeah Enouji you don't qualify and I'm not into 800-year-old kids lmao
P.S. Lol the best part is going to be when they have to send Enouji back home do they just wait until she sleeps or they just knock her out? Haha also Enouji is clearly requested by production to compensate for the lack of... fanservice *laughs*
P.P.S. Stop reminding me to exercise and do warmups I didn't do any of those I only cycle once a week maybe lol

をニパ Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3
Man, it's just the one hospital, guys. Do you guys own the place? lol I mean, Mori Ougai probably is one who does own a hospital haha
Wow man, finally some progression I must say. In the new episode (#BungouStrayDogs33) Fyodor finally took action. Man, you know how long I've been waiting for this? *laughs* Anyways, let's talk about the rollercoaster that has just happened. A mysterious killer is on the loose. You know, those suspicious enough to gain any amount of attention here lol. Firstly, Fukuzawa the President of the Detective Agency, has been assassinated. (I mean, his Ability doesn't protect him, so... why you out on the streets alone at night again?) Not immediate death of course, just a deliberate plot which we will see later. He seemed to have been poisoned and is unconscious, so that's not good news. Meanwhile, this assassin has been gaining all the attention in the area, so of course Port Mafia will be around to take care of things before the one guy becomes more powerful than them lol. He eventually surfaced by getting counter plotted by the gang, and is the one guy who thinks he's more powerful than God himself, that Guild member who was almost killed by Akutagawa. So yeah, if a reminder of his powers is needed, he manipulates blood which makes him a strong attacker and probably look like a stealth killer, but hey, he's not the only one. Turns out he was being used, and here is where Fyodor and that book he stole from Port Mafia episodes ago come into play. (Man, this show is so good at this haha) In finding a way to dish out the assassin, Mori Ougai had to put himself out in the streets as leader of the group and supposedly, as I guess they know the intention of the killer already, assassinate the leaders of the two Ability groups in Yokohama. So yeah, it did happen, a bomb went off while he and Elise-chan were in a car (OMG Ten-chan I want to be my Ability so much haha), and if you didn't notice, he survived. So yeah, Fyodor took the extra step - as scheming as he is - to go in stealth and deliver the final blow disguised as a policeman. Pure without intentions maybe, but I'd like to say Mori can avoid that lol. Anyways, that's what happens when people just need to know a little about your puppet-livesaver Ability and prepare a counterattack on it. (We still wouldn't know what the Ability is exactly though but this will do hehe I see what you did there, author) And so, both leaders are down. But they aren't just down down, oh no, and according to the guy himself after being confronted by Dazai who is as scheming as he is, it's cannibalism. (We will ignore all of Fyodor's real motives in obtaining some book for now too much to talk about liao) If you need explanations for the titles of the next couple of episodes feel free to drop a message on Twitter haha. (Yes it's titled cannibalism) Anyways, that "poison" is an Ability sort of virus that infects two hosts and will only be nullified if one of them are dead, so... yeah it's literally asking for a fight between the two groups who have recently just announced a truce after whatever happened between them and the Guild. But hey, Fyodor had to ruin the beach party haha. Of course none of them can trust each other, so Port Mafia takes action first (I'll quote their half dead leader on this one), arriving to the hospital Fukuzawa-san is. Well well, and next episode I might just go crazy I would watch this first because THE ACTION IS ABOUT TO BEGIN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! I can't even hold my breath I need to go back and watch overpowered Elise-chan again haha this tension's going up and I can't wait!! (Not describing my boner btw lol)
P.S. Can I just continue to talk about how much I want this to have a spin-off series where it's just a slice-of-life of Mori Ougai with Elise-chan? I don't care I want this to be the new Usagi Drop haha (imagine my face as the thumbnail that's how happy I'll be if it happens haha)
P.P.S. I mean, everything would easily be resolved if one of the victims this season is Kurotsuchi Mayuri from "BLEACH" man just replace all the vital organs and one of them will be technically killed. No one will be sacrificed- Oh this is not and everyone is human? Okay haha

をニパ Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
"You receive one punishment every time you say the word 'Kijima'" lmao yes that even though I'm worried what the editor-san will do to her haha *sees next frame* well there you go lmao
WTF lmao dad you branching out to making adult toys and sex dolls now?? (If that thing on the bed reminds you of Miyabi you are not alone lmao) Ao-chan I still wonder why you haven't level up your financial status yet your dad is making money out of everything here haha. In the new episode (#AoChan09) we... may just have an early conclusion to the series if what production now wants is a happy ending, no joke. Ao-chan decides to study. This should come as no surprise to all of us considering we all watched the first episode but hey, we are 8 episodes down and this... might be going in any number of directions besides that, to say the least. Kijima is all in Ao-chan's mind right now which is kind of cute, but yeah, it's really stopping her from studying, the goal that she has always aimed for which is good but really shows how badly she can handle study and relationships at the same time. (Hey, aren't we all?) (Well I don't have relationships when I was studying so you tell me haha) So yeah, Ao-chan is as horny as she is desperate, so Yabe-san punishes her for not focusing on study. Like really, man, that level of fanservice is thankful, to be honest. *laughs* Anyways, Kijima also knows that, following Yabe-san's hint, dropped by her place to hear how she actually feels considering as the dad mentioned, she is not easy with words (but her body is BOOM got her haha) but yeah hearing her out makes Kijima determined to not interfere with her studies and instead, actually join her in her studies so, you know, they can be together. Aww, how sweet. And yes again, as the dad also mentioned, Kijima should show her the ropes of what it's like to fall in love as a teenager instead of being influenced by the father's works (please Ao-chan do some Internet research at least, geez) so yeah, that makes them friends now haha *points censored sign* All in all, a nice episode to end the series- Oh we not there yet? Uh oh. What else is left though in terms of story progression? We getting sports festival next week and the dad can't be in the audience to watch? "Okay, make that an episode!" <= Anime director and scriptwriter (lol)
P.S. If "DO IT" is not what you are saying to Ao-chan on your viewing screen when you watch Kijima walk away from her you are not human see a psychiatrist immediately no joke
P.P.S. "Don't go please" "Then I won't" You wish relationships are that easy lmao only in Anime ladies and gentlemen especially the gentlemen haha

をニパ Joshikausei
Teenage life can be so simple, am I right? In this new episode (#Joshikausei09) we got quite a flashback. Didn't expect them to slot in one of these, but sure, I'll take it. We dwelve a little into Mayu-chan's past. You know, the one with pickles as eyebrows and isn't Tsumugi from "K-ON!" lol. Everyone has to start out alone in high school, but for Mayu-chan it... might be for quite a while. As many tables surround each other but not her during lunch, she knows she's going to get left out real quick until she notices her neighbour who at first look might be some kind of yankee or something. Scared, she distanced herself even further from everyone until she noticed Momoko playing with shadows under the sunset and decided to join in. And that's how friends are made, guys. *laughs* And it's also then that they played a lot with each other and on that evening they were playing shadow puppets until the sun went down. Man, if only things can be this simple. Now everyone thinks this is stupid and stops playing now- Oh it's just me? Uh oh. *laughs* Anyways, I don't mind another episode starring Shibumi's story (the other one with the glasses btw) so... may the theme song be good next week haha this show is light-hearted and fun I almost forgot it's 3 minutes long
P.S. This postscript exists because I can't stop thinking about Tachibana Rika (voice for Momoko) trying to floss dance in that video on Twitter lmao I have to explain to my non-gamer friends on what Fortnite is even though I don't play it haha Rika-sama kawaii~ (ooo I didn't notice the afterword she will try this again?? hehe)

[Update 2019.06.03: Oh boy can't wait to see what happens this week haha yeah I never got this excited for this series ever]
をニパ Attack on Titan Season 3 Part.2
RIP Armin may your intelligence live in us forever- Oh, we can save Armin now?? lol
Hey, this is going to be fun. In the new episode (#AttackOnTitan55) we decide who to save. If it gives you some deja vu as to that other action show above this review, I'm sure it was a coincidence haha. I know the one above is quite hard to decide, like, between two gang leaders technically speaking (lol) (I promise I'm done relating to Bungo Stray Dogs here haha) but this one... it's quite an emotional rollercoaster. I decided to let my emotions take the best of me for this episode, and with a solid argument in this conundrum, it was a fine ending. I'm not going to spoil you here (yes, the postscript is a fluke), but suffice it to say what's left of humanity has been rather simply (for sake of plot progression) condensed down to two people. For one, Armin sacrificed himself to get burnt good so that Eren can deal the final blow to... that Colossal Titan (nope, not spelling that name again he's dead for good), and in the end is literally scorced to his death but is still barely breathing. Lewis was about to hand over the syringe that was passed on from Kenny to Eren to save the guy, but... in comes the only newbie survivor carrying Erwin the commander on his back. And yes, the usual "who to save" scenario emerges. Both sides provide rather solid arguments which I will let you determine after offering the sides and my opinion. So, supporting Armin's revival and Erwin's death are, of course, his close friends Eren and Mikasa. Eren argues that he was a master strategist, devised many plans thus far and even drew out the enemy, and Erwin did nothing like that. To be honest, that was quite a solid argument considering Erwin only lost his arm lol. Eren also childishly argued that Levi was about to hand over the injection until he saw that newbie appear, as saving the leader naturally became an option. Not wrong, but hey, gotta save that leader to keep up appearances, right? On the other hand we can always get a new leader. Haha Levi is that why...? *laughs* Anyways, spoiler free still haha, Eren also then talked about his personal experience that he wants to go to the sea beyond the walls as a trio, so... that I guess that excuse can come in when it wants. On the other side supporting Erwin's revival and Armin's death, Hange argues that Erwin's experience as a leader and tactician would be vital in keeping the human species alive within the walls and a chance to defeat the Titans which are now at this point, standing beyond those walls. (I won't comment on that, but fuck you Zeke haha) Levi also of course delivered the most logical argument ever, which is we have to revive the leader. Not wrong, considering what's left to command of the Scouts I would argue Levi is enough for his squad sort of to be in lead lol. But yeah, in war keeping the leader alive is vital in showing prowess and that your force is still standing strong at less than 10 lmao. All were told to stay away as Levi makes the decision to obviously, save the leader. But [SPOILER ALERT] Erwin had that last breath to deny that injection. I guess he's scared of needles? (I'm so sorry I gotta make that joke) Haha so yeah, then Levi remembered: He was about to save someone who was just prepared to sacrifice for humanity. So screw you that one newbie, you don't know your Commander well enough. So in the end, Levi gave it to Armin, he devoured what's left of that Colossal Titan that Zeke couldn't save (yep he saved Reiner alright thanks to Jean haha) (yes Jean live in agony forever you idiot) and... Armin survives. It seems like simple storytelling to me now, but man, did I shed a tear when they made the decision to let Armin die. I did a salute and tribute last week, I'll do it again. But yeah, I guess I have to salute Erwin now, you commanding idiot hah. A~nyways, Armin gets to live, Erwin fulfilled his duty to die with the newbie army he sent them off their deaths (so many young lives I'm so glad we are in peacetime so I don't die for the Army lol #ConscriptionProblems), and all is well. Next week... I guess we'll know about the truth even without War Chief Zeke telling Eren about it. We are either going to get a good surprise, or... maybe wait for Season 4? I don't know man I hate this suspense haha I want next week to happen
P.S. Attack on Titan is like loot boxes: you put in all the effort to do something to get the best chances of success and you still barely had a chance at it. And in the end it all fails and you're back at square one with nothing. *laughs*
P.P.S. [SPOILER ALERT] If you don't know what to do if your dreams come true on the day we defeat the Titans, start thinking about it bro 'cos YOU'RE COMIN' BACK!! Haha nah not doing it

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
I mean, I could summarise this week's paragraph with that Twitter MomentΒ I just posted but I guess I shouldn't just do that lol, but if you want to skip this then that is faster technically haha. cinema staff's new single is... okay, I guess, and we are so close to putting it on the shelf, but hey, I only gave the one song which sounds like a potential insert song for the Anime they did the ending theme in for this release. Edoga Sullivan's new EP is actually nice to listen, as after listening to the topic song I thought I was expecting a whole lot of pops but instead there's a bit of everything. I ended up giving the other song which also had a music video released recently which can be found here and here for the Anime theme song so... yeah, they are pretty good. (Not talking about her looks here haha I don't care about that) Spira Spica's new single is... surprisingly different compared to the previous release, but then again their pop style is kind of sinking into me a little, and I'm still thinking whether I should give another song besides the topic song, so... we shall see. Niitsu Yui's new mini-album might be controversial in that besides the new song which had a music video I have not intended to give anything yet. Maybe one more, but I'll see if I can brainwash the melody on myself haha. Lastly, I gave Ryokuoushoku Shakai's new mini-album a chance because I heard of the release just last week as mentioned, but... uh... I don't even want to give anything. Sorry but your previous release was way better tbh

Next week brings us two much anticipated releases at least in my opinion. Yoru no Honki Dance's new album is quite a long time coming considering they only released a single last year before the album the year before, and amatsuuni's major debut single for Anime "Joshikausei" may be disappointing, but I'm feeling hopeful. I mean, I've given this many releases over the past month to be able to tank another song which is sub-par, so just don't make it too bad in full, yes? *laughs*

On Twitter this week (oh boy), Rie fu is returning to Japan after probably a rocky journey singing songs in UK (I don't know I should pity her of her stuck with Anime theme song or not), ClariS is releasing a new cover mini-album after years doing one for spring songs for this is summer obviously, I reviewed Teshima Aoi's album in 2014 because Lynn-san hosted an AMA with the fans late at night and she mentioned about this song (it was a good one btw I gave it), Yoru no Honki Dance revealed a new music video and it was okay, and cinema staff's indie catalogue is available in streaming services including Apple Music. Phew! That was quite a mouthful. I did try to give Teshima Aoi's album but... uh... I have a feeling such a style has been presented on Hanazawa Kana's album in 2015 called "Blue Avenue" and that sounds better haha okay it didn't catch my attention anyways

Okay, and I'm done. I'll probably do up a mid-week post considering I'm getting another public holiday again BUT I didn't take any work leave because shit's happenin' (lol), so... I guess I'll see someone there then. I'll be there, that's for sure. *laughs* Cya guys then, and until then... APoL is in my agenda for now. But from now till then I should try to read up on what I want to write and how I should write it. That is, if I can stop playing the many games I just added to my phone haha bye