
The Klassic Note Review 2019.06 Issue 1

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The Klassic Note Review 2019.06 Issue 1

Saturday, 22 June 2019
Well well, look what we have here.

You know, because I haven't been giving releases this long, I figured that two will be better than one. Also, is this a seasonal thing? If so, expect some new reviews this coming September haha seriously the release schedule for the next month is pathetic haha

Hey, you guys know what you're here for, and this time around the theme seems to be love songs. So yeah, unexpectedly good love songs that you probably don't know of. Both from Anime, one of them I watched, but all four songs have lovely lyrics. Let's look into them.

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
amatsuuni - silent days [Single]
First Press Limited EditionRegular Edition
(Thanks for the close-up, but what's with the cones though? Even my friend thinks it's weird)

Origin: Hey, you may not know of her, but considering this newbie just had a major debut single (from not really a large music label) and an Anime tie-in (for a show that's literally 3 minutes) this isn't all bad. First impressions were bad here in Klassic Note though, so I'll leave this storytelling for later. According to her profile, she's real young, she's new, she got attention from social media which seems to be a thing for singers these days, and got taken in to sing more songs (hopefully) for Anime in the near future. Specifically, her voice reminds me a lot of ORESAMA's singer PON-chan, and you can hear it throughout when she pushes her voice to the limit. But she is cuter, because just look at her personal Instagram account. All in all, she's attractive, can sing, Anime theme song... easy way to grab attention in all aspects you can think of, and that's why we are here.

(1) silent days
From last chorus pre-verse:
"It's okay if it is not forever
It does not require speal words
(I) just want to say "see you tomorrow" today"
I feel that the title is real misleading just so to blend in with the mood of the Anime, but for Anime "Joshikausisei" theme song which is so short it can only have one song and the whole thing is basically without dialogue (sound effects and noises still in, just no talk) the title of the song just speaks for itself, basically. But yeah, it's more than that. As seen from the lryics both written by yours truly, it's more than just silent. Well, it feels like it, the maiden in love, but yeah, her heart is screaming from within is probably what it feels like, to say the least. As the whole single is composed by the one guy, the theme of the song is meant to be light-hearted, the lyrics are supposed ot tell a story (not related to the Anime by the way), and overall it is real good. Initial impressions aren't good since even thus far I was only heard a preview of it from the Anime which lasts for like 30 seconds that had a cut down chorus, which specifically shortened the last line, making this feel like those extra bits they add into the melody to avoid copyright infringement. I think I mentioned this before, but then hearing the whole song now I think the melody itself is easy to get used to. It has an adequate bridge, the melody is catchy... it's your better than average Anime theme song, and you don't get those all the time.
Rating: 4 stars (Above Anime Average)

(2) Haru to Usotsuki [Spring and (A) Liar]
From first chorus:
"Sakura (petals) sway and sway, (I) urge to meet (you)
Really, (you) should have noticed (it) already
Good bye, waving with a smile (in your face), (you) liar
Talking to myself, (I) mutter the words "in love""
This is a love song. No surprise, it's what brought me to give the review in the first place. The melody is simple and it caught me immediately, probably faster than I can get used to the chorus. It may be the wrong season to talk about Spring, but the lyrics itself has some deep meaning I can share with you guys. The feels I got from this song is definitely meeting up in a sakura blossomed area in that time of the year, and hoping to do so again, obviously, with the person you like. It must be a great Spring, to say the least, but that liar portion feels like getting friendzoned as much as (the girl) she wants to confess her love for the one she probably spent many days with. Will it ever happen again? I mean, if it's in the song I'll tell you, so yeah, she can only say it to herself, poor girl. Is this what it feels to not get the love you want? Then again, as much as this song as much meaning in its lyrics, the melody as you hear, is simple enough as it's catchy right from the chorus and making me like this song more than I would like to. But hey, she did it, which is impressive. The composer kindly also shortened the bridge so I won't have any way to complain on this song whatsoever, to be honest.
Rating: 4 stars (Nicely Average)

Conclusion: A really good single that might easily get washed away in the music industry, and I wished more people would have heard of how great amatsuuni sounds (as much as it feels similar to ORESAMA's singer without the electric pops) so I would say please give this a listen. Whether you have given the Anime or not, this single is really good. I want to give better, but we know of its flaws. Otherwise the lyrics make you feel you want to be in love, and I think to say the least, it was a well done single.

P.S. "To tear up in pink" That's when she just got her first period lmao (hey I can make these lyric jokes now haha I'll have to translate it to you guys though)

Now that we're done with newbies, let's talk about lovelies! Is that how this works? No? I can't be lyricist? lol MOCHOOOO~~!!

音楽 The Klassic Note Review
Asakura Momo - Smash Drop [Single]
First Press Limited EditionRegular EditionAnime Limited Edition
(Close-ups for the win!! That much of make-up though... Well it was for the theme so I guess this is resonable)

Origin: We should be rather familiar with Asakura Momo ("Mocho" from here on) - a MusicRay'n "Super Idol Seiyuu" (I'm not joking look it up), member of idol group TrySail, lovely Anime voice actresses especially for kids shows if she ever gets more roles, and a total dork. That last one, we all wish we will see more, but this far, it's all the moe-ness you can get from this blur-headed treasure who just walked herself into the entertainment industry. A couple of years in already, and she is on her (goddamn) 6th single and her 2nd Anime tie-in (her 3rd is in an upcoming single, mind you) she is on a roll, to say the least. Thanks to her talent company and production, this one is just a simple single to give I would say, but it wasn't without struggles. I only gave this 3 weeks after its release date, which means I really got thrown off by the topic song and only after the peak season of release did I come back to re-visit, and eventually give this the thumbs up. Let's talk about love, Mocho.

(1) Smash Drop
From first chorus:
"I want you to smile more
It's a simple yet deep wish
Can it really be fulfilled?
By (your) side, not
To unlock the future, bright and shining
It will always me who is giving (to you)"
In case you think this song is about action, you're not wrong, but it's definitely not about fighting. It's a love song, surprise surprise, and I would argue Mocho is really good at this already, so this just takes it to another level, I would argue. The first turn-off you should have noticed for me mentioning about music genres, is over-emphasis of beats. Especially dance and electronic tunes. So this one took it all out and placed it right in front of my face, which really set off a bad impression. The good side is that the melody is actually not bad, as much as it is rather obvious sometimes it's to facilitate the insertion of lyrics (middle of chorus, for example), but otherwise, I can give sub-par a thumbs up. The melody barely passed, to be honest. The lyrics though, is a different story. It's positivity all around, as Mocho sings to make this song so happy, I was smiling all the time singing along with the lyrics. All in all, the lyrics are sweet and lovely, the melody is passable, so sure I'll give it.
Rating: 4 stars (Average)

(2) Shuukurimu [Cream Puff]
""Is this happiness?"
As (my) friends asked (me), (I) thought about (it)
As long as you are here (I am) in happiness"
As usual, I gave the single because of the B-side, and this is no exception. Simple in melody though abrupt, but eventually it's the lyrics that placed the cherry on top of this lovely cake. We are talking about cream puffs though, but then again the melody does give off a feel of affection and firgiveness, and it really feels so too in the lyrics. As a maiden falling in love, talking about everyday life and how much the girl is forgiving the many things the partner is not doing normally as a couple (not go out on dates, got angry because she was late) but hey, she still likes the one guy is all she can say. Referring to the dessert, I don't know what to feel from it, but since it's from Mocho, I think that is good enough. The melody overall feels abrupt with immediate stops of instrumentals which definitely feels weird, but a nice chorus and a short bridge does puts this song in a good light, so I think it's worth a give. The lyrics sure make this song so sweet I fell in love with Mocho again though, just saying.
Rating: 4 stars (Lovely Average)

Conclusion: All in all, I wouldn't really recommend this single because it's a good single, but because I like this girl called Asakura Momo. Although I'm pretty sure that once you have listened to this single it'll change you mind to how love-oriented they have made her solo music career so that we can all love her, as innocent and probably clumsy she can be in person. That, I can recommend. Also, if you like dance pop then the topic song is totally for you. It's okay; not watching an Anime and giving songs is normal in Klassic Note because if they are good I'll give them. This is a good example of that.

- Kaineng, on the Klassic Note

P.S.  *listens to lyrics quote above for B-side* Ah Mocho... *dies* (I WISH haha you gotta treat her well, man)
P.S. "One tap to break (me) will be okay" So if I tap your va**** I'll break you? Haha I suddenly feel the urge to do her, uh, I mean, do it lol (It was meant as a love

Wow that took a while. But yeah, let's jump right into what came with the two CDs, yes? Remember, I will NEVER buy singles only because of special gifts haha is that not obvious enough
Firstly, amatsuuni. Again, someone please explain to me the meaning behind the cones (is it because it's to stop conversations? uh oh) but otherwise you get a lot of her face dribbled all over the package, to say the least. It's not much, it's simple for a Regular Edition single, so I won't comment much. On to the gifts, I chose Toranoana since my first two choices ran out which are "All Local Stores" version (which includes the Teichiku record label store and Rakuten) and the one from "AmiAmi" (they both sport her best camera angle haha) and also because the store is giving out not one, but TWO bromides (thanks Toranoana!) because one was for the release for the store, and one was from the store itself. Man, such publicity to get her on oricon charts haha. Anyways, don't ask me about the cone, me saying her being cute is formality (lol), so let's move on to the real cute girl here haha amatsuuni please don't hit me
Don't mind the white line on Mocho's right eye it's reflection from the plastic
Next, Mocho's single. As usual, nothing much, they even skipped filling up the back of the booklet which only has 4 pages (which fits into print for one piece of paper btw) (same as above) so yeah, very minimal, to say the least. Still, it could be worse, so I'll take it. As for special gifts... I know this is sad but I still have to say it, it has been THREE WEEKS since release and I still get to get hold of stock from Animate (Online Shop) one of the most popular online stores in Japan, which says a lot about sales. I'm not going to comment, I feel bad for her already by not really putting a recommend on the above review, but yeah, good for me then I can catch up to her releases to say the least. But yeah, I thought it'll sell well, but you know, Nan-chan (Natsukawa Shiina) was like this too btw so I'm not going to act surprised. Moving on, the theme here is about gems which explains about her make-up and donning of jewelry. If that makes her pretty I'm fine but hey, I like natural look Mocho. I've seen her photobook, so I can say that. More of those instead, yes?

This is it then. Man, half an afternoon. How long since I've done this already? Man, I need to give more releases more often haha probably not I guess. Coming up most likely is a review of that one manga I promised Kawai Makoto-sensei (author of Anime "Koufuku Graffiti") (not that though) I'll buy her final volume once it comes out, so yeah, it happened. Just give me like, 3 hours to read through all three volumes in Japanese (yeah going raw, bois) and maybe I'll do a write-up by tonight. Dinner time now, I guess. Until the next post then.

P.S. All photos this time around taken from a new desk mat, so it's less glaring now because of the material but it's also shorter in width so if I zoom out you'll see my desk haha thanks China