
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #38

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #38

Sunday, 22 September 2019
Yes, from last week's issue, I went to blah blah I'm very full and tired now haha

So I spent yesterday doing up a lot of things here too, trying to complete some of the blog post plans over here, including listing a bunch of women I like (ugh) (haha) (now I have better justification so when that is published) to making future plans for Klassic Note. It was quite a productive day ending with Anime. In contrast today I did nothing lmao

And I have to go back to work tomorrow again time to plan on my side entertainment schedule lol let's start

アニメ Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2
"Pretend to think of it, and pretend that something comes to mind!" Evil Nishikata in action btw lol
The good thing about dating Nishikata is that if he cheats on you it's easy to interrogate him haha he probably won't too he's a good guy. "This isn't cheating" What did I tell you haha in this new episode (#TakagiSanS211) which feels like a final episode but it's not, Nishikata plans on cheating his victory by teasing (lol) Takagi. Grand plan he hooked up, only to realise it'll fail on his hands. He is... just not meant to be evil haha good to know. So in summary, he planned a game with Takagi to estimate the steps it'll take from a specific junction to the nearest telephone pole. All was going according to plan but apparently, his face shows it all. From hesitating when questioned whether it was a coincidence walking up this random path in town (I mean, no shit), to reacting to things that do not go according to plan like changing target to estimate steps on, it's no wonder Takagi looked through him as if he was a piece of glass. So yeah, he didn't win, Takagi, you just prevented your loss, cheeky girl. But yeah, with this episode the hints on how they communicate with each other considering their personalities becomes even more clear, and even more awkward if you think about it. Then, after Takagi goes for a short vacation, they give each other souvenirs. I'm not going to detect if Nishikata faked his "vacation", but I must say this is most staple of what it must feel to be them. You know, the occasional "I'm going home" and the other will somehow follow suit. Because it's them. Jealous, aren't you? *laughs* Other than that, it's no surprise Nishikata wants to meet Takagi so badly after his own trip out, which always brings a smile to her face, this lucky girl. But of course, it is not without intentions. Takagi was already about to execute her side of his plan as a countermeasure to ensure she wasn't given like, a jack-in-the-box or something that is spoiled food lol, but I guess before going to the shrine to share the food they bought for each other Takagi managed to put the guilt in Nishikata to the extent that he revealed his (not evil) intentions somehow. Oh well, foiled it for yourself again, good guy Nishikata. (Haha what did I say, he can't do evil) Ignoring the fact that those were Takagi's true feelings about being happy from being gifted a present *wink*, we were dropped a hint from Takagi to the still ignorant and incredibly blockhead boy as she says she is free on the day of the summer festival. You know, that thing all couples go to end summer vacation. You would want to go with that special someone, isn't it? Also, you get to tease her and play games with her so many times lol "YOU F**KING IDIOT TAKE A HINT!!" is what I would like to say because we're probably all exploding right now as we are not him, but really, Nishikata. TAKE A GODDAMN HINT ALREADY. *laughs* He sure did, I suppose, since Takagi did mention she wants to be invited by a certain someone. Fast forward to another day where Nishikata is going to go fishing with the other guys and saw Takagi carrying groceries alone and decide to help her out. Again, good guy Nishikata strikes again. And once again, Takagi drops herself another chance to be alone do homework with him. At this point I would like to remind you guys that if this is how Takagi is spending his life with a guy she likes we are all losers haha. To end this episode, as a cliffhanger... I think I almost got it in phrasing (haha nihongo mada benkyou chuu) but yeah. You did it, Nishikata. You did it. I'm proud of you once again. *claps* So, so glad you didn't betray your friends to go sit at her place. *laughs* He was stoned by how many cans of drinks he was given by the girl (think of that as similar to the amount of happiness she is feeling) and I guess the thought of being alone with her once again, is freaking him out, for good or for worse. All in all, a very playful episode as a lead up to all good things that must happen for this season. I mean, gotta end with a date, right? We have to one up the previous season which was...? Haha I don't remember. I'm ignoring talking about the trio this episode (Yukari-chan you piece of sh*t don't ignore your sister, man), because the best thing that this show will make me cringe is when I see Takagi embarrassed instead of Nishikata. Hey, someone got teased real hard just from an invite. And that's how you do the teasing, bro. *laughs* And *bitch tone* thank goodness this series is going to end soon because I'm going to die from how stupid Nishikata is and how cute Takagi is lol cya guys soon (I feel so empty now)
P.S. "Well, want to go swimming with me? Just the two of us?" Wow, this for season 3 please I would love to not watch it haha probably will be this season's OVA
P.P.S. "I haven't done much (of summer holiday homework) either." I mean, she's waiting to do it with you!!!~ Homework, I mean. Homework haha

アニメ Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
"But I'm sexually attracted to-" BUT YOU ARE- *laughs* Why must I nail this spot-on? Of all things
I don't get it. *laughs* In this final episode (#AraOto12) where we are pretty much in dire situation to see where this goes... I don't get it. Yeah, you think you got the drama? Think again. Firstly, let's just talk about what happened, about what happens after last episode, that cliffhanger. Literally, they were hanging the sensei on a cliff. *laughs* I'm going to stop laughing for a while so please forgive me. Because from this final episode my biggest confusion here is "why"? Okay, assumptions you can make first, because maybe I don't get this level of drama, or maybe it's too laid out, but why? Let's see if I can dissect this up. The main point here is not actually about saving the teacher, or changing regulations in school or how evil the school is (I mean, compare this with Assassination Classroom), but more of who the girls are. And more specifically, about how the girls approach love. Throughout this series, we were met with many types of romance. Being the childhood friend, the b*tch you'd f**k (lol), the curious, the lucky, and the wildcard. If you didn't figure out who they are just by me describing it, you may want to watch this series all over again. Because what really left in me halfway through the series is really what they will think of love, however recent episodes really changed focus quite a lot. Next, is expression. Instead of ironing things out and/or fighting over it, they play colour tag? What is this, elementary school?? Haha but in all seriousness, the author(s) chose to express all of this (maybe, for the Anime) in a game where the "it" just chases after someone in particular, and then concluding that, which of course most importantly, is our perception on romance. It can be real, it can be fake, it can be unbelievable, it can be unexpected. Around every turn, we always see a different view, and with the people around us it may even be further divided. That's why you get all the misconceptions about how things are, and such elaborate drama is used to actually show their true feelings. From Izumi having to explain himself twice to Kazusa, to how Sonezaki is mad about Amagi having sexual experience (I mean, he can't?), to even such sudden feelings coming from Momoko to Sugawara. All of these are totally different, they do not share any common point in perception of love, neither do they make any sense when they clash together. However, what is most important here is their directions. Which explains why they always draw relationship charts for other show, because it's always these that aren't clear. I would argue that the show has lacked this explanation throughout the episode seemingly assuming a literate audience will get this, and if you calm down and absorb it then maybe we'll understand? Just maybe. Okay, now to the characters themselves. As mentioned above, Izumi screwed up explaining himself first time for the sake of drama if it's not obvious enough, and then again but expressing it as... well I sure hope you have a partner, but it works the same with idolism. There is that clear line between someone you love and someone you would do. So in this case, Kazusa's interpretation of se "esuibatsu" needs to be thrown out of the window, despite his many attempts of trying to explain to his girl. So hopefully that's done and done. On Sonezaki's side, getting mad at someone with romance experience is already considered a sin so shame on you girl. And by the way Amagi, "but not with you" should be the answer, and Sonezaki if he doesn't have STD we should be good. *laughs* So that is about dating someone experienced. (Izumi doesn't have any I assume) Hongo-san's experience with Milo-sensei is literally a joke lol (which was ironed out last episode if you didn't pay attention), Sugawara sort of confessed her somewhat misled feelings to Izumi considering all she wants is to do it with someone some time in her life (Seriously? Do such girls exist? PM me if you are one of them lol), and Momoko chose to, in reverse, suppress her feelings to a female seeing all of this happening and trying to be straight? Hey homosexuals out there don't come for me please. *laughs* Within all this drama lies a certain theme which is the title, and I guess it did achieve its objective. As messy and inappropriate and confusing it might be (I don't think the original work will be any better) but most importantly, is to see the differences in perspective and be open to love, one and all. Selfish thinking aside, the girls painted a real good mural and pasted it all over the school's exterior in response to the kidnap they did the day before. What a night, seriously. Looking into the future, we have not five, but FOUR pairings in the end. (Fuck you Sugimoto haha) So yeah, that was quite a series. About all the feelings I've felt for this show though... I must say that giving this show might have been a mistake. I was genuinely expecting serious clear cut drama here, but to exude the differences and trying to bring in a similarity from half a dozen different love stories might have been a stretch. Every single episode I'm chasing after every single person, talking about what is and is not. And that, I may have been left of a bad impression, to be honest. Nothing more I write will be able to convey this considering I suck at writing, but suffice it to say I still thought this was "entertaining". (I got you, Hongo-chan) Well, until things really went wrong and it really pissed me off. Somehow I just need to remind myself what type of romance series I'm in, and that part might have been the challenge. I hope you enjoyed it more than me. Production quality here is through the roof though, and they did end this series properly, so whatever. Maybe it's not for my tastes. *silence* I should stop watching romance shows for a bit haha or at least avoid the sour ones I only like sweet stuff like Amagi kissing Sonezaki lol
P.S." *looks at Momoko* Why you be so negative, b*tch? *laughs*
P.P.S. "Eep!" Okay, we good. Can we proceed now? Haha that Izumi
[To really end this, let's talk about best couple this series!! Mine is... wow every one has its bad side somehow lol. To be honest? Sonezaki's since it's so pure. I wish Sugawara didn't come ruin Kazusa and Izuim's relationship but she kind of did make Izumi panic so as much as he's a good guy I've lost confidence in him if I were his friend haha but seriously why you screw it up this episode. Also MVP is... nobody. I hate all of them now only know how to read books but can't deal with love *laughs*]

アニメ Joshikousei no Mudazukai
"Oh come on you're closer" Thanks for the 2D perspective, Anime, so we CLEARLY know Tanaka is wrong. *laughs*
In this final, climactic episode (#JoshiMuda12) eh... for the sake of Tanaka's fate we should save her, right? Or else's she's... gonna... be a repeater? I mean, why not, right? *laughs* In an effort to end this glorious, glorious series I would argue for this season (haha), we have to save Tanaka from failing in exams. All signs point to her impending fate if she doesn't do anything about it, from the fortune-telling Majou keeps doing again and again to confirm, to the teacher literally telling the... high school girl (there Baka happy now?) to study or else she'll be screwed... she might be in trouble. Seeing that, Wota decides to, along with others Tanaka knew along the way, help her achieve that. But then, just as a good joke and throwing all hope out of the window, she sh*tted it all out. All of it. Hey if constipation can help me ace my exams I'll do it. I have rectal problems so this should be easy lmao. Anyways, so yeah, they literally corner her to.. you know, give up the high school girl life since it's too hard on her, to like, go take up a job to clear up the pig sty. I mean, really fitting for you though (lol I'm sorry), but suffice it to say it still is physically intense, as much as she might have the physique for it maybe. The two closest friends come in all away from town to the countryside to visit her, convincing her to go back to school... *sob* this is quite literally, the MOST TOUCHING PART of the series haha okay gotta try not to make jokes but come on last week I barely even made any. Anyways, they had to create a miracle, and so they did. With the combined efforts of everyone while still making jokes adequately along the way (I mean, I'm not going to list all of them here I forgot most of them HAHA), and with Majou's last injection of energy to let Tanaka be physically fit to even write on paper lol, she did it. All was inferred, by the way, so even if it's an illusion it's not our fault blame that other idiot Yamamoto lmao. Before I talk about the whole series, let's specifically talk about that touching scene again. So at this point we have confirmed that Tanaka is actually a very important friend to the two of them, Wota and Robo. For Wota, since she's the tsukkomi role, having Tanaka around would be great since she's the one who can just churn out nonsense all day. For Robo, and we have touched on this before, because Robo doesn't want to be a genius and have no friends, she joined the same high school as her. Hey, who says idiots can't have friends? *look at Aho Girl* So yeah, Tanaka, lucky you. Despite all the things that are terrible about you, the only one thing I can't beat you is... having girls as friends. *cries alone* Haha okay now the review. In contrast to the other two shows I've picked up this season, and foretelling the last episode of Takagi-san (which I'll talk about next week or else there will be nothing to talk about) I would say this is the best one I've picked up this season. Again, reminding myself that I like these comedy shows especially those real, real dry jokes that make me laugh way longer than Wota and Tanaka have laughed in the end combined, this show has nothing but jokes, while still keeping the narration of the story serious and straightforward. And for that, I think the author and Anime production for making it as sleek as Tanaka's forehead haha. Considering this many characters, of course introducing them every week is the way to go, and with all of them personality and quirks remain in my head so well it's as if I had to memorise for a test I would totally get all the questions that come to me but instead of test content it's girls and instead of questions it's anyone making a pun within the series. To be honest now? I like a series which I can laugh too every week. And this show, I must say, has done it. Thanks for the 12 weeks (not you Tanaka) of lovely girls (and voice actresses, let's not forget them) doing girl stuff and making jokes so stupid I can make memes of them every time I watch this again because you bet I'm going to watch this again it's funny. To end this, this world may have been way better without Tanaka the idiot, but I'm glad she's here to make sure everything else is funny in comparison. *laughs* Those word puns that you see throughout the series though? I can translate most of them if I do fansubs but you're not going to get everything lol those are the strawberry on the shortcake imo
P.S. No matter what I say anywhere else here, Majou, you are MVP. I promise. You care about the others. That already makes you MVP. *thumbs up* Robo can take second with that smirk on her face at the end haha
P.P.S. "It sure is quiet without Baka around, right?" It was the most peaceful time in the Anime series EVER haha
[I know I shouldn't even say anything otherwise about Yamamoto, but she is always going to be MVP if her shtick every time is literally hanging out upon a tree. Like seriously, that's an achievement in itself haha]
This is so relatable I can't even

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week... I mean, last week should've given it away. cinema staff's best album was pretty good, to be honest. But surprisingly, I have not yet given any new songs. If you need to know and listened to the whole thing without finding out, it's the first and last one. Yeah, none of them. Besides the remake of a music video they made which I thought was a new song (lol), I've given some of their older tunes since I felt like the mood to give them now, and they really remind me of their style over the years and what I liked. Janky off-beat melodies aren't in it, I'll tell you first. You can look through my Tweets as I reviewed it the day it was released to hear what I have to say about some of them. It's kind of like that abandoned project I've stopped doing some time ago but in Twitter rants lol

Next week we welcome Sunrise In My Attache Case's new album which I have been holding back to listening to their digital singles for the past 3 months every month (don't know why this is a trend, even with Mrs. GREEN APPLE and SHE'S), and hopefully it'll be good. I went in with a blank slate the last time last year and it was impressive. Hopefully this time around they don't disappoint. *smirks* haha

Up and around on the Internet and Twitter, Tomatsu Haruka is releasing a new single for next season's Sword Art Online Anime (which explains why I have to talk about new shows next week too) (oh and Takagi-san), oh yeah I should also be giving Polkadot Stingray's new mini-album which releases next week too, SHE'S released a new music video as a step to their album release in December, Kawano Marina's 2nd single is produced by the same guy who did her first major debut single, Yogee New Waves is releasing their new EP due December, and... maybe I should also add Ohara Yuiko's 1st album into the reviews for next week.

So okay, there are THREE new releases next week? Now that's what I call beefing up on the reviews haha but only if they are good though I need to pad my ears to good music and not Anime trash-

I knew I came back to sleep for a while now but now I want to go back to sleep again haha. So yeah, this shall be it for the week. Spellchecks should be done already since I have to do something on the go just now (lol), so if you still don't understand it'll still be my fault haha don't worry no one shall judge me here. Cya guys next week then, and until then... I need to start writing my resignation letter. No joke. As much as the job is fine, it's not a long-lasting solution to my life. We shall see about it. Maybe write on the job? Haha bye

P.S. YOU DUMB IDIOT YOU FORGOT YOUR IMOUTO NATSUKAWA SHIINA'S EP RELEASES NEXT WEEK haha remember to listen to it for free on Spotify because MusicRay'n does that now and Aimer too for some reason. Do they hate Apple Music in their own region that much? I don't get it