
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #47

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #47

Sunday, 24 November 2019
Well, guess where I was last night. Or actually, for the whole of yesterday, I was in my cousin's wedding. Since it's Chinese tradition, there's the tea ceremony in the morning after waiting for the bride and groom to take the photoshoot some distance from their new home, and the wedding dinner in a hotel at night. This... might be the last we will see in my family though, as the ones after this couple may have other opinions. Including me. *laughs* His celebrations has got a lot for me to think about, though I doubt it'll change much it won't get me a partner anyways lol

Okay I've been playing and slacking all day to compensate for that so we better get this going I'm literally rushing this since dinner just now let's do this

アニメ Houkago Saikoro Club
"Second time meeting you!" Yeah, puts some meaning into first time meeting you, huh.
Do you even think coincidences exist? I mean, I've never seen someone before as a stranger and then see them again as an acquaintance to someone I know or because I visit something or attend an event or whatever. Well, it's Anime, so you can do whatever you want, I guess. In this new episode (#SaikoroClub08), and as the word "finally" is overrated since two episodes ago, we talk about the fourth main girl of the series. She is Emilia, and as of the last time we saw her, she is German, and as we saw her with her dad, she convinced her dad to open a business here to promote the playing of board games, and of course the three girls got wind of it and decided to take a look. As expected of the wishing star (hey, I gotta), Emilia got to meet them despite how empty the cafe is apparently, they got to play a game together, and she had lots of fun. "Thanks, Mom!" *laughs* Anyways, it was another game, and... I might argue that the rules might be too much. I prefer simpler games, so this is a real turn off. Compare this to the other game we get to see during the school festival though, as the vice chairperson Shibusawa once again delivered the girls the worst location due to abuse of power (lol), so now the girls had no idea how to get customers to the old school building at the corner. Thankfully, the chairperson added in SNS (aka Social Network Service, ie. Twitter because that's all Japanese use there lol) publicity so the girls can get word out of the awesome place that is the board game cafe, and... Emilia brought a change of clothes. Yeah, that was the dealbreaker, by the way. *laughs* I mean, Aya-chan and Emmy probably know no shame, so kudos to Miki-chan and Midori-chan for dressing up as well. (The episode did not provide enough dere Midori-chan: 1/10 haha) And for once, Miki-chan leads the game by explaining the rules of "Dobble", which sadly I know of this through a YouTube video I watched very recently (Uchida Maaya fans you're welcome) (also, Shimono Hiro if you are a fan of him) (ah, different name but same rules) which is basically spotting of items on cards which have one common object on every two cards. Yes, any pair has exactly one common item. The episode didn't explain too much, but if you look closer you will notice how it's carefully designed such that (1) some are of different sizes so you won't see consistency as a way to identify objects quickly and (2) some are drawn abnormally from normal objects which will require some level of description and creativity to convince others of what the objects are, which is what Yoshioka was experiencing there. The feels of these guys playing is like sooo dry, but that Yoshioka fixing his eyes on Miki-chan... I think we got ourselves another couple haha. Yoshioka be experiencing something else, amirite?? *laughs* All in all, the cafe was a glorious success, the girls be cute in maid outfits, and all is well. Best episode since the beach one. After the clouds cleared, of course. Next episode, we might be taking a break from German board games to play foreign exchange culture sharing (lol I don't know what they call that my grades aren't good enough to go overseas as a kid lol) by teaching Emmy some Japanese games! Hey, would be an eye opener for me too- Oh they playing Daruma-san? Ah nvm haha I know that game lol reminds me of the one in the Nintendo Switch game "Taiko no Tatsujin" because my cousins had a fun time with it. *sigh* Remember when we didn't have the Internet and smartphones? People play other games way more often haha sadded
P.S. Wow Emilia you also explaining the rules now? You're as boring as Midori-chan now lol
P.P.S. "So I'm happy to be able to play games with cute girls!" Us too, Emilia. Us too. *laughs*

アニメ Babylon
"Many out there are going to help you fix your heart." Yeah but not by consent to death, to say the least, bro. You did well for your son but still deserve to go to jail not everyone need a heart fix this way lol
You think rage is going to overwrite seduction? To be honest? I think it might. In this new episode (#Babylon07) which will ensure you change your impression of this otherwise dark story, it gets darker. I'm sorry haha. No really, remind me NEVER to watch this episode again, please. *laughs* Okay, before spoilers are up, and I just want to clarify, I don't want to die now, for my life has meaning, how little it might be. So once again, my condolences to everyone who died this episode, for we can only host a mass burial to bury you all. Yeah, it's that bad. So yes, as expected, Itsuki has to come up with a final draw in what will happen to his argument in the debate, and although I would argue this is the author's most solid counter argument yet, it's also not the solution. Let's talk quickly about it because the action behind is more exciting haha okay may have used the wrong word lol. Ok, story. Itsuki's argument, as of the plot twist last episode, is that he wants to save his son. His son is suffering from a heart disease apparently, and supposedly the best way to save him is to kill himself? And that's why we have social welfare. And that's why people want to donate and help the kid the moment he mentioned his side of the reality, and not tell him to die for the kid. Not that we wouldn't, or not that he shouldn't, mind you, but there has to be a better solution. So therefore Itsuki's point is that, local laws do not allow organ donation with suicide which I assume is not an accidental death thus cannot be counted as donation from an organ donor, so yeah, which is why he's here to make it possible, I suppose. That argument will probably work and has also effectively cancelled all arguments in the debate thus far, but of course we know the reality is that we can ask for help from society. And then you can die and hire your private surgeon to do it if all else fails lol. *looks at BANANA FISH* Anyways, the TV debate show concludes, and Itsuki is escorted out of the building by of course, the escort team led by Seizaki. And yes, as I literally predicted last episode, it's all down to Sekuro and Seizaki apparently. So yeah, wink wink plot twist again, don't ever doubt Magase Ai's disguise abilities as a woman to any other woman. Considering the only woman left backstage besides Hiasa is the kid's mother... yeah you can join the lines. Not dotted lines though those are for later haha ugh. *laughs* Seizaki saw that but all was too late as Hiasa who was sent out to see what happened also got caught in the mess, and you kinda just need that two versus one to apprehend even a kendo combatant, I guess. And so, Sekuro was kidnapped. The police arrived at the scene to close to two dozen bodies (Jesus H Christ) (I hope they are Christian lol), and there's more to come. Yeah. Seizaki's family is fine for now though, and thanks for the analogy substitute, by the way. What is it a substitute to? Well, Seizaki received a livestream link to Magase Ai's... execution call. Well, dissection of a living body would be more accurate, but here is why I feel you bro. Why use Hiasa though? Maybe Magase Ai is truly evil. Which I will skip the gore because you can watch in the episode yourself (It isn't that bad tbh remember the substitute?) (Also, Sekuro doesn't scream into the livestream? Anime logic btw) (But seriously though, Fs for Hiasa) and instead talk about this: is she the only evil in this story? If as of this point the Anime would let us think they are a family of three (man, can't imagine but I have to) and Magase Ai is somehow married and had a kid? I don't know, but isn't Itsuki also under danger? Maybe even blackmailed by Magase? Because really, just a whisper in your masculine ear and you will want to die already, man. I assume the kid is immune because he hasn't grown any balls yet so... (BOOM GOTCHA haha sorry kid) But seriously, think about it. Then Itsuki didn't commit any crime. He just wants to pass the law. Or even not. He may just want to save his kid. And Magase Ai told him there are alternative ways to make it happen. You know, commuting suicide. Now you see where I'm getting? If that is so then dealing with a singularity of evil might make more sense in my opinion. If not, it's not like there are any investigators left to track them down, Seizaki is in a rage because of all this suicide around him, and the local authorities doesn't seem to care. Abnormal case of deaths, people. No one cares? Shoutout again to opposition number 1 from the debate, by the way haha. Okay in conclusion, this episode is straight out f**ked up, Magase Ai won't make me question evil anymore because you are literally summoned by Satan (lol), we've reached the last arc of the series and I preferred this episode's version of the theme song tbh. What? I have to find a way to make myself complete this episode. The last part is just too much I'm still recovering from Hiasa's... Hiasa... *sob* I HAVEN'T F***ED HER YET DUDE WHY YOU KILL HER lol stay away from me bitch (Oh and the next arc is due in a month so I get to reliever lol)
[Okay I totally didn't screenshot anything and I only took what's left of Hiasa before she got chopped so...]
[I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SHOW HERE LEGALLY!! Okay maybe just this one]
This is evil, ladies and gentlemen. Remember that, especially gentlemen.
(Also, I like the livestream numbers on the bottom right Itsuki you not joining in? lol)
P.S. Kuji'in be like "it's like sex" but then we already know what that meat because of that uncle who is gyrating all over his clinic lol. Seizaki won't betray his wife he's not like you. Or would he? Haha I LEGIT DON'T KNOW because I don't know what's with that woman tbh voiced by a 40-year-old btw haha
P.P.S. "I don't know how the director (Torao) is able to talk to her (Magase) normally" HE'S GAY~~ Haha Seizaki I told you to watch out lmao (okay nvm he's dead haha)
[TL:DR; If you whisper to me and I get aroused I won't kill myself because I will come find your f**king a** haha I would be going for a dozen at a time already lol]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
This week was quite a week in Klassic Note, but again like last week I really think it's because it's year end that I'm getting more strict in giving new songs tbh. Tomatsu Haruka's new single I'm giving up already because I seriously cannot be giving sub-par Anime theme songs at this time of year. See? My justifications are going to get even weaker from here on. But seriously though, did you see the release list for December? I'll make a tweet about that I promise haha. Moving on, in reverse I gave GLIM SPANKY's new single a chance since I decided not to give it earlier on following the previews and... I ended up giving one of the three songs in the release. So yeah, redemption I guess. And I'm going to give OMIGAWARA's new digital single probably the worst rating I can give her because of the built up hype within two weeks and even as a short song the full is a disaster. I'm getting used to it for my own good before I say yes to this, but guys, you have a serious composition problem like many that I don't want to nitpick because I still want to give the show and the song. *sigh* This sucks. And that's why we can never have good songs all the time. *laughs* Let's move on, shall we?

Talking about moving on, hopefully we can hear yucat's new mini-album in like 2 years next week, or else it might be a thing next year. Also, I have found many other releases like mol-74's new single and Play.Goose's 1st album (yes, it's from Goose house ever since they gone quiet last year) which I might either listen to it before the storm that is next month or leave it for the start of next year so I have something to start with then.

On other news, Tachibana Rika is releasing another new song on digital soon (will probably skip that for now) (yup, still 0 on the count lol), yuiko-san did effectively an audio livestream (because no show face) (her cute, chubby face hehe) on YouTube which is technically her first (she did it before on Twitcasting if you know what it is) and answered fan questions (it's not a lot) for about 2 hours. Guess where I was last night. *sigh* miwa's new song preview is okay, SIX LOUNGE is releasing a new album due December (what did I tell you), and... Amamiya Sora's new song preview for Anime "RikeKoi" isn't great. Even just briefly and it's not good. Really, the song title in the lyrics? What level of cheap composition is that?? *laughs* It's okay I'll forget about it next year and give the song AND the Anime haha

Okay, I'm done. You may have read that dream record just now and... what do you think of it? No new layout of whatsoever because I had to type everything that's stored in my brain on a whim, and there's Ten-chan, so... *laughs* I really wanna. *silence* Cya guys next week then, and until then... my work life is boring. Maybe I'll listen to yuiko-san's livestream as replay tomorrow at work then haha bye