
The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #48

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The Entertainment News 2019 Edition Issue #48

Sunday, 01 December 2019
Yeah, goes to show from the title that we are 4 posts away from the end of the year, also 4 weeks. Also, the number of weeks Anime "Babylon" won't be airing from this week on, so... just so you know I didn't forget the hashtag above on accident haha. This post is going to get a whole lot shorter haha

And if you noticed, I got impulsed and bought (get it, impulse buy?) another 2 photobooks in which one of them has arrived (yes it's Baba Fumika) and I've reviewed, and Sumipe will end the year since I... probably will stop buying after this Ten-chan and Anzai Chika look GREAT haha okay, we better get this done quick I should get a haircut later lmao

Also also, I guess I should catch up with manga a little earlier this season since we're one Anime short. Then again the weekends this month are going to get hectic. Read my month summary Tweet on releases for... a... summary haha let's start I'll remind you again later

アニメ Houkago Saikoro Club
"... but as the tests begin, it was soon over and we were back to board games" Literally everybody's childhood in the 90s haha
Well, when you thought they won't be playing any board games in a board game Anime... I was wrong haha I need to reflect. This new episode (#SaikoroClub09) does still play board games, but it also touches on other traditional games to Emilia so this German can have a taste of Japanese games too, as much as they aren't board games. Yeah, so after the obligatory board game part lol, they went around town to play kids' games. They aren't kids anymore so I'm just saying haha. There, summary. *laughs* Anyways, the boring part first lol. I mean, the board game part. They were playing Elfenland, when Emilia visits the manager's shop for the first time. The game is rather simple, going through checkpoints, but the mechanism for travel is complicated, and I think that's the point where your skills come to play, Which also explains how Emilia is so good at it, considering she played this often as a kid. So yeah, her winning with the girls somehow triggered a flashback (lol Anime quirks) on the days she was playing with her German friends as a kid, and that of course, that she is leaving for Japan. Of course the guy friends are lying about wanting her to stay (I swear Johann you had a crush on her to dare to say that lol), but for leaving her best friend Anna... we should know that Anna is painting the reality real well, calling Emilia a liar. But yeah, that's what happens when you migrate, ladies and gentlemen. I just hope she has been writing to the one girl at least for the past 4 years but hey, what do I know. That, and since she wants to make a board game (not exactly be board game designer level but) with her bestie, she really wants someone to talk to about this hearing that Midori is one of them too. But yeah, you know, Midori problems haha. But I swear man, some game publisher please make this game for the sake of the author, please. I want to see it played in a livestream hehe (I know right my hype for this might be too much) Anyways, moving on, we get Miki-chan to talk about Daruma-san. Since Emilia wants to know more about Japanese games in an effort to gain some inspiration for hers, the girls thought of games they played as a kid, like this one. As explained by Miki-chan (ikr Midori could take a break) you run to the Oni who is up upon a tree, touch it, and run back. *Gets Army flashbacks* It's basically that simple, but Emilia wants to make it better. And so, Emilia decided to improve the Daruma-san game. Nice, author, challenging yourself to such lengths haha. So she suggested two things which is mainly to add in a point system, such that whoever touches the Oni and prevents themselves from getting touched gets a point (I'm sure kids can remember the point system haha) (because normally kids determine who wins with the last round lol), and the game ends when everyone gets to play the Oni once. Turns out it was working quite well, as the game now has an end (instead of the school bell chime lol), and people are brisk walking towards the target instead of just plain walking. Yes, Midori, with the effort to think of flaws in games it's not hard to come up with improvements tbh. Oh, and if you need a suggestion from me, Emmy, is that everyone has to count the steps they take to reach the Oni. That, and whoever touches the Oni first, will be the Oni's number of steps to take to reach back to them. Since they run away from the Oni, it'll likely be further than when approaching the Oni. Call me game genius. *laughs* I should quit my job and move to Germany haha. All in all, just a good reason for Emilia to get Midori to talk about her game, and yay may we get to see another play of that in the show someday lol. A simple episode nonetheless, although not much focus has been put in the board game since you know, story, but still. Next week... is that Aya-chan's father?? Hi, dad. *laughs* And we shall see how much this matters now that Aya-chan is going to be MVP next week haha she's MVP every week btw okay maybe not this one I'll give it for Emmy since she sucks at directions like a normal girl lmao
P.S. "This way!" *shows "recorded something want to use it" meme* (haha) (yes, made by yours truly because I think it's too relevant to me like this one)
[Since there's a lack of another show here's twice the number of screens on this one!! Haha okay maybe just this week]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Okay there's literally nothing this week haha okay I listened to mol-74's new single released just last week but uh... I think we can listen to it again next year haha LOOK I don't have the mood for this I need to gather up my feelings for next this month TALKING ABOUT NEXT THIS MONTH haha

Yeah, so if you need a summary, here's the Tweet where I list all EIGHT releases coming out next this month. December, by the way. I'll have less than one week left to give Top 20, by the way. Why, Ikimonogakari and miwa. *laughs* Anyways, For next week, we start with a slew of releases, ranging from SHE'S new EP featuring two of four songs in which I have already given so that'll be quick, to The Floor's new mini-album which the topic song is okay I guess, to Yogee New Waves' new EP which does NOT make me want to go to "to the moon" lol, to I just found out vivid undress is releasing a major debut album which we will talk about later but first impressions aren't great (lol), and that is just next week. Yeah, this is going to be fun my left ear is still kinda blocked btw haha

On the latest news, you're welcome for Tomatsu Haruka's new FULL music video on YouTube because Sony Music Japan be cashing in all the "Sword Art Online" viewers which I assume includes you lol (FYI they don't take ad revenue seriously so consider this your last video) (until she sings another Anime theme song haha), Scenarioart released a new lyric video for their song a year ago for some reason, ClariS' new single is releasing March next year and should be no surprise to any to be an Anime theme song, THE ORAL CIGARETTES is releasing a new song later this month (thanks guys, for adding to the list), you should've listened to yuiko's livestream still on YouTube (yes there's a mini audio live performance with ALL my favs), and finally Numakura Manami is ending her solo music career with a best album next February. Also not a coincidence since she is married recently and probably has plans to settle down so commitments like this is what she probably intends to shed away now. Says a lot about fellow friend and married voice actresses (lol) Taketatsu Ayana but hey, good for you Ayachi for hanging on... for now. *laughs* Also, because I did a little research once again listening to their mini-album from the start of the year, vivid undress is going on major debut so good on them. I've been expecting this since I knew them from indie, now under Tokuma Japan (still under their self-established label though) (apparently it's a thing these days, see SCANDAL's own label "hers") which also hosts seven oops, just so you know. So congrats again guys, really well-deserved recognition please sing an Anime theme song someday I would love to hear it

(Sorry for the corrections I keep forgetting it's December already I even made the Tweet haha)

This shall be it then. I need to catch up on a lot of things this month from last month (I'm so sorry) since I've only been Harvest Moon-ing (damn is the lack of a guide hard to play is that how I started with Stardew Valley?) and DOAX-ing (gotta grind for that ranking lol) all weekend tbh. Well, that new transport fever game is coming out soon so guess what I'm doing for the rest of the month haha *fap fap fap* Ok shit I forgot about Fumika-chan's photobook interview I'll try to finish it tomorrow maybe for now cya guys next week and until then don't stop playing games!!~~ *pant pant* Okay I'm really done for the week bye