
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #2

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #2

Sunday, 12 January 2020
This be a hectic weekend and I have to watch close to half a dozen Anime for their first episode too? Let's hope I have time to finish all these today.

If you don't see SIX reviews of Anime by Sunday, then good chances I don't have time for all of them since I have to deal with so much work over the weekend because people get work leave and I technically just changed departments and don't know half the things and the team, whatever they are thinking about. *laughs* Let's continue before I start b*tching about them lol

Also, I'm giving most of them a chance first so if you don't see a full review means I didn't enjoy it. I can stop halfway through an episode, by the way. Built from experience of watching Anime for a decade haha you gain resistance towards terrible shows

アニメ Babylon
"Why don't you go through the normal processes?" Me when I try to complain to higher-ups without asking my boss haha that poor mayor
Hey, FINALLY we get some answers. The President did not do anything, to be honest. *laughs* In the new episode (#Babylon09) I think we have waited a long time but, we finally know what is causing all the cities to start adopting the suicide law. I mean, those motherf**kers probably did not even know about the law or even know about Japan, but yet... Okay, let's talk about it. Firstly, the President is worried. So, he has to make phone calls. At least, to warn the cities of the consequences of adopting the suicide law haphazardly. This, is for short term deterrence. So even if anything evil is happening behind the scenes, he can still stop them from making it to reality. Next, the FBI is called. And guess who's the new investigator on the line. Welcome Seizaki, but heck in this case is he speaking English, Japanese English or Japanese to the Americans? *laughs* Anyways, yay him, and he may even get appointed as an official member, but his immediate superior suggested such a promotion mainly because, apart from the other 2 reasons, that he is dangerous. Seizaki... is not dangerous as in the way that he can kill. He is dangerous because he's volatile, I would argue. Even as we watch this series we still can see him twitching once in a while to his own hallucinations of Magase, receives text messages somehow in the USA from Magase, and still not get confined by the FBI lol. Even the dumbest person in the FBI would also know to investigate on Seizaki himself, which I hope for the sake of themselves, they would probably do that by now. However, he is useful now since he knows a lot of info, has direct contact with Magase, and can help see what happens in the recent cities that announced such a thing. He went to Hartford with a buddy (RIP, for starters) (I'm not jinxing it but still) and with some investigations found out that the Mayor of the area recently went to an old folks' home, and received a phone call. Yep, it's Magase Ai again. Besides the obvious trigger for Seizaki to which he should TOTALLY tell his buddy about ("Hey bro, I'm aroused by this" lmao), we also get to actually know what Magase is doing in detail which made people change their decisions to the extent of remove their will to live. Although I would argue that does this work on free thinkers? Haha I am so... Anyways, she may have different ways to talk to people about this or else she would be caught in the act already, so let's hope she screws up the one time and gets ripped apart by Seizaki- Don't worry that won't happen. I do hope for Seizaki's sake that he doesn't get double-crossed by the FBI and die an innocent death without explaining what he is experiencing through as of now, to be honest. This is going to end well, no matter which direction we take haha. Then again, I would like a surprise ending, and with Seizaki's volatile character as of now, it might just happen. We shall see then this is getting REAL exciting hehe I am not evil btw haha
All the other characters aren't as cool as this guy so he shall do for now haha
P.S. "When you die, it's over" Haha yeah Dr. Magase you being a scientist and influencing me with your scientific studies in the face of religion? lol I don't care I DIE WHENEVER I WANT haha

アニメ Hatena Illusion
If you are a Master Thief, does that mean you are not punishable by law? *laughs* 
In this incredibly flashy opening of a series, the first episode (#HatenaIllusion01) gives us the main perspective of the plot and everything else that exists in general. I don't really know why I decide to pick this one up, but I did think along the lines of "if this isn't Tejina Senpai I'll watch" kind of way lol. Firstly, what happened. When you have a childhood kid who saved you when your were young(er) (she's 12), you'll be darned she'll be BFFs with you after you grow up. For Hatena-chan though, that might not be the case. Problem? She thinks her childhood friend was a female. Oops. People make those mistakes as a kid. The production probably made a mistake already letting a female voice Makoto (I checked, it's a guy haha), who is in fact, a male. Yep, a man is one without a chest haha I thank the Anime for not going for... you know. "I see someone has grown a d*ck" haha *silence* Okay, lame sex jokes aside lmao, the family of Hatena-chan is welcoming his return, mainly for apprentice learning from the parents who are themselves, professional magicians. Well, just before we continue, the worldview is magical, but not as in Madoka Magica lol, but of the tejina level but still rather crazy levels, I would argue. (I mean, teleportation or illusion magic? Well hello, David Co**erfield) Okay, back into the plot. So Makoto was kind of lost reaching that mansion of the professional magicians family, (I mean, you can just bring the kid to the nearest police post and be on your way- Oh yeah, he was lost too. *laughs*) but hey, upon the realisation of truth from Hatena-chan the parents already are busy with work I assume, leaving the house and such. So... what do you do with a guy inside the house? I mean Hatena-chan, what about the old butler? So yeah Makoto joins the old man as a butler, after somehow "accidentally" breaking an Artifact (we shall come to that later) of the storeroom in which this poor bloke is living in for the moment, now has to compensate for it because the family maid Ema decided he has to. I mean, is she the fourth wall of this series or what? *laughs* I mean, as much as we stand by her side to want to see this development happen between the two, Makoto also left good impressions on everyone in general. He gave a small gift in appreciation of meeting Hatena's younger sister Yumemi (GAMERS UNITE lol), is still very respectful to others especially now the father is his shisho, the mother repaired his wand for him when he was young anyway FLASHBACK!! So yeah, the dog broke it years ago, and perhaps the parents should help repair Hatena's broken heart since she can't live with this guy in the house somehow lol. Now, impressions. I liked the theme songs and with time probably I will anyways, and it isn't Tejina Senpai. There actually is a plot here with all the mystery from the house of traps (if you walk the wrong corridor lol), to the mother creating an Artifact maybe disguising it as a repair to Makoto's wand... there seems to be much to talk about even for one cour, and I think I can watch it. Three episode rule, I suppose. And considering I can talk about it this much I think I'll like it. Hey, give me a new couple by the end of the series and... it probably won't top other romance Anime I intend to watch even this season so whatever haha I'll enjoy a good laugh though they are easy to anticipate
P.S. She talking to her accessories too are you by chance a Flame Haze?? Haha sorry but I gotta make that Shana reference
P.P.S. Coffee black? How old is this girl?? *laughs*
[KANA-CHAN GIF COMING UP!! Haha she be cute and I like]
I genuinely want her to be together with the girl, uh, I mean, guy haha
(She's 12 btw lol)

アニメ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
"But in exchange, she takes something precious from them" NO, NOT HER VIRGINITY!! lmao it's a "he" btw haha
"If you want power beyond human comprehension, the price will be much higher" Ah, the series in a summary, by the way. In this fabulous first episode (#HanakoKun01) I didn't expect to like, we are brought to a real yet surreal universe. Nope, not your next isekai world by any means; We are still in a modern day school lmao. The school, just like any school in Japanese Anime (lol), has seven wonders. Well, some have more but. *laughs* And the seventh, because if we talk about the first six it'll take three seasons lol, is an apparation in the girls' toilet. Yeah, you can see where this is going haha. This apparation though, can fulfill one wish in exchange of something from you. So Yashiro - this innocent, cute, love-struck and down with love luck girl - comes to ask for his her his help. Initially it was all but a joke, as he gives more practical approaches to getting the guy she likes. Then again, she did mention her case as trying to find someone else to piss off the one person she confessed to earlier in school, so... as Hanako-san said truthfully and I agree, anyone will do. So... I hope you didn't realise the plot twist now, because we still have ways to go haha. Realistic approaches don't work (really, giving him vegetables from your own plantation wouldn't work lol), so here comes the not-so-realistic ones. Yashiro found a pouch of mermaid's scales (they come in two, just so you wonder), and she thought this might be it. Well, she's not right though, as Hanako-san tries to explain what they are and... she swallowed it. Well damn, that sucks, because it's a curse. And also because since she didn't give the other to someone else ie. someone she likes, the scales won't form a bond and... Yashiro becomes a fish. Wait, what? *laughs* This show is real amazing at how it can play around with this spiritual stuff, I would argue. But a fish isn't complete in the apparation world without its master, so... cue the mermaid. I mean, if you thought the mermaids in Pirates movie series were disgusting, this one will make you throw up if this were to be made into a real life movie haha okay stop imagining that now lol. Hanako-san defends her underling (lol) by saying that he hasn't fulfilled her wish yet, and deals with the old b*tch (fish, haha) with a knife. I don't think the action plays a lot in this series, so I'm glad? (It's kinda lacking though tbh) Anyways, and if you need suspense for this one, Hanako-san decides to save this poor fish, uh, I mean, girl haha, by sharing the bond with her. And so, he takes the other scale. She returns to normal, but yeah now technically they are a couple. Yay, we're done. Romance series ended. Hey, thanks for coming to the last episode of this series- I'm just joking this is just starting. As much as this Hanako-san is a perv, he is just going to use Yashiro for labour considering he's half ghost, and probably throughout this series they together will discover many other strange things in this school. Your new duo is born, ladies and gentlemen. In terms of production, I am still impressed but am not getting used to the less than realistic drawings so far, but I think I can live with it. Otherwise, you get quite a jovial couple (I mean, it's a perv and a radish what more can you ask? *laughs*) who will talk about spiritual stuff every once in a while. Hey, Anime? If you want to flirt too I'm fine I like that Hanako-kun fellow haha we shall see a couple more episodes to see if there is a standard flow I won't get bored with
P.S. "That stuff is out of fashion these days. You can call me Hanako-kun" wow this cross-dress lore is amazing haha
P.P.S. "My special skill is gardening!" Yeah put that in your resume, girl. *laughs* Then again some of them girls put "watching drama" as a skill so... You're good lmao

アニメ Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei Shite Mita.
"These numbers aren't concrete..." And BITCH you can round up to 1 decimal place? lol
Man, that intro is literally, an introduction to numerology. Hey, I paid 2k (SGD) for a fortune telling because my mom told me to, by the way. *laughs* In this first episode (#RikeKoi01) of the smartest Anime we have seen yet haha, JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY GEEZ. *laughs* Okay, first things first, I'll talk about production. You must get used to either of the things I mention now which are (1) the animtion because it isn't the best you can find out there and also because any of the above I reviewed this week is better (thanks for the cuter animations too those got me in haha), (2) the super cliche plot lines that they won't explain since it's science and they can say it whatever way they want kind of like how you can argue your way through university projects any way you like and you'll still get As and (3) the real technical stuff, because if you don't know null hypothesis now is a good time to learn what it is haha. If you can get over any of them, the reward here will be fantastic. I'm not going to draw pie charts to explain how much you'll like this show just by liking any of the above points because I'm not a researcher lmao. Okay, story time. There's the girl Himuro and guy Yukimura. Somehow, the girl like the guy. Yeah. We're done. Easy, right? Explanation over. But instead of embracing each other like normal people do, they go talk about that one null hypothesis about why they will love each other. Well, now that they have to spend the next 12 episodes debating about it lol, the first comes with a more direct approach, mainly physical contact. Himuro also compiled a bunch of reasons and deduced how she came to like the guy and so on (and that's why I say this may get dry and boring), but yeah it's basically her flirting all over the guy haha. I mean, if they say they can search the Internet for suggestions (and technically prove them wrong) the girl can just find as many intimate things (besides sex) (haha Koi to Uso GO AWAY) to ask the guy to do because you know, her heartbeats will go real quick? *laughs* Yeah, as you can see we have a very mature yet desperate woman haha. Kanade joins in as our first side character in this first episode, and she... she knows the reality. *laughs* The reality meaning that it's about the feels. If you really do like someone there might be reasons, there might be an origin, but normally it's also because of a lot of reasons and how you feel (circumstances mostly) (I am not a "love master" go talk to Tsurezure Children's Katori-senpai haha) in general that determine how you will want to do more for that special person. But nope, the guy be like "I'll draw a formula to put you into the statistics" lol and you know, spoil the entire love talk and flashback altogether. I mean, if you can get used to this then this is your show. I... might be holding back on this even though this might be a long time in a while I will ever get to watch Ten-chan (Amamiya Sora) act as a main girl in a love story I can like, so... better give her chance while I'm at it for now hehe. Besides, the main girl character is lovesick I'm sure to enjoy that haha REALITY SUCKS *laughs* To end this... the bear MVP every episode haha MOCHO~!! lol my most boring lecturer is more interesting than it HECK the one toy rabbit for a boss in a government organisation is more interesting than this bear lmao
P.S. "What happened between us in that dream?" Haha you don't want to know bro, you don't want to know. *laughs* Oh they just held hands, how nice.
P.P.S. Wow they have just convinced me that researching how much someone loves another through a machine learning algorithm would make of a great FYP (college thesis) haha well too bad mine's over for now but next time I get a degree... Remind me to do a major in Social Sciences haha

アニメ Kyokou Suiri
"...I'm just girl who went crazy after some lunatic who messed with my body" Not adult content, by the way haha
I see that kappa, and I know this Anime is going to be weird. Haha waiting for that plot twist, to be honest. In this rather calming start of a first episode (#KyokouSuiri01), we got to 9000 real quick, and it might become my favourite this season. Okay, let's talk about it. Firstly, the deception. The Anime will start you in a calming scenario without much origin, but that's okay. Storytelling is required for this to work out, so I can understand. The main girl introduces herself as Kotoko, someone who mysteriously got kidnapped and lost a leg and arm and was found alone two weeks after she went missing. She talks to a guy Kuro, who are both outside a hospital. The conversation... I'll leave you to understand yourself, but yes, she is one heck of a God of Youkai. Just the stuff I would actually like if it isn't full on crazy like the many other Anime though who walked these traditional fiction story footsteps. The guy... no, let's talk about the girl first. Apparently, she has a walker. Not because it's cool or whatever, but she lost a leg. And an eye, to be more exact. Story goes she was "kidnapped" years ago and then woke up to a bunch of youkai asking her to be their saint. A "Goddess of Wisdom", as they mentioned. She agreed, and that sounds like a huge price to get your limb taken off and eye gouged (perfectly, by the way), but hey, she be living the life now, eh? And somehow she likes the guy. She saw him at the hospital as he was visiting a patient while she was a patient (if you didn't realise she needs to recover after whatever she went through which hit the headlines), saved him from a fall which probably would get him a good concussion. At that time, the guy still has a girlfriend, but now... she has a chance to confess? Okay, Anime, whatever you say haha. If you thought RikeKoi was weird wait till you watch this lol. This... awkwardness in relationship probably will play out soon, but let's talk about the guy. He is Kuro-kun, a normal guy who recently broke up with his girlfriend because she saw a kappa when they were taking a stroll by the river. The girl initiated it. And if you watched the episode and didn't realise the hidden mystery, he is what his girlfriend saw. BOOM hope I didn't blow your mind haha. And the people he ate by the river, yeah? This getting to you right now? Haha that's probably one of the charms of the Anime, I would argue. If you need a hint as to why, the episode then ends with a somewhat action scene in dealing with a youkai, but man is it gory, so if you wanna watch this one please get over seeing the girl in the operation room with her leg chopped off first lol. Overall... I still think this Anime is awkwardly interesting somehow. It's like the normal youkai master Anime but.. a little dull, and more like peaceful, I might add. But uh, if you can't understand this story flow then this really isn't for you. But for the sake of Kitou Akari (yes she be main girl again) I will give this a couple more episodes like the others to see if I can accept the weekly flow of fighting monsters... without using weapons? Okay that fire extinguisher is kind of a weapon lol. We shall see. I'm not as crazy about this show as Kotoko-chan is crazy about Kuro-kun hehe
P.S. "I guess it's possible to die that way" Oi haha for context the guy probably thought the girl is dying soon lmao
P.P.S. But seriously, between cute voice Akarin and normal voice Akarin I'll take this, uh, I mean, I'll take both hehe

But seriously, side note, all these new Anime taught me this week is to be aggresive in approaching love, like just go for it. That's it. *laughs*

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm... not much has happened since we last talked about Klassic Note because I have a work life, but let's talk about it anyways. Polkadot Stingray's new mini-album releases this week in case you didn't know they can write songs faster than you can hear them (also, music videos), and... sure I'll take some hype songs, whatever. Haha I am liking their style anyways, as much as they always try to overdo it with the instrumentals to you know, look cool. I also took some time to look back at a release that I've not yet rejected last year which is a flood of circle's latest EP and... if you need to be happy for the start of the year, this thing is it. *laughs* It got me happy real quick the moment I heard it. The topic song music video is also real funny, so you can watch it. "Lucky to be alive", yes? Haha

Next week we welcome a slew of Anime theme song releases in which I may or may not give so you can come back next week to see for yourself, from Yuuki Aoi's new single to Amamiya Sora's new single for Anime "RikeKoi" that you might have read above. Yeah, this might be her first and only single we'll hear a cute her in... pretty much everything from her singing to- I just want that fanservice music video hehe

About news on Twitter and around the Internet if they aren't on Twitter which they should be, you can hear a snippet of Minase Inori's new single online now which is okay probably, Numakura Manami's new music video and her final song in her solo music career already made me weep, and why must Ikimonogakari's new music video go through the history of their band formation and singing "goodbye youth" haiz mine is also gone from hearing you guys too *sob*

Sorry for the haphazard post this week, but I really settled work and rushed through this in one night. Maybe tomorrow if I have time after work and not be forced to work overtime (FU-) then I'll update on the thumbnails. Yeah, for now this might be it. You know, you can gauge how much effort I will do in relation to which series I might actually give in the end, but for now... let me go shower and sleep haha. Cya guys next week, and until then... I hope you have time to watch Anime this week haha a lot of shows appeared for the new season already. I feel sad not giving Anime with more action compared to these few I landed with but hey, it's not even final. Haha see you guys around.

P.S. Ah, I know why now. The Anime aren't cool enough because they lacked a cool phrase or line. Man, remember those Anime where they like to "I'll take care of it" and starts rampaging on a monster or something? I miss those days haha