
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #11

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #11

Sunday, 15 March 2020
Man, getting bored having to watch all these Anime every week liao lol haha except RikeKoi that one is the best in here so far

Okay, got carried away playing too much Javascript (lol) (visit my Github Page) today and forgot to stop because you know, ask a programmer when he/she will stop after they start. *laughs* Okay, Anime time, and I might be too tired to watch anything new for next season. I mean, there's Kaguya-sama and Attack on Titan already, man. I don't need more shows to watch already tbh

Let's start, shall we? We have a couple more episodes (from a couple more series) left so let's finish them all!! I'm getting tired haha must be work

アニメ Hatena Illusion
"Even Gaugau is getting all friendly with (Makoto), that's not fair" Uh, I mean, Hatena-chan if you want to be friendly with your childhood friend... haha
Okay I'll forgive you if half your reason to watch this series is to hear Hatena-chan moan lol Suzuki Aina I'm not interested in you at all haha your debut album is great though. In this new episode of the devil lol (#HatenaIllusion09), well this might just be the happiest episode in this series yet. Let's talk about it. Firsly, Ema-san sacrificed her Artifact for the kids to stay in the mansion. Well, it's not that simple, but she did ask for Mariah-san to retest the kids so that they can be fit to stay in the mansion. Why go through so much trouble though? I think by this episode we should have known the truth. Firstly, about Jeeves-san. He's an Artifact, as we know now. He's also something stolen from the village, so obviously it's an important piece of treasure even the parents had to protect in order for it to not land into other peoples' hands. But here's the problem: If the parents aren't at home then who's going to protect it? And seeing how powerful Jeeves himself is, only someone better than him should then be allowed to stay within the walls, and thus the test from Mariah. I'll believe so far that the family story on the back end is true mainly because that is what the grandmother did to the couple when they escaped with Jeeves to Japan in the first place. The father didn't put up much of a struggle (lol of course, he has no powers), but the mother probably kept the peace aligned and thus allow the mansion to stay outside of the village. Magical power things, you know. Then, what it took to get this retest. Ema-san had to trade in her Artifact for this second chance, and so if the kids made it, she gets to take it back. She did not consider what happens otherwise though, is the point. The test itself... let's just say it went way better than expected haha. Then again, it's technically three against one even though the opponent was informed of their visit, but the trio took care of the antagonist appropriately and took back the Artifact. Well, we know it's the fat bitc- Then, it's what it took for Mariah-san to even give a chance. Ema-san's Artifact... let's just say it's more than what is given to her by the mother Maeves. It's more than just that, because of her back story. Story goes Ema was abandoned on the streets and with money (hey, whatever man), Maeves paid off the bad guys and took her into custody. I assume from the flashback it's also because whatever Ema's lost parents left for her might have been Artifacts themselves, so the Master Thief decided to take her in since... good chances she can protect the Artifacts (probably not made by her back then) herself. That will make of a good assumption from what we saw when Yumemi managed to fix Ema's brooch after it got damaged during the test. So yeah, it's more than an Artifact to Ema. It's literally her second life at stake, which of course, thanks to the kids (emphasising the plural form here just because), they got it back for her. That might have been the most touching moment in this series yet as Hatena apologised for Ema's sacrifice to such an extent. I would argue it's a good one, and thank goodness Mariah didn't go back on her promise like those other times lol. Lastly, why Mariah-san wouldn't even want to give the kids a chance AT ALL. Yes, call her the devil, but she has her reasons. Mainly, she doesn't want them to go down the path she has experienced before as a kid. What might it be though? I mean, we can safely guess that the family training on this is more than just rough, and considering the kids didn't even have any of that sort of training since their parents left the village, they won't be recognised by the family. Literally, even the father knows. Which is why all this setup just to test if they can even act under duress, upon everything else. I mean, Hatena got serious all of a sudden I don't even know how to react lol. Anyways, Hatena-chan has chosen her path, and probably for the other two, so there's no turning back now. Meanwhile, Makoto and Hatena manage to pull of a magic trick in front of Dina even he? Yes he, can't even do himself. Remember what he said as a challenge to be accepted as apprentice by Gregory the Master? Yeah, they did it, I guess. But Dina is not pleased. So yeah, we might see some fighting again real soon, as bad as the animation quality is- I mean, you can see it for yourself man that's the only thing I can complain about right now that I know the backstory. Whether Dina will cross the boundary of standard magic tricks and touch on Artifacts, we don't know. Hopefully Makoto won't think of him as a challenge haha bye
P.S. "Nameless Lover" Literally everyone's name in a gal video game lmao prove me wrong
P.P.S. "Who is it (the opponent at the mansion)?" I mean, it's a woman with tits, who do you think that is?? *laughs* I know it can be anybody or Mariah even Ema-san too lol

アニメ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
"That daikon... is about a four" Okay you don't go chuunoge my dear Yashiro-chan haha then again I may have bad tastes lol sorry girl (yes, subs f**ked up, see P.S.^)
Is this how you deal with apparitions if they are hands? Challenge them to arm wrestling? What if you lose? Your hand joins them? *laughs* Come on, I just scarred by knee I don't want to lose an arm lmao. In this new episode (#HanakoKun10) we see the evil side of Aoi-chan. Yes, EVERYTHING. *laughs* Wait, isn't this about Yashiro? Okay, back to her first. Story goes that as Aoi-chan (kawaii Aoi-chan, please) (haha) clears up the books in the Gardening Club, she found out that all their photos have weird arms on them. Hmm... that's weird. I don't think Hanako-kun doesn't know of it, but funny how it took so long, but yeah, he thought those were little than normal apparitions so just fulfilling their wishes will chase them away. I guess he's not wrong in saying that, since most of them disappeared after being in contact, but one of them... so, introducing one of the other Seven Wonders who haven't shown up yet, the Hell of Mirrors. It's... just a bunch of mirrors, just like the one Yashiro went through to get into its Boundary. The hands weren't at fault, no, but seeing Mitsuba still inside the world, good chances he's at fault. *laughs* Moving on, the two walked around the world, and... man is this Seven Wonder a literal a-hole. haha. According to Hanako (and evil Aoi-chan haha Aoi-chan no~) this Seven Wonder reflects the weaknesses of living beings. So if you are... basically none of them because there aren't people without weaknesses, you'll leave in peace. But since everyone has their own weakness they are afraid to face (by the way mine is-), so it'll show up right in front of them. And as expected, Hanako guessed Yashiro's is likely about her legs lol. I mean, even Mitsuba is sh*tting on her too, what can I say? (But seriously, when the ending theme animation played I can't help but see her thick legs lol) However, Mitsuba here seems to have lost all of his memory (we'll get into that in a moment), and can't get out of this world. Being experienced in this (lol), Yashiro took him to find this Boundary's Yorishiro, as she has learnt. Sadly, the mirror got in her away on her ascend towards the top, and... you can guess the rest. Yashiro isn't exactly depressed, but you know, that's where the Seven Wonder showed himself. So basically his motive is to take over living beings (by technically making them half dead I guess) (yeah nice try bro but Yashiro is tied to your boss), so he asks his minions to do it. I'm not going to describe how gross it is since pretty much everything is to ensure you can puke without showing you much blood (I mean, I look at my scraped knee and I want to puke already lol), and with Hanako's(?) appearance it got worse. Real worse. Okay, not actual Hanako by the name of Amane. The other one. Yes, Tsukasa, can't remember his name. He breaks the shit out of the Seven Wonder in one hit, and confronts, wait, not Yashiro but Mitsuba, saying he was hopeless because he needed help. Okay, couple of things before we move on to next week with a conclusion for this Seven Wonder. Firstly, Mitsuba's appearance once again. Remember the last time he got... well, ripped off literally by Hanako after transforming into a beast following his true motive being revealed by Kou-kun (that idiot, haha) and controlled by the broadcast room and Tsukasa, who technically died again after he died without anyone noticing him? Now with Tsukasa here it'll be no wonder he's here since he probably is plotting on something under his orders. Then, is Hanako's apprehensiveness in confronting one of his underlings ie. The Third of Seven Wonders in this school. Probably not because he's a perv and once he steps in the Seven Wonder will call him a freaking hentai (lmao) (you don't have to go in there and I can tell you that too haha), but more of that if he steps in it'll make the Seven Wonder stronger. Does that mean it'll amplify strengths too on top of weaknesses? I guess we'll know by next week. Meanwhile, I just hope for all our sakes that Yashiro won't get crushed like a daikon again (ugh) and we might see another confrontation ahead of us real soon. Someone just stop Yashiro she is thinking too much into... whatever she is thinking about ikemen haha
P.S. Those album photos, man... we go back just ONE year back and Yashiro is even cuter than the Mokke haha who said the Mokke were the the cutest in this series lmao
P.P.S. "This is my fourth time in a Boundary. With my knowledge and experience..." Okay Yashiro don't rush to put that in your resume lol
[Okay Yashiro's reactions are great so here's more daikon cuteness haha I miss Sakura-chan already lmao]
[^Just to clarify, the Seven Wonder is saying Yashiro's looks are "below average" and Mitsuba is "above average" at best. The subtitles had to put it in scale so it won't sound weird, I guess? I mean, you can just say "below average" I'm not offended in any way did you even watch Anime "Chio-chan"? Haha]

アニメ Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei Shite Mita.
"(The sunset) is pretty, isn't it?" And then I see Himuro and I'm like- Okay okay Kanade-chan you're still best girl I promise haha
"My desire is... not because I like (Yukimura)" Okay you know it is so Himuro stop lying to yourself you science nerd. *laughs* In this rather serious episode of presentations (#RikeKoi10) we... I hope you guys have attended university before because I have. *dabs* And if you end up like Kanade-chan who can't even get the presentations from their long titles... it's fine no one cares just do a quick Google most presentations are based on existing theories because we're too dumb to Einstein a new one haha that's why they are so long unless you're Yukimura. *looks at Yukimura* Ugh, unless you're him, apparently. Anyways, let's talk. Not love, but science. Man, I really thought we left that a long way already, but I guess not. So, since I'm in engineering too, this will be easy to understand- No it's not! *laughs* So, let's talk what is in this episode before we do some reality checks. In total, we're presented (literally) three types of students in presentations, mainly people who don't prepare enough (I'm close to that haha), people who succeed but it's totally different to whatever extent no one knows lol (not Yukimura presenting btw), and Kanade-chan. Focus here is of course, on the last presentation mainly because Kanade-chan is scared. Not scared of being drilled by Yukimura, no, but scared of screwing things up. Surprisingly, she did really well. Compared to the first guy who can't say no if he really doesn't know (we'll talk about that later but suffice it to say Yukimura is right), and Torasuke which I must say from a last minute research topic based on his interests is so good he won't end up like the first guy, is probably still better off because at least he got something to say, especially when he's real knowledgeable at it. Adult games, I mean. *laughs* For Kanade-chan though? Thus far we only know she is good at TSP (no RikeKuma go away), and that is as far as she has done. For her presentation though? I mean, ignoring that emotional struggle which we'll cover later, it's literally borrowing on the couple's experience (and experiments) at the amusement park and talking about best paths to take when on a date with her own improvisation, and somehow it sold real well to everyone present. I'm not going to Google now to tell you if there is any sort of research as of this episode (good chances it's not, since not everyone is Yukimura, so if you are at your final year in university why not consider), but yeah, she did a really good job there. I supposed the guys from Ikeba Lab probably scored way higher than most of the students who presented that day, so that's great. Okay, #RealityCheck, ladies and gentlemen, to the best of my knowledge in case really no one knows about such stuff and I live in another world where presentations and Himuro exist haha. It was hard to hold back any jokes from the above, and here I shall present my experience in doing my final year thesis (project) during university. According to the lessons from where I am that also teach you how to communicate effectively (hey I don't have a Yukimura to breathe down my throat, okay?), let's talk about what is close to reality. Well, basically most of them mentioned in the episode. The Torasuke calling someone baldie thing you can ignore haha. So, to do an effective presentation about a research topic. Number one: Come up with research that extends boundaries. Which basically means, take on something existing in research, and come up with your ideas and prove it well. So, taking Kanade's presentation, it's TSP plus something else, so creating a time-based TSP since (if you go read up yourself) TSP is a timeless research topic. Assuming all points are independent of time, you can draw a best route from Point A to Point B. That is, if reality doesn't exist. This is already setup to point out a number of things one would do to prove a worthy research topic which include purpose (why would you do this) (for Torasuke it's a little... but you know), interest in field (so past research, unless you're Einstein and can think of Relativity yourself) (no one expects that level of ingenuity btw) and your contribution to this field of research. So Kanade did all of them: talk about how weak current TSP research is in solving complicated issues (I know, dating amirite?? lol), proved that she only found one which went a step further (likely that one Prof's research, I mean, look at his reaction man), and proposed a combination of theories which will bring this to a different area of research. Creating research possibilities, is the ultimate goal of such a thing in university. It's to encourage research into topics that concern. So, my experience. I would argue that mine is pretty close to the first guy in reality (haha I chose the wrong Prof or topic, I don't know) (yes, I chose him he didn't choose me), but in the end I pulled it off because I kind of pulled everything else together and half-Kanade the presentation and... well there were only two people present in the presentation. *laughs* So, all in all, this episode is a good reality check (besides the ripped Profs, and the baldie thing lol) of how presentations work in university, so in case you haven't experienced one yet... Don't, just don't; go work. *laughs* Next episode though... did you see me talk about Himuro being desperate about Yukimura at the start of the episode? Yeah, it's confrontation time, bro. Especially when you hugged my beloved Kanade-chan too!!?? You're going to be doing years in jail man I tell you haha bye AH I'M SO GLAD I DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT AGAIN lol I meant presentation I want to fall in love again I really do
P.S. Okay I understand, if you need like, a full voice recording of desperate Amamiya Sora (who voices Himuro) in a deep voice... you can just clip the whole front part, no offense. *laughs* Mmmmmm TEN-CHAN!! Haha
P.P.S. "Pretty much every student here has played a game before right? Even adult gamers exist too!" Okay Kousuke you don't have to mention that haha no really
[Sorry for a #RealityCheck I wanted to write my life in here but I guess I shouldn't write too much lol go read back on the intros of The Entertainment News between February and April 2018 if you want more of it haha]
Himuro, man...

アニメ Kyokou Suiri
"Steel Lady Nanase is not made up. She's a real ghost" Wow Kotoko-chan, you go extremes, huh. *laughs*
So Solution 1 is lying, and Solution 2 is telling the truth? Well it's also lying but now we gotta make people believe on the supernatural? Okay, that's going to be tough either way to be honest. In this new episode (#KyokouSuiri10) where we are at Solution 2 out of 4 if you remember, and guess what we are covering TWO solutions?? Man, this Anime knows its time is up lol we still got at least two episodes, chill. So, the progress so far. It's not much. *laughs* Okay, we know that. But is Rikka-san just taking her time or is she getting desperate to stop Kotoko-chan from progressing further? So firstly, instead of going for a more realistic standpoint to say ghost Nanase doesn't exist, we shall say she exists. So, for Kotoko's argument now, she says that Nanase is indeed alive, as a ghost, and found out about the truth in the afterlife from the father that it was a trap. Which means the father made her feel bad about herself all this time. Again, the amount of people who will believe it's a ghost who did it is pretty much the same as the amount of people who will not. Especially when you have to explain how she beat up the Judo guy Terada with a steel beam, really. (Ugh, haha) But just as a reminder in which we were closer to this week from last week, we can't really say a certain someone created this forum and wanted people to believe she's a ghost brought alive by rumour. Yeah, we can't say that. *laughs* But what we CAN say is that it's someone else. Someone in real life who did it. Probably someone who planned for this. I would argue that the father planning for his death and directly pointing it at his own daughter sounds like a stretch (haha sorry Kotoko-chan I promise you I'm not on Rikka-san's side), but it can happen, especially if you watched those serial dramas haha. Still, Kotoko makes a case that it's the father that did it, set it up for Nanase to feel bad, making her death worthwhile until she realises the truth and "came back" to tell the living what's up. Well... sure. *laughs* Problem is, it cannot be definite. Steel Lady Nanase's actions right now are of a barbarian, without much motive and intelligence of its own. That, and the violence itself, is hard for people to believe that a ghost is back to tell us the truth. I mean, you could've just told us. *laughs* Or you know, haunt someone's dreams or something. So, Solution 3. Kotoko now says that someone made her up. Hey, not reality check but no, we're not talking about Rikka-san because I don't think we can since she will stop Kotoko almost immediately lol, but yeah, it's someone else. Nanase now therefore is back to haunt on her sister? Hey, remember the sister? Yeah, she seems suspicious. Let's interrogate the shit out of her haha. Okay, this one might not be tough, and technically works better than Solution 2 because we have a real human to blame now. *laughs* Problem is, we don't know who it is. It can be the sister, who might have set it up on her after hearing about the father's death, and then feigning ignorance when she found out that her sister committed suicide. I mean, which one is more believable, eh? So pretty much all the evidence available on the police might be sent from her, that body might be just a double which seems unlikely unless you can replicate those tits- But it seems more like (haha) someone around the sister wanted her to not get paranoid of Nanase's death and thus, created this rumour known as Steel Lady Nanase. To be honest? This one seems unlikely too, but the people in the forums are buying it though. Like, someone else is behind helping the sister? Maybe. Or maybe it's just some weird fan that doesn't want Nanase to die away, and is making her a serial killer, this might be more likely haha. Hey, I can make up fiction myself too lol. Again, bringing back to Kotoko's overall strategy up till now with all these talk: it's not about which direction this discussion brings us, it's how far AND how fast we can run in any direction. As long as we can run fast enough to not get Rikka-san grab any reality that is different and beneficial to her, we will win. However, we might have a bigger problem coming. Remember when Kotoko said that Rikka won't step in to influence in the forums? It might happen sooner than we think. So before the episode ended, someone in the forums (in the form of Rikka-san maybe) rebutted that to calm someone down it's unlikely that revenge is the option to ease the sister off someone's death or fear of her own death, which makes sense and would likely happen more in serial drama too lol. With Rikka-san's direct arrival to the discussion also created a bigger problem for Kuro-san (remember this guy? lol) in which that... he can't grab a future close to him anymore. Uh oh. I doubt this will kill him since (1) he's immortal he probably just can't change the future and (2) he will be able to once Kotoko brings out another argument to turn things around. Hey, again, it's about who can run in any direction the fastest. And with the one solution from Kotoko left, let's hope this will send her flying like a cheetah to somewhere out in the universe and beyond so that people will stop thinking about this dead woman I CAN'T SHE'S GOT BIG BOOBS lol we'll see how it goes next week.
P.S. *Steel Lady Nanase shakes head* That's her telling Kotoko to stop lol
P.P.S. "This story might be true" Haha yeah Kotoko-chan I know right?? We don't even have to fake it it's so real already lol
[The reality? If I had to guess it's likely Solution 2 where Kotoko says her dad did it, but she wouldn't have the vengeance to come back and haunt society mainly because considering her easy-going and rather laid back personality she would desire death as punishment for her popularity instead. I mean, you know her will to live is weak if she didn't dodge a falling steel beam]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Hmm, not much this week so let's talk about it. TrySail's new single is... well firstly it's double A-side which were both Anime "Madoka Magica" theme songs (ugh) so it can't be good haha (I better take that back I remembered 2011 already so), so I gave one anyways. By the way, same guy who wrote the two songs here also wrote ClariS' new single's topic song AND upcoming Asakura Momo's new album topic song which I said I liked the preview. This is not going to go well haha. Humbreader's 1st album is finally out on Apple Music so I took some time to give a listen to it and... boy am I disappointed considering like, anewhite and Band Harrassment did way better than them. Hmm... this might be hard to give just in general. Heck, I might just give a couple by next week anyways.

In news surrounding Twitter and only Twitter because if we go any further there's the coronavirus lmao, FLOWER FLOWER's topic song for their upcoming album end of the month is... interesting to say the least, SHE's released a new music video for their upcoming album which... meh (haha), Gotch released a new song after 3 years since his last work (other than his band Ajikan), Sambomaster released a new song for their 20th anniversary and tribute album which isn't what I wanted to be honest, TrySail is doing a livestream two weeks from now for their new single (yay) (yes this one is just for me haha), Sangatsu no Phantasia aka "sanpan" (haha) released new songs from time to time which will no doubt become an album soon in which then I will review, and Kugimiya Rie is releasing a mini-album in April. Yes, Shana-chan's voice actor. The last time she did it was in 2011. I can prove that I've given two of her songs right now with that music library I mentioned above just key in her name in the artist title field. *proud face*

For next week... since Numrakua Manami's best album is out on Apple Music I'll listen to the whole thing (hopefully not at work) again and try to give as many songs I can before we forget about her forever haha. Otherwise... I guess I'll try to give Humbreaders a listen again- I did say I needed a break stop asking me for new songs to listen *laughs*

Okay, I'm done. I have to update the "music libray" later. (GitHub Page, get it?) (link on top, just click to the top button) WE ARE, FIVE MORE DAYS TO ANIMAL CROSSING NEW HORIZONS thank goodness I've got my time off from work ready so I can- Then again I probably won't play the moment it's out like most people mainly because it'll look weird in time as I found out that after the first day which is tutorial you will start in a bad time. And 11PM Singapore time might not be a good time to start chopping down trees haha. So, according to online sources on start time, I'll just run the update the moment it's out and then NOT PLAY (I know, I'm a madman), go sleep, and start Friday refreshed and ready to fly to that unnamed island. Until next time... I'm regretting to name my island "Lion City" as a joke to my country and setting the island theme song the national anthem (lol) so I'll think of something else by then haha bye

P.S. Is it just me or is the weather so hot these days? Or maybe I'm recovering from a weak immune system usually at this time of year I'll be snuggling into a blanket lol