
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #37

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #37

Sunday, 13 September 2020
Well someone in Twitter mentioned that Sumi-chan is on this week so... I know right Rieri needs a priority queue in my list she may not be the most beautiful or cute out there but she is adorable af

Hey, welcome back. No packages this week, don't worry. *laughs* But it is happening. Where all stars of various galaxies gather together, coralled by the local black hole and gets sucked all in- That's when the package consolutation happens haha, and you know, gets shipped to here. I mean, I'm burning a lot of money every month already so why not continue the trend amirite?

Happy birthday, Kayano Ai. Yes, right smack on today. She did say she doesn't want to talk about her age on her now new Instagram account (it's labelled with her 10th anniversary announcement so I doubt it'll last long but maybe 6 months at least?) (also, go Wanted List if you want to know how old she is she's only a decade behind Hocchan hahahahahaha), so yeah, new announcements it seems, which might surprisingly be able to check off two items off that "Turning Point" checklist, considering it's a mini-album of original songs (from Aniplex so I'm hopeful) which man did it take 10 years to happen for her solo artist debut haha, and a photobook (not sold separately, sadly) which man, if you see that anniversary homepage makes me hopeful we'll see a swimsuit shot at some point. Before you know, she gets any older and really cannot Photoshop it out anymore lmao hey Kayanon just anything; Even if it's below a shirt I'll count it haha

Let's Anime, shall we? Then again, how many Kayanon Anime have we watched? Last time it was Sangatsu no Lion? Yeah, ane-san role. That was actually good enough it's not fanservice but still

(And then I realised Sumi-chan is next week DAMMIT I GOT JEBAITED haha)

"No one would get hurt if it's scripted for entertainment" Okay Makoto we can make blood happen if you want just ask animation producers lol (I meant that as a comparison to real life not like animation in animation haha)
And... Abbie you shouldn't be killing people because apart from the fact that we still need you to pull off this stunt (get it, air race pilot stunts?) and no one cares about your goddamn life it's also war- Okay Edamame "The Saint" Makoto's here. *laughs* And I think I know where this is getting from especially mentioning from Isabelle because Lewis dying won't do anything great for anyone especially when Sam is going to be so happy about this if this jerk dies off and leaves this liar without anything to worry about. That, is letting Sam off too easily, I would argue. In this new episode (#GREATPRETENDER10) where we're still in Singapore so yay for our country's publicity stunt because amidst of crisis and with out economy relying on global trade this is great news, so yeah, more backstories, I guess. Of course, we're on the way to the finals, so let's see who has the final upper hand. Firstly, about Lewis and Abbie. Well spoiler alert from above, but yeah Makoto did come in to stop Abbie from committing a real crime and then be jailed for whatever she's trying to do here. Still glad they didn't coin this under like wartime crimes or stuff like that because they are mostly people of action, and that is probably the point and especially after Isabelle - the wife of Lewis - also talked to Makoto about Lewis' side of the story. Again, assuming that everyone isn't a jerk like that Aizen dude (lol sorry for BLEACH reference again), we would normally know that people struggle to live with war crimes even after the incident, as mentioned by Isabelle of his husband, and hey Abbie, you think people don't feel bad to drop two atomic bombs on two Prefectures in Japan in 1945? Think again. So, story goes on to suggest a conclusion to such a conflict, and as much as they might know each other's case as of this point, it is as hard as to allow Lewis to be himself again, flying in the sky and having a good time instead. So, Makoto suggests a bet. And yes, did they bait us on this though, because at the same time, advances on Sam's betting scheme ever since he lost last episode is also on, where Makoto suggests not rigging the race and having the confidence to bet on his brother and you know, win the race for real and earn the trust of the "underground casino". Meaning they are going to let Sam not decide the fate of the final race and then Laurent's guys will be able to make the decision FOR him haha I see the lies upon lies already well done scriptwriters you guys have thought this through lol. Of course, this is going all according to plan, which is why Laurent prepared the champagne the colourised films and fake video footage of the final race lmao. Yeah, and here I thought they would actually rely on these two idiots here for the plan to succeed, to switch between Abbie and Lewis and letting this dork decide the fate of the event considering he hasn't been racing since the incident haha. So yeah, it was a real race, and of course due to lack of training Clarke won but Sam still got duped (lmao), and the others got away with it probably after Sam found out who really won and left the underground casino angry. Which lies the underlying question: where is the truth? Turns out, another flashback suggests something else, as with Makoto's talk with Clarke days before the race. (Yes I'm trying to tie back to something else I want to mention) Because someone egged Lewis to play an actual race with him, and thus Lewis told Sam out to let them race proper (which he didn't) and so Clarke feels bad about it. Hey, everyone feels bad about it, from Lewis to Abigail not Sam though lol. "And as Makoto looks at the pill as the guy walks about of his garage leaving his plane behind for his mechanic..." I mean, bro, you gotta prove your guilt, man. *laughs* God, guess who will have the last laugh here. Probably not Abigail, because now everything is in her hands. Excuse me, "Abigail", because now you can just black tint your place for an air race and not win anyways. We got that signature middle finger though, I'll give you that. All in all, it's quite a mess, definitely quite a cliffhanger and got me duped until I'm Episode 1 Makoto level now because now that he's smarter than me... haha hey, I gotta praise this series for a while. So yeah, that was quite a good conclusion to this arc. We got to know a little more about Abbie, someone got cranked out of his money lol, and everyone still got paid amirite?? Haha cya guys next week for another wonderful arc I hope this series has good hopes of being a great original series imo
P.S. "Your accent is so bad that I don't even understand you" Hey, we may not have the middle finger screen from you this episode Abbie but this will do haha
P.P.S. Again, I must applaud the Anime production for making sure to not touch on those subjects of war where I did for the review above because it'll put much controversy in the story here and probably score bad for reviews for this series considering everything else is stellar hey if you haven't watched it now is good time
[On the final segment of introducing Singapore to people other than myself although it's just me...!!]

アニメ Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
"No Starbucks, but there's sandboxes! There's crab, but no money!" Here are the links to help you understand Japanese word puns haha also is this the real slogan for Tottori? lol
I can't fit the third one in to here's 7-Eleven (pronounced "sebun") when you have a good mood. *laughs* Hey, don't throw me too much word puns I'm not a fan of those in Anime anyways lmao. Besides me helping my audience to understand Japanese phrases which is literally only me lol, this new episode (#UzakiChan10) is sponsored by Tottori Tourism Board- Oh it's not? *laughs* Legit, I thought those two were going to get kidnapped by... Sakaki and Ami-chan?? lol okay I'll take this as a double date I'll take Ayachi any time of the day by the way. *silence* Okay, about the trip (haha I know Ayachi's married, please) where we know the other two were lying about why they were here in the first place (I mean, the animation's effort to make them look like shadows is something else haha), we have a real trip around the place. You know, the place known for couples to visit. Yeah, now you wonder why it's a TWO NIGHT ONE DAY TRIP for TWO isn't it?? *laughs* So yeah, I ate so much more than Ami-chan I've never felt so full lol. So, story. I can't remember the sequence because I am so full not I forgot, so forgive me if I have to reference the episode itself. Firstly, sand dunes. Not like I've played those before, but those sound like fun for a regional attraction considering you don't want to go to the Arabic states just to do this, but hey, it looks kinda fun for a way to eat up sand without you noticing you know how easy it is to choke on that just on the sand block when I was a kid? Haha moving on, and then Uzaki challenged her senpai to a race to the ocean. Obviously, as you would have noticed a trend throughout the episode, that Uzaki just cheats in everything, so she brought a sand board to sail downhill. Too bad she still has to do the final run herself, so that part she lost the bet to Sakurai anyways. Then, it's the museum. I mean, it has to be relevant, so yeah, they made sure these two were touring an Anime-based museum haha. Uh, don't buy too much of those figurines because it'll be hell to bring them back personally but hey, hopefully they have nationwide delivery. And then, they eat rabbit cakes. I mean, remember the other two giving hints about the secret of Tottori? Yeah, about this point you should've guessed, it is a place for jerks for couples even though it's literally Uzaki playing around with Sakurai without thinking about the impact on her which might end up like stuff involving indirect couple actions that... they probably won't mind since they did it first without thinking anyways, so good on them. *laughs* *fills bowl of rice and sits down* Haha so moving on, they go to the shrines. Hey, typical to get some fortunes as we know in Japan (I mean, I guess we do it here too with Chinese temples, but not as conventional as Japan to be honest), but this one... as you have guessed it and those other two have revealed, it's for love. Totally spot-on though, I might add. So yeah, if you have listened to the story behind all this tradition because I didn't haha, Sakurai and Uzaki have been enjoying themselves... as a supposed couple. Well, at least, when viewed by the public and not including us who know of this and are just *fills another bowl of rice and sits down* enjoying this whole episode anyways by just waiting for things to happen in their lovely trip. *laughs* (Man, it's easier to get another bowl of rice with drawings than with text, haha) Then, the two get to sit on (not a couples') chain lift to the mountains to see fascinating scenery which my mom wouldn't care otherwise... (really, she's into shopping, my sis and dad are into scenery, and I just don't care) (haha I need help) So yeah, it's hard to try to have a good time without thinking that everything you do is couple-like. Even living in that hotel that has onsen water that can cure you of ailments in three days (ie. you can f**k for two nights straight at least and be cured going back home lmao) (that's not how it works? lol) (also, special appearance by the mother?), and the other two insisting those two sleep in the same room... which they didn't haha, and they end with the talk of youkai and how 177 of them exist just along the route to the train station- I swear I didn't see that one alive and walking around. *silence* Haha I mean someone please ask for help. In terms of production though, I have a harsh feeling that the tour guide is also voiced by Ami-chan if they recycled their voice cast lol (Edit: It's Ede-chan haha yeah they have similar voices, and as expected of production they didn't do that) (they did recycle the voice for the bystander couple's guy and the 7-Eleven dude probably newbie), and rabbit cakes have never sounded this cute haha (Yeah, those rabbit cakes dubbing is Oozora Naomi's voice in action, ladies and gentlemen), and they gotta slot in more shots (from the manga probably) for the ending theme animation because why not. All in all, great episode, I've had my fill which probably not much compared to Ami-chan's in the episode itself (I eat in bigger bowls than hers tbh) (around the size of Uzaki's cup, I would argue-), and I would say this cannot get any better. I guess that's why the focus is on this literally, since like, just the going out thing isn't that interesting anymore and that they need a conclusion for this series anyways which is ending in a couple of weeks. Couple, get it? *laughs* I'm tired I need to sleep even though I drank coffee just now lol yes with buckets of rice ohohohohoho
[TL:DR; You're not a man if you didn't pause at the right frame to see if Uzaki suddenly standing up in the bath that you can see anything or not lmao]
P.S. "That personality, though" Haha Uzaki you don't have to mention that twice WE KNOW lmao
P.P.S. "We've been watching over them thus far. We have a duty to see it to the end?" Hello, when is the end, Sakaki? Until they have sex- "They don't know the real Tottori!" Hey someone said that about Gunma too so... haha sorry
["Towels were specially used for the occasion of filming" yes that was a nude bath by the way haha what (lol then they showed the actual one anyways)]

アニメ Kanojo, Okarishimasu
"Ouch! It's domestic violence!" Kinoshita-san I'm calling the cops haha
I mean, Kazuya, your fortune from last episode is pretty bad for your case so yeah, suck it up dude haha. In the new episode (#KanoKari10) where even his friends look down on him even without him revealing that he spent so much money on rental girlfriends (other than Kuri, he's not in the gang anymore haha), he now spends money on other people. Not like, on girls, no. More like, you know, Kazuya's going to show his long time buddy Kuri a good time. *laughs* Okay, I'm that close to the story already so why not. Wow half this episode is Kuribayashi- he might be getting too much appearances for being just a side character lol. Anyways, story. Story goes that Kazuya has to work. Well, we talked about that last episode but guess who's the newbie in the workplace. So yeah, Ruka-chan took it upon herself to get close to the guy she likes (man I can't even), and sadly Kazuya can't do much but go along with her or else he gets no pay (yep she bribed the manager too lol) and also go along with the insults from his buddies just because. Hey, that's what happens when you rent a girlfriend because you broke up with a girl. *laughs* Okay, if without this decision there wouldn't be KanoKari anyways so don't think too much into this haha. But yeah, this is where Kibe-san mentions their buddy Kuribayashi, and somehow, since that one incident we are all familiar about but Kibe doesn't, is only going to school and home- Hey that's me in college. *laughs* (And I didn't even go through what Kuri has lol) Anyways, we gotta you know, confront him somehow, so Kazuya decides to use his first paycheck to make his friend happy again. Interestingly, not from himself, but it's more like, he's purchasing a date for his buddy here who will be happier to get back into boy-girl relationships because he has been through tough times being found out of one. But hey, what better person to ask for, then Chizuru? So yeah, and as I mentioned earlier, it's just half the episode of them enjoying themselves in the amusement park so lucky you Kuri haha (I like how Chizuru keeps saying Shun-kun and it reminds me of another manga), but yeah, he did have a good time. He also probably figured out, as matured of thinking as he is, about the situation as of now other than the fact that he may still think that Kazuya is still going out with Chizuru for real outside of this business thing lol. Above that, Kazuya did pop by at some point to apologise, and yes that's the bro moment we've all been waiting for and that's why one shouldn't lie for too long or the sh*tting on you will be longer the further this gets Kazuya (haha) (okay legs vs boobs vs lolicon which one is your type? lol), but yeah, I guess they made it up. Kazuya did slap it on Chizuru to try to date him for real, but yeah I guess the girl wouldn't be doing it anyways, so as a professional actress she is going to be, she gives that suggestion so to you know, give Kuri hope so he wouldn't be working along in the father's orchard for the next half a century lmao. Hey, Chizuru, if this actually works can I also rent you for a day? *laughs* (Note: Finding one here is near impossible after you graduate especially locals) ("That was a lie" Dammit Kaguya-sama narrator!! lol) So yeah, all is well, the lie is still there for everyone besides Kuri who hopefully will keep a secret for now I hope, and we move on to the next best thing Kazuya can hope for since his hopes with Chizuru is probably not close to nothing even though he keeps dreaming on it: a balcony date. Like seriously, dude, it's not like she's going to climb over the parapet to come to your place to have sex or anything HE IS LITERALLY IMAGINING IT!! *laughs* So yeah, we now finally move on to Sumi-chan. Chizuru decided to ask Kazuya to "help her out" since she's kinda shy and is getting complaints as a fellow colleague she is helping her out. By sending out her best guy (haha) to teach her the ways maybe. Whatever it is, we know next episode is going to be great I'm looking forward to having some Rieri time having Chizuru every episode is BORING lol also that next episode preview the trio starting from Kibe they were talking about porno actresses lmao bye
P.S. "The way they have been behaving is nothing like a rental relationship!" I know right Kuri this is how deep they have gotten themselves into already "... and have sex until you're sick of it" OOOOOKAY BRO they haven't gotten that far. Well, at least, he hasn't. *laughs*
P.P.S. "I'm pretty sure Kazuya still likes her (Chizuru) for real" Wow Kuri how do you know? You know your bro better than all of us man! Haha Kazuya I'll see how you get out of this one
[Good to have a change of male lead like Kuri but he's not that handsome so here's more Chizuru haha no wait]
It only slightly pisses me off that the Top 2 in this ranking are the opening and ending themes respectively with that Ruka-chan special ending song in SEVENTH?? COME ON haha
(Even in Anime insert songs Ruka-chan is not loved lol)

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Wow this week is quite a week, it seems, because I mostly ignored mainstream because you know. *laughs* So, Natsukawa Shiina's new single is.. arriving on my shelf as we speak haha I'll try to be as unbiased as possible (see if I'm biased when I review Aki-chan because this is going to be similar lol), Ikimonogakari's new single is... just the one song I guess, Sambomaster's new single in a while is... fine? I only dropped in to give the one topic song because I heard it last week and thought it was good so... man guys, remember you guys wrote better songs in the past few years? I want that. *laughs* Moving on, and I don't know how I ended up giving LILI LIMIT's album from indie days because I wanted more of them and I can't (FYI they disbanded last year) so I just ended up giving the one song which I swear I rejected 4 years ago but you know, I'm more in the mood for that. Which will explain why I haven't given any judgement on miwa's new single which even ignoring the topic song not much has stuck onto me, and Aimer's new single because you know, only people who like her will get the hype I don't now. My hype is only when my imouto releases a swimsuit photobook or something. *laughs* (Okay that was a lie that's when it's Mocho HAHAHA) So yeah, Aimer and miwa will wait till next week when hopefully I have the mood to give them somehow- Again, the songs aren't bad besides the "social distancing" bullsh*t please miwa-san I don't want to remember this year ever again haha (Audience: What about the song awards this year though?) Ah about that... haha it's still happening don't worry

On news concerning Klassic Note and is on Twitter, I can say this now because Asakura Momo has her own music YouTube channel now which no doubt will feature more of her announcement videos like this one of her eating cup noodles and then telling us that she is releasing a new single in November lmao, to celebrate her 10th anniversary as voice actress (has it only been this short?) Kayano Ai is releasing a solo mini-album next year in March (yeah) under Aniplex (hell yeah) which I have been begging ever since I heard her sing those Anime "Kyouka" ending theme songs I swear, and Natsukawa Shiina just did a (recorded) release event on YouTube so... that's how I got a sneak peek of the B-side two days before release date which probably cemented the impression for me haha Nan-chan you got me. Oh, it's been not mainstream so far, so let's talk about those too. *laughs* vivid undress' upcoming livestream is happening in October in response to cancelling their physical live tour and probably, similar to cinema staff, doing donation-based lives to try to recuperate for losses. Again, I think that's more practical instead of not doing anything or putting a pay gate (like what idolism will do to you), so that's good. I think I missed Scenarioart's limited audience and live streaming (as in physical audience) is probably something I missed because of work (they started in early evening and that's Japan time so an hour earlier), and I think I then noticed this week that ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION is releasing a new single in October. I seriously need to be involved more in mainstream remember when I asked for more a decade ago when none of this exists?? Hey, I wish I was born a decade later haha even ClariS is 10 years already remember those glorious times where Alice is still around?? *silence*


So, as mentioned earlier, since there aren't many releases next week anyways, I'm going through miwa's new single and Aimer's new single to see if I can give anything (so far it's one each, and the former is not from the topic song), and also I'll listen to H ZETTRIO's new album too because I miss them and I hear they have been releasing songs bimonthly for a year to make this recent album so why not? Music videos galore, literally, where every single song is one music video- And then you remember Sangatsu no Phantasia is technically making animation lyric videos of their upcoming album songs well this one is actual music videos haha. Okay, maybe add in Mishima Souhei's solo mini-album (vocalist and composer for cinema staff) too since I probably can give him some songs even if I haven't heard anything yet. (Edit: What did I just hear from the trailer haha)

So, I guess I'm done for now. I lazed out earlier catching up on... I wouldn't say video games so mobile games and I'm tired so I'll carry on with my music library later, so if you would excuse me I'd like to stop here for now. As you can see, I'm trying my best to listen to everything while still working... not from home haha because who does that now lol, but you know, still trying to make this year not suck. And that's why there's those packages; Trust me, they are going to be good. It's going to improve my mood more than this upcoming Wednesday where my mom told me to take the day off so I can go see a Chinese physician who... can only take new patients in the middle of the week, and only works four days a week. Weirdo, isn't it? Also, he/she doesn't even talk and just checks your pulse. This doctor is perfect haha we'll see if I can still enjoy coffee by then I'm super into drinking ready made Starbucks every morning now considering I can't wait for it to open to go to work lol bye take care

P.S. Kayano Ai with original songs. You know how many actual years I waited for that?

P.P.S. I now also learnt that besides Ishigami from Anime "Kaguya-sama" who got a very short character song on their radio show and promised the guest when it first aired who was Hayasaka (ie. Hanamori Yumiri-chan) to give her one chorus too, and it happened. Aniplex you sunofabitch how did you just make that happen. Miracles do happen, kids. *laughs*