
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #40

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #40

Sunday, 04 October 2020
Man, why are the new shows I want to watch this season all about smart kids lol okay I wouldn't call Makoto smart but *laughs*

Hmm... I don't have much for this month's Otaku Package haha but at least I paid for something, so there's at least one thing now. Haha me trying to find more things to justify the international shipping it's so dumb. Also, I'm thinking of... crossing the line with calendars here with AV actresses but, uh, I worry for nudity so I'm holding back for now. I'll see what it looks like based on reviews of Twitter fan images then we will see. I can't think of any alternatives for calendars for next year too tbh

Well, let's cut to the chase, yes? If you see this posted early compared to previous ones because specifically on the day of this post, 7pm is Uesaka Sumire Instagram live, and 9pm is Touyama Nao Instagram live. Problem is, Sumipe decided to do 2 hours. Yeah. I wish I haven't liked any of them or if the pandemic ever existed they would have never got to this haha then again she's freelance now I suppose

ANIME NOW! I can't WAIT to get laid with Akarin in Anime haha the photobook earlier this year was just a taste

アニメ Majou no Tabitabi
"For me to be the youngest graduated witch, it doesn't seem to be interesting for the rest of the witches in the country" I mean, that's called jealousy you know how long some of them took to become even an apprentice? lol
Wait, how did Elaina keep her broom when she landed? Did she shoved it up her- Okay in this very healthy series that I shouldn't make jokes of (#MajoTabi01) we, uh... see the realities of life. No really, from the perspective of a 14-year-old. So, let's give you a summary of Elaina's... first three years as a magician. Well, it all started from reading a novel series or probably, diary series of a witch, and makes her aspire to become one as a kid. And so she worked hard for it, and graduated as the youngest graduate in the country. Hey, if that doesn't make anyone jealous, think again. Because since the world's requirement here is to ask for an existing witch to recognise her abilities to become a full fledged one, everyone is shunning her just because. It's sad, but hey, that's the reality right there, girl. Really makes me wonder why she never questioned why is it such a case, but you know, I got my current life pretty easily already so don't ask me about rejection. *laughs* Anyways, she overheard her parents talk about a passing by witch named Fran on the outskirts of the country, and she decides to try out on someone who isn't in town, so maybe she won't think she's some kind of genius only or something. Surprisingly, she got took in easily, so yeah, gotta have a drawback, isn't it? The Stardust Witch accepts her as a discipline, and then... she became a slave. Again, Elaina, if you have watched the many majo Anime out there, you're doing it wrong. Everyone makes the same mistake anyways, so let me tell you the way. *lifts up glasses* Firstly, always question anything and everything. Not like, being a jerk, but putting up with everything is a mistake. We'll talk about that later anyways, so I'll just say in passing. Just like in real life, if you really have questions about how the world works, you can always ask. But then again in this case it's unlikely going to work since Fran will just shun her anyways. For a month, even. So secondly, know the situation. As mentioned before, we talked about why her as a genius isn't practically accepted throughout the state, mainly because anyone you ask to be your sensei will be such a loser compared to you, and that's not your fault honestly because it's always on the surface anyways, but that's kind of a two-sided sword (or wand), so I won't say much. Lastly, feel it out. I mean, she did break so that's good, and that's also what Fran wanted to do to her? Yes, cue the parents, I guess. I hate to think this is a scam, and if you also wonder how Fran has a year to do this lol, but since Elaina will take every opportunity she could to become a witch, she'll do all it takes, even if it means doing chores for a month and then getting trashed in magic fights haha that's cool though tbh. And I think Fran knows it too: Why is this girl not complaining? She's not a POW, she's not a slave bought with money; (*gets employee deja vu*) Why wouldn't you question anything? Think about it. So yeah yeah, she broke the heck out of this innocent girl, for I would like to say she's already matured as she is for her age, so besides people who shun her and not take her seriously, I would say Fran has tried her best to do what the parents ask of her: Let her learn of hardship. Because you know, experience is hardship. It's never easy, you always lose, and even if you win you'll never forget you're just balancing in the rope of life, just like everyone else. Okay, as to why I was convinced to watch this for the season, at least, with a three-episode rule. It's kind of funny. And that's good enough. I expected this to be some serious shit (it is), but thankfully it isn't. From Fran being fran-tic (haha I'm sorry) to the father crying lol, there is some level of jokes we can take once in a while, so thanks for this not being like, a Fate series or something. Then, it's the direction of the Anime so far. It's just adventure. So yeah, more on the slice-of-life elements probably in the future, and that's why I have to watch two more episodes to make a formal decision. It's like me recognising this Anime as an Anime- That's not done by me that's the Anime production doing it on the author lol. Lastly, the cast. I mean, if anything, I think Ede-chan (Hondo Kaede) bring Elaina is already good enough reason to give this a try. Fran is Kana-chan (Hanzawa Kana) but with a more matured tone until you cry in front of her lol, and there are more familiar voices as we move on. So yeah, let's hope we get to talk of them soon haha. It's been some time since I gave such a series, previously along the lines of "Kami no Nai Nichiyoubi" which is like 2012? Haha yeah, so... I'll give this a go. The whole package is great so far, I know it's kind of an adult story which will hopefully lessen as time goes by because I see cheeky Elaina at the end of this first episode as a great entry to drama lol, and man, Harry Potter might be awesome but this is pretty cool too. *laughs* We'll see how far this takes me. Get it? Because I'm on an adventure too? I have a feeling this is a feature-episode style thing (as in every week she goes somewhere and meets new people), so don't get too used to Fran because we got new people coming right up! Yes, Ede-chan is good enough for now hehe 18 years old too so that's good she'll show up half naked now lmao bye
P.S. *after seeing the Stardust Witch* "Maybe I'll just go back..." You know? If you're someone who wants others to be in happiness, this might be a good choice haha that's literally me asking for help
P.P.S. "Then the weeds around here is fine (for breakfast)" Okay that's sort of bitch talk when a field of guys are wooing you lol
[Since we're probably not getting more Fran for now so here's some to remember her by]

アニメ Tonikaku Kawaii
"Please, give your kid a normal name!!" Nasa-kun, you've clearly not watched Anime "Servant x Service" haha you're lucky to get away with this name
Yes, it's in the title. And I'm feeling pissed. And envious. And my bestie just got a girl to date and you give me this Anime?? Yes, I'm in. *laughs* That is my first impression of this series, so let's get into it. In the first episode of marriage (#ToniKawa01) I, uh, highly suspect this guy has never seen a woman before. And I've seen at least twice by his age. *laughs* Okay, my story aside, let's talk about this miracle of a story. Ignoring that it's from the same author as "Hayate no Gotoku" series which ended like, a decade ago, uh... I don't know where to start haha. For starters, SCREW YOU KANOKARI lmao wait what. *laughs* No seriously, we got a lot to talk about just this episode alone. So, in case you haven't heard of this series, and I don't until like a couple of weeks ago where Kitou Akari (who voices Tsukasa) dropped this on me and I replied "Yes" as fast as Nasa-kun could (lol), but yes, this is the Anime. Firstly, I would like to warn you, don't doubt this miracle. Yes, don't even. I know the Anime talked about the story of Kaguyahime like, 3 times at least (I'm not good at math so if I'm wrong don't blame me) and it really sounds like no one would ever trust this dude who is so desperate for her in any case, but that is it. It's literally... well, besides getting hit by a truck so I assume Nasa-kun here is already bonkers (lol) (okay he wasn't before it so), but yes, it's just his confession and the girl said yes. That's it. Plus, getting married. To you know, seal the deal? Haha which is why I would like you all, yes you included dear reader, to just take this Anime as some guy who wholeheartedly asked her out and she didn't think this guy is bad even with injuries, and actually agreed to it. So, story. Story goes that, because of his name (I've clarified that in the quote above lol) he decides to prove people otherwise that he is not to be laughed at (I would argue your confidence is something to laugh at already haha), even if it means aiming for top university without a backup plan. Man, this guy's got all the balls. But then, as he mentioned it himself, he got distracted. Pretty reminiscent of real life where we are in middle school too (those were the days... haha), but all it takes is for one girl you like to appear and your whole life changes. Yes, the author may have exaggerated this if you didn't notice (including the bleeding lol), but yeah, this is roughly what it feels like to fall in love. Trust me, I have my days too haha. You get the iconic scene you see in the trailer, and I really didn't expect them to play it this long to be honest (I mean, you saw the truck driver's reaction? lol), but yeah, and then he finally collapsed. I would argue that Kurosaki Ichigo from "BLEACH" didn't last as long as this guy did lmao. After waking up, of course, she is nowhere to be seen, so he probably thought it was a dram, amongst other things. So, as with any other Anime, you have to ask questions. (See, Elaina? It's not that hard) (lol) And so he did. To think that he may have done a confession even like, half awake, and then the girl saying "if you marry me" to be together? That sounds like a plot for an Anime That sounds too good to be true, that's for sure. But she's cute, I'll give you that. Not really my type even for 2D standards, but sure. *laughs* Hey, what can I say? He likes the girl. I guess he didn't say how long he took to stay hospitalised, or whether his parents were with him at some point. I mean, he only mentioned he left his parents to live alone because he can't take their nonsense anymore, and probably hiding the secret of his reason behind not going to university as any parent would ask. Still, this guy's a genius, so he'll live it out. Yes, that's why the intro of this post. Even at work, he's so good. *laughs* Such a wasted talent, isn't it? But hey, they say happiness is real important, so I'll take a woman I love too, thank you. Okay wow this is quite a long one already, so let's wrap up a little since we can talk about buffet-level holding hands and sleeping any time of this series lmao. So, a couple of things you have to understand by this episode. Firstly, about marriage. In Japan, the minimal legal age is 16. And yes, I assume with the cherry blossoms out and Tsukasa suddenly popping in front of his place probably through searching around for a while, this is precisely what Tsukasa was waiting for ie. Her 16th birthday, because there's the agreement back then. And yes, you need guardian consent. I'm going to leave the doubts for later, but suffice it to say, you don't need to have parents around to get married (that is not wrong, because what if your parents don't get to see... you... get married) (oh, me) (haha) so I guess screw you Nasa-kun's parents, and you can register for marriage any time of the day. Even at night. Is this how celebrities do it? Hmm, cheeky, isn't it. *laughs* Secondly, about getting hit by a truck. Again, I didn't expect to learn some first aid emergency knowledge in this Anime lol, but for starters, Tsukasa mentioned a lot about emergency, so for us lucky bastards who didn't cross the road and get T-boned by a truck (lmao), I hope we all learnt something from this. How long Nasa-kun has survived to do the confession though, that's what we'll talk about next. So lastly, about all this being a scam, specifically, because of Tsukasa. Again, I said not to doubt this series, and you shouldn't because have you read the manga haha, but yes, the author did leave a lot of clues to let you think this might be a trap all the same. I'll summarise that to the hints about Kaguyahime (if you watched the episode thanks for the summary of the story because I'm sorry Studio Ghibli if I didn't watch that Anime to learn of this story), Tsukasa's dictionary level knowledge (the easy explanation is that she might be also a bookworm like Nasa-kun, which then makes them a good pair haha) (ugh my heart), and Nasa-kun's reactions about all this. So, since the author has made this easy on him to accept this reality, he made him a confident person in life to pursue anything he wants (so yeah, even asking a girl out), while still doing things in impulse - or as he says, "faster than NASA" - at the right time, as in signing the papers. All these combinations must be the perfect situation for them to be together. Well, in the Anime sense, of course. Man, Kazuya you can go screw yourself because I wish like everything else I've gotten in life, I can get my marriage this easy haha I wish. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy 11 more episodes of this at least, unless I can't stand the opening theme (if you saw who did the music for the series you'll know) and can't give the ending theme but unlikely this is not as bad as "Hanako-kun" I'll give something haha Akarin~
[TL:DR; As Kitou Akari who voiced Tsukasa tweeted: "It was a great final episode... Congrats on the marriage! (Episode 1)" lol get it because marriage is always the ending for romance shows]
P.S. "No matter what happens I'll be able to manage!" Yeah and he gets hit by a truck lol
P.P.S. "If I die like this, what's the point of being born in the first place?" Because it was a mistake? lol I mean your parents didn't think too much when giving you your name too Nasa-kun so... *laughs*

"I studied a bit and with a bit of luck..." Okay James we know you like fake paintings lol
Is it just me or can I not forget about Cynthia's love story from last week? Ah, I wished I was a painter lol. In this new episode (#GREATPRETENDER13) where what's gone is hardly ever going to come back, hey at least Thomas' art skills were back. So, story. Story is now that Thomas is found, but he's in debt. Long story short, remember last week where James scouted Thomas out to be a great counterfeiter? Yeah, it changed his life for good or for worse. And of course, Cynthia isn't buying it. (Get it? Because artwork) Along the days, Thomas got richer because you know, the plan for James is that he paints artwork real enough it can get vetted by James as real, and then... if the actual one appears then we're screwed. Remember in an interview in the episode he said he studied? Yeah, it's just to assure that this artwork he was going to ask Thomas to paint is, you know, already missing. Haha this is so screwed up I can't even. So yeah, to the extent that moving up his status is also the start of James psycho-ing him that his woman should be left out. Hey, it's that career vs love question again, isn't it. But seriously though, if a girl asks me to work MacDonald's for my current job, I'll never say no. It's for her, man. Canned beans are a small price to pay (Get it? The beans are small too- I'm sorry) just to be with your loved one. I guess not, considering you won't be warm in winter. The reason then, that Thomas got into debt, after Cynthia left him, is that he realised that his "artwork" were then placed in real museums for others to look at, and that, is ridicule to Art itself. I mean, really, he should know as a painter. Then again he could have not visited the local museum lmao. Anyways, he took the turn, buying back all the art he has created for James, which of course, forced him into debt because what else he's going to use to pay to bid out those artwork. But even through all this, Makoto did actually convince him to paint the counterfeit for Snow of London mainly because... he stole that box Cynthia was holding haha. That box, which contained, not a joke, a drawing of a wedding ring. Aw, how sweet. Stopping her for the moment though, let's talk about how things are going with this heist. Abbie had to swallow her own pride (if she has any) to you know, get closer to James literally (ugh), but also, report on what Laurent is about being a black market art seller to the mafia. Laurent tips him about an upcoming auction that James can participate to buy back that painting Laurent outbid in the first place (the original, by the way), and then of course, scam him by giving a fake and taking back all the money plus profit in the first place because, you know, it's currently rated at 30 million euros now. They gotta take their money back somehow. So, to conclude on the arc, I suppose with next episode they have to touch on two things: (1) whether James will get scammed for real. I sure hope so for this one he has seen the real one. Well, I forgot we're supposed to also scam Fran not him so we shall see how that goes haha. And (2) Cynthia's feelings for Thomas. Hey, this is even more unlikely to happen though, as she would probably argue that she can't revert back on her rich swindler life now, mainly because I would argue for her that it's technically social justice, and the guilt is lesser? Haha I wouldn't say that but see how Makoto has blended in so much now. *laughs* So yeah, let's actually see if any of these will take off, but as with every arc so far, I'm sure it'll go swimmingly well. For Cynthia though... if you want to retire from this we understand hehe cya guys next week
P.S. *James points to below him* I legit thought someone was going to suck d*ck lol Abbie how low have to sunk to haha
P.P.S. "You (Cynthia) wanted to be a stage actress" I mean, she is still now haha. Her acting skills weren't useful on guys like Sam though lol

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
So, this week, and let's talk about this quick since this is likely also the only thing which is great, Sangatsu no Phantasia's new album is... I guess, going to join the list of albums this year which I got many songs out of (others include Asakura Momo, yorushika and so on), as I give like, 5 songs already at this point. Yeah, without much hesitation too. Well, mostly because like, I know 2 songs from artist I know of (literally one of them is also composer of yorushika, yes n-buna, which I did not know of when the lyric video of this written song was played early this year, and I thought it was good) (it's fate haha), and the rest... are just me wanting to hear more Mia-san. Mostly being cute, and sometimes being like everyone else because I could use some emotional songs once in a while. Also, because Anime "GREAT PRETENDER" Original Soundtrack was literally released last week and if you didn't hear me talk about how good the current arc is, then you're missing out on the one song they've played on this week's episode like, 3 times. *laughs* I gotta give it now haha. Oh yeah and lastly, YuNi's new single which almost gave me hope on giving the B-side ever since the digital single which was some ending theme *wink* Uzaki-chan *wink* and (saw potential to do a physical release and) released a proper release, almost made me want to give the single in full. Don't worry, the second listen of the song on the way home killed it real good haha I was in the mood at work to listen the first time apparently lol

So, in news concerning music or not as I would see fit and that is on Twitter, yanaginagi's new album is coming due December (thank goodness I gave the one song a couple of months ago), I guess KANA-BOON has a new song for that firefighting Anime, Anime "ToniKawa" theme songs are already on digital if you have music subscriptions or something (ending theme recommended unless you like... rap?), and this has nothing to do with music but I want to say and you can probably Google it yourself, romance harem series "OsaMake" is getting an Anime adaptation. Why this last time is particular spicy is mainly because apart from the perfect cast which I swear it's not coincidental (Minase Inori is the childhood friend who is jealous of everyone you meet, and will eventually rid of them I assume) (I mean, read the title dude), the main guy of this harem is also... that one guy. Matsuoka. Yes. Harem kind of Anime haha so yay? At least they're going to enjoy the recording in the studio lol

So for next week, we have a slew of releases I have no much idea about so going in blind, from ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new single which is quite some time already (last was in 2018?) and I've heard nothing thus far, to GLIM SPANKY's new album which I swear I've not touched them since last year or even 2018 tbh (okay I did mention them in the Digital Singles Week I did some months ago but I didn't give anything, I promise you), to I almost forgot Waki Azumi's new single is also next week because I like the one - shockingly this time around - topic song that is also an Anime theme song (don't try to read the title, don't), so let's see if she can continue to make me like her (songs) third time coming. Again, it's one song every time so I would like to break the record if she didn't having 3 more songs... that I don't give a damn about every time haha Columbia Japan's budget is off the charts lol

So yeah, it's still going as I am still writing this and you will see posted if you are that on time (lol please, me), Naobou is still doing her Instagram live. And if you did watch from like, 7pm or 8pm Japan Time with Sumipe and her 2 hours (Jesus Christ) live and then she jumped into Naobou's stream for like about an hour and she then said that she doesn't have a schedule on this so she'll see how long this goes... Good chances I'm going to hear this until I sleep tonight haha. Hey, what a time to live in, isn't it? It's barely even anything a decade ago, man. So kids, what you see now... *laughs* Okay, feeling old already listening to older women talk (haha sorry), so I'll see you next week. I have a harsh feeling the upcoming package is coming real soon, and we may not have to wait until next weekend to see it. With that set aside, enjoy your next week ahead because I know I won't haha, and until then... take care of yourselves. Not because the President of United States of America is also infected, but... I mean, just in general. I can barely keep up with my health with the unhealthy lifestyle I'm living I AM WATCHING MIDNIGHT LIVESTREAMS MAN WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE haha bye