
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #44

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #44

Sunday, 01 November 2020
Hey I hope you guys had a great Halloween last night despite what year we're in now because I did! Haha I mean, you should've watched that TrySail livestream hehe archived on YouTube for a week you're welcome. The joke for me is just Mocho cosplaying as a gothic loli is just her if she came from a rich family or something it suits her too well I can't even. *laughs* I think that's all for last night lmao okay there's also Animal Crossing if anyone is still playing it. It was fun giving out 27 candies after living for 27 years lmao

New month now, I guess. And nope, I did not watch Anime last month I watched it this morning, as scheduled. Eh... I don't really know what to say considering the weekend just flew past like how Halloween normally does without these livestreams and images on the Internet, but hey, at least we're getting something. I gotta think of how to recover my Weibo account somehow considering I don't live in China too okay let's Anime shall we 

"What's more important than studying is morals" Haha Makoto I don't think you're upholding that well at all
Okay what is this we doing Chinese lessons now? Also RIP Makoto's mom you will not be missed because in this new episode (#GREATPRETENDER17) Makoto is just going to forget all about your teachings and go scam people. Haha isn't this every episode. IT'S ALL THE DAD'S FAULT!! *laughs* Okay, storytelling time again, I suppose. You know, just to give you a clearer picture now that we are this far into the series already. So, firstly, Makoto's past in detail, though I think we hardly need that already. So in summary because the rest of the episode is the juicy part lol, Makoto lived a childhood mostly without a father because he's an international lawyer and hardly comes back home anyways, but also, turned common criminal when he was assisting trafficking of kids (now you know why Makoto wants to save those Vietnamese) which turned the mother hospitalised and the kid... into not believing his dad anymore. All this will make sense even till today, to be honest, and he should have carried on with this distrust on his father because seriously man, he's up there already and technically Makoto hasn't committed a crime yet he just went to jail because he felt bad for scamming people lol, but we'll get to that later. Next up, I can't believe that I'm watching Japanese animation now and I still get to hear my own tongue- DON'T YOU SPEAK TO ME YOU CHINESE F- 说笑而已,别太冲动啊,哈哈。Okay, jokes over, so let's talk about what Akemi has to deal with her Chinese subordinate, it seems. So, long story short as explained by the manager, Akemi's group helped Shanghai people establish businesses there, but dog but its chains and of course, they are strongly independent due to business booming there and business not booming here, and you know, we gotta get a cut of the profits to keep... whatever trafficking business is here lmao okay I'll talk less about that from now. Anyways, negotiations didn't go well because even the leader of the Shanghai group did not appear it's just the right-hand man, and you know, not like they cut out a deal or anything it's the mafia man you just have to fight for it. Anyways, along with the China group was a translator, and guess who that guy is because we just talked about Makoto's past. So, he confronted Laurent about this assuming he knows already, but surprisingly holds a stand to want to save the father from where he is today, helping out the mafia. Turns out, as he confronts the old dude in the hotel room, after he got sent to jail it was hard surviving, he even tried to visit the wife before her departure, but ended up not doing it and picked up by the Shanghai people as a lawyer and translator. (I like how the lawyer thing still works I guess China doesn't really check if you were previously a criminal lawyer lawyer criminal in Japan before huh) ("Criminal lawyer" sounds like too good a title for this piece of shi-) So yeah, as with how the main guy works, Makoto tries to believe in the old man again, giving him a chance to get out of it. And so, along with the kids now held at gunpoint lol, they all escaped in a bus (Hey Cynthia now you came prepared) down the highway... until they were caught by, again it doesn't matter which group it is but you gotta notice who has bigger control here, Ishigami the manager and his gang, so Akemi. Turns out, <insert Among Us meme here> there is 1 traitor among us lmao, and that is the father. So yeah, too bad Makoto forgot about (1) he works for the mafia now and (2) how long he was worked for the mafia. You think he won't get promoted just like you do, son? *laughs* Also, bad idea to return the gun after you borrowed it from him lol. But considering all this that has happened, then I must say it then, Makoto, that your dad now doesn't deserve to live anymore, so you know, take him to die together in a hail of bullets. Like really, but that'll end the series, so I guess not then huh. Hey, with a bigger bunch of people to save now and only Laurent outside of the circle (we're not playing some teambuilding game but), let's see if they can get out of it this time. I suppose so, as with every time, but just, with a different approach. Hey, that's what happens when you play with the mafia man. Makoto doesn't even know shit and Laurent rather just spend time picking up girls than kids lol I mean picking up on one of them is technically illegal so yeah haha cya guys next week 
P.S. "I'll use this wizard to heal me, and also clear your father's misunderstandings while we're at it" No mom please "dad is just bad that can't be undone with magic" lmao
P.P.S. "To be (Akemi's) evening companion" Haha Makoto don't worry you're not her type lol

アニメ Majou no Tabitabi
"Wow it's not just the name is like Fran-sensei I feel like the face is the same too..." Yeah NO SHIT ELAINA it's literally her haha
"The Adventures of Fran" wow Fran-sensei you doing a good reputation outside of teaching Elaina magic huh. *laughs* Little do you know, dear girl, you got a real good teacher on your last resort hit back in Episode 1. However, in this new episode (#MajoTabi05), we get to see what Fran's world is like... well, without Elaina first, for starters, for she did join her at some point. You'll get what I mean. Hey, she already is writing "The Adventures of Elaina" she's totally ahead of her sensei haha. So, in the happiest episode of this series yet, Elaina encounters a bookstore selling... this Fran book. Uh oh. And just as we think this is where she will appear, turns out, not that fast people, because it has already happened. This was somewhere else, as she recalls her adventures from half a year ago. We'll talk about why this coincidence of a book can be sold in a place faraway from where Fran-sensei is now, but yeah, let's reunion, I suppose. Elaina was just inside another country and saw a magic academy and thought she could enter because she's a witch but I guess not, so she left to find accommodation until she got ambushed by a bunch of students from the academy. Thinking that she can get away with it as a professional, but yeah, she is kind of outnumbered as like dozens of students chase her down the country just to catch her? Well, I highly doubt any of you noobs could do this haha so yeah, until the sun sets, they have been chasing her to no end. And alas, the sensei appeared before her very eyes, probably after rushing through work and then coming to welcome her in the worst fashion ever, but hey, don't say you didn't get a proper welcome haha. I swear Fran-sensei is like "get the Ashen Witch and you'll graduate" without telling them that catching Elaina will be totally impossible considering that (1) that's her discipline and (2) she's still younger than all of them. Yes, even to the one girl who doesn't open her eyes lol. "Age doesn't matter" Haha Fran no shit lol. And so, they settle in the academy with Fran inviting Elaina here as a guest lecturer for the students for some time I suppose, and until then, besides hearing familiar voices from the students (Hidaka Rina and Mineuchi Tomomi apparently, latter who voiced Eiko-chan from "Slow Start"), we also get to hear a familiar story from Fran-sensei herself. She, like the Ashen Witch, also wrote stories about her adventures. But I guess, she is too embarrassed to turn that into a proper published book, so she kept it in her old bag she got from a pawn shop, but then sold it with the manuscript inside. So yeah, that's called open sourcing, ladies and gentlemen. *laughs* Hey, serious modern-day references here, okay? Just that, you won't open source something by accident unless you accidentally skipped through all the terms and conditions... haha ok no one is getting this joke. Anyways, to link back to the front as you can see after the ending theme, the country where she sold it in thought it was some treasure and to some extent apparently, started worshipping her and selling the book and the goods related to her and even erected a statue in her honour- Yeah Elaina you're right she needs to see this embarrassment sometime lmao. (Also, we getting official goods for this Anime? I want the Elaina and Fran plushies haha) Between the initial broom chase lesson which was technically not a lesson lol, to water manipulation lessons just because, to asking questions for the budding traveller of a witch to knowing about the colour of her panties of a wonderful witch- (I don't think praises will work in this case lol) They all had a fantastic time together- Is this what happiness feels like? I feel like it has been some time since we felt this before because the last time was... the family together in Episode 1? *laughs* And lastly, before her departure to another location I guess, Fran-sensei showed her to her favourite spot in the country while trying to ask her ideas for a parting gift (hey that's me if I were to give a gift I hate to give surprises lol), and also, explained to her what the people in this country do when they graduate as magicians. Hey, I swear, if food delivery service can be done by magic I wouldn't have to wait till 3pm yesterday to have my lunch haha. And to end her journey there, the students and the teacher gave her a well-deserved send off. Ah, we'll never get such a wonderful episode again this series haha mark my words. Can't wait to see more sad stories next week lol bye
[TL:DR; Fran-sensei, Elaina was not joking when she said this country is by far the best place she has travelled, because really, just look back at the past couple of episodes haha ugh "Well, what about flowers?" *gets flashbacks to the field of poisonous flowers*]
P.S. Wait, is that a breakdancing toy bear?? Wow magic is amazing haha remember last week those were put to work to dig a big hole? Haha #FeelsBadMan
P.P.S. "Um, will you come with us without asking any questions?" Wow that is not suspicious at all girl sure I'll get duped by you or whatever she's just going to turn into a beast and eat me up right? *laughs*
[I feel that them talking about butterflies is challenging my review of ChouCho's new single this week haha don't worry it isn't I have already given]

アニメ Tonikaku Kawaii
"What have you been doing in your life?" Haha Tsukasa I ask myself the same thing lol but if it's with respect to not watching movies... Anime, I guess? *giggles*
Yeah Nasa-kun YOUR PLACE NO TV WHAT THE F- In this new episode (#ToniKawa05) without talking about how lack of home entertainment this dude's small apartment space has lol, hey Tsukasa this is what happens when you sign papers overnight I hope you felt that now lmao. I would argue though that if there are so many references that this Anime got permission to talk about (there are so many this episode I can't even), the least you could do Tsukasa is to from now, sink him into the depths of movies because what better way to entice people to like the stuff you like when they have no life they know nothing about it haha that's me waiting for someone to not know Anime. (Then again, those American YouTubers are right you have to force people to watch Anime for them to like it lol) So, before the rest of the episode I guess lol, Tsukasa brags about her passion for movies. Hey, now's a good time to get to know her more, I suppose. If this whole part before the opening theme did not make you feel like "Okay Hayate" at any point I plead you to go watch at least a couple of episodes of the author's previous major work (also in Anime) to understand why this is totally normal in this series. I promise you, it'll happen a lot more often if we get sequels to this haha. To summarise because you should just watch it yourself, Tsukasa was (if you're not a movie nerd) talking about movies in recent history, so if you don't know about Steven Spielberg I think you need to watch more American YouTubers and listen in on their movie podcasts haha that's how I learnt of Harrison Ford lol. Okay, I'm not into this either so yay Nasa-kun we should high-five on this lol, but you know, he gotta make wife happy especially when he goes out working (which we'll get to in a moment), so they go TV shopping. Well, I guess the official Twitter did spoil that at some point as I see a TV in their place in the drawings, but yeah, you know, for generic entertainment look no further to get... well I don't know what you're buying now these days because remember when there was only cable? Now it's like, the TV at my place is literally a YouTube cast device for whatever my dad likes to watch now I don't watch Anime on TV btw just so you realise. So yeah, invest in an iPad lmao. In the meantime, while waiting for their brand new TV to arrive and I hope they have re-broadcasts of that show that Tsukasa just missed lol, they head to the bath at some point. Point is, as we have previously pointed out many times, this guy doesn't know about marriage. Well, at least, the meaning of marriage and everything. So, to talk about what Kaname does in assumption of Nasa-kun being an idiot about marriage at the bathhouse. They really assumed people are smarter than Nasa-kun and understood this but just in case you don't: NUMBER ONE!! (I'm trying to sound like a Kaname) About honeymoon plans after marriage- Well this I can forgive the dude since they don't have the money anyways and you know this is kind of low key so I guess a trip isn't necessary and Kaname you did kind of assume all girls like to travel but she's not wrong it's MOST of them so chances are you might meet one in your life too lmao NUMBER TWO!!! About treating your wife to good food even though she's a good cook. Well just in general people do get tired of cooking unless you're Nasa-kun who can eat hotpot for the rest of your life (lol please don't), you gotta treat your girl to good food, bro. Well, again, if they are that interested in it of course. And again, MOST women do and you'll know when you look at their Instagram account and it's nothing but food images haha NUMBER THREE!! (Wow this knowledge transfer is giving me a headache lol) About the ring. Well, Nasa-kun will realise that later actually, but suffice it to say rings of any sort especially wedding rings are a symbol of marital status (duh) but also a representation of image when the other is not around. I think we'll pretty much cover that later in the episode so I'll not elaborate too much. And thus, Nasa-kun goes to work. And yes, Tsukasa did the wife thing. You know, the "come back soon" thing UMPH this is marriage ladies and gentlemen ignore those people who say it's life's graveyard. And as he works alone without the wife, he then realised (see what did I tell you) the true meaning of having a ring on your finger. So yeah, as enlightenment has hit this innocent dude, he then went back home and insisted to get some diamonds for the wife. Well, you don't really need diamonds to be frank, but just to be on the safe side in case the wife really wants some bling, we should get some diamonds. Well, or so Tsukasa thought of scaring this poor bloke somehow so he can give up the idea. And so they went to <this is not sponsored by> and turns out, this level of propaganda capitalism marketing is working out real well for this idiot of a consumer lmao dude play more gacha games you'll learn of reality. *laughs* So, I guess Tsukasa needs to explain this again to this idiot level of a husband haha (really, I thought only "Aho Girl" has an idiot) (haha) and then they went ahead of buy a cheap alternative in the end. And so, #RealityCheck you don't need the most expensive one, and as long as you can afford it and you know you can get comfortable wearing it all day, then any kind would do, to be honest. I've seen couples just wear rings without the bling, just so you know. Again, this is assuming your partner is okay with that because one would hardly get someone as forgiving as Tsukasa I might say, so mind my words here when you think you can get away with a cheap one anytime now. Then again, Nasa-kun could do that for now because really, it was sudden, he wasn't rich, he did intend to do up a proper wedding soon so you can always buy another set that time. Maybe, from <this is not sponsored by> this time around. *laughs* To end this, this episode had TWO kisses? What Anime is this?? *laughs* So, what do you think of this series so far? Yes, you, the viewer. I think it's great, with the marriage knowledge and everything, though I would argue I learnt that ring thing earlier when my colleague wanted to find an engagement ring last year... haha hey we gotta learn about this someday. So far so accurate though, so that's good to know, even across cultures. Cya guys next week then, for more... hey if you didn't feel for the cuteness throughout this episode so far, go back and ignore all the knowledge transfer and feel them again. "Ecchi" haha man, that next episode preview though... and that's why you don't have to buy a queen size bed haha ok we're done
P.S. "Jawsnado is airing... Interrupting her will get you killed" Wow the people of the mansion knew haha yeah Nasa-kun I have a feeling you're going to get murdered at some point in your small apartment lmao
P.S. "A good movie is good no matter what the picture quality is!" Okay now replace the words "movie" and "picture" with "song" and "audio" respectively and that is Klassic Note in a nutshell hehe no really though 128kbps MP3 is good enough (that's going to be my new slogan on Twitter lol)
[Well I don't get to hear the word "ecchi" very often in Anime so thanks Kitou Akari I'll record that down for my personal entertainment hehe yes dude to celebrate this greatness GIF FEVER!!! haha]

音楽 This Week on Klassic Note
Well, this week might be one of the more occupied weeks already in terms of reviews considering I see close to no new planned reviews this month ahead, so let's talk about what happened last month first. ChouCho's new single thankfully (lol) did not join the ranks of Ueda Reina and ORESAMA in flying into my shelf (soon, guys, soon) but I would still say I have a firm feeling that ChouCho who was credited for composing the song probably did not design the 3/2 beats for this Anime ending song. No really, that's how Anime production works lol. I also took some time to finally give a listen to MaRuRi to Ryuga's new mini-album and... I have a feeling this one is just a "popularity check" release because besides the obvious lack of duo songs which is mostly covered by the female vocalist here, and songs are at best subpar, so I'm going to keep a look at this next week again before I decide to give a couple.

On news spreading on music and beyond but I'll try not to then again there's Halloween so might as well, let's get that out of the way TrySail's Halloween livestream revealed them in cosplay (WHICH IS GREAT lol) but also announcements on their yearly live "Music Rainbow" and recent (paid) live performance coming in package form because Japan still likes physical stuff unlike the rest of the world, Yoru no Honki Dance's new song is... more of a give and take (lol) and I choose to do none of them which means I didn't like it haha, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's new music video is actually not bad, and it's also featuring the only song I gave from their recent double A-side single. That song is real nice though, though it took me some time to give it lol. Finally, Takigawa Alisa's new music video is good enough that I'll be reviewing her upcoming EP next month 3 weeks from now haha. I think today also she premiered a YouTube video on her singing the song live... at a park with a merry-go-round? Yeah, song title reference btw and take a good look at her if you haven't because I did haha ugh (lol)

So yeah, nothing much planned next week, so I might as well take a break too while I'm at it, thinking of what to give for the year, from Awards to Top 20. I just listened to SHE's recent live performance video so yeah, they should be in the list for something to say the least.

You know how distracting that Kaname GIF is when I was typing out the Klassic Note portion of this post? Haha I need to clip more of this reactions stuff so I can use it on Telegram or something lmao. Cya guys next week then, and until then... hopefully I'll be in the mood to watch Anime or listen to songs haha work man, it's happening. Well, testing the fruits of my labour is coming to the test, so to say. Meanwhile, I'm just enjoying my time now and also, planning for the future and hoping that all line up together to happen on the one day off I'm taking for the month for now. Fixing my mom's phone plan, to switching up my desk top (yes that whitespace is correct, I'm not replacing my CPU just yet) to switching out my underwear when the upcoming sale arrives to watching porn... uh, ignore that last one, I'm making sure that day off is worth every bit maybe. If I sleep then it's all over haha bye