
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #45

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #45

Sunday, 08 November 2020
I'm going to say it again, but yeah, rare Saturday post that is not Entertainment News which is this one, or packages because that's what I do in 2020 now haha I have no life and it's not because of what's going on around the world

I know it looks like the viewing order for the shows every week is as shown below, but trust me, I'd always love to watch in the reverse order haha hey save the best for last, yes? *laughs* So yeah, I hope I'm looking forward to GREAT PRETENDER season two haha okay that series is real good though but I just want some wholesome marriage interactions man lol let's start

"... You might not be aware but, you smell like an old woman" Wow with those English insults lmao if you need a Japanese translation please do tell haha Ishigami
I mean, Makoto, just do it. You know they have bulletproof shields and can untangle themselves when they fall off the boat. *laughs* Wait, am I wrong? In this new episode where no one is Makoto's friend now lol (#GREATPRETENDER18), wait Akemi is this the triple cross we're seeing in drama right here?? Ooooo talk about spicy mafia drama haha go play or watch some Yakuza gameplay for more. Just so you know, burning bridges be the best way to do betrayal, especially when you're at sea. *laughs* So, story. I'll talk about the three main things we've seen so far, and how they progressed since so much just happened I thought this was scripted lol of course it was. Firstly, about the fate of the people on board. On board the bus last episode, to be specific. The kids are fine of course, but that's the least of our concerns. Cynthia and Abbie were of course, driven off the edge as they were on a ship with Akemi as she delivers her final judgement. Well, Oz did, by shooting them and sending them tied up into the seabed, so I'm sure they will never come back now lol. Then, Akemi showed her true colours by letting Makoto do whatever he wants with not his dad now, so he got sent off too, down the seabed. And thus, with that slight hint from Ishigami that Akemi wished her son would take over the business but left, this seems like a great replacement. Well, I suppose too Makoto will take this in stride too, since it's technically his way to live now. Also, she has set up a room for Makoto at her place, what?? *laughs*Β Second, between the mafia. We finally saw Liu, and for the first time in the history of me watching Anime I can actually ignore like, 5 minutes of subtitles because I can understand the Chinese lol like seriously man. They talk about how Oz was actually important to them as a translator, and how it'll help in expanding the business, so technically him "getting killed" will do them no good now, so investigations begin on their side. So yeah, unlike what Ishigami was worried about them taking action, these dudes just didn't know of Oz's situation now because Chen was lazy to ask lol ηœŸζœ‰δ½ ηš„οΌŒε•Šγ€‚*laughs* (Okay I promise no more Chinese words after this week's post) (And that is "that's so you") Third, is what happened to the people thrown off the boat. Somehow, months later after Makoto served under the mafia, as he reaches home one day, he saw his dad standing by his doorstep, mysteriously alive. I highly doubt that is an issue though, because he could've had protection on his torso considering the son shot there, unlike the other two who probably could be stripped off (lol) their protective gear or not so they might be together all along already. But instead of pleading for forgiveness or force him to join the Shanghai mafia, he told him a story. So lastly, about a story of a blonde kid who lived in France- Okay we know it is Laurent's backstory haha. To start, he walked into Shanghai mafia's headquarters and requested to meet Liu, all spoken in Chinese. Then, we have a flashback of the kid learning half a dozen languages while his mom runs the cafe and instead of helping her, decides to become a diplomat when he grows up. Haha if you think that's a joke, you haven't watched enough educational YouTube videos before because apart from them being the bridge between two or more nations, they are also not prosecutable under other countries' laws. So yeah, now you might want to reconsider his position in this story now, and how these might all change. But for now, he's just getting beaten up on the streets by winning at poker because those losers suck haha, and assassinated a rich target's... beloved. Oh well, see? There is a Makoto in Laurent's past lmao no one is perfect man. More like though, that if life doesn't teach you the way, you teach yourself the way by going against it. We'll know what it feels like in the next few episodes I suspect, as we continue on this now bizarre journey of Laurent's group not including Makoto and the fates of everyone involved. If you need a guess from me it's probably Laurent asking for help to deal with mafia problems... using the mafia themselves. Because again, one should NOT get involved with the mafia. Unless you want to scam them of their money at the same time haha cya guys next week
P.S. "You think (Liu) will start a war over losing just you?" Damn Akemi with the burn haha yeah Makoto's dad Oz SUCK IT
P.P.S. "Are you used to the helicopter?" "I just don't look down" That's me dealing with my slight fear of heights haha okay maybe more than slight but

をニパ Majou no Tabitabi
"As the name says, it has become a country with no liars" Wow as a totally honest dude I would like to know when I can migrate there haha I'm lying already
In this totally honest episode review of this wonderful series that is just Elaina and I totally watched this first every week before all the other shows lmao (#MajoTabi06) okay that was not true, remember to press B to doubt just like "L.A. Noire" because you know, a perfect country doesn't exist- So, in this new episode where honesty exists in its pure form so much so that I would love to live there... Elaina thought it'll be a good idea to write a story while staying there. Maybe just for a night. *laughs* God, this is already a bad idea for an episode lmao it's so real I can't even. As she enters the country though, as much as it's a normal town, this spell that the king casted seems like a psychological thing, so Elaina decide to test it out by... not praising herself lmao best scene ever probably already clipped on YouTube lol. And so, as she walks around town buying not fresh bread and seeing super honest literature reviews (that be reviewers on everything I like haha maybe including this series), she then finds out the limitations of such a power that the king holds. There are so many things we can point out right now, so let's leave that other witch who wants to get married to Elaina aside first. *laughs* Yes, Saya is back. But hey, she'll be involved, calm down you nerds haha. Limitation No.1: You cannot communicate a lie. So, you don't. Since the town is literally empty and without anyone speaking, this already shows how one can easily get over this limitation and still lie, as shown by how one can just nod a head when asked if sold fresh goods. Hey, if you're illiterate and speak worse than I speak my Chinese dialects ie. can't form a sentence (lol), please migrate there now it'll be a good place to live haha. Limitation No.2: You can lie using communication, but not at once. So yeah, that's where broken speech helps lol of course not. In an attempt to reverse this spell that has been created by a witch beside the king who wanted honest citizens which... well you saw the result, the only way then is to find a way to break the king's sword, provided by this now silent witch Eihemia, who sought to stop this nonsense since she got kicked out because the king was too honest about her inability as a witch who sacrificed her voice for this. Yeah, #RealityCheck ladies and gentlemen, and I don't even need to give my boss a sword to do this lmao. (Shout out to Elaina for the recollection of why people sacrifice things to do magic lol remember two episodes ago? Haha) Coming back, for the trio to enter the castle (remember Saya? lol) they had to lie to the guard that you know, the king approved their entrance, so they wrote it on paper, but in chunks. And as long as you execute it in the right order, the guard will believe the truth before their eyes. I swear though, that this dude should've tested this alone so he knows these dudes are lying, but they don't know that this magic will not work in modern society because of computers. *laughs* (Looking at you, misguided Twitter racist tweets lmao) And so, all went to plan, Elaina did discuss about the honour system in this country with the king while engaged in combat and Saya did take a hit from the sword's power (hey it is still essentially a magic sword), but all in all the plan was a success. EihemiaΒ probably can live in the castle now because she wasn't useless anymore (lol), Saya is still a creep I worry for Elaina when she donned upon her a necklace she spent her savings on which might be cursed mind you (haha), and Elaina sorry for taking such a long time to say this, but you are such an idiot. Seriously, man. How are you even the main character for this series I can't even- *laughs* See? The power of sarcasm is fuel for people like me honesty is no fun haha bye
[TL:DR; I wish the narrator from Anime "Kaguya-sama" will grace this episode with his "That was a lie" phrase every time someone from the Land of Truths tries to talk haha]
P.S. "Once you enter this country, your body will not be able to lie." Oh wtf does this mean haha they talking about the body check up at checkpoints? Ah that's a relief do you guys use X-ray machines or do you have female guards here...? *laughs*
P.P.S. "Welcome to this shit country!" Wow this Anime is already predicting USA election results this year? lol

をニパ Tonikaku Kawaii
"My wife tends to be a bit feral in her sleep; Is this how it's like for all girls?" There you go, it's another one of those jerks who think women are the same haha not feminist btw
Wow that was a GREAT START to an episode so far haha I feel bad for Nasa-kun he's going to have a sore arm in the morning lmao. In this new episode (#ToniKawa06) HOLY SHIT WHAT DID I JUST WATCH haha bro you did say she gets hot (physically) in the middle of the night and instead of cooling her down by you know, fixing a fan or aircon you go hug her? This is the best lmao I want a wife. *laughs* Ah dear author Hata Kenjirou I f**king hate you now lmao this is how I'm going to agree to going on blind dates, huh. *laughs* So, now that we know that a wife can burn the forest of idolism to the ground for her husband lmao, let's see what else can I absorb like a sponge that will continue filling me with jealousy as if I didn't have enough- We're halfway through this series by the way and I hate it. *laughs* Okay, back to story for real haha. It's a simple chain of events I think we can get around with, as expounded perfectly by her mother's intelligent second-guessing of her son's actions lmao. Firstly, he thinks of moving out, At least, to a 1LDK so that the neighbours won't hear him spasming about sleeping with the wife lmao (oh also, since the wife likes cooking so kitchen's important) ("let's dive into a 1DK, 1DK today~" haha shout out to Base Ball Bear from 2013) (hey it's close enough) (oh also shout out to One Piece and Attack on Titan just because) but also, it's rather ridicule to live in such crammed quarters considering marriage is kind of a bond between a couple to showcase how much capability the husband has to raise the wife till the end. You know, like how traditional marriage ideals work. Okay, jokes aside, Nasa-kun does feel bad about it and after getting dunked on real hard by Kaname-chan I guess lol Serizawa Yuu calm down haha, he decided to propose (oooo) (lol) the idea of moving out to Tsukasa since she only keeps saying it's fine. So, to summarise that conference on Nasa-kun's presentation of the benefits of moving out to Tsukasa lol. (1) They can watch movies anytime they want on a big screen. Yes. That TV will never be enough to satisfy your movie desires, dear girl. So yeah, that got her good lmao I guess she really is a movie fan haha is the radio podcast for this Anime series coincidentally about movies too? Because I would love to not listen to it haha (2) You can place shelves of DVD (hopefully not porno lol) because Netflix is BORING haha and manga. Yes, pretty much the same as the first point totally as a joke if you didn't realise, but yeah, space for those stuff is kind of what makes a home special I guess. I mean, my room technically has a lot of toys- (3) Since it's not in the presentation but it presented itself before this too, is personal space. Like even for changing clothes. I mean, I understand why Nasa-kun doesn't mind you sick f**k and I guess if you two are close enough you won't need personal space but still. *laughs* Then, they had to find a guarantor. Considering the old lady Tokiko wouldn't sign another paper for Tsukasa considering she left the house lol don't question too much as I said, Nasa-kun had to tell her parents... he was married. Yeah, he hasn't talked about that yet haha that's a problem. Thankfully, he has understandable parents without much generation gap so that's fine (and we're dealing with the mom here so that's slightly easier lol dad reputation be like) ("hey dad you did give me a crappy name" lmao) And thus, since the mom requested it, they had to travel from where they live now in Tokyo, to Nara prefecture where his old home is, to meet them. And since travelling means a lot of money being together outdoors on a trip, people like to think of it as a honeymoon. You know, people like Nasa-kun and Chitose and- *laughs* As a way to remember this trip, Tsukasa then suggested buying a camera for those fond, fond memories you'll never upload to Google Photos just because. Aw man, I just hope this dude don't enjoy too much of film and forgot about the wife itself 'cos I could use no camera lmao okay me. And instead of choosing the train, Tsukasa chose the bus. And since she sleeps like a log at home anyways (remember to fasten her seatbelt lest she goes to get water lol), she totally blends in on the night bus haha poor Nasa-kun's back. To conclude this episode, I like how the maid are literally shi*ting on Chitose because she wants to break these two up lmao I mean why though this is literally the premise of the series you wouldn't even be here if not for this. *laughs* MVP Chitose every week haha for this precise reason cya guys next week lol
[TL:DR; "He recalls the body warmth he felt yesterday" Seriously, between the two of us? I want to feel that too haha and I'm not talking about my sweaty mom lmao sorry for the bad joke]
P.S. "But before she (rolled back to her futon) I kissed her three more times" Jesus Christ- *wakes up with panda eyes* WHAT- HAHAHAAHAHA
P.P.S. "After last night I realised... I want a double bed!" OH ALRIGHT haha he has the same hype as me opening packages but his is his wife ARGH haha
["If I get married to a guy who had us living indefinitely in a tiny apartment with no bath I'll send him flying" OHMYGOD~!! haha]

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
On news concerning music if there is any since there really isn't for this week haha right to it I guess, Iwasaki Ai has a new song that I've not heard of in full yet lol might be for an upcoming live (but trust me when her new album or something comes out I'll be so high), SPYAIR's new music video I've not watched because you know I want the music to be the impression so next week I guess, Yoru no Honki Dance announced a new mini-album out next January which isn't surprising considering the two digital singles they've released this year just why not release the album within the year too oh well, and Ikimonogakari has hit 21st in their anniversary. Wow. I was in... 2008 that is... 12 years of it? Yeah, including the hiatus. Hey, honorary member of Klassic Note already they hit record high in my Collections list already please, need to appreciate that more tbh.

So, for next week... we might still be running dry. Okay maybe SPYAIR's new single but other than that trust me, I did search online for new releases so maybe I have to click on random YouTube music videos now haha or maybe try Audioleaf again because I need to give more indie artists chance to be honest. Meanwhile, I'm still thinking who to put in the Top 20 ranking. Don't worry, I have many candidates, but I feel that many do deserve to be mentioned, and many that do not but I have to put them in because... really, they are part of the collection. Oh well, dump them in the yearly Silver Collection then haha literally me dealing with this every year

Secretly between us? (Haha I know right this is a blog in public domain but) I'm actually looking forward to Ueda Reina's online signing event. *giggles* Uh oh, is this fourth generation on the Wanted List already? If so, this might be a good start she'll be the oldest of the new bunch. *laughs* (Like seriously, I'm into Sasaki Nao here too and she's... young lol) Cya guys next week then for them package reviews!! No really, it's happening within next week so that's the upcoming two single reviews and... some stuff I probably shouldn't talk about until we get it haha so until then... someone tell me I'm not wasting more than twice the usual amount to buy a calendar from Japan for next year and it's not because I got more than ONE calendar haha okay keeping the spoilers up till the next post hopefully okay bye

P.S. I guess Inorin, I'll get your fanclub only calendar for next year. *sigh* Haha you guys just wait and see because no contenders here man, I gotta fill in the empty wall in my room, whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. *laughs* AW WHAT! NEED JAPANESE MOBILE NUMBER!! Dammit haha

P.P.S. Update: After spending about SGD 1*0 (we'll talk about exact figures soon) I finally signed up with a fake phone number from Japan (lol thanks NTT 050) so now I have to live with a year of Inorin fanclub goodness, and the... table calendar. Uh oh. I legit thought it was wall calendar haha I can already buy a wall calendar at that price too ugh we'll talk more when it arrives hehe good night