
The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #51

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The Entertainment News 2020 Edition Issue #51

Sunday, 20 December 2020
Wow, it's issue number 51 already. And considering there are 52 weeks in a year... lol I hope you learnt that when you were a kid or else learn it here now haha

And this marks the start of my... year end work leave SPECTACULAR!!! WHOOOO!!!! *laughs* Okay, me, it's going to be over in two weeks before you know it so don't be too happy anyways. But still, we have quite an agenda coming up. Klassic Note Song Awards is due for results (which I've not confirmed yet haha uh oh), I have pages and pages of notes on my Google Keep I want to finish including some for this blog... You know, I wish I can handle working freelance. *laughs* Anyways, Anime time!! Good thing next week we can take a break, so maybe I'll finally catch up on some... manga or maybe I should just only read in Japanese now lol

Let's Anime shall we? We have quite a lot of shows to wrap up this week so let's get to it!

"HELP ME!" Yep Ishigami I can hear that English real clearly, as long as I'm with you on the island hahahahahahahaha
"Isn't it exhausting to get upset over the smallest of things?" Hey mom, you're not wrong, but if not for overemotional Makoto this heist wouldn't have been a success. TALKING ABOUT SUCCESS!! *laughs* In this new and final episode for this se... season (#GREATPRETENDER23) obviously, wraps up on all the holes that were not filled in the heist which technically concluded from last week, because really, we know the whole crew is alive and those four mafia guys are probably waiting for rescue haha I'm sure Makoto ensured Suzaku's safety at the least. So, let's do a walkthrough of the heist. Firstly, how they were transported to the island. Well, in summary, and I didn't put that down because I believe they can do anything besides kill them, is drugs. Yes, I hope you liked that drugged coffee, Suzaku. Also, I hope Chen and Liu you guys liked drugged champagne too. *laughs* Yeah, you get the idea. They were drugged reall well with what looks like sleeping powder, so in the time they were sleeping, the others made sure (1) Suzaku and Ishigami and their mini crew were transported to the fake building by helicopter, which probably freaked out the guys still painting the fake walls lol Oz, and (2) Liu and Chen and their rather large crew who were also drugged with coffee, be able to sit a prop plane to the location, with the help of that plane mechanic who taught Makoto to be able to fix planes for an air race competition, remember him? Yeah, it's all coming together. Secondly, the liability. Mainly on Eddie. Because Eddie, he's no small fry. Besides being a Hollywood director and a huge drug dealer, he also were friends with Sam and James who were all duped in separate heists, which also explains how after Eddie's escape he was able to get these two out of their dump real quick too. So you see, that's why bad guys hang out together too. *laughs* (I'm pretty sure Sam hangs out with Eddie because he's gay-) But yes, Makoto has a hang of them all. Instead of making them kill this lot, at least they get a cut for helping out in this heist which probably can already compensate for all their losses combined because yes, that is what, 200 billion yen total? Yep. *laughs* So, with the bad guys under control, and the heist in sight, the guys went on with their acting skills. (I still wonder how they got the carpark built but hey whatever man) Firstly, Suzaku's people had to arrive, with Makoto in it of course. To ensure that the old woman would not suspect her office of not being the real facsimile, they had to repaint the hallway, courtesy of red paint to paint the real office, and more red paint to paint the fake. And yes, Oz is right: It is hard to replicate old paint, so painting over will mask a lot of things, including memories. Ah- *laughs* Anyways, this is enough to throw off their scent, and getting the new chair is a pain since they just changed it to have a sword inside BUT IT'S REAL, so we'll talk about how Makoto won't die from this charade. Next, Liu's guys. Same treatment, and not like they will notice since this isn't their playground, and for both sides the money probably is on the table for the rest to grab. Blah blah blah a shootout later after those guys thought they "escaped" from the chaos, they were shooting blanks in celebration, as Makoto recovers from the blood bag hit which is also Laurent's and specifically Oz's cue, to rid of his son. *laughs* With a push of a lever, the guys managed to be transported down to ground level, take nearest transport and escape, bringing the "office" up for the bad guys (we should stop using this phrase this can mean anybody lol I meant the guys who trafficked kids) so that they can also leave the place... safely. Maybe. The building was about to fall anyways; They were lucky to have noticed the lack of shooting after a while. And that is it. The fates of the baddies weren't mentioned much though, so I would assume Suzaku managed to leave to reunite with her real son, and the others... let's say by the time they were rescued it might be too late to get their money back. And with this final heist done, the group take their money and leave for their own directions. I hope I didn't miss anything but Laurent finally chose to leave Dorothy and the ring away from him as he moves on, Oz was in charge of reuniting the kids they saved back to their parents (which I guess must be rough), Shi Ohn be enjoying her well-deserved retirement everyday in Korea but with Kudo because he lost his ex-wife who took his daughter (which I must say is rather cute haha so too bad bro), Cynthia is with hopefully not her and Thomas' kid because that name sounds like it was Sam's kid (uh oh), Abbie be climbing rocks like a pro and I swear if her type exists she'll be a great Instagrammer (spare with the middle fingers please haha), Makoto be opening a cafe in Okinawa selling coffee and making trips around the world to learn more (man, I wish that was the life), and don't ask me who was the next president of USA that Laurent has to protect now wait what. *laughs* And with the phone call at the end... you should know this is just an easy way to ensure this series can continue because... I don't think we have confirmation again, but hey, I'll take another season of laughs, middle fingers, sissies (lmao), and mostly unexpected plot lines haha. Really, if you haven't watched this and think my reviews are lame, go watch it yourself. It's way different then you think it is, I promise you. And aren't you all glad Dorothy Xiangxiang is alive?? Haha okay cya guys again whenever it's time for a heist the recent one in GTAV is BORING!!! *laughs* (Seriously, gotta fork out 2.2mil for a submarine first wtf)
[TL:DR; I just want another season or OVAs just to show the behind the scenes of every single heist mentioned including when Dorothy was in power haha no really you thought music video making videos were great wait until these come out]
P.S. "I was only a few minutes late; I'm not a train" This statement truly reflects the efficiency of the metro in Japan, I can tell you that much.
P.P.S. "Do you know what a wizard can do?" I don't know, betray the family and ruin his son's life by making him join an international scam group?? Haha Oz it's not aiming as you but you know.
[More screens since this is final episode and I can use more jokes here haha]

をニパ Majou no Tabitabi
"How much did those glasses cost?" Elaina asking the real questions here lol probably not the reason you ran out of money though
And what a surprise this bitch, uh I mean witch (haha) wants to be super rich lol again guys I hope your pockets are deep enough for your dear princess Elaina because I sure don't. *laughs* In this final episode this series (#MajoTabi12) we go back to the most beautiful witch in existence... okay I should stop sucking up to her haha yes it's Elaina of course. And yes, we will (as in Anime producers), WE WILL, ensure you'll say Elaina's MVP by the end of this episode. We say that because... she be the majority of the cast. Okay, in case you wonder how such a phenomenon can happen, read on to find out. Also, thanks for this episode because you don't know how much I missed hyped Ede-chan so bad my last was on Anime "Demi-chan" with that vampire kid hehe. So, story. Story? Okay, sure whatever. Story goes that in her last journey I suppose maybe not because you know, journeys never end until you die lol, Elaina dropped by a country who can make your wishes come true. But, instead of making her wish come true lol yes she wants money, she ended up in a place... where all her memories resided. And by instinct, she went to the castle of Milarose (if you remember, Episode 4) and surprisingly saw... more than half a dozen of herself. Well, they weren't exactly herself per se, but it's due to the choices she made throughout the journey, that ended up having these multiple versions of her appearing, from her who likes money (wait, how different is that from this her) (haha) to Saya-loving her and so on. I'm seriously trying not to cover all 15 of them excluding the latest version of her, but hey, look around the postscripts for more tsukkomi from me I guess. *laughs* (So why does moody her look like Sheila when she's younger? Haha hey) (Cringey me is a perfect reference to Anime "JoshiMuda" because Yamamoto be in this series too lol) (And we found out she likes Russia lmao this is the best joke in this series EVER) Okay, comments are over for now, as intelligent her (or probably the only one rational to tell this her about everything because ghoul her can barely speak not even say jello her) briefs her about the existence of 15 other Elainas who are also living in this castle, surprisingly. Hey, if you thought only numerology can describe human decisions and instinct, think again. Because as violent her appears and wants to eradicate these other selves, and after a long battle with no winner, this Elaina (I'm doing what JavaScript programming likes to call "context") (lol) then told her violent self, that deep inside, she wants to know what would have happened if she had made different decision. You know, to not meet Saya-chan... hey I promise you that was also one of them someone on the table doesn't know that girl I swear haha, but you get the idea. And in case you don't get numerology because after paying a lot of money I think I do, is that as ourselves we will make our own decisions almost instinctively, and most of the time, it's never the best decision ever. (So to improve our lives those people believe changing current states to the best decision will help change things up, for the better) (And that's how I got my phone number changed for a few thousand bucks lol ugh) But no matter the case, it's how you live the life of decisions to the best, or deep inside, you want to know if you have regretted your decisions. Clearly this Elaina did not regret anything I suppose (I guess switching bodies with Saya is quite the nightmare lmao is that coincidentally one of the darkness Elaina's story HAHAHAHA), but still, you would want to know what could have happened, if everything was otherwise. For example, and I swear this might be the only example with a link to the current events so far, violent her is just her where she did not catch the Ripper who cut off her hair and did not join it back. That's it. For the latter, she just chose not to chase the culprit and hated people for her state, which in turn turned her violent- Hey remember how that kid killed her parents AND her uncle and became a serial killer? It's like that but with magic and thank goodness her parents are very far away. *laughs* And as these memories cloak us with our impressions of this series, I would like to say this series has been a joyride. Unlike what the author of the original work mentioned, this series is filled with subtle jokes, real stories hard to swallow or even just to see, but mostly it has been memorable, there are lessons to learn, magic is cool but not crazily berserk, and this had a great conclusion. I must say watching this series was not a mistake at all. I made the right decision there is not need to find the other me who did not watch this series I would have so much time on Sundays to write more code or whatever lmao. Anyways, great series, I wished we had more but there isn't news anyways, and maybe, just maybe, they could give us some OVA on stuff they couldn't air, like how at least THREE of the Elainas were literally worse off then depressed teenagers today lol. To conclude this episode though, I would say the Elaina we know so far is about 78% character cuteness and narcissism because how can you not put two and two together, 20% boobs lmao 20% Hondo Kaede voice acting and that's why I still love her for it, 1% boobs lmao, 0.97% family and finally 0.03% Russian just because. This is definitely not quoting off some scientific fact statistics haha. And... yes I've seen the Twitter already, why this new character though? And Elaina says she knows her? Is that hinting a season two?? Hoho if it's so I would LOVE to watch it it's voiced by Koko-chan too and she's got her book so why not continue the story? And that's why you put your name on the book you want to publish lmao I can never stop talking about this series I can't even
[TL:DR; This Anime has the perfect mix of action, comedy, drama, and mysteries all packed into a lovely animation. Trust me, it's worth a watch.]
P.S. "This is the me who loves girls" How is this worse than the previous episode lmao Saya-Elaina GO AWAY haha please Ede-chan we did this last week
P.P.S. I swear it's going to be a total joy just to imagine the origins of all the other... 14 Elainas that weren't described of their pasts, other than Protagonist and Violent Elaina. Like seriously, Russian her is a literal mistake she made at a certain crossroad lmao but now we know she will like Russian culture hehe imagine what a difference it'll make for this series if that were the route!! Haha also thank goodness we didn't make this into another lesbian Anime with lovestruck her (Audience: Shoujo-ai, please)
[Since this is Elaina banzai why not comment on more of her different selves right? Oh no we are missing somebody where's arrogant b*tch Elaina is she number 17?? Haha]
(For this episode I'll have to make an exception here to allow more than single digit number of images of Elaina just because I don't want to name that image "Russian" lmao also easier to rename with a batch renamer hahahaha so that will be 15 and 25 lol)

をニパ Tonikaku Kawaii
"(Nasa-kun) be the kind of people who doesn't know how to step on the brakes" Tsukasa you meant when she's doing it with you? MUAHAHAHAHA hey you guys are married now I can make these jokes
So, uh, Nasa-kun be working as a certified engineer now? Hey, he's the kind of guy who doesn't need a college certificate to work okay? He be the community college top student haha. In this final episode which I wouldn't say that since they announced an OVA (#ToniKawa12) but yeah for this season at least, it's about worrying for someone else. And if you think there aren't people alive who will be worried about you in your life, think again. Also, he said the title so this is definitely a filler episode haha hey at least it was a good one, I'll tell you that much. Now, the details which might get my blog banned lmao. So, firstly, about sickness. I mean, touch my new wooden desk top when I say this (lol), but hey, surprisingly there isn't any of this kind of story until now. Well, Nasa-kun hardly falls sick unless you dump him work to do overnight, and Tsukasa... let's just say she will never be ill. Haha okay, but yes, in the event Nasa-kun gets a fever, he normally doesn't feel that unless he stops working unlike when he gets embarrassed about seeing his wife naked (we'll get to that in a while lmao) (no, really), but suffice it to say Tsukasa wants to experience what it's like to you know, take care of her husband. Wow to be honest I don't even know how to do that. Like really, the last time I scraped by knee I don't even know what to buy or cut the wrappings and bandages to put on myself and stuff until I had to experience it. Not to say everyone must gain experience this way, but hey, maybe Tsukasa has such a past. Nonetheless, Nasa-kun just needs some rest so he's better after sleeping for a while, and since he's better they can do ecchi things again but it's not considering they are married amirite?? *silence* Anyways, thank goodness he slept earlier lmao, because when they have to sleep again Tsukasa be like... well she is worried. About Nasa-kun. And he's not afraid to spell it out for him. By warning him to hold back when he knows he's at his limit but he be dumber than an intentionally overclocked PC (for context just Google) in this aspect, so I wouldn't say too much, but maybe it's because of the fever that got more perverted thoughts going through his brain because the summer festival be coming after he worked so hard he thought he should get a reward of... seeing his wife change clothes. *long silence* I mean, we just can't air it on national TV, but you can see it, Nasa-kun. *laughs* And he sure did haha is this not realistic enough of an Anime lol. Anyways, they prepare to go to the summer festival, which arguably is the best way to end the series on the final episode so yay everyone came by too... we got understanding Kaname-chan who knows to let Nasa-kun see his cute wife in a yukata lol, game freak Aya-chan (not talking about the Pokemon game series developers), don't know why she's here Chitose haha, and the maid who just like to eat lol hey they be working at a mansion that's the least of compensation for your employees. And as they watch the fireworks holding hands together, Nasa-kun talks about how much more he wants to do anything and everything with his newly found partner. Aww, how sweet. The making out part you can just do it at your free time if she wants it lmao. All in all, nice episode to end on, and an overall super entertaining series even ignoring the references. Like seriously, the same ridiculous formula from the author writing "Hayate no Gotoku" but with marriage in focus, it only makes this series shine more through the light than other Anime who don't start on marriage because why would you. *laughs* Also, the surprising amount of times the two kissed in just this season of the adaptation of the original manga. Like really, is this the most realistic depiction of marriage where the guy is just desperate to lay onto his wife? Hata Kenjirou be like *laughs* So yeah, many laughs, I can't make more tsukkomi because my brain hurts thinking about it lol, but yeah, this be the most ideal image of marriage we want, but it's Anime so yeah, we can do a little further. And for this, it's enough to make you look forward to marriage. No really, it definitely did for me.
[TL:DR; Come on, we know the best part of this series is when Kitou Akari tells you to strip HAHAHAHA iya~ lol]
P.S. "Your cute newlywed wife is going to take care of you until you get better!" YES uh, I mean, thanks. *laughs*
P.S. "The Story About Nothing Else To Do When Taking Care of The Sick??" I think that's a better translation if you get Japanese context here but yeah no shit Tsukasa what else you gonna do when someone else is sick the guy needs to rest just go play video games or something lol
[More of the main couple I suppose and I SWEAR no makeout scenes here haha no seriously go watch the video yourself]

Update 2020.12.22: Yep I had a great Monday haha hey it was the first of my two weeks work leave so I gotta enjoy it to the fullest
をニパ Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
"We were abandoned. That's why we live in an abandoned camp surrounded by walls" Hey fellow Eldian haha I mean, what's the difference? lol
Wow, the race thing in this world is just so bad, just watching this makes me racist haha okay this is the last joke we make of racism let's talk the new episode. In the new episode which I guess we find out more about Reiner's past (#AttackOnTitan62), the problem about being loyal is that he is really good at dishing out people who are not. So watch what you are saying, people. Deportation may just be a sentence of yours away haha. Again, just so you realise in Reiner's batch of "soldiers", he's the most loyal, everyone else picked is way below him, and that Porco is so far down... *laughs* More revision time, I guess, mostly from third season of course and in case you need a reminder too that's TWO parts in that one season aired in different times haha. So, flashbacks again then. We cover the times where Reiner was chosen to be Warrior, to how we get to see Episode 1 happen lol. Okay, stop reminiscing about Eren already remember we are here to kill him. I think I need to read up a bit to talk about this but, I think I'm still good lol. Okay, story. The announcement from the Marleyean military revealed the choices of Warriors to go for the next mission to expand their territory even back then, and of course, specially infiltrating the Paradiso island (which has Eren in it just so we are clear here) as kids. Yes, very evil tactic used here, by the way. How will loyalty treat the Marley military though? Well, it's not exactly obvious, but it was a long journey. Porco wasn't chosen even though he's real good a "soldier", and Reiner finally had a chance to prove to his family that... wait am I wrong here? He wants to reunite the family?? Haha okay the eyecatch in the middle of the episode did say they get honorary status if he was chosen as a Warrior so... I guess? This is such a joke lol. Anyways, how did Reiner get chosen though? Marcel then told him he promoted him to cover for his brother. So yes, in case you didn't notice yet, it's 13 years of glory, and then it's certain death as the Titan powers consume you, if we didn't remember wrongly. And Reiner thinks if he can "crush the devils" on Paradis, I'll save the world. That, is not true. The past century of human history has easily taught us that suppressing a power of its rights is not, or never, a long-lasting solution towards peace. Well, history kind of started this too so whatever haha. So, ignoring historical context because "who cares" (lol Annie), we move on to a couple more days later, where they initiate their first strike. Yes, that is Episode 1, which also saw the deaths of Eren's mother (ugh), and the colossal appearance of the... Colossal Titan I'm sorry I did not intend to make this joke I'm just diversifying my vocabulary haha. Oh yeah, before that, and now I think I absorbed all of it, they actually lost Marcel, which was technically their leader and had the Jaw Titan powers because on the night before the strike they had to camp out at night and... the Marleys are still technically sending Eldians to Paradiso at this point I assume so, yeah one strike them. It was not a worthy sacrifice, but now that the leader's missing, and that's why it was so in a mess bacl then, Reiner's in charge. Him, withΒ  Bertholdt and Annie. (Can't believe I have to spell that name again, ugh) (Haha) Now you know why. Unapproved leadership. *laughs* So blah blah blah Eren's mother got eaten, Reiner taught the people of the walls a lesson by making holes in their 3 layers of walls thus letting them retreat to the innermost wall, and... they pretended to be in refuge after the incident. Nice. Sneaky. Now that's what I call a stealth mission haha. And hey, we finally hear the word "Eren"! And see Armin! Well, sort of, as kids anyways. So, five years have passed since they joined that group of ruffians with Eren in it (haha), and that's where Annie has issues with relationships. Annie found out about who's her father (yes it's that cowboy looking dude seen in season three Kenny), and the other one was used as a weather forecast due to his leg upright sleeping position lmao. Again, like what I said above, literally only Reiner is clean about what he does for the Marleys, so the others... can't blame then if they want to think otherwise. Again, no one actually knew what is counted for a successful mission, even though getting the founding Titan powers is kind of on the priority list. But without a full group, it's not going to be that easy. Reiner encouraged Eren to kill him in the near future (lol), and we are slowly inching closer to probably that time where Annie first showed signs of betrayal to the Paradiso group. In summary, I don't really get the ending part, but going from the preview... I think you can guess. But we did get more holes filled from the past, from parts of the intro of this series told in full, so why Reiner really became that ticking time bomb the Marleys wished they picked Porco so they don't have this cr*p going around and- Well he did come back though and I guess he did finish his mission so *laughs* (Well, in season three the vial for founding Titan was technically ruined and the final King ie. Historia's dad just transformed into a little less than nothing big titan so I guess) As you can see, many decisions of... unbelievable proportions one has to make considering the worldview because how would want to save humanity by shortening your remaining lifespan to exactly 13 years? Thought I would argue maybe I should've done that I have nothing else to live for anyways so why not. *laughs* Next episode: I think Reiner might not live for very long. We're back to present time, it sounds like inheritance story ahead, and people have to die before such an event happens... so go figure haha bye
[TL:DR; Kid Reiner thinks happiness is not being a racist in a racist country haha how ridiculous is that]
P.S. "What? I wasn't listening" That's not just Annie, people. That's a girl who already did it with the Commander and got the Titan seat already haha prove me wrong (And then someone dishes out the manga but I DON'T CARE lol)
P.P.S. "If we go back right now, we'll only be eaten by the next Warrior. Not that I care though." Yeah Annie then why didn't you go back yourself? *laughs*
(Why is it all Annie quotes this week haha I thought Reiner's "to save humanity" in the Scouts was a really good joke though haha ah this series)

音ζ₯½ This Week on Klassic Note
This week is quite another week of focus reviews on new songs, but hey, not like they are going to be ground-breaking at this time of year. I struggled a lot with giving spira.spica's new singleΒ (yes I decided to follow their cover art on the artist name) but hey I eventually got around it without regard of it affecting their album's performance earlier in the year which was better, so let's move on to Polkadot Stingray's new album. Uh, this one wasn't much better. *laughs* Okay, I've listened to the songs over the years, and for first impressions almost all of them aren't great, the new ones. So yeah, topic song only apparently. Wouldn't say this is the most disappointing because you should have seen how I listened to their music library when I started knowing them haha, but you know, it's not great on them now lol. So yeah, I don't see prospect in them excelling in song awards this year, to say the least. Next time, guys, next time.

In news regarding Twitter and music and hopefully I've fixed the embed so you can see them right here in this page, UNLIMITS be having a livestream yesterday and though short it was great so I gave them some money just like Scenarioart some weeks ago because I genuinely want these guys back too (FYI their previous album was in 2016), I'll leave Scenarioart's drummer and vocalist Kumiko for next year so we'll talk about her mini-album then (but she did do a livestream so if you are keen), Sangatsu no Phantasia's new video from their recent live is as close as a face reveal we'll ever get but not like I'm here for a Lynn-san (but maybe fatter) lookalike so whatever the songs are great anyways, I forgot that Anime "NakiNeko" I watched earlier had an ending theme which we have not heard of until they finished the mastering so that's yorushika's new EP releasing next month, andΒ Porno Graffitti's vocalist is starting a music production project I assume in collaboration with Anime so that's a signal of them coming back hopefully.

So next week, and finally for the last week for Klassic Note 2020, we have SID's new single which hey, at least the topic song impressed me so that's good enough haha. We'll see how many more songs we can give by then, but meanwhile, I should start thinking about the awards and Top 20 already, as usual. Just vexing between giving Top 20 but not on the top ranks versus not giving them at all because seriously, the latter would have saved them from... shame? I don't know how you'd call that, but yeah, not mentioning might be better than saying they aren't great even though they are. That's... what I think haha

It's a day too late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY UESAKA SUMIRE!! Hey, I don't know what to celebrate your existence or the existence of those pair of beautiful- ANYWAYS, if you are interested in her next tier fanclub subscriptions do drop a note on Twitter and I'll guide you through lol. Anyways, cya guys soon I guess, and until then... that package man, it's not happening. I meant that I may have to split them since if you have used those forwarding services before there is a limit on the number of days you can leave them at their warehouse so... if that happens my plan is to forget about the calendar if it doesn't arrive by next week haha ugh. Never mind, I'm already sadded that there are like, so many more choices this month alone that do not require me to sign up for a YEARS WORTH of fanclub already lol Inorin I love you and I hate you haha bye